Puppy Stardust 001

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#61 Post by ttuuxxx »

zigbert wrote:Does anyone know which pet package sfconvert and sfinfo belongs to. They looks like older versions of libsnd-convert and libsnd-info. I have removed both from the Stardust iso, but I would like to check the rest of the package.

http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... -1.3.2.pet


http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#62 Post by zigbert »

I wonder.....
Why do Barry compile inkscapelite without libgnomeprint and libgnomeprintui for Quirky. Abiword also uses these libs????

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#63 Post by zigbert »

I need to put these back

Thanks for your knowledge
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#64 Post by zigbert »

Does anyone know if we still need the CD/DVD wizard? If we do, I must change the help text:

Code: Select all

/dev/dvd and /dev/cdrom are links to the actual devices, for example, a link
to /dev/hdc. These should point to the drives that you want to read from.
For example, my PC has two drives, a DVD read-only drive and a CD-burner
drive. I point *both* /dev/dvd and /dev/cdrom to the DVD drive, although I
could have pointed /dev/cdrom to the burner drive (a DVD drive can also read
CDs, so I chose it as my default for reading both CDs and DVDs).

There are various applications for reading from CD or DVD. For example, Gxine
can play audio CDs and video DVDs. Most of these applications require that
/dev/cdrom or /dev/dvd point to the correct devices.

Puppy has applications for burning, for example TkDVD and Graveman. The latter
will burn to both CD and DVDs, whereas TkDVD is for burning to DVDs only.
TkDVD defaults to using /dev/dvd to tell it what drive to use, whereas
Graveman will scan the hardware directly so is not dependent on the /dev/dvd
and /dev/cdrom settings -- nor do you have to choose the burner drive in
this Wizard as it is done from within the program.

Gcombust is an older application designed for the 2.4 kernel and hence thinks
in terms of SCSI-emulation, however it does still work without a SCSI-emulated
burner drive. Gcombust is available as a PET package if not on the live-CD.

Two recent applications developed especially for Puppy are Burniso2cd and
Grafburn -- look in the Multimedia menu.

if you want to turn on SCSI-emulation of the burner drive, run the "old"
Wizard by executing "cdburner-wizard-old" from the commandline. if you do
not know what SCSI-emulation is, no problem, no need to know about it.
SCSI-emulation is no longer required for burning CD/DVDs in Puppy, although
it does have a historical reputation of being more reliable.

Note that this Wizard stores the settings in /etc/cdromdevice, /etc/dvddevice,
and /etc/cdburnerdevice.
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CD/DVD wizard

#65 Post by prehistoric »

zigbert wrote:Does anyone know if we still need the CD/DVD wizard? If we do, I must change the help text:
It's been so long since I used this I can't actually say when it stopped being necessary. I'm going through a collection of old machines, some in my possession, some farmed out to others, and trying stardust001 on them. I'll make a specific check for any needing the CD/DVD wizard. So far, this hasn't been necessary.
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A CD/DVD wizard of some sort - needed by some sort of people

#66 Post by davids45 »

Well, I used the CD/DVD wizard just last night with a new full Startdust install.

I used this, so by design and not by default, programs would use my /sr0 as the CD and DVD drive. This is my "physical" default optical drive (habitually I put a disk into this drive, not the one below it (/sr1).

Annoyingly, the Puppy Installer wants to use /sr1 so I'm always having to "search" for the install files by mounting /sr0 and pointing Puppy at initrd.gz or similar. Puppy could be a better retriever, I guess (or I could be a better dog-handler and drop each Puppy CD into /sr1).

Multimedia programs need to be told which drive is to be cd/dvd or cd/cdrom, as their config disk defaults are not applicable unless the wizard is used, or I manually change each program's config file.

I'd like to see a CD/DVD wizard or similar in the Control Centre - that's where I looked last night in Stardust, but then had to revert to the old wizard when I could not find anything :( .

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#67 Post by zigbert »

I have cleaned up the CD/DVD wizard and moved it into pcc (Puppy control center). I have added a new 'Drives' tab.

Experimentally I have removed the setup-menu. I thought of removing the desktop-menu as well, but it could happen some installs a new package located in this menu, and they wouldn't get any menu-item. Installing any kind of setup-app wouldn't be in use often, so a menu-item is not that critical. I can't think of any external app that installs to the setup-menu.

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#68 Post by zigbert »

Patriot wrote:If I may, I'd like to suggest upgrading your ptray applet to use tray icon setup interface. I think that would make the desktop cleaner (... I kept having the top & left tray popping out with my kludgey mouse). Perhaps use gtrayicon as it is already included in stardust or if you think that's not sufficient, let me know, maybe I can help whip up a specific ptray tray icon ... (maybe you can integrate pwidgets setup into the tray icon too ...)
during second read I understand better. You mean to remove top/left tray and instead use bottom-tray for user-additions instead. Well, my initially thought was that 800-pixel-screens already have limited space, so I decided to go for an alternative tray. ttuuxxx showed another approach when he made a second menu with favorites. His was hardcoded, but the idea was good.

When you back in your youth worked with jwm, you made the menu transparent. Did you make it possible to have a transparent tray as well? And what libs are required? Is it possible to use it now with Joes release?

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#69 Post by jemimah »

Flsynclient (for Synaptics touchpad config) installs to the setup menu. You can probably change the xdg template, or build the control panel on the fly from the .desktop files.

Edit: Nevermind, the version posted currently installs to the desktop menu. I have fixed it in my puplets but not the dotpet. Though I probably will fix it now that you have reminded me. ;)
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#70 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....
zigbert wrote:during second read I understand better. You mean to remove top/left tray and instead use bottom-tray for user-additions instead. Well, my initially thought was that 800-pixel-screens already have limited space, so I decided to go for an alternative tray. .....
I should clarify a bit here ... I was thinking like allowing user specified ptray location, ex: either top, left or right ... and move the setup/add tray into a tray icon as an option and also available as a start menu item ... then users' desktop has better dynamics as they can have better control where stuffs should go ... (ie. in my case, I can opt for the ptray on the right hand side and resolve my kludgy mouse ... :) )

Jwm transparency covers windows, menu and tray. It is already included in Joe's svn (since r440, if I remember correctly). It should be specified in the theme file. If enabled, everything on the tray will be translucent automatically (and it affects all tray(s)). We can also use an external utility to make any window translucent (including trays). To enable, translucency, you just need xcompmgr or kcompmgr (no dri required).

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#71 Post by zigbert »

patriot wrote:and move the setup/add tray into a tray icon as an option
I had another idea. What if we simply add a tray-setup-icon (do not need gtrayicon) beside the tray-clock which opens control center with the tray-tab visible. That would be easy to do, and would cover all tray settings, - not only ptray.

Making the placement of Ptray dynamic is a good idea. I'll put it onto the wish-list. Thanks for the explanation. - Idiots are around me in every mirror.

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#72 Post by zigbert »

I was not aware of Flsynclient. There could be more. I am not 100% sure that removing setup-menu is a nice idea, but my eyes like it.

Opinions are welcome

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#73 Post by davids45 »


Thanks for adding a CD/DVD 'wizard' to pcc - but how can I incorporate the new pcc? I did not see it listed in the Startdust resources?

Will you provide pets as individual fixes or a delta file for fixes to Stardust 001?

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#74 Post by zigbert »

Pcc is not really a standalone package. It is built specific for Stardust. Since it is a bash script it is easy to change for other puppy systems.

I keep working on further trimming of Stardust 002, and will upload when ready. I don't want to stress the release-frequency.

Thank for your feedback
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#75 Post by zigbert »

Would this fill your wishes
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#76 Post by zigbert »

Apologize my stupidity. Libgio is in Stardust. I was looking for a package, and could find any........ This is very nice, - gtksourceview is gone, and the iso is 250kb smaller. Thanks a lot for your notecase package.

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p431s(1) testing

#77 Post by `f00 »

Indeed text editors are various (funny, I even like a few in wine for minor things they can do out-of-the-box)

Geany is an 'old friend' with a few features right up top that may be of value (sure it is a dev tool, but almost always better to have room to grow into easily) .. just the other day I was perplexed at a window manager's refusal to obey the configuration I set and reset and fiddled with other settings imagining interactions interfering in some odd way until I opened it up in G' ( :lol: a trailing tab-space which the old friend made graphically clear!)

Yep, (usually) easy enough to add 'must have' apps or other desired features - an art to put the flow in so the tool is useful and used

looking forward to trying out when the dieLup dl fins and I get a chance to play;

..a look at the first try (even though 'take 2' was out, dl'ing almost 100mb of iso over dialup is no treat for some minor bugfixes.. and I wouldn't have looked at NicoEdit again - now I've a little more grasp of it, enough to change the bg color anyway even though I'm still not sure of a few things like why it occasionally leaves the .bak file as a remnant).

Generally, I like Stardust1 (kind of a change from synth's t-pup xtreme, even taking into account the 421/431 difs). The main thing for me was the pcc - hard to pull all the setup and misc stuff together well since there are a few items that get recalled from time to time after the initial setup but all those wizards really do clutter a working menu after they've been set. Personally, I've noticed many of the subs in pcc are jwm-related - useful and leads to further wondering if other wms could also be so integrated (perhaps a section dedicated to wm-specifics as is done with 'base' menus triggered by a call to which wm is active). In any case, often-used subs (and really that's dependent on user-pref) can be re-done as dotdesktops if one wishes menu items (if they are not there already).

A few minor niggles. Whatever happened to gexec? It'd be nice if it could be back in (I've found fbrun is a useable substitute and that 'run' part of lxpanel's menu plugin even more so) for those folk who are a bit challenged by making simple scripts and calls and not all that familiar with a terminal (must remember to check and see if local mans are easily accessed in proper format, this was of some concern in p431 if I recall another thread ). The CDvD wizard .. why is it lacking a 'default burner'? Maybe it's related to using Pburn and doing away with burniso2cd (mixed opinion there..). Still only a few savedirs into using Stardust1, but the CDvD wizard almost never 'kept' the settings in most other pups I've used (ie it always came up 'pink unset' and never kept the 'blue as set' for one option or another across sessions :roll: ).

Yah, trays are a great feature of jwm ( :lol: I put 'ptray' on the left a-la synth's implementation along with the tasklist/bar according to if items work well in a vertical format, a few are better suited to horizontal depending on width requirements - really don't recall if ptray's gui 'editor' works or not :| ). Mostly I use wbar for a 'quick' launcher since it works better as a universal method if other wms are used. Pseudo-transparency in jwm is easily effected by Patriot's instruction and a few jwm theme-edits along with dumping k or xcompmgr in (I use it as 'jwm-beta' since kcompmgr affects performance a bit as well as perhaps doing odd things to display if called before things are settled in).

Probably should settle down and do the whole SHS fonts thing to optimize. Funny, I dumped a bunch in but had some issues - like probably not such a great idea for me to simply toss them in /archive even though it seemed so at first... Then even after I got'em useable, some are not as crisp as in other pups :| plus I get a definite feel that hinting is more a necessity than otherwise for differences to show well or at all.

A few thoughts on development direction .. dynamic menus (or maybe profiles for user-oriented setups) either as done in some of jemimah's pupwork (yep, gotta look into that for some hands-on there to get more informed in real situations) or elsewise. This could even be extended (it seems to be somewhat the same mechanism, from what I've read) to a dynamic 'run' as is in the macpups under E17. 'Smart' is good, usually ;)

Lastly, not to complain .. but local documentation can be a very good thing imo (an internet connection is not always a 'given' - oya, the usual screenie-link 245k 8) ).

ps(oki, very lastly..) - majorleague thanks to 01micko (and the hostage :lol: ) for all the running xdelta files, it makes a ***huge*** difference in dl-time (now to leapfrog from 01 all the way to 05 and not miss a beat, fortunately I have a 'bone' just for this bit of gnawing since the old vintage win32 won't allow names for dls with a colon ;) ).
Last edited by `f00 on Sat 16 Jan 2010, 02:33, edited 1 time in total.
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#78 Post by zigbert »

You win guys!
I'll include geany for next release.
I personally use black background instead of white in the editor field. What are your opinion?

The 'execute' button doesn't work in Geany in Puppy 4.3.1. Have anyone fixed this?

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