Turbopup Xtreme v1.0 - The fastest dog on Earth

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives

#341 Post by oui »

Hi Hugh

Thank you for the info. I did use pwget to download the original turbopup and it is true: it works wonderfull (I am myself a great fan from "wget"; pwget is more comfortabel: no need from commando line operation :wink:
charlie6 wrote:Hi,
the download link for turbopup-Xtreme-v1.0 given on page 20 this thread does not answer. or is broken...

Can someone help
Thanks in advance ...and...
Happy New Year for everyone!

Hi Charlie

I did download the original Turbopup from link at page 1 and it did work pretty using pwget...

good luck...

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#342 Post by charlie6 »

Hi oui,
thanks for your quick reply
oui wrote:I did download the original Turbopup from link at page 1 and it did work pretty using pwget...
good luck...bye
went just to get a try on it...
but this link on page 1, first post under "CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD"
ftp://puppyiso:puppyiso456@ftp.servage. ... eme_v1.iso
does not work for me....even using PWGet...???
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#343 Post by fuf »

I am desperate to try this, but like many other people the download link doesn't work for me (with pwget or otherwise).

There are posts from months ago complaining about the download site, so why on earth hasn't it been uploaded somewhere else by now? There are dozens of free cyberlockers to choose from, surely it can't be that hard to provide some mirrors?

(sorry, don't mean to sound angry or ungrateful, but it is frustrating to have my slow progress learning about various distributions hindered in such a trivial way!)
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#344 Post by charlie6 »

sorry to be a bit insisting
on page 20 this thread:
panzerpuppy wrote:
But, unfortunately, it seems impossible to download it at the link in the first page, could someone kindly tell me if there are other links or mirrors? (of course, if any...).
The main download link works:
I should be missing something; I need some more explanation about how to download the iso from that link. Till now I could not get it.

Thanks for any answer.

Cheers, Charlie

#345 Post by oui »

fuf wrote:I am desperate to try this, but like many other people the download link doesn't work for me (with pwget or otherwise).

There are posts from months ago complaining about the download site, so why on earth hasn't it been uploaded somewhere else by now? There are dozens of free cyberlockers to choose from, surely it can't be that hard to provide some mirrors?

(sorry, don't mean to sound angry or ungrateful, but it is frustrating to have my slow progress learning about various distributions hindered in such a trivial way!)
I am not competent for the original turbopup 1.0 iso! I am sorry...

but I did remaster it for the PC of my wife and you can find my private remastered ISO -it is not to consider as a new version-, under following link:
oui wrote:Hi

I did remaster today Puppy420Xtr for me and my wife.

Iso size now: 240 MiO
download here: http://dl.free.fr/fnl4vWkzj . client: puppy, password "woofwoof" click on the linke named "Télécharger ce fichier"

Seamonkey 2.0: is going
Puppy-HTML-Viewer: stay also going (for this reason is SM 1.1.14 yet here! I don't know what exactly Puppy-HTML-Viewer needs from SM1.1.n)

aMSN-0.97.2-puppy4: is going
jre-1.6.0-11: is going (Yprolog.jar starts)
qemu 0.91: is going
Skype is going
Wine-1.1.14: is going
xaralx-07r1692.2: is going

I am loading the ISO on a free file sharing site for the case some one is interesting to use the ISO for is own usage: it is not a new puplet but only a remastering for my usage!

For French people etc:
you can see French TV-Reportage for example at France 2!
Open for example: http://jt.france.fr/20h
the terrible little window in the page "Aucune solution n'a été trouvée pour afficher ce contenu." appears with a "X" right at the bottom in the black field
click the X and turn the uggly little window down
a white field appears with the link on top left in blue "voir la video"
click on it with the RIGHT mouse button
select "copy link location"
open gxine
click on "file"
select "open MRL"
add the link in the entry fiels
click "ok" and enjoy your video :wink:

for poor Swiss people etc:
at Puppy Linux, Swiss people are really poor people because the "ch" did never be considered.
it is a beautiful and useful keyboard able to write correctly the most West European languages with the signs äáàãã ç éêèë iíîìï ñ oóôòö ß uúûùüũ yýÿ !
consequently Swiss people did not wait an eternity for good will from Puppy! the exceptionally good distributions Slitaz (30 Mio) and Debris Linux (180 MiO), both in 4 languages or more including Slitaz, with less than 30 MiO, are made principally by Swiss programmers probably needing her keyboard and mother tongue (the one is French speaking and the other is German and English speaking)

but Swiss people (and other people) can use their prefered keyboard if using Xorg (I did read that newest Xvesa versions does it also!). do following:

open /etc/X11/xorg.conf with leafpad

and complete following block as following

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc102"
Option "XkbLayout" "ch,us"
Option "XkbVariant" "fr,"
Option "XKbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"

in above case, I can commute between Swiss French keyboard and US keyboard pressing ALT+Shift (you can select 4 different keyboards)

I don't know if CUPS is going. I did have big difficulties with CUPS usb-connected with the IAD "fritz box" in the last weeks (connected with this IAD, more than one computer can see the printer as her own USB-printer; as puppy computer are all registered as puppy in the fritz box, it is possible that the dynamic connection of both computer and printer is eventually source of difficulties. but I did also read, that the last CUPS versions were not clean...)

good luck!

you can download it with the browser but it is slow (probably a special French definition of high speed DSL not considered as High speed DSL by foreign clients...).

perhaps it can help you a bit but it is more heavy and my add's are not optimized like the principal part from synth: there are completely normal *.PET's integrated.

I am sorry. I have not Puppy on this computer actually and can't help more for this reason!

good luck...

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#346 Post by synth »

### Coming Soon ###

-> Turbopup Xtreme v1.1 (still based on the good old kernel)

-> Quickie (LOL) - a brand new puplet based on Quirky-003
Last edited by synth on Sat 02 Jan 2010, 11:09, edited 2 times in total.
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#347 Post by bolle »

Synth, can you upload turbopup xtreme 1.0 onto another server?
this one seems to be down

#348 Post by oui »

Hi Synth

If I understand right, you are preparing an new version of your phenomenal Turbopup.

The French teatcher "Petihar" (see in the small French subdivision of the forum) did offer to us a very good Puplet 1.0 (is better as the following newer version :roll: ) and as he want to use it in the class room, he did upload:

not only a *.iso

but a *.ZIP file including an *.iso AND 4 main *.SFS needed in a good school... so that people don't have to search in the repositories for an adequate *.PET or *.SFS: the added files are tested by "Petihar" and ok!

as the repositories from Puppy are very complex now, I fand this way as absolutely ideal...

Teatchers need wine, java, flash plugin, qemu, a good video viewer, a drawing program like xara LX Xtrem or gimp.

older people need perhaps aMSN because of the video communication, Gnucash because it is the only one Linux software able to use Chip Cards for safe payments...

firefox or OO are not a real need:

the actual version of Seamonkey and Abiword or Gnumeric are really full performent, and I did never understand why the Linux people don't recognize the great quality of Magic Point!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!


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#349 Post by Shep »

charlie6 wrote:Hi,
sorry to be a bit insisting
on page 20 this thread:
panzerpuppy wrote:
But, unfortunately, it seems impossible to download it at the link in the first page, could someone kindly tell me if there are other links or mirrors? (of course, if any...).
The main download link works:
I should be missing something; I need some more explanation about how to download the iso from that link. Till now I could not get it.

Thanks for any answer.

Cheers, Charlie
Hi Charlie6. You needn't apologise for being insistent,
it's just that others are obviously not having the problems you seem to
be encountering.

Anyway, it is somewhat unusual for a URL, but should not be a
problem for most browsers.

I use wget on the commandline, as my internet is slow and I can
expect to lose the link at least once and I don't want to have to
start all over again.

Open a console, change to the directory where you want the .iso
to be stored, and at the prompt type this all on one line:
wget -c ftp://puppyiso:puppyiso456@ftp.servage. ... eme_v1.iso

That's how I do it. If the download gets interrupted, wget will resume
where it left off if you simply re-run that exact command from the
same directory.

To confirm this will work, I just tried it, and :oops: the file is missing
from the archive, so not much point in you trying to get it until this
is fixed!! :mrgreen:

Anyway, I've confirmed what you are saying, the file is not there!
Obviously, the synth doesn't realise this.
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#350 Post by charlie6 »

Hi synth, oui, shep !
Thank or your prompt answers ! again Happy New Year !

Yes, it would be nice to have v1.0 again uploaded somewhere. On the other hand I understand synth to place its priorities on v1.1 as uploading needs time.
Thanks anyway to synth for that promising v1.1 (in the while I plan to download the alpha2 to get a try on it from dotpup.de repository).

Cheers, Charlie
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#351 Post by synth »

*download links fixed*

Grab Turbopup Xtreme v1.0 from the link in the first post and enjoy the fastest Pup on Earth :)

Happy New Year
(and don't forget to post a YouTube video / review of Turbopup Xtreme) :D
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#352 Post by bolle »

Thank you so much Synth! :D
Reinstalling this on my old laptop!
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#353 Post by charlie6 »

Hi synth,
also thank you for re-uploading v1.0! Downloaded yesterday and frugal installed on old medion PIII 600MHz 192MB RAM + wine1.1.12 + 2 programs running on wine. All this uses ca. 20MB ram ! (ca. 200MB the same config with puppy4.1.2). This includes also CUPS installed as on your former post.

CUPS: I cannot help deleting a printer I have wrong installed using the on-line CUPS printer management - there is a "delete printer" selection tab, but I did not find how to activate it, so nothing happens. Did not find any help on CUPS website...

Cheers Charlie
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a tip for a new kernel

#354 Post by potchan »

Try bootcode puppy acpi=off (can be re-edited in the config file).
Perhaps it's not too late for the next version.
Timmo', the potchan (=opener) team at - [url]http://potchan.org[/url]. Taste it, love it, code in it.
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#355 Post by ngotango »

Which devx_XXX.sfs should I use with release 1?
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#356 Post by charlie6 »

Hi ngotango,
I believe devx_420.sfs will do
ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributio ... _modules-4
cheers, charlie

#357 Post by oui »


What is the way under consideration to check if the storage file pup_save.2fs has to be resized or not?

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#358 Post by charlie6 »

Hi oui, salut !
oui wrote:Hi
What is the way under consideration to check if the storage file pup_save.2fs has to be resized or not?
I have crawled across the forum and found that "freememapplet" is displaying the amount of pup_save.2fs free space in the menu bar right corner. See below link end of page 1 giving version 1.3:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... d9a3e2cb0f
I did not find how to get that value displayed in a terminal ( = the simpliest and less memory consuming way).
If not present in Turbopup (not checked) there is a freememapplet-1.0.pet (as also a 1.2.2 low cpu version..) available in the Pet Manager.
I suspect something to be done in jwm to get it displayed somewhere.

Needs some other advices.
Hope this helps in the meanwhile...
Amusements! Charlie
Last edited by charlie6 on Fri 08 Jan 2010, 09:06, edited 1 time in total.
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#359 Post by aragon »


try it with calcfreespace.sh in terminal.

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#360 Post by charlie6 »

Hallo aragon!
aragon wrote:charlie,
try it with calcfreespace.sh in terminal.
Thank you so much for your (Blitz)-xtreme-turbo-reply !
MfG, Charlie
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