4.3: can't get 1360x768 screen resolution

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4.3: can't get 1360x768 screen resolution

#1 Post by calvin »

I am trying to use Puppy 4.3 on a Toshiba L505-S5966 laptop. I have put the pupsave and sfs files on a separate fat32 partition.

The laptop has a screen resolution of 1366x768 at 60. I specify 1360x764 in the Xorg wizard but I end up with only 1024x768.

When I run

Code: Select all

the maximum available resolution is 1024x768. However, my xorg.conf file shows the requested 1360x768. I have edited that file to 1366x768 with no improvement. I have also tried

Code: Select all

xrandr -s 1366x768
but get the reply that
Size 1366x768 is not found in available modes
although it is in my xorg.conf file.

I have been running Lighthouse Pup 4.4.2 on this laptop. LH pup 442 gets the resolution right when I specify 1366x768 in xorg.conf but I couldn't get the internet to work at all with that one. I am hoping I can do better with Puppy 4.3. Any help with the resolution would be appreciated.
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#2 Post by Kal »

The refresh rate seems to be the problem with me.

Here is what I have to do, to get 1280x1024 on my desktop computer. When you're using xorgwizard at the command prompt. After setting the resolution, I uses the TEST portion which doesn't read correctly (it reads 1024x768), then after leaving there, I then go to Tweak>Yes>Tweak_refresh, setting the rate to 60 mhz. After doing this, it reads correct in the TEST screen and I am then Finished>Done. At the prompt again, I type "xwin", going back to the desktop and it is 1280x1024 resolution for me then.

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4.3: can't get 1360x768 screen resolution

#3 Post by calvin »

I ran Lighthouse Pup 4.4.2 again on which I am able to get 1366x768@60 resolution and found that it is using the "intel" module for the video card.

With Puppy 4.3 the xorg.conf file generated by xorgwizard uses the "vesa" module which I gather does not support the resolution I need. When I modprobe the "intel" module I am told it is not available.

Does anyone know where I can get the "intel" video module and how to add it to Puppy 4.3?
The Hamsters
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#4 Post by The Hamsters »

i have the same problem.
any help?

(upup and woof, are ok with 1366x768)
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#5 Post by slick69 »

I have the same problem - my display is 1280x800, but the max I get is 1024x768.

Dell Latitude E6400 - Intel GM45 (4500HD) gaphics with Puppy 4.3.1.
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same problem with HP notebook

#6 Post by emil »

I have the same probleme here with a HP notebook and an intel chipset. In the detection process Xorg detects correctly 1280x800 with depth 24 bit. This shows also in the xorg configuration file in the "monitor" and "screen" section. Still it uses the "vesa" driver in the "device" section. and the max resolution it can achieve is 1024*768.

Code: Select all

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Monitor0"
	VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
	ModelName    "Monitor Model"
	HorizSync    30-50
	VertRefresh  56-60
	#UseModes     "Modes0" #monitor0usemodes
	Option      "PreferredMode" "1280x800"
Section "Modes"
	Identifier "Modes0"

Section "Device"
	### Available Driver options are:-
	### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
	### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
	### [arg]: arg optional
	#Option     "ShadowFB"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "DefaultRefresh"     	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "ModeSetClearScreen" 	# [<bool>]
	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "vesa" #card0driver
	VendorName  "Intel Corporation"
	BoardName   "Unknown Board"
	BusID       "PCI:0:2:0"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen0"
	Device     "Card0"
	Monitor    "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1280x800"

After fiddling with my xorg.config and googling for 2 days I am aware that there are some issues with intel drivers and xorg. As examples I have two links, maybe they give some hints to someone with a clue
http://www.mail-archive.com/universe-bu ... 8432.html

For me replacing the "vesa" entry with "intel" as suggested in the 2nd post didn't work, the xserver doesn't start in that case. Also the TWEAK/Refreshrate approach in the xorgwizard as suggested in previous post doesn't help. after testing all that is available is the 1024x768 mode.

I am a newbie puppy user and I was blown away from the speed of puppy and the relativ easy configuration process from the beginning. Although I can live with the lower resolution it would be nice if somebody can come up with a solution (install correct intel driver?). This is so far the (almost) only issue where windows is superior to the puppy installation ... .
Thanks for reading, any help is appreciated.
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#7 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

I don't remember off hand but I recalled something about lighthousepup using xorg R7.4 .... puppy43x is using xorg R7.3 (plus minus a few things) ... You may want to try out the new lighthousepup 443 .....

For anyone with recent intel GMA chipsets (ex: GM31/GME45/etc) running with standard puppies, kindly take a look here and try out the intel driver pets. First, get an updated libdrm (ex: libdrm-2.4.14, this helps xorg recognize newer chipsets) and then an updated intel driver ..... I suggest trying the intel-2.4.3 driver pet first before going upwards ... I had some minor intermittent display corruption with intel-2.7.0 on 945GME ... So, your mileage may vary ...

To recap:

1. Get an updated libdrm
2. Get an updated intel driver
3. exit to prompt, and run xorgwizard again
4. Kindly post some result, if any ...

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HP notebook with intel chipset SOLVED

#8 Post by emil »

I followed your advice and first tried to get an up to date version of libdrm (newest I found was 2.4.15). I struggled but couldn't compile it (missing dependencies from intel driver in kernel) so KISS, I tried the easy way:

loaded the the libdrm 2.4.9.pet from your other post
loaded the intel 2.7.0.pet from your other post

installed both,
got to the command prompt to run xorgwizard.
It detected 1280x800 correct (like before) but wouldnt start xwin first (stayed at prompt).
So I remembered the earlier post to run xorgwizard again, entered the TEST/TWEAK mode and voila - 1280x800 was found and runs happily ever after.

I write this post in my new high res screen - *WORSHIP* Patriot!
Regards and thanks
The Hamsters
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#9 Post by The Hamsters »

Patriot, thank you (and sorry for my english).

installed libdrm2.4.14 and intel 2.4.3

ok!!! thank you :D
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#10 Post by slick69 »

Thanks for the help, Patriot! I had been looking everywhere for a solution for this. I guess RTFM doesn't work every time. :lol:

1280x800 working perfectly after loading libdrm-2.4.9-i486.pet and xf86-video-intel-2.7.0-i486.pet and restarting after each install (just like good ole Windows!)
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#11 Post by RobertB »

I'm in a situation almost exactly like the original poster. I've got an Acer Aspire 5532, and Win7 reports the resolution should be 1366x768. Like the OP, I specify 1360x764 (x24) in xorgwizard but it won't give me anything but 1024x768. In fact, the *only* way I get anything other than 1024x768 is if I specify a ridiculously low resolution of 800x640. Everything else gets reset to 1024.

I tried libdrm-2.4.14-i486.pet (reboot) xf86-video-intel-2.4.3-i486.pet (reboot) and then xorgwizard, but I got exactly the same result as before.

I really like Puppy 4.3.1, especially since it detected this laptop's built-in wireless and wired network connections with no muss no fuss. If I could just get the widescreen working!
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