Classic Pup 2.14X -- Updated 2 series

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What is the best Puppy Version ever, LOL

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#2661 Post by ttuuxxx »

updated the qt main package so now it has a theme, before it looked like win95,lol
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#2662 Post by ttuuxxx »

QT 4 APPS and Happy New Year !!!
you need the QT package I posted to use these apps, I compiled a few of them to try to figure out the main qt deps to reduce the Qt package size, now I have it down to 21MB pet :) So here's a updated of the small default Qt deps for running most QT 4 apps.

21MB QT4 small version ...

This 15MB pet package will make it into the full version, basically what I removed. ...

now the apps :)
Fat Rat P2P plus many more ...
* HTTP(S)/FTP/SFTP downloads
* FTP/SFTP uploads
* RSS feed support + special functions for TV shows and podcasts
* BitTorrent support (including torrent creating, DHT, UPnP, encryption etc.)
* Torrent search
* Support for SOCKS5 and HTTP proxies
* FREE downloads
* uploads
* link verification and folder extraction
* RapidSafe link decoding
* MD4/MD5/SHA1 hash computing
* Remote control via Jabber (!)
* Remote control via a web interface
* YouTube video downloading

FlashQard is an educational software to improve your learning process. It is designed to help you learn not only a new language but anything that can be learnt!
This aim is achieved by using the widely used method, called Leitner System, and the idea of "different card types for different purposes".
Leitner System (proposed by Sebastian Leitner in the 1970s) is one the most efficient methods for learning. Which allows you to focus on the most difficult flashcards and not waste your time on what you have already learnt. ...

Open Document Editor ...
This program is in the beginning stages I would say, but still is useful and really small, It can open/edit open documents without images I think, I didn't see a image button. anyways its nice to play with.

Q-Brew beer recipes ...
QBrew is a homebrewer's recipe calculator. With it a brewer can formulate new recipes and calculate gravity, bitterness, color and other attributes.

Q-Simplesheet ...
QSimpleSheet is a simple spreadsheet written using C++, Qt4.x
It uses its own formats, but its really nice looking :) I could see in the future this being a replacement of gnumeric because its really small, Once the developer adds some formats and extra features, still a nice start.

TextMaker ...
Texmaker is a Qt4 program, that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX, in just one application. Texmaker runs natively on Unix, macosx and win32 systems
Features :
- the principal LaTex tags can be inserted directly with the "LaTeX" and "Math" menus.
- 370 mathematical symbols can be inserted in just one click.
- a "structure view" helps you to navigate into your document
- some wizards helps you to generate code (tabular, array, tabbing, letter...)
- the LaTeX errors are automatically detected in the log file and you can jump to the corresponding line in one click
- an exclusive LaTeX to html conversion tool is integrated to Texmaker (the html pages looks like the postscript file)

enjoy ttuuxxx
Text Maker
(38.91 KiB) Downloaded 2358 times
Simple Spread Sheet
(49.65 KiB) Downloaded 2390 times
(49.08 KiB) Downloaded 2358 times
Open Document Editor
(23.8 KiB) Downloaded 2349 times
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Fat Rat
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#2663 Post by ttuuxxx »

Here's one last one before I go on holidays, Once again you need the QT libs installed for this work.

Aarni ...
Aarni is a small and easy-to-use file encryptor
This works very well and is real easy to use.

"Currently, AES-128 in the XTS mode (approved as the IEEE 1619 Standard) is used to encrypt data. SHA-384 is used to generate the encryption key and the initial tweak value from the password inputed by the user. All files are compressed before encryption.

NOTE If you forget the password you use, the only way I know to decrypt the file is to crack it by brutal force. So, be careful ;o "
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Happy 2010

#2664 Post by nancy reagan »

Hi ttuuxxx and all puppians

Happy New Year to you all.

Hope you can already taste your homebrew today ?

Do not forget to bring your notebook you otherwise might flip.

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#2665 Post by ttuuxxx »

hi guys back already, we arrived at the campground and it was thundering and heavy rain, so we stayed one night and came back home.
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Happy New Year and Thanks

#2666 Post by mikeslr »


To ttuuxxx, the intrepid leader
To the stalwarts --clarf, davesurrey,James C, MinHundHettePerro
To the vanguard--olddogNewtricks, sinc, Minnesota, keef, sullysat, never_stop_learning
To the special ops guys who lent a hand -- technosuarus, dejan555, 01micko, Aitch, YoN, gposil, aragon, amigo, WhoDo, playdayz
And to mawebb88, rjbrewer, maddox, vg1, and all those who took part in aiding and encouraging the development of Puppy 2.14X (especially in the beginning before I began to take note of names):

Thank you, but not only for an excellent OS.

Recalling how well my old laptops ran under Series 2 Puppies, but concerned about what apps and sfs' would work under ttuuxxx's updated 2.14, I started with a "well-minded" search, but soon realized that I couldn't follow the discussion. javascript:emoticon(':oops:') So, with a groan, javascript:emoticon(':(') I "bit the bullet" and began reading the thread from the beginning. By page 30, I was intrigued. Like every good novel, a new problem arose before the old problem was solved. And, by page 50, I looked forward to the camaraderie. Then there came "the back story." Would "real world events" have irreparable consequences on the project? Of course, Page 1 foretold of a successful conclusion. But as I was brought up on Hollywood Movies, and sometimes peek at the end of a too intense detective novel, I've come to expect a happy ending, and have learned to enjoy the plot twists and dialogue for the own sake.

So thank you guys for one of the best stories I've read in a while.

And Dave, I hope your GF is swiftly recovering.

Best wishes for the New Year. And I look forward the the "New Adventures" in Puppy 2.20.javascript:emoticon(':lol:')

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#2667 Post by ttuuxxx »

Here's a package of latest rdesktop for 2.14X with tsclient as the frontend, Its the same packages as the one I made for 4 series but I compiled the latest rdesktop-1.6.0-i386 and upgraded it.
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#2668 Post by ttuuxxx »

Here's a better one made with tcl and looks about the same but 1/4 the size :) If it works I'll toss it in :)
you'll find the link in menu/Network/Remote Desktop Client tcl
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#2669 Post by ttuuxxx »

ok this is the last one :) its a bash script GUI for rdesktop, actually its done rather well :)
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#2670 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi guys had a few emails about 2.14x, any ideas? to these questions, It a bit late for me to tackle these 3am :)

1. I have a DSL modem and need pppoe (roaring penguin) to establish the internet connection. This works fine but I can't get the connection to autostart upon boot up. Best I have managed is to autostart the pppoe connection gui where I then have to click on Start to connect. Definitely no big deal, but it would be more convenient to have the connection autostart at boot up. Puppy 421 and 431 have a file named pppoe-start_shell which I can drag into the Startup folder. Not so with 214x where the file pppoe-start does not work and pppoe-start_shell does not exist. Any ideas how to accomplish the same result?

2. Most of my attempts to add an Open Office SFS have failed. I could get OO-2.20 to work. No dice with any newer ones, independent of 2fs, 3fs or 4fs. Can you give me any hints here?
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#2671 Post by dejan555 »

Ehm, ttuuxxx, where's pure-ftpd's document directory in 2.14X ?
I started it by typing pure-ftpd & in terminal and wanted to put files for sharing over internet, and there'susually directory in /root called ftpd or similar. When I enter ftp://localhost/ in browser it says:

421 unable to setup secure anonymous ftp? stuff mirrored [url=]HERE[/url] or [url=]HERE[/url]
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#2672 Post by clarf »

dejan555 wrote:Ehm, ttuuxxx, where's pure-ftpd's document directory in 2.14X ?
I started it by typing pure-ftpd & in terminal and wanted to put files for sharing over internet, and there'susually directory in /root called ftpd or similar. When I enter ftp://localhost/ in browser it says:

421 unable to setup secure anonymous ftp?
Hi dejan555,

You can start the FTP Server and allow anonymous login just writing pure-ftpd as you already did.

The problem setting up anonymous connections is that pure-ftpd can not create the user called "ftp" (the user configured for anonymous connections), you have to create it manually inside Puppy using something like:

Code: Select all

adduser ftp
Then create the home directory for that user in "/home/ftp".

That's all. Incoming anonymous connections will use the "ftp" directory. Remember you can set a different home directory for ftp, editing the file /etc/passwd.

To user another connections you can write something like ftp://root@localhost in browser and type root's password, then you'll be redirected to /root/ directory (actually root's home directory).

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#2673 Post by clarf »

ttuuxxx wrote:Here's a better one made with tcl and looks about the same but 1/4 the size :) If it works I'll toss it in :)
you'll find the link in menu/Network/Remote Desktop Client tcl
Hi ttuuxxx,

I installed both clients with mixed results.

The tsclient seems very solid, it has all features needed also include support for other Protocols like VNC (although I can´t enable this one).

The tcl pet package has some issues:

1. The menu link is pointing to a non existent "/usr/share/remotedesktopclient/" folder, the binary remotedesktopclient file is located at "/usr/remotedesktopclient/" after this pet is installed.

2. From command line It does not run because it tries to use a .png file looking in the wrong location /usr/share/remotedesktopclient (same problem that point 1).

3. Terminal works if you put the right server address. If you use an invalid remote IP, remotedesktop client exits without any warning.

Anyway 214X already has the remotedesktopclient frontend, the binary is in /usr/sbin modified by Dougal (Its the same tcl executable, Dougal added tcl theme configuration) and we already count with the png file in the ../X11/pixmaps directory.

Then the remotedesktopclient pet is unnecessary ttuuxxx, We already has it in 214X a menu entry for the tlc application is enough.

Note that rdesktop updated to 1.6 version worked very fine in my tests. This rdesktop update should be included in next release.

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#2674 Post by dejan555 »

Thanks clarf, adding ftp user worked.
This is usually set up in other releases so I thought that directory is moved somewhere else. Logging /w ftp://root:password@url also works, just haven't remembered to try that. I needed it for anonymous login anyway. stuff mirrored [url=]HERE[/url] or [url=]HERE[/url]
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#2675 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi clarf thanks for the test results :) I just spend my time trying to build new things for 2.14X, really I don't have the time to test everything, and its nice to have such a great report back :) Kind of does a full circle that way. Same with the Qt & apps still no responses back, that took about 2 days straight(around 36hrs) to build/upload. Oh well. Thanks anyways your sure are a great trooper for puppy :)
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#2676 Post by MinHundHettePerro »

Hello :)!

On rdesktop:
I have rdesktop-1.6 installed and run it from from a script-file (I only connect to my office XP-machine). The relevant line of the script is (the rest of the script just sets jwm-tray to height=small and to autohide, and restores the settings after the rdesktop-session)

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/rdesktop -u xxxxxxxx -b -k sv -a 24 -x l -g 800x600-4-24 -r disk:Arb_0=/mnt/hdb1/Arb_0/ ipi.pip.ipi.pip
and it works nicely, almost as good as when connecting from my home XP-installation to that same office XP-box.
The difference being that when connecting from my home XP-box I almost never lose the connection, while, when connecting from Puppy I frequently (a few times per hour) lose the connection and rdesktop stops responding and eventually exits.

So, my question, since rdesktop was brought up here, is: are there any switches to rdesktop that would enable any "keep-alive"-functionality that I have overlooked?

Cheers :)/
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#2677 Post by clarf »

dejan555 wrote:Thanks clarf, adding ftp user worked.
This is usually set up in other releases so I thought that directory is moved somewhere else. Logging /w ftp://root:password@url also works, just haven't remembered to try that. I needed it for anonymous login anyway.
I´m happy it worked for you dejan555. We should have a ftp user in 214X to avoid those problems :) .

I usually don´t use Firefox for authenticated FTP connections, I prefer to use gftp (already present in 214X). It is really flexible and ease to use, even support more protocols like SSH (off course using some SSH client).


Talking about SSH client, I found a small ssh client/server that has a smaller size and footprint than OpenSSH, its called dropbear. There´s a pet package here:

I installed this small pet (just 164 KB) and could set a SSH server in 214X just in seconds. The SSH client is good too, I could connect to some SSH servers without any problem. It also includes a keep alive parameter for a good Server administration. :)

It definitively should be included in 214X. And Barryk should consider its inclusion in Quirky.

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#2678 Post by clarf »

ttuuxxx wrote:Hi clarf thanks for the test results :) I just spend my time trying to build new things for 2.14X, really I don't have the time to test everything, and its nice to have such a great report back :) Kind of does a full circle that way. Same with the Qt & apps still no responses back, that took about 2 days straight(around 36hrs) to build/upload. Oh well. Thanks anyways your sure are a great trooper for puppy :)
Not problem ttuuxxx, your work is greatly appreciated. I´m downloading the Qt package and apps now, should give some feedback soon. :)

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#2679 Post by James C »

Since no one has reported anything about your QT apps, I just downloaded QT lite, qsimplesheet,OpenDocEditor,flashqard and fatrat. Haven't had a chance to test much yet but all apps except qsimplesheet launch from the menu.

Qsimplesheet had no menu entry but would launch from the terminal. I moved that one little file from/usr/local/apps to usr/share/apps and now have a menu entry.

It's getting a bit late here but I'll try to give everything a good test tomorrow.

Great job as usual. :)
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#2680 Post by ttuuxxx »

James C wrote:
Qsimplesheet had no menu entry but would launch from the terminal. I moved that one little file from/usr/local/apps to usr/share/apps and now have a menu entry.

It's getting a bit late here but I'll try to give everything a good test tomorrow.

Great job as usual. :)
thanks its been updated :)
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