War President Obombya to collect Peace Prize soon

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#21 Post by jason.b.c »

War President Obombya to collect Peace Prize soon

I really wish he'd collect a bullet between the eyes even sooner...

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#22 Post by thane »

I really wish he'd start acting like a Democrat (e.g. FDR) instead of a Republican (e.g. Herbert Hoover).
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#23 Post by PaulBx1 »

Oh yeah, that would help. :roll:
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#24 Post by jason.b.c »

thane wrote:I really wish he'd start acting like a Democrat (e.g. FDR) instead of a Republican (e.g. Herbert Hoover).

i agree with paul , how would that help..?

i fail to understand how obama could even run and therefor become president anyway ..., he dosen't qualify.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_ ... ligibility

and he's a muslim..
When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced and his father returned to Kenya. His mother married Lolo Soetoro -- a Muslim -- moving to Jakarta with Obama when he was six years old. Within six months he had learned to speak the Indonesian language. Obama spent "two years in a Muslim school, then two more in a Catholic school" in Jakarta. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim while admitting that he was once a Muslim, mitigating that damning information by saying that, for two years, he also attended a Catholic school.

Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a radical Muslim who migrated from Kenya to Jakarta, Indonesia. He met Obama's mother, Ann Dunham-a white atheist from Wichita, Kansas-at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Obama, Sr. and Dunham divorced when Barack, Jr. was two.

Obama's spinmeisters are now attempting to make it appear that Obama's introduction to Islam came from his father and that influence was temporary at best.

In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya immediately following the divorce and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.

Dunham married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro who educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools. Wahabbism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad on the industrialized world.

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#25 Post by PaulBx1 »

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#26 Post by PaulBx1 »

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Chuck Norris on Obama

#27 Post by Anniekin »

“I think Congress should impeach Obama, they have the right to,
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#28 Post by bugman »

chuck norris?

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#29 Post by Anniekin »

There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.
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#30 Post by thane »

Obama was born in Hawaii. He's a U.S. citizen. And a Muslim wouldn't have spent all that time attending Jeremiah Wright's church (until it got to be politically inconvenient, that is). All the stuff about Kenya and Islam is a lot of Republican sore-loser BS. And why they feel that way I don't know. So far Obama hasn't done anything substantially different from what McCain would have done.
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#31 Post by jason.b.c »

thane wrote:. All the stuff about Kenya and Islam is a lot of Republican sore-loser BS. And why they feel that way I don't know.

No - It's all plain facts.

So far Obama hasn't done anything substantially different from what McCain would have done.
But it's what he's going to do is the scary part.. "So Far" He hasn't been in office long enough to do much of anything.., But i guess we should "Get ready for change" :x
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#32 Post by bugman »

glad to hear the right is resorting to apocalyptic predictions [again] as a basis for political discussion

the reason SANE people are mad at obambi is his cowardice, his inability to stand up to business interests and conservatives [both types] in congress

to throw out the bush doctrine

shut down gitmo, give the terrorists fair trials, give americans the kind of health care the rest of the first world gets, give all loving couples the rights and protections that legal marriage provides

end the freaking war in pipelineistan

but we're not psychic so we don't KNOW all the things that you do

[or the alien robots have not been sending us secret messages]


okay, that was a bit of a rant, but i want to rant some more [why let wingnuts have all the fun?]

but i'm sick of the stupidity--MUSLIMS CAN BE PRESIDENT IF THEY WANT TO

[but he's not one, sadly]

and i guess gitmo is closing, but is anyone gonna get a trial? anyone gonna get an apology? is the rule of law ever going to be restored?

you idiots are peeing yourselves over a birth certificate while people are being illegally imprisoned for unending years, while wall street criminals are allowed to get away with it and regular people die because they cannot afford to see a doctor

i know, mccain would be a shade worse, and ron paul would throw away all the babies and bathwater and hilary would have been roughly the same [only the jokes would change]

this country is in seriously bad shape, and the battle to fix it seems to between those who would do nothing and those who would make everything worse . . .
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hay bugman

#33 Post by Tester »

As the song goes meet the new boss same as the old boss
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#34 Post by jason.b.c »

bugman wrote:glad to hear the right is resorting to apocalyptic predictions [again] as a basis for political discussion

the reason SANE people are mad at obambi is his cowardice, his inability to stand up to business interests and conservatives [both types] in congress

to throw out the bush doctrine

shut down gitmo, give the terrorists fair trials, give americans the kind of health care the rest of the first world gets, give all loving couples the rights and protections that legal marriage provides

end the freaking war in pipelineistan

but we're not psychic so we don't KNOW all the things that you do

[or the alien robots have not been sending us secret messages]


okay, that was a bit of a rant, but i want to rant some more [why let wingnuts have all the fun?]

but i'm sick of the stupidity--MUSLIMS CAN BE PRESIDENT IF THEY WANT TO

[but he's not one, sadly]

and i guess gitmo is closing, but is anyone gonna get a trial? anyone gonna get an apology? is the rule of law ever going to be restored?

you idiots are peeing yourselves over a birth certificate while people are being illegally imprisoned for unending years, while wall street criminals are allowed to get away with it and regular people die because they cannot afford to see a doctor

i know, mccain would be a shade worse, and ron paul would throw away all the babies and bathwater and hilary would have been roughly the same [only the jokes would change]

this country is in seriously bad shape, and the battle to fix it seems to between those who would do nothing and those who would make everything worse . . .

How well spoken.... <you get a cookie> :lol: :wink:
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#35 Post by PaulBx1 »

Well, the birth certificate stuff may be a little silly (who gives a damn if a president is "legit" or not - no matter who it is, the president is going to be a bastard). But the way I look at it, anything that delegitimizes the presidency itself is good.

The only thing that will fix this country, is breaking it into 5 or 10 pieces. And razing D.C. to the ground "so not one brick stands upon another", and sowing the ground there with salt.

Well, then it won't be "this country" any more, but "these countries". Nothing wrong with that...
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#36 Post by PaulBx1 »

Obama has just become the USA's second torture president, following the example of that lowlife George Bush.
Channeling their predecessors in the George W. Bush administration, Obama Justice Department lawyers argued in this case that there is no constitutional right not to be tortured or otherwise abused in a U.S. prison abroad.
I hope the folks who were cheering his election a while back, hoping he would overturn some of the worst Bush policies, now understand why some of us were so cynical about it. There is no such thing as a good president.

#37 Post by bugman »

however i have never believed that 'we had to kill x to save it' was a valid response to a problem

there is far too much corporate money in government

i think americans cannot be fairly represented without paying for it [free market government]

taxation is at record lows, perhaps this is why the people have no voice?

as a result only lobbyists get heard . . .

#38 Post by bugman »

i have thought about afghanistan some more

if more us troops on the ground means less 'government by warlord', then it is a good thing

if more us troops on the ground means safer working conditions for ngos, building roads, hospitals, schools, supplying water and power, then it is a good thing

if more us troops on the ground means the afghan people think we're not going to abandon them to the taliban, then it is a good thing

we may not have broken the place, but we did start to fix it--are we going to quit in the middle, and abandon afghanistan to russia, china, pakistan, iran, or al qaeda?
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#39 Post by amigo »

I've often thought that those who have said that waterboarding is okay -that is- not torture, that they should be more than willing to be subjected to it a few dozen times a day for a year or so -I mean I don't believe what they say, so we should be able to make sure they really mean what they say, right??

#40 Post by bugman »

amigo wrote:I've often thought that those who have said that waterboarding is okay -that is- not torture, that they should be more than willing to be subjected to it a few dozen times a day for a year or so -I mean I don't believe what they say, so we should be able to make sure they really mean what they say, right??
actually the biggest disappointment i have with obama and the democrats is their lack of desire to try members of the former administration for war crimes--or to just turn them over to an international tribunal
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