Ubuntu 9.10 and Turbo Pup 1.0

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Ubuntu 9.10 and Turbo Pup 1.0

#1 Post by aim »

Hey there guys and girls!

I have 9.10 and turbopup both installed on one system, trying to use Grub 2 to be able to boot to both

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sda1 - 9.10
sda2 - home
sda3 - swap
sda4 - [Full insall] turbopup
I've setup a custom boot parameter file thingy-ma-jiggy. currently called 41_turbopup

When I do 'sudo update-grub' in 9.10, it successfully finds 9.10, and an 'unknown installation on sda4' so I reboot and turbo pup is sitting at the bottom. from here I try and boot it - I get no error but a whole lot of scrolling text like:

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[            1.757967] eth0: broadcom 44xx/ etc... 
signifying that its probably found the kernel.
I then get;

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Begin: Waiting for root file system
Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems:
 - Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
   - Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?)
   - Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)
 - Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)
ALERT! does not exist. Dropping to shell.
I am then dropped to a shell, naturally :P

In the file /etc/grub.d/41_turbopup I have the following

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menuentry "Turbo Pup"{
set root=(hd0,1)
linux /vmlinuz
initrd /initrd.img

The files initrd.img and vmlinuz are both located at sda1 /
I'm pretty sure these are the files I want? There is no boot folder in sda4.

Can anyone help?
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#2 Post by davesurrey »

First off I should say I don't know Turbopup but I do have 7 puppys, one full and the other 6 all frugals, booting with Grub2. So I hope Turbopup hasn't any weird properties that make it boot differently to the bulk of puppys. In which case you need to talk to the devs.

In your /etc/grub.d/41_turbopup file do you have the lines:

Code: Select all

#! /bin/sh
exec tail -n +3 $0 
at the start of the file? You need them. You don't mention them explicitly.

I don't know why your vmlinuz is at sda1 but I would suggest you move it to sda4 under /boot.

So the linux line should be

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linux /boot/vmlinux  root=/dev/sda4
Then you need to change to

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set root=(hd0,4)
If it really is a Full install I don't think you need the initrd line at all.

Also when you made the 41_turbopup file I hope you made it executable before you ran

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sudo update-grub.
Lastly grub2 in Ubuntu 9.10 picked up my Puppy 431 Full install perfectly. Well it called it Unknown Distro and didn't call it Puppy but I can boot from it. But all the files were in one partition.

Tell us how you get on

Hmmm just looked at this again and am surprised you don't have a /boot folder and also that you have an initrd.img file. Either Turbopup is mighty different to a standard Puppy or your install isn't looking like a Full install should.
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#3 Post by aim »

Thanks very much for your reply, I'll try those! I do have the #! bash lines at the top.

Has something gone awry with my install? I've done it twice...
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#4 Post by aim »

I now get a file not found error... Hmm...
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#5 Post by davesurrey »

Has something gone awry with my install? I've done it twice...
I must stress I know nothing about turbopup but just trying to help with grub2 booting. I'll have a quick look to see what it's based on.
In the meantime good luck and tell us how it goes.

Just had a quick 5 minutes scan through some of the 22 pages of the turbopup thread. Seems to be absed on kernel so now probs there but no idea what he has doen to make it super speedy on booting. I see some folk having problems doing a Full install. Did you do this using the Puppy Universal Installer?

Also can you be more specific about the file not found error.
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#6 Post by aim »

Well no I can't, it just says

error: file not found.

Yes I've used the PUI. I've installed Grub 1 for the time being, but would like to get Grub 2 as I now can't boot to my Ubuntu installation XD
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#7 Post by davesurrey »

Well no I can't, it just says
error: file not found.
I was hoping you could say that this is during the booting of puppy in which case what is the line that goes before it, or it is just after you get to the grub menu offering you a choice, for example.

But if you can't then sorry but I won't be able to take it further.
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#8 Post by aim »

It's right after I select to boot Puppy.
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#9 Post by davesurrey »

Okay can you post the puppy part of your grub stanza (menu.lst) that works okay in grub-legacy (grub 1 as you call it.)

Given that it works ok we can tweak it for grub2.

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