Nvidia-185-18.36 for Puppy 4.3beta2/3

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Nvidia-185-18.36 for Puppy 4.3beta2/3

#1 Post by MU »

Supported cards:
http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_disp ... 18.36.html

Install, exit X (menu - shutdown - exit to prompt), and type:
There, select the "Nvidia latest" driver.

This will extract it, update xorg.conf, and start the desktop again.

For advanced users:
This step also extracts the source for the kernelmodule to /usr/src, so if you have a different kernel, you could try there to run
make module
make install

http://dotpups.de/puppy4/dotpups/XServe ... 3beta3.pet

You should have "antinspect" in the desktop-menu to test performance, it should display more than 30 fps.

If the Nvidia xconfig tool does not store settings permanently, try this fix:

Last edited by MU on Tue 15 Sep 2009, 21:14, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by Schism »

First of all, Thank You.

I tested this running Puppy 4.3beta3 on:

Microprocessor 1.9 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual­Core Mobile Technology TK­57
Microprocessor Cache 512KB L2 Cache 
Memory 1024MB (2 x 512 MB) 
Memory Max Up to 3072MB DDR2 
Video Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 7000M 
Video Memory Up to 287 MB Hard Drive 120 GB (5400 rpm)
Multimedia Drive 4X DVD+­R/RW SuperMulti dual layer drive 
Display 15.4" WXGA High­Definition BrightView Widescreen (1280 x 800) 

Works GREAT! Thank You Again.
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#3 Post by Lobster »

OK I thought I would allow some more testers
but could not resist trying - Now I can get Secondlife running :)

Downloaded and ran:
http://dotpups.de/puppy4/dotpups/XServe ... 3beta3.pet
went tto menu / shudown / exit to prompt /
typed xorgwizard
and your program came up selected Nvidia Latest
ran antinspect - this was under utility or graphic
Yep Works!
rebooted to make sure it was permanent
antinspet had gone but Nvidia was running
- seems to have made the sound choppy and unusable - will try removing and see if that cures it . . .

Many thanks Mark 8)
Oh - I am running 4.3 Beta 3 and a Geforce 7050PV/7025 which is a graphic card on a chip built into motherboard
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#4 Post by MU »

I am not certain why antinspect disappeared from the menu, but you also can run it from console:
antinspect -fps

Sound: is it always choppy, or just in games?
The 7050 chip is not that fast - enough for many games, but especially if they use high quality settings like lensflares, the sound might start to stutter. I think the computer is not fast enough then.
At least I experienced such effects with some older Ati-cards.

But in normal operation, e.g. playing music, sound should be fine.

Thanks for your reports! :)

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#5 Post by Lobster »

Sound: is it always choppy, or just in games?
Thanks Mark :)
I was trying to get SecondLife running and ran into missing libraries.
Decided to watch the news from BBC
then youtube
The previously fine sound playback was breaking up
and I uninstalled the nvidia driver which cured the problem

I seem to remember there as some Nvidia control panel where you can change settings - maybe that is needed?

If the graphics card is slow I may upgrade
but have had it working with games
and it proved fine

Would an ATI card be a better option? :)
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#6 Post by Lobster »

strange this was working in the beta but not the final - not sure why . . .
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#7 Post by MU »

please type
depmod -a
and reboot.
If still no success, please attach /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Or try these pets:

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In 4.3.1 no go

#8 Post by paulski »

I may be in the same boat as Lobster.
Motherboard mounted Nvidia GeForce 7025, but it wont fly in the 4.3.1 puppy

Looking for a logical reason why. I unpacked Mu's pets to see where everything should go. Seems okay on his side of things - great work!

Was Xorg changed from beta to final or 3.1? Perhaps the nvidia-xconfig isn't liking Xorg now.

I also noticed newer versions of the driver in a ".run" form on the Nvidia website.

@ Mark - how did you get a hold of source stuff from Nvidia - from those packages or did you register as a developer?

@ Lobster - is yours working now?
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#9 Post by MU »

I create the pets like this:

start Puppy with a fresh savefile.
Reboot, and add the devx_431.sfs and kernelsource sfs.

Then download and run the official nvidia installer.

In /initrd/pup_rw/ I quickly find the files, that were installed.

I package them as /usr/local/graficsdrivers/nvidia.tgz

This then is packaged to a pet, together with my modified /usr/sbin/xorgwizard.
The original xorgwizard is renamed to xorgwizard-puppy, and can be run from mine.
Mine just gives you a new menu, to install the nvidia.tgz (or ati.tgz) in addition, and delete some files, that might conflict with them (like an old /usr/lib/libGL.so).

I decided to use this "2step" installation (first install pet, then extract the nvidia.tgz from xorgwizard), so that Puppys old drivers can quickly be restored by running Puppys xorgwizard again (you just might have to delete xorg.conf first).

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#10 Post by Lobster »

please type
depmod -a
and reboot.
If still no success, please attach /var/log/Xorg.0.log
Sorry Mark :oops:
Only just seen this
enclosed (the file just needs renaming from Xorg.0.zip to Xorg.0.log)
(50.33 KiB) Downloaded 1271 times
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#11 Post by paulski »

@ Mark - What a brilliant idea - I'm sure going to try that next time I need to work out the mess an installer does.

I've been trying to get to the bottom of the problem and got some interesting hate mail

A first run on the modified xorgwizard, NVIDIA Latest doesn't work and left with "fatal Module nvidia not found" - Okay this sounds like a job for depmod

depmod -a


then I get

mv: Target NVIDIA is not a directory

mmmm.. what is getting moved there behind the scenes - unsucessfully?

- - perhaps I have to fully restart from the console after the depmod?

I will keep trying. Lobster's log may give me some clues too.
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#12 Post by MU »

mv: Target NVIDIA is not a directory
this can be ignored.
xorgwizard, NVIDIA Latest doesn't work and left with "fatal Module nvidia not found"
this is critical.
So it is a good idea, to run depmod -a

If that solves your issue, I must investigate, why depmod -a did not work in xorgwizard itself.

You also might first select "delete xorg.conf", then select the nvidia latest again.
Maybe an old entry in your conf confuses the nvidia tool, that rewrites it.
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#13 Post by MU »

Lobster, your log just shows the vesa driver.
I think you zipped it after a reboot.
But we need the log that you get immedeatly, after selecting the nvidia driver failed. So that I can see, what went wrong.

So you should type then:

cp -ax /var/log/Xorg.0.log /root/

Then reboot, and attach the zipped /root/Xorg.0.log

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#14 Post by paulski »


Thanks for putting some time in on this.

"depmod -a" does not do the trick for me - even with a reboot straight after - that is "reboot" command outside of X - not giving up and jumping to xorg on the "nv" driver or vesa. So the config file would be as the script does it on the new boot.

I did try earlier using a separate pupsave the Nvidia installer and it gave some hate mail in the form of trying to execute the command
"depmod -aq" which the depmod in Busybox did not like at all.

If I knew what it was trying to do we might have the tip we need here.
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#15 Post by paulski »

I just tried NVIDIA's "NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.run" driver installer on a fresh
Puppy 431, ignored the errors and did a "depmod -a" after the installer ran.

It worked :D

Installed the control centre pet and all the right things were showing up

Tried doing the same various ways on my favourite Frugal install
nope - something in there is messing it all up.

MU I used your pup_rw trick to put together a bloated 15mb test Pet.

Even with uninstalling everything that looked like they would interefere it didn't work.

I will try the test pet on a fresh install - if it works it may help someone
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