Quirky 002 feedback

Please post any bugs you have found
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#41 Post by BarryK »

Note that 2.6.30.x is the oldest that should be used for Tpup/Quirky builds. This is because T2 uses 2.6.30 kernel headers for compiling gcc and libc -- and these can be troublesome if a iso is built with an older kernel than the version used when compiling. An older kernel might work, but there might be issues -- I have personally experienced this problem.
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Quirky 0.0.2

#42 Post by drblock2 »

Running Quirky 2 off a live-cd. Generally looks good, but

1. XVESA is very slow so that screen update when scrolling is not smooth. This is particularly noticeable with Sea Monkey.

2. Pnethood still has the bug inherited from Quirky 1 and Puppy 4.3.1. Unprotected network drives will not open unless something (any character at all) is typed into the log-in and password boxes.

3. CUPS does not display the smb//: option for connecting a network printer.

Keep up the good work! Looking forward to Quirky 3.
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#43 Post by tronkel »

Downloaded and installed the SoftMaker 2008 package for Linux.
I installed it as a DEB via the dotpet Package Manager. Installed perfectly including the menu icons (all appeared under their correct menu category).

This is a nice package. Only minor issue I can see so far are rather thin-looking fonts in the chrome toolbar. There must be some config file somewhere that can fix this.

Default printer has to be run via the lpr -P "name of your printer" command. I then got a printout from the Brother DCP-7030 3-in-one with no problem.

This Puppy/Softmaker combination would be a marriage made in heaven.
Hope it all works out with the licensing issues.

Next skittle to knock down is to get the Brother scanner to work. I have always successfully got the scanner to work using the proprietary Brother scanner driver from http://solutions.brother.com

This time seems not to want to play for some reason. Has worked in every k2.6.30.5 distro I have tried so far. Anyone else got any ideas on this?

If there is any interest in this T2 k2.6.30.5 version I'll upload it somewhere so you can use it. Could also include SoftMaker (if permission to include is forthcoming from SoftMaker).
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Pnethood without password

#44 Post by shinobar »

drblock2 wrote:2. Pnethood still has the bug inherited from Quirky 1 and Puppy 4.3.1. Unprotected network drives will not open unless something (any character at all) is typed into the log-in and password boxes.
Here is the code extracted from Puppy 4.3.1JP.

Code: Select all

# diff func_mount.old func_mount
> # 2sep09 by Masaki Shinomiya <shino@pos.to> allow username and pssword to be blank
> USER_PASS="guest"
> [ "$USERNAME" != "" ] && USER_PASS="username=${USERNAME},password=${PASSWORD}"
< mount-FULL -t cifs "//${IP}/${SHARE}" "${MOUNTPOINT}" -o "${SERVERNETBIOSNAME}username=${USERNAME},password=${PASSWORD},iocharset=utf8" 2>>${TMP}log 
> mount-FULL -t cifs "//${IP}/${SHARE}" "${MOUNTPOINT}" -o "${SERVERNETBIOSNAME}$USER_PASS,iocharset=utf8" 2>>${TMP}log 
< smbmount "//${IP}/${SHARE}" "${MOUNTPOINT}" -o "username=${USERNAME},password=${PASSWORD}" 2>>${TMP}log >>/dev/null # redirecting stdout needed to lose init_iconv encoding conversion error messages
> smbmount "//${IP}/${SHARE}" "${MOUNTPOINT}" -o "$USER_PASS" 2>>${TMP}log >>/dev/null # redirecting stdout needed to lose init_iconv encoding conversion error messages
(1.19 KiB) Downloaded 748 times
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#45 Post by infectiia »

Sage wrote:Quite a cute little beast. No d/l or the other problems reported elsewhere.
However, it still remains the only distro that doesn't shut down properly on all chipsets. Since every other developer has fixed this, be it kernel-based or w.h.y., this project should, in my opinion, halt until someone sufficiently knowledgeable fixes it. Recent threads have at last identified this flaw as one the biggest concerns of users.
Furthermore, since NatWest Bank declines to support SM, despite my own dislike of this Mozilla offering, it is a show terminator. NatWest/RBS/Coutts/DirectLine/etc/etc, a group with a very motley history, remains a very large international operation - one of the Big Four retail banks. Either Puppy/SM needs to conform to the NatWest list or persuade them to extend their list to SM.
Ironically, if the problem occurred in Opera, that browser has the facility to emulate any other!
Maybe there are a bundle of pressing intricacies of code to fix, but these two aspects are major trees in the wood. As such, we need a 'down tools' until they are addressed.
Just my luck. I love puppy with seamonkey and installing the new one with firefox has caused me nothing but problems, and ive only had to do it so i can access the bank website. I think ill try opera for a while until theres a decision made somewhere. :?
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#46 Post by shinobar »

Quirky-002 does not shutdown by power button because acpi_poweroff attempts to call /usr/X11/bin/wmpoweroff but is not there.
Rewright '/usr/X11/bin/wmpoweroff' to 'wmpoweroff' at the bottom of the script /etc/acpi/actions/acpi_power_off.

Or, install acpid-1.0.8-7.pet available from here.
The duration of the closing dialog is adjustable by changing the number 'TIMELIMIT=30' at the top of /etc/acpi/actions/acpi_power_off.
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#47 Post by BarryK »

Furthermore, since NatWest Bank declines to support SM, despite my own dislike of this Mozilla offering, it is a show terminator. NatWest/RBS/Coutts/DirectLine/etc/etc, a group with a very motley history, remains a very large international operation - one of the Big Four retail banks. Either Puppy/SM needs to conform to the NatWest list or persuade them to extend their list to SM.
sage and infectiia,
Isn't it just a matter of changing the "user agent"? NatWest accepts Firefox, so SeaMonkey should work. Just change SM so that it identifies itself as Firefox.

For example, have you tried this product:

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#48 Post by panzerpuppy »

The new Quirky is full of quirks :)

- Quirky 002 is much more efficient than Puppy 4.3, despite the use of a SMP kernel.
The 4.3 series of Puppy was a real CPU muncher - one of the worst-performing versions of Puppy if you have a single-core PC. Quirky brings back the speed to the level of the previous puppies.
Here's a good test to try: Install Opera, open a blank tab and do nothing. Open Htop and monitor the CPU usage. On Puppy 4.2 and older (and Quirky 002) it uses 0% CPU. That's normal behaviour.
But Puppy 4.3 is a hungry dog - it likes to eat up to 10% CPU without doing any kind of work :)

- Xorg 7.4 in Quirky 002 is a disaster - dog slow and full of bugs. It needs a replacement ASAP - either an upgrade to 7.5 or a downgrade to 7.3.
The "vesa" driver in 7.4 is the biggest problem - it runs like molasses - 10x slower than the one from Xorg 7.3 :(
And,finally, installing proprietary (ATI) graphics card drivers is not possible in Quirky 002

- ALSA also needs an upgrade to 1.0.22.
alsamixer in Quirky 002 is a bit newer (1.0.21), but the ALSA drivers are *old* (1.0.20)
I love the changes and enhancements in the new alsamixer. Now you can do up to 5x finer adjustments to the volume sliders. Just what I needed :)
Last edited by panzerpuppy on Tue 29 Dec 2009, 05:40, edited 3 times in total.
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Quirky and Puppy response re. browsers, in particular, SM.

#49 Post by Sage »

Following comments by BK on his blog:
Got the best interest rates on my ISA with Natwest, complete with absolute security backed by UK government. No contest. Recommended by all the savvy money websites, notably Martin Lewis'.
Tried a bunch of Puppies, and where available, SM add-ons. The only alias I was unwilling to try was IE7 (naked prejudice in this case)! SM is truly a pile of pants. Slow and bloated with an appalling interface and quirky behaviour.
Ironically, it was Opera that first introduced alternative browser emulations whilst the trades were being conned by the Redmond crooks to reject rendering by it. Now that Opera has become mainstream, I rarely have to use the emulation tool.
It somewhat defeats the objective of using a liveCD of a compact distro intended to give a complete approach to life, the universe and everything outa-da-box and then have to juggle with the add-ons, emulations, fixes and patches.
Firefox and Opera generally do everything needed at first ask. Neither is as small as might be desired, but Opera has a distinct edge in speed. [I am fed up of ignorami on Puppy sites claiming that I said that Opera was a lot smaller than Firefox - I never did say that.]
There are other significant faults in SM. One that I encountered early on in Puppies was it would not resolve the setup screen on a couple of my modem-routers. At that time, I discovered that the little browser used to display the 'Help' page could access the configuration monitor page (as well as Dillo !). Apart from my personal dislike of the Mozilla SM offering, time and time again it has produced absolute show-stoppers, making Puppies a mere interesting hobby sideline for me and my colleagues.
It has been rather frustrating getting a rational hearing in the case of Puppy & SM. Just about as difficult as trying wean otherwise intelligent folk away from the WIntel abuse of technology. Like an old and comfortable pair of slippers, human nature tends to aver towards the status quo. What is even more galling is that Puppy derivatives using Opera, inter alia, have already proved so demonstrably superior Puppy performance. MeanPup and derivatives by gray are highlights on how to do things for the bog standard user like me.
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#50 Post by panzerpuppy »

...and following by a comment by panzerpuppy :)

* SeaMonkey 1.1.x is still smaller, faster (on Flash sites / YouTube videos) and safer (with NoScript) than Opera 10.10.
* It doesn't need additional Qt dependencies.
* If you switch to Opera, you'll lose the HTML composer.

Even the latest version of Turbopup Xtreme doesn't come with Opera (for a good reason).

The author of this puplet is probably waiting for the upcoming version of Opera (10.50) - the browser that will change the future of Linux browsing forever :)

Opera 10.50 for Linux - now *that's* what I call a good browser :D

Other browsers:
- SeaMonkey 2.x sucks donkey balls. v1.1.x is rock-solid, more compatible and less buggy.
- On the other hand, Firefox 3.7 alpha rocks.Page rendering and overall performance is much better than FF 3.5 and 3.6.
Browsing with FF 3.7a feels like using a real (non-faux) SeaMonkey 2.x release. Flash (videos) run like a cheetah with FF 3.7a
Last edited by panzerpuppy on Tue 29 Dec 2009, 06:04, edited 3 times in total.
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#51 Post by Sage »

Rejoinder on BK's blog. He started this discussion!
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#52 Post by shinobar »

shinobar wrote:Rewright '/usr/X11/bin/wmpoweroff' to 'wmpoweroff' at the bottom of the script /etc/acpi/actions/acpi_power_off.

Or, install acpid-1.0.8-7.pet available from here.
quirky-002 does shudown by power button if acpid is fixed.
but still has a problem if it is boot up without pupsave(quirkysave).

boot up without pupsave (asume acpid is fixed), and pressed power button, what happens?
after 30 seconds going to shutdown, then the dialog asking where to save the session appears and waits reply forever.

one solution is add '--timeout' option with the dialog.
another way is use pupsaveconfig, a GUI tool to setup where to save the session.

i prepaired the pupsaveconfig of the puppy 4.3.1JP ready for quirqy-002.
find pupsaveconfig-1.8.pet available from here.
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#53 Post by tronkel »

Can confirm Panzerpuppy's observation that Firefox 3.7 alpha is fast. Downloaded directly from Mozilla. Has spell checking included.

Had a nice time this weekend prodding around in Quirky/T2.

With Pburn, ffmpeg and the DownloadHelper Firefox extension, I made up a cracking compilation CD of my favourite music - (Viennese of course - Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert).

Speed is the thing here. I have the latest OpenSuse 11.2 installed as well. It works well and is a big improvement over past versions, but it is sooooooooooo slow especially with FGLRX installed. My current Puppy T2 Woof install also has FGLRX installed but is a quantum leap faster than OpenSuse 11.2 even so.

This latest T2 based Puppy is seriously good - both from the speed aspect, as well as from the point of view of the included applications.
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#54 Post by Sage »

Not exclusive to Quirky, there has been a bizarre disconnect between "Set up a firewall" and "select a connection option" for some while.
It would seem logical, after setting up the firewall to return to the Set UP Menu rather than re-start via the "Connect" icon.

Might as well fix whichever browser is used as default at source, even if this is SM, so that it has the correct FlashPlayer to render BBC iPlayer without asking users to jump through .tar.gz hoops because Adobe doesn't list a "Puppy" .pup file.
FF & Opera can do the necessary upgrade automatically. Guess that's what you get with an ersatz browser! Who cares that it doubles as an .html composer; anyone wanting to write in HTML could install an HTML composer from a .pup repository without burdening the entire .iso with such an unnecessary feature.
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#55 Post by shinobar »

Hi all!

I made an iso named Quickset-Quirky with Grub4Dos bootup menu.
It automatically starts up the desktop with 800x600 screen size, Universal timezone, us-English keyboards.
I made a GUI with which you can change the first setup with one window.
The network connection is also automatic in case an eth0 interface is found and DHCP is available.

Won't you try the Quickset-Quirky? Download from here.
Grub4Dos bootup menu
(23.66 KiB) Downloaded 1492 times
the first setup GUI
(6.79 KiB) Downloaded 1516 times
Last edited by shinobar on Tue 29 Dec 2009, 14:39, edited 1 time in total.
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#56 Post by Sage »

Nice! Except you've got the wrong default language. Strange to relate, the English language originates in England!
It would be interesting to learn how DHCP is automatically activated (all the major distro have done this by default for some while) and whether the firewall is also switched on?
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quirky 002

#57 Post by timremy »

:roll: hello

i am sorry if my post is seen in other places on the forum,

i write it up and hit submit and then realize it went

somewhere else.

better known as a "whoooooops"

will, here i go again. does xf-prot work in a intel dual

core 1500? it works in a intel m.

not that you need xf-prot, but i sorta like to play.

thank you Mr. Barry for sharing with us another great,

great program.

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#58 Post by JorgenS »

I have installed quirky 002 to an usb flash-memory. As all my usb ports is on the back of my pc. I tried booting from the attached usb-hub. My bios sees the usb-drive and the kernel boots up and it loads drivers needed to acces disk drives. Then it says quirky-002.sfs not found, dropping out to initial ramdisk console. Quirky boots up fine when I put the usb-memory in the back of the pc. Also when putting any usb-memory in the hub, an icon shows the usb-drive on the desktop. Is this a general problem when booting via a hub or is it just my hub/pc?

Running Gnumeric 1.8.4 in quirky002 --> choose Validate in the Data-menu and Gnumeric crashes/closes. I don't normally use Gnumeric, I was just trying things out.

When a ntfs-filesystem is mounted, quirky002 won't reboot or shut-down. Unmounting the ntfs-drives and it reboot/shutdown ok.

Is it possible to read the pupsave-file on boot, but then have it work like I had pfix=ram set, and not save changes to pupsave during work or on reboot/shutdown?



#59 Post by rameshiyer »

Kindly provide modem driver ( pet package ) for internal 56 K dial up modem - Conexant Soft 56 K Data/Fax Modem. Without modem driver, I am not able to connect my Quirky 002. Please provide Modem Driver for Quirky. ( kernal My installation is Full HD - Dual Boot.
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#60 Post by JorgenS »

Hi shinobar!
I have tried your Quickset-Quirky.

I like the Grub4Dos bootup menu.
I also like that "The network connection is also automatic in case an eth0 interface is found and DHCP is available."

but in the first setup - GUI, I have a problem. I have a Nvidia-Ion which I run in 1680x1050 on my lcd. I can not choose this resolution from your menu. I have no problem with this in quirky002.
Actually I have no problem with the text based setup screens in quirky. It's only a one time deal.

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