Desktop computers fan spinning like crazy all the time

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Desktop computers fan spinning like crazy all the time

#1 Post by Taavi »

I've been trying to get my desktop computers fans to spin slower. But I have not find a way to do it. I think they spin unnecessarily fast. As with sensors I get this:

Code: Select all

# sensors
Adapter: ACPI interface
Vcore Voltage:       +1.10 V  (min =  +0.85 V, max =  +1.60 V)
 +3.3 Voltage:       +3.30 V  (min =  +2.97 V, max =  +3.63 V)
 +5 Voltage:         +4.97 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.50 V)
 +12 Voltage:       +11.92 V  (min = +10.20 V, max = +13.80 V)
CPU FAN Speed:      1854 RPM  (min =  600 RPM)
CHASSIS FAN Speed:  1073 RPM  (min =  600 RPM)
CHASSIS FAN 2 Speed:   0 RPM  (min =  800 RPM)
CPU Temperature:     +30.0C  (high = +60.0C, crit = +95.0C)  
MB Temperature:      +37.0C  (high = +45.0C, crit = +95.0C)  
With CPU Frequency Scaling I don't get any change. And there is no files inside /proc/acpi/thermal_zone.

I,m using Puppy 4.31. Computers motherboard is Asus M3A76-CM. Can anyone help? It's quite annoying as I know this machine could be lot more silent.
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#2 Post by pemasu »

Maybe acpitool could help you.

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#3 Post by Taavi »

Thanks / Kiitos!

Can I do something more with it than get information from computer?

I'm not any kind of expert in this. I've searched and read all I've found in forum and done some googling too. There is something I miss all just don't understand.

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#4 Post by pemasu »

I sent you PM (private message in best language in the world)
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