How to share remote files and folders?

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#21 Post by sunburnt »

VariEze; I Googled to find out just what Fuse is, looks to be another network file system, I'm not sure what the user space thing is about, & I don't know anything about setting it up or configuring it so it'll work.

In another post duke93535 told me that he compiled Samba server on Puppy which may be better than what I did, I've got Samba server working also but I just used Debian stable Sarge binary files to do it.
If your interested in Samba server post back here & I'll check into it.
If you run Win, Samba's the way to go, though Fuse may work for Win also... I don't know.

Note: you said you wanted to burn CDs over the network, this is usually a no-no, but it should work especially if the burners buffer in system memory is made very large, at 700MB it'd be the same as copying the file.
A fast burner can do a CD in 2 min., & a 100Mb network can move it in 1 min. if it's not interupted.
costal martignier
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#22 Post by costal martignier »

ssh /etc
when you don't do a cd (change dir) then it will not work...
you can try this instead

ssh ls /etc

also try the following, with the @ and the :

sshfs root@ /mnt/etc -d

try this....

and then check your logs on the remote machine and check what you get in puppy after issuing this command...
sunburnt wrote:VariEze; I Googled to find out just what Fuse is, looks to be another network file system, I'm not sure what the user space thing is about, & I don't know anything about setting it up or configuring it so it'll work.
this is not correct, it's a userspace filesystem, this can be anything as a filesystem.. mount your ftpshare lokcal like a hd, mount your google gmail account as a local folder, mount a handy over bluetooth, and use these lokal as where these normal userfolder
sunburnt wrote:Note: you said you wanted to burn CDs over the network, this is usually a no-no, but it should work especially if the burners buffer in system memory is made very large, at 700MB it'd be the same as copying the file.
A fast burner can do a CD in 2 min., & a 100Mb network can move it in 1 min. if it's not interupted.
with sshfs burning cd on a local network is absolutley no problem...

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#23 Post by VariEze »

again, many thanks for your help so far.
I tried ssh with the "ls" in it, works perfectly.

I tried
sshfs root@ /mnt/etc -d
same result in the log on the freesco box. Nothing shows here on the puppy terminal except the password prompt and the disconnected statement.

I did sshfs root@ /mnt/etc -d -osshfs_debug

I don't know what this is doing, since I just copied it from someone else on another forum. Like before, it gives:
/usr/libexec/sftp-server: no such file or directory

Is the -d by itself suppost to give aditional output on the terminal, or does it go to a file?

I have a samba server on my freesco box, and for now, I have been transfering files to it, then using the samba client on the Puppy box with the burner to burn CD's, and it works fine. The problem is that I'm running out of space on the Puppy box, since Graveman makes a temp file that is the whole size of the image to be burned on the cd. I don't know, but I'm guessing it makes a local iso-like file, then burns it, so the network speed doesn't really matter. Anyway, it works, so a samba server on puppy would work too, but I'm not good enough to figure out how to use stuff from other distro's. The Fuse solution appealed to me, since it's really small and universal, and now I'm on a mission to get it to work! At least until Costal get's fed up with me
:wink: And I know the real solution...just buy a bigger hard drive! But I'm on a quest to make a bunch of mostly free junk work together, and so far I have done it... a router, a print server, a network (on coax, no less, somebody gave me a 1000' roll for free), connecting 3 houses, and it's all been very reliable.
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#24 Post by costal martignier »

i think for finding the solution we need some help of others who install and test the package, so we see in witch direction we should take a look...

here it works fine, and i have also no /usr/libexec/sftp-server on my puppy or on the target host :)

it's strange because it works with a brand new puppy...

ok, must wait for some others expiriences with the package...

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#25 Post by costal martignier »

hmmmm, no one willing to help us?

best regards
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#26 Post by VariEze »

I'll post a new topic, a plea for help.

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#27 Post by sunburnt »

VariEze; I'm a little vague on your complete setup, but it seems to me the problem is Graveman cacheing the iso file is taking up your HD space, & I don't see how another network file system is going to change that.
However, the burner app. cacheing the iso is a good idea, as it keeps from making coasters out of your CDs.
To truly burn directly over the network, Graveman may have an option, or use another burner app.
If you can't Samba mount a share to burn from, I just compiled Samba server on Puppy, it was really easy thanks to instructions given me by: duke93535, & I'll let you know how it goes.
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#28 Post by VariEze »

Well, I have to put this sshfs project on hold for now. Maybe somebody will be interested in the future and try it out. Many thanks for all the help, Costal.

sunburnt: I'll be watching your progress with a samba server for puppy on the forums.

I see your point about the iso file. If I eliminate the local cacheing, then I will have room to trnsfer all the files to the local computer, via FTP or whatever. That leads me to another idea, I might find it easiest to use a program to make an iso on the remote computer, then transfer that, and burn it. Well, I've got more options than I did before.

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#29 Post by sunburnt »

VariEze; if you think the Samba server will do anything for you I just posted Duke's instructions in the HowTo section.
As the post title says, IT'S EASY, I've no compiling experiance at all & I was doubtful that I could do it successfully, but Duke's instructions were so simple I gave it a shot & bada bing I've compiled a source program for the first time!

NOTE: If your in no hurry, Duke & I are finishing a bash script that will do it all for you, compile the Samba source file, install it, & make all the needed links & the command to automatically start the Samba server at boot time.

Again, the instructions ARE REALLY EASY to follow, but the script will be done quickly, & maybe a DotPup from the script soon.
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#30 Post by VariEze »

I now have puppy 2.02 on the client machine, so I thought, what the heck, I'll give it a try again, and it works! It's great for accessing my routerbox that runs on a floppy, has sshd, but no way to have samba. Also no monitor or kbd...

In case somebody else wants to try the sshfs, here's what I did:

First I got ssh working on the machines.
Then I re-downloaded Costal's package to the client machine and installed it.
In a terminal screen I did:

mknod /dev/fuse -m 0666 c 10 229

For me it responded "file exists", then I did:

insmod /usr/lib/modules/fuse.o

For me it responded "insmod: error inserting '/usr/lib/modules/fuse.o': -1 Invalid module format"
but I went ahead anyway.
I did

sshfs karl@ /mnt/data

it asked for my password, then I checked /mnt/data with ROX, and it had mounted!
I unmounted with:

fusermount -u /mnt/data


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#31 Post by VariEze »

I finally figured out why it woldn't work before... no sftp_server. It comes with opensshd, but didn't end up in the dotpup that is available, most people would never need it. I compiled openshd form the source code, and it installed sftp_server. I think a person could just take the sftp_server file and put it in the right place (/usr/local/libexec/sftp-server).

in case anybody was curious...

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