What have to be better in PUPPY Linux

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy
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#21 Post by EarlSmith »

I have only two points.

1. Either way is fine with me, but I think it should be consistant. Either one or the other, not a mixture of both.

2. Would there be a relatively easy way to give the user a choice? Not being a programmer I have no way of knowing how hard this is.
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#22 Post by BarryK »

I wonder...
is it possible to map a mouse double-click to a single-click?

I don't know how to change GTK apps that use double-click for file-open dialogs, etc., over to single-click. Ditto for xlib apps.
A workaround would be to map all double-click from the mouse as a single click.
...anyone got a clue about this?
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#23 Post by Pizzasgood »

i think icons on a desktop is something absoluteley bad...
why first hide or move windows on the desktop away only for klicking on a desktop icon..
Way I see it is you might not be able to use them when a window's over them. Okay, that's normal. But when the window just happens to not be over it (I recently upped my res and this occurs more frequently) then you get to use them. Whereas if you didn't have them, you'd never be able to.

So, haveing them on the desktop doesn't hurt anything, but yeilds an occasional benefit. Especially after booting up. Then it's like getting a jumpstart.

As for having them on the taskbar, I like that except when it starts taking up space. I don't like tall taskbars.

IceWM is also cool enough to allow the use of buttons. I like stiking the volume button down there so I can get to it faster (comes in handy when I need to crank it down fast to prevent getting yelled at :wink: )
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#24 Post by gliezl »

"We can teach 'new puppy' old tricks." - One click will do. :-D
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#25 Post by Flash »

BarryK wrote:I wonder...
is it possible to map a mouse double-click to a single-click?

I don't know how to change GTK apps that use double-click for file-open dialogs, etc., over to single-click. Ditto for xlib apps.
A workaround would be to map all double-click from the mouse as a single click.
...anyone got a clue about this?
Barry, I'm probably wrong but doesn't what you propose imply that the OS must see all single-clicks as double-clicks, which would start double instances of programs? Perhaps the single- to double- click converter could be made active only in those apps which require it.

For what it's worth I vote for single-clicking everything. I'd like to wring the neck of the guy who invented double-clicking.

#26 Post by Guest »

I'd like to wring the neck of the guy who invented double-clicking.
I'm not sure I like that threat from you, Flash. If you install Windows on your machine I will definitely be keeping an eye on you.

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#27 Post by BarryK »

Flash wrote:
BarryK wrote:I wonder...
is it possible to map a mouse double-click to a single-click?

I don't know how to change GTK apps that use double-click for file-open dialogs, etc., over to single-click. Ditto for xlib apps.
A workaround would be to map all double-click from the mouse as a single click.
...anyone got a clue about this?
Barry, I'm probably wrong but doesn't what you propose imply that the OS must see all single-clicks as double-clicks, which would start double instances of programs? Perhaps the single- to double- click converter could be made active only in those apps which require it.
Er, yeah, I didn't think that through before I posted the question. :oops:
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#28 Post by saintlangton »

Theoretically there should be some way of ensuring that a double-click or single-click would both only open one-instance at least for desktop icons. Perhaps have a bit of script that opens checks if there was one-click or two in a second and then opens just one instance?


if [ clicked eq 1 ]; then
exec abiword "$@"
sleep 1

This doesn't actually work BTW - nothing actually happens :oops: hopefully one of the better scriptwriters here can make it work. I hope you can see the idea though.

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#29 Post by Mathiasdm »

Well, I don't know scripting, but shouldn't you have to start with:

Code: Select all

clicked = 0[code]
Or is clicked a special scripting function :oops:
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#30 Post by saintlangton »

Well, to be honest it's just something I made up - I don't really know much scripting or programming at all.

The idea behind the code above is that 'clicked' is a variable that I just made up. I was hoping that varibles would just remain once defined and so we could just put 'clicked=0' in rc.local to get defined at every boot. I've just tested this idea and it don't work :(

Maybe this script will have to get more ambitious...

Perhaps creating a file in /tmp/ which the script will check and if that file =0 then starts program, sets the file to 1, waits for 1 second, then sets the file back to 0. Again the file could be created in rc.local (rc.local0 if actually adopted in puppy)

I'm gonna have to dig out that bash scripting guide to even try this one...

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#31 Post by saintlangton »

Code: Select all

clicked=`awk '/1/' /tmp/ok`
if [ $clicked ]
 rm -f /tmp/ok
 exec abiword "$@" &
sleep 2
echo $clicked
ln -s /clicked.xpm /tmp/ok
I know this is a tad bizarre but it works!

Put this code in /usr/local/bin/defaultwordprocessor to replace what is there already (should be just #!/bin/sh and exec abiword "$@" ) - easiest way to do this is to right-click on the 'write' icon and then cut and paste.

Download clicked.xpm to / (or create your own, it's just a text file containing "1" I used .xpm so I can attach it to this post :roll: )


double-click on 'write' - opens abiword once
single-click on 'write' - opens abiword once

:P :D :P :D

Ahhh! Satisfaction!


I'm sure there must be a way to do this with greater elegance but this works!

To do the same with the other icons follow the same procedure but change the 'exec abiword "$@" ' to whatever is currently on the icon, just make sure you add an '&' to the end of the line.
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#32 Post by Mathiasdm »

*applauds* Good job :D
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#33 Post by Mathiasdm »

Just thought of something...
You'll need an extra script, for when icons are added to the desktop.
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#34 Post by ARAN »

Hello to All !

I want to say that i have found for me myself a very easy solution
to make Puppy work like the windows Desktop.
I am very happy with this solution becouse it works very well and is very easy to setup.

I am very happy that Puppy Linux now give me the possibility to use the Computer like i am working in Windows.

Here is the solution for every one how want to have the same Comfort and User Interface System like in Windows and dont want to use a half fineshed and not user friendly User Interface System.

As first i have clicked with the right mouse button on a Icon which is located on the Desktop.

From the menu i have selected "ROX-Filer -> Options" to get the Window for the settings of the Rox Filer.

In the Sub Folder "Pinboard" from the Showed window i have deselected the option to open Programms on the desktop with a single Click.

In the Sub Folder "Filer Window" i have deselected also the option to navigate in the Rox Filer with only a single Click.

This two easy changes make my Puppy now working like Windows and give me the filling to use a professional Computer Operating System.

This two little changes solves for me also the Weakness number two in Puppy becouse now every one can have the same double Click User Interface like in Windows.

The good thing for this solution is that people how dont want to use the double Click User Interface system from Windows need not to worry that they have to work with this Double Click User Interface System.
They can stay on the actuall halffinished Puppy Linux User Interface System where only in some Apllication Single Click is allowed and in other application only Double Click is allowed.

What we need now only is a little script at the first Boot of Puppy Linux which ask the User in a XDialog
If he want first to use the Windows User Interfaces System (Start Application and open Folders with a Double Mouse Click)
or he want to use the Half finished Puppy Linux User Interface System
(In some Programms Opening and starting Apllications with a single Mouse Click in other Programms opening and Starting application only with double Mose Click and without the possibility to Preview a content of a file like a Picture in the Rox Filer)

After the User has selected how he want to use his Puppy Linux the Script save then the two needed Values in the ROX-Filer config File which can be found as a Text File in the following Path.

As example to enable Double Click in the Rox Filer the Variable
"bind_single_click = 0" in the Text File have to be set to 0 from the Shell Script.

Thats all what it need for removing the Weakness number two in Puppy Linux.

I am not 100% sure about the Implementation of this feature but if i have understand all right here in this Forum thread then there is not one person which is the meanung that Puppy Linux should not provide the Possibility to use the Double Click method as a option beside the half worked Single Click method.
Especially becouse every Programm ( as a example ROX-Filer) who is allready in Puppy Linux included and shiped use allready as standard the Double Click Method and is build to use the Double Click method.
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#35 Post by veronicathecow »

Single click as default for me please.
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Click Issue

#36 Post by ecomoney »

Im glad someone spotted that option in Rox Filer or else things would have been REALLY newbie unfriendly!!!!

From the puppy Mission Statement
Puppy will be extremely friendly for Linux newbies
Single Click is my own preferred way of working, but I know that only about 1% of the worlds current computer users use Linux as a desktop. Puppy is not an operating system for developers for ourselves like so many others, but a starter distro for beginners.

Thats why I "vote" for the double-click as default. Perhaps a more obvious way of setting this would be appropriate.Personally I think that having a super fast spyware and virus proof free information centre in your house is worth that extra click .....at least while theyre learning!

Its been my experience that puppy has to make an impression within the first hour oif it being in a "Linux Newbies" hands or they will not persevere. This is human nature.

Thank you ARAN for suggesting this, and posting your detailed HOWTO.
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#37 Post by Lobster »

Thats why I "vote" for the double-click as default.
One of the most difficult thing that students had (when I was teaching Windows) was double clicking. Week after week they would click once.

It was not logical, it was not intuitive. It was just the way it was.

Now it is the way it should be. We discussed this extensively for Puppy 1.09CE and found the case for double clicking was not made.

Puppy is not the worst of Windows. It is the best small Linux. In fact I would say (for me and my usage) it is the best OS.

If you need to double click in Puppy, it can be arranged. I believe it is possible to get Windows to single click.

Most people prefer the Puppy default.

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#38 Post by Pizzasgood »

I agree that a wizard should be made for it. No new Windows convert is going to think "hey, let's right-click the white-space or an icon, go to the rox options, and then set the double click!" They're going to look for a mouse wizard.

As for double-clicking, I still have trouble. It's stupid. And it wears a mousebutton out twice as fast, and probably your wrist too. The only thing it's good for is one-click selecting (rather than holding the control key or dragging).

So I vote for single click and a wizard.
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Right Clicking White Space

#39 Post by ecomoney »

Actually right clicking only works in jwm, not in icewm (just had to check!). But this only brings up the main menu.

Right clicking an empty space in puppy brings up the full menu. Would there be a way of setting it to bring up screen resolutions (and maybe a tab for mouse wizards) like AKA doze?

I hadnt realised that there had already been a debate about this for 1.09ce. I think a compromise may be in order....

Heres an idea...how easy would it be to add an option to Rox so that applications open with a single click, BUT only open once with a double click? New users would obviously double click merrily until eventually they had the nice surprise one day that they only had to click once...

Or should I say..."until it clicked..." :roll:

Sorry...had to be done :D
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#40 Post by raffy »

applications open with a single click, BUT only open once with a double click? New users would obviously double click merrily until eventually they had the nice surprise one day that they only had to click once.
- Nice idea there, ecomoney!
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