Puppy 4 multisession: SeaMonkey not doing its cache right?

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Puppy 4 multisession: SeaMonkey not doing its cache right?

#1 Post by Flash »

In order to keep from uselessly filling up my RAM as SeaMonkey's cache is saved with each session and then reloaded at the next boot, I tell SeaMonkey to put it's cache in /tmp, where it won't be saved. (In SeaMonkey, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Cache and click the Choose Folder button.) In Puppy 3, this resulted in a cache folder in /tmp, but not in Puppy 4. I don't know if there is even a cache at all, because when I use the Back and Forward arrows to move around in the forum, it seems as though the page is often needlessly reloaded from the server rather than from the cache. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=69321][color=blue]Puppy Help 101 - an interactive tutorial for Lupu 5.25[/color][/url]
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#2 Post by yim »

flash, just wondering if you'd found an answer to your post above, I too use multisession 90% of the time. and I too noticed exactly what you've stated

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#3 Post by Flash »

Sorry, I missed your post until now. No, I haven't found an answer. The question is, where is SeaMonkey putting its cache when it is told to put it in /tmp?
[url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=69321][color=blue]Puppy Help 101 - an interactive tutorial for Lupu 5.25[/color][/url]
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#4 Post by yim »

I know you've probably noticed this also but seems that every time you open seamonkey that uses a plugin it adds a plugtmp folder in the tmp directory where the normal files would be

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#5 Post by lakedude »


I've had trouble with my 100% Puppy system at home and this thread might be talking about the same issue.

Seamonkey settings are showing a 50MB cap on cached files and I cleared cache from within Seamonkey but my system was still all filled up according to the Blinky app (lower right hand corner of the screen).

I traced the files down to:


There were way more than 50MB of files in there...

Curious I run one system nearly every day and this has never filled up to the point that it buggers the system but on another system it fills up fairly frequently??

The system that is reliable is used for "official" purposes and the system that gets buggered is used to surf "pictures", leading me to worry that the system caught a virus. What is really strange is that I've never even been some of the places that were cached???
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