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mime types and wine

#241 Post by mcewanw »

mime types and wine: ... 429#363429

Example for MS Office files: ... 288#364288

Note that you could modify, for example, ~/Choices/MIME-types/application_ms-word to:

Code: Select all

exec wine "/root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/word.exe" "${@//\//\\}" 
[assuming you have word in the above path; might be msword.exe, I can't remember - I don't have it on my system any more...
Note that you don't need to modify the /usr/share/mime/globs file since the mime types application/msword and application/vnd-ms.excel are already correctly defined in there].

and also modify: ~/Choices/MIME-types/application_vnd-ms.excel to:

Code: Select all

exec wine "/root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/excel.exe" "${@//\//\\}" 
Now clicking on doc and xls files should correctly open the appropriate MS Office application running over wine.
[You DO NOT need to also right click the icon to set the Run Action when using this method, though doing it that way is an alternative - you'd still need to use the likes of "${@//\//\\}" rather than a plain "$@" though].

mime more generally: ... 990#363990
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#242 Post by musher0 »

Hello again, ttuuxx!

One other thing, not to get you into trouble if Madame is the perfectionist type.

green_dome's wine works ok in dpup, except the rendering of the icons and the cursor is not the greatest.

Additional lib would be mesa something, gposil has a picture of the listing in the dpup forum.

Same gposil and others told me not to install the xorg 7.3 drivers recommended by green_dome, given that dpup has a more recent Xorg, apparently.

In any case, I installed additional recent libs as follows, which improved the rendering a bit. I just compiled the lcms 1.19, it's not a pet (yet!).

I hope this helps.
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Re: mime types and wine

#243 Post by ttuuxxx »

mcewanw wrote:mime types and wine: ... 429#363429

Example for MS Office files: ... 288#364288

Note that you could modify, for example, ~/Choices/MIME-types/application_ms-word to:

Code: Select all

exec wine "/root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/word.exe" "${@//\//\\}" 
[assuming you have word in the above path; might be msword.exe, I can't remember - I don't have it on my system any more...
Note that you don't need to modify the /usr/share/mime/globs file since the mime types application/msword and application/vnd-ms.excel are already correctly defined in there].

and also modify: ~/Choices/MIME-types/application_vnd-ms.excel to:

Code: Select all

exec wine "/root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/excel.exe" "${@//\//\\}" 
Now clicking on doc and xls files should correctly open the appropriate MS Office application running over wine.
[You DO NOT need to also right click the icon to set the Run Action when using this method, though doing it that way is an alternative - you'd still need to use the likes of "${@//\//\\}" rather than a plain "$@" though].

mime more generally: ... 990#363990
execllent that was close it was
exec wine "/root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/OFFICE11/WINWORD.EXE" "${@//\//\\}"

which worked :) Plus I have her favourite game working now Bejeweled 2 :) I was really impressed with that, the sound and speed is perfect :)
One last thing, any ideas on setting the fonts to display clearer, they print fine but not the best in word.
below is a example
here is a example
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#244 Post by mikeb »

Notice ttuuxxx in the post above he 'cd' first to the program folder...that may be needed for office as I find many wine programs do not run without it.
I modded the exe mime script to cd too by extracting the path from the wine launch address

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash

cd "${@%/*}"
wine "$@"  
Then the path would need changing to windows format....

Code: Select all

#! /bin/sh
cd /path/to/officefolder


wine /path/to/word.exe "$a"
the cd may not be needed ...

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Improving fonts in wine

#245 Post by mcewanw »

To make the wine fonts look nice in MS Office, copy some ttfonts into the ~/.wine windows/Fonts directory (or better still, symlink that to the Puppy ttfonts folder). gposil provided some pets of the ms core fonts somewhere on the forum.

Also, you need to follow vovchik's instructions provided in this thread: ... 38&t=39134

Then the fonts will all look pretty...
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why two Wine threads, how to choose?

#246 Post by otropogo »

I'm trying to figure out how best to install Wine on Puppy 4.3.1, but am finding this thread hard reading, starting with the patch, the function of which I don't understand, especially how it will affect petget's ability to work with older packages.

I'm hoping I don't have to work my way through all 17 pages of this thread, let alone the other several hundred hits I get when searching "Wine". I noticed another thread called "Wine 1.1 and 1.1.23.." IIRC when doing a previous search, but it seems to have been dormant since August, and now I can't even find it again... So I can only guess how many threads are actually dedicated to this subject.

My modest immediate goal is to install a recent version of Irfanview under Wine.
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#247 Post by vtpup »

Just load the 1.1.28 .pet on the first page. If you don't like it or it doesn't work, for you, just remove it.

It works fine with everything I've thrown at it. Including a tough 3D CAD program and MSOffice2000.
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#248 Post by otropogo »

vtpup wrote:Just load the 1.1.28 .pet on the first page. If you don't like it or it doesn't work, for you, just remove it.

It works fine with everything I've thrown at it. Including a tough 3D CAD program and MSOffice2000.
Ok. I installed it. Now I just need to find a current pet for Irfanview to try it.

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#249 Post by mcewanw »

otropogo wrote:Ok. I installed it. Now I just need to find a current pet for Irfanview to try it.
Actually, with wine you would normally install the windows application using its normal windows installer. Say for example Irfanview installer was called setup.exe, you would open an rxvt console on Puppy and enter:

Code: Select all

wine setup.exe
Personally, for the case of IrfanView, I just copied a previously installed IrfanView folder, including its executable, from a MS windows installation I had on a different partition, and the executable simply ran without any fuss. You can also run it directly from the windows partition (such practice doesn't work with all windows apps; often you have to install them specially under wine). I'm not sure about the latest IrfanView though; mine is version 4.0

Note that to actually run windows .exe apps you generally need to first Set the Run Action by right-clicking on any .exe program icon and selecting "Set Run Action". Then you type in the bottom box titled "Enter a shell command" the following:

Code: Select all

wine "@"
After doing that, any file whose extension is .exe will be run by wine if you single click on the relevant program's icon (e.g. irfanview or i_view or whatever it is called) in a Rox window. You can also drag the program icon to the desktop (and supply it with an icon if you wish (by right click "Set Icon").

There are other ways of doing the above, but in this case "Set Run Action" is probably the simplest.
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#250 Post by Peterm321 »

After doing that, any file whose extension is .exe will be run by wine if you single click on the relevant program's icon (e.g. irfanview or i_view or whatever it is called)
I have irfanview on a USB drive, and I only have 4 files:


and a plugins folder containing EFFECTS.DLL

It does not need installing, WINE will run the EXE with whatever
settings are in the INI file.
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#251 Post by Henry »

I have irfanview on a USB drive, and I only have 4 files:
and a plugins folder containing EFFECTS.DLL
I understood that MFC42.dll was required to run Irfanview. Perhaps you have it elsewhere on your computer?

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#252 Post by mikeb »

The wine file association pup was around years this simple function still not included?

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#253 Post by vtpup »

otropogo wrote: Ok. I installed it. Now I just need to find a current pet for Irfanview to try it.

pet? in Wine?
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#254 Post by otropogo »

vtpup wrote:
otropogo wrote: Ok. I installed it. Now I just need to find a current pet for Irfanview to try it.

pet? in Wine?
IIRC, I installed Irfanview98 via a pet a year or so ago, and it worked nicely.

OTOH, I'm having some worries about the Wine 1.1.28 pet I installed yesterday.

I found three tabs for it in Menu/documents
/Wine notepad
/Wine wordpad
/Wine write

Today I happened to open Menu/Utility and found eleven more Wine tabs there!
/control panel
/help vierwer
/remove programs
/task manager
Oh, and Menu/System has /Wine File, while Menu/Fun has /Wine Mine?

Is this normal?

I tried Menu/Utility/Wine Help Viewer, but couldn't find any help there.When I tried Wine Help Help, I got an error message saying
Cannot find 'winhelp.hlp'. Do you want to find this file yourself?
Yes No
And was then invited to input a file name, to which it responded,
Error while reading the help file 'winhelp.hlp'
OK! I guess, since there's no other option...
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#255 Post by vtpup »

Those are normal menu entries for that wine pet. They are helper programs. You should study and familiarize yourself with Wine if you're going to be using it. There are other resources on the web including the WineHq for that. Read their FAQ This thread is generally for announcements of new Wine versions -- you won't find a wine usage tutorial here.

If you'd rather raise these helper programs from the terminal than see them in the menu, there are other wine pets in this thread that are stripped, and there's one that consists of the helpers, but no menu entries. I'm afraid you're going to have to read the thread for that kind of thing.

Wine requires a fair amount of study and familiarity to get the most out of. It is naturally complex because it bridges both Windows and Linux, and includes it's own virtual filesystem and windows registry. However it is vastly improved compared to using it a couple years ago, and is very useful now for some very difficult Windows programs.

Good Luck!
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#256 Post by vtpup »

I've noticed a number of people talking about hand creating icons to run windows programs in wine.

I automatically get the custom OEM icons from the windows programs in a /root/Desktop folder, which is linked to .local/share/applications/wine/Programs

Those icons are created when the windows programs are installed.

I just drag the icons to the real desktop, and they run fine. I usually rename them since they always have a ".desktop" extension.

You can also find the icon graphics (xpms) in .local/share/icons. These aren't program launchers like the others, just graphic icons.
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#257 Post by otropogo »

vtpup wrote:Those are normal menu entries for that wine pet. They are helper programs. You should study and familiarize yourself with Wine if you're going to be using it.
That's what I was trying to do when I clicked on the 'Wine Help Viewer" tab.

But since you've evidently done your studying, maybe you can tell me what that tab is supposed to do, if not provide help in using Wine?

Wine requires a fair amount of study and familiarity to get the most out of. It is naturally complex because it bridges both Windows and Linux, and includes it's own virtual filesystem and windows registry. However it is vastly improved compared to using it a couple years ago, and is very useful now for some very difficult Windows programs.
Well, that's nice. A really useful program if only you can figure out how to use it (and maybe stop it from cluttering up all your program menus).

But for now, I wish I could just find the package I installed in a minute a year ago and run Irfanview without first having to study an 18 page thread and assorted other online materials..
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#258 Post by vtpup »

But for now, I wish I could just find the package I installed in a minute a year ago and run Irfanview without first having to study an 18 page thread and assorted other online materials..
That's what I was trying to do when I clicked on the 'Wine Help Viewer" tab.

But since you've evidently done your studying, maybe you can tell me what that tab is supposed to do, if not provide help in using Wine?
It is supposed to view a Windows program help file. You didn't ask it to open a Windows program help file. So it did what you asked.

Wine documentation isn't in the Wine pet. It's at WineHQ. Wine changes constantly. Their FAQ is very informative, and current. Better than my explanations, and briefer.
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#259 Post by eightbitz »

Just curious -

I see that this pet installs multiple menu entries. How do you do that?
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Contact: - This program does not have a menu entry

#260 Post by otropogo »

Last time I used Wine under Puppy was more than a year ago. The latest Wine pet I could find then was 1.0. I installed it, then installed a pup for Irfanview 3.98, then also the latest package available, and Irfanview ran.

Now Irfanview is up to v. 4.25, but I can't find any Irfanview pet designated for Puppy 4.x How do I install and run Irfanview 4.25, and do I need to have a menu entry for Wine for it to work?
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