Puppy Stardust 003

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Puppy Stardust 003

#1 Post by zigbert »

Puppy Stardust 003

Stardust 004 is release here

This is still Puppy 4.3.1 - thanks to Barry for this wonder-OS

Focus on desktop flow and user easiness.
- Desktop in DeepThougt taken to next stage.
- Cleanup in apps, menus and kilobytes.


Comments version 003
You've been heard :) , isomaster is back. More interesting is the new Puppy app; Pupradio by 01micko. This replaces Pstreamvid. The strength of Pupradio is that it streams both radio and tv.

Puppy Stardust supports now the newer Broadcom wifi devices. This work is done by tempestuous and jrl. This includes a huge driver pack (over 500kb compressed). The decision to include this driver is based on the number of downloads. It has been downloaded over 400 times from tempestuous' extra-pack-forum-post. I have overlooked the eee/netbook drivers at this stage. Pupeee is doing great.

The control-center now has a builtin service manager. You can start/stop programs that runs in the background and eats your cpu-resources. It is not yet complete, but still functional.

Puppy 4.3.1 has one weak point as I see it: In the Puppy 3 series the filesystem was checked at every boot. This lead of course to a long boot time, so it was removed for Puppy 4. Now there is reported mysterious errors that occurs because of filesystem errors inside the pup_save file. After started Puppy with pfix=fsck, errors are gone. So......How do you think we can solve this?

If you think; I want to help this ziggy-newbie, your ideas are welcome!!! Here is mine:
- icon theme in vector graphics for space saving.
- jwmconfig doesn't manage swallowed apps.
- alternative multimedia tools using ffmpeg.
- hunt more files we don't need.
- upgrade gui in some of the scripts.
- extend the control center.
- replacement of Gparted (901kb)
- boot Puppy with pfix=fsck
- compile mhwaveedit without libsndfile
- driver adds/updates
- ...
Your ideas are probably better.

The best wishes for the new year!

Changelog from Stardust 002:
# Isomaster is back
# added pupradio (01micko), seahaven
# removed glightoff, pstreamvid
# Services management in pcc.
# added wifi drivers for new Broadcom cards: (thanks to tempestuous and jrl)
# Updated 'Stardust' icon theme. Available as extra package. (thanks to 01micko)
# cups documentation are trimmed by 250kb (compressed). User-manual is still there.
# *-BB-Notused symlinks to busybox commands are removed.
# Improvements in Pwidgets. (thanks to 01micko)
# Print button in Ptray point to 'pcc -p print' instead of cups_shell.
# New Background tab in pcc with link to wallpaper and sidebar setter.
# removed shutdown button from Ptray.
# removed roxapp: play in pmusic. --> tha same as run-action.
# default sidebar is change to 'fadebar' --> not that massive on smaller screens
# removed timidity server start from alsa-service. Installs as own service from www-link.
# Bugfix: sfsconvert and psync was missing in the $PATH. (thanks to myman_05)
# Bugfix: 'Apply' Ptray --> rxvt becomes white and printer button changes action.
# Bugfix: Remaster button in pcc. (thanks to tasmod)
# Bugfix: reinstall 'Add icon/widget tray'. (thanks to tasmod)
# Bugfix: Wavplay symlink to aplay. (thanks to tasmod)
# Bugfix: Remove 'Polished-Blue' and 'Deepthought' gtk-theme. They Override gtk-progressbar-theme in gtkdialog.
# Bugfix: PCC: color definition in Puppy 4.3.1 (thanks to sasaqqdan)



If you have Puppy installed, you MUST run this with the prefix 'puppy pfix=ram'. Else, the Stardust desktop will not install.

username: puppy
password: linux

pup_stardust-003.iso (99Mb)
md5sum: 41f90d8a9a94f2d057ad283307f57e34

Here is the good old Stardust icon-theme updated for Puppy Stardust (thanks to 01micko)

The following list shows many items that is taken out of the iso. But, it is not as critical as it seems. Most of these are tiny apps, and you have not been aware of many of them. Simply because other apps do the job.

Aqualung has left, and Pmusic is back. Pmusic has evolved in both features and speed, so It is more a matter of longterm strategy. I hope it will be possible to build more around ffmpeg in the future. We could hopefully get rid of lidsnd, libsamplerate and maybe libxine...

Gadmin-Rsync is out as well, since it crashed on first run. I don't think Pbackup fill the backup issue completely. It would be wonderful if there exists a tiny but complete backup suit.

If you see something that you would have changed, added or removed, I will be very glad if you mentioned it. Because of my limited time, it would be best if you deliver the patch.... My knowledge of network/internet tools is close to zero, so these are nearly untouched.

This is meant to be a full featured user-oriented Puppy....Though, I have to admit that the biggest modem drivers is removed.

So what's added
- Stardust desktop environment - including pcc (Puppy control center) and Pwidgets
- Pwireless2 (replaces Pwireless)
- ATI graphic drivers
- Broadcom wifi drivers
- Pmusic (replaces aqualung)
- woo-ff
- printoxx
- floppy-formater (replaces floppy-format.sh)
- getez (replaces PmirrorGet)
- acpid
- gtkmoz (replaces PuppyBrowser)
- Pupradio (replaces pstreamvid)
- seahaven

And what does the Stardust-generator change
- Install desktop at first startup rather than keep it in the iso to save space
- snap desktop icons - medium grid
- simple Pmount facelift
- Xlock is fixed
- start pCD instead of defaultmediaplayer when click on audio-CD icon
- seamonkey buttons
- defaultaudioplayer is changed from aqualung to pmusic
- Updated P-series
- start timidity (if exist) daemon when alsa starts
- Net-setup goes to Pwireless2 for wireless configuration
- CD/DVD wizard is cleaned up
- Darker background color in: rxvt, geany, abiword

And of course, something had to leave
*** Programs ***
- aqualung
- libmad
- madplay
- burniso2cd
- cdp
- cgtkcalc
- didiwiki
- e3
- floppy-format.sh
- gcolor2 (color chooser)
- gdmap
- gexec
- gfnrename - maybe better than PRename, but this is bash and easy updated.
- glightoff
- gtkdialog markup editor - devx ???
- gtklogfileviewer - Does any script use anymore ???
- gtksourceview
- Isomaster - developer app, and Pburn does the basics
- Net-setup (old version)
- nicoedit
- pcdripper
- Pdisk - could maybe be in use by some wizard
- picpuz
- pictureviewer
- pmirror/mirdir
- pmwget (PMirrorget)
- pplog
- pstreamvid
- ptooltips - tool to show tooltips in gtkdialog - not longer in use
- PuppyBrowser
- PuppyPdf - Abiword does exactly the same
- Pwireless
- quisp
- rsync / gadmin-rsync - crashes on first run
- securetelnetshell
- tile
- waveplay - linked to aplay
- xAutoconnect - Pwireless2 should do the job
- xcalc
- xclipboard
- Xconsole
- xfontsel
- ycalc
- zfind

*** Trimming ***
- cdrkit - Pburn has very few dependencies
- libsnd (only mhwaveedit (aqualung) use libsnd)

*** Control panel has ditched some ***
- countrywizard
- XserverWizard
- wizardwizard
- And plenty of menu items

*** Graphics ***
- All wallpapers
- some Gtk-themes
- All Icon-themes
- many mini-icons

*** misc ***
- some apps NOT in control center has also lost their place in the menu
--> sfs-version-converter - warnings pointing to it is changed.
--> Pstopwatch - Ptimer should be enough.
- some documentation files
- some audio files
- the biggest modem drivers
- many fixed fonts

Puppy 4.3.1 Bugfixes
- Kill pid of wallpaper setter when closing window.
- Xlock - Lock screen.
- Shutdown / Reboot from menu after NFS error.
Last edited by zigbert on Fri 08 Jan 2010, 09:20, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by 01micko »

Hi Sigmund

Posting now from 003. 8)

Did manage to convince the wife to install it, so another tester :wink:

Did a resize of partition and frugal install with grub, all works as expected. She was running off usb stick before.

More later, must now install SM-2 so wifey can use all her facebook apps. :roll:

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#3 Post by 01micko »


Here 4.4MB (thanks gposil for hosting)

Checksum: de8e2ff08bca153ac0fedfed891b1d52 pup_stardust-002.iso:pup_stardust-003.iso.delta

I checked with a reconstructed iso and checksum matches zigbert's in the main post.

To use---
***best to have both files in same directory, make sure you have the space, over 200MB
*Open Xdelta from menu (in most later puppies, you can do it in running Stardust)
*Drag old pup_stardust-002.iso file to first entry
*Drag pup_stardust-002.iso:pup_stardust-003.iso.delta file to second entry
*you will find pup_stardust-003.iso in your directory
*check md5sum with zigbert's in main post
*burn, enjoy 8)

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#4 Post by DaveS »

I know you said before to stick with SM 1.1.18, but surely SM2 is the future? It works great in 4.3.1 etc.
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#5 Post by 01micko »

While SM-2 is good and stable there is the odd niggly bug, like you cant drag to a rox folder. In 1.1x you can do that with any file and wget will fire up and download that file to that location. I used to do that all the time, bit of a pain that I can't with SM-2 or FF-3.5x.

Like everything, pros and cons. :)
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#6 Post by zigbert »

Of course SM-1 is fading out...... but Stardust is not built to be bleeding edge. This is conservative stable stuff.

Thanks for the delta file.

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#7 Post by timremy »

hello zigbert

"but Stardust is not built to be bleeding edge. This is conservative stable stuff"

that is nice. stable and trusted. when you put 20 lbs of stuff in a 10 lb bag,

the bag breaks.

good luck.

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#8 Post by trio »


Posting this with stardust003 on my acer laptop. But I stil can't get wireless working on my compaq presario cq40, no drivers loaded...btw I am using usb stick on that compaq

Anyway, looking good and fast.

a little note: you'll get 2 blinkies (or blinky like) 1 is real blinky, another one is gtrayicon (comes built in with pwireless ??)

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#9 Post by trio »


I am posting from the compaq I mention, got it working, drivers are loaded, wireless works!

The problem is that I have to set the permissions of vmlinuz to be executables.....it is not set that way inside the iso (have no idea why)

Another note is that on this laptop there's only 1 blinky (the real blinky)


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#10 Post by 01micko »

Hey trio

Yeah the other blinky-like icon is provided with Pwireless2 by jemimah. Did you see the right click menu for it? Configure, about, quit.

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Can't download

#11 Post by mawebb88 »

"Concurrent download limit exceeded."

Is their an alternative download site?

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#12 Post by zigbert »

trio wrote:The problem is that I have to set the permissions of vmlinuz to be executables.....it is not set that way inside the iso (have no idea why)
I check some earlier puppies, and their wmlinuz is set to permission mode 644. Have you tried jrls iso????
mawebb88 wrote:Is their an alternative download site?
Not as far as I know. Sorry.

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#13 Post by zigbert »

Please tell me.
Would there be any problem if we auto-installed the firewall after first boot. The installer script doesn't need any user feedback, so I thought we could start it as a background process........or do the network configuration has to be set before the firewall installs properly???

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#14 Post by 01micko »

try again mawebb88, seems ok to me, just started download and I cancelled manually after 200kb.
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#15 Post by trio »


No, I haven't tried jrb's iso(??)

But usually the color of the word vmlinuz is green (executables), on yours it is black (not executables)....forgive me if I don't know further or if I am the only one with that problem...(so don't bother look for the cause)

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#16 Post by trio »

and you should just remove gtrayicon for the next release...it's confusing for new users
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tested good on three machines

#17 Post by prehistoric »

I've run Stardust 003 on three machines without problems. This is looking good.

I've already told Jemimah that the tray icon for Pwireless2 is too much like blinky. My suggestion is a radio icon like the one on the configure menu.

I'm of two minds about running firewall configuration automatically. First, this is the way I use it, just take the default settings, and set up a firewall from the beginning.

Second, when I get a device like a router or printer server which can't tolerate a firewall, because it needs an interactive web interface for configuration, I have been booting with "pfix=ram" just to configure that device. Automatically setting up a firewall would make such operations harder.

It might also defeat attempts to test an interface without a firewall when setting up an initial connection. (This is one of my standard fall-backs when I'm having trouble.) I don't want to make debugging harder in order to give lucky users a trivial advantage. (This is one of my complaints about Windoze.)

My suggestion is to reduce it to the simplest possible manual operation: yes/no, do you want to set up a default firewall now? At least that way everyone will know they are running a firewall. It would also be handy to tell users how they can disable the firewall, if ever needed, in the same dialog.
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#18 Post by zigbert »

prehistoric wrote:Second, when I get a device like a router or printer server which can't tolerate a firewall, because it needs an interactive web interface for configuration, I have been booting with "pfix=ram" just to configure that device. Automatically setting up a firewall would make such operations harder.
:D :D :D :D
Did you forget the new feature in Stardust?

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#19 Post by tasmod »

Still can't get virtual desktops to accept input.

Still shows corrupt config message.

I seem to have a problem with clock theme, it will not keep hands as dark, it changes back on apply.

Worldtime widget needs links changing in func file. It will not save settings else.

May I also suggest rox-right clicks for inclusion. I downloaded the pet and its great to have Geany back as right click.
Last edited by tasmod on Sat 02 Jan 2010, 20:59, edited 1 time in total.
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#20 Post by Eyes-Only »

Hi Zigbert,

WOW! :shock: And I really mean an "all eye-popping" WOW here! Once 4.2.* came out I never thought I'd ever see another Puppy that I could fully enjoy straight out of the box.

You've not only proven me wrong - but completely raised the bar here to a new height, a totally new level!

I'm beyond words to describe the beauty you've created here. What an artist! When my youngest daughter was looking for a Linux distro awhile back I got her started with 4.2.1 - I just wished your "Stardust" had been out then.

Keep up the fantastic work here, alright Zigbert? This is simply breath-taking and I applaud you your creativity and design!


"L'Peau-Rouge d'Acadie"
Proud user of LXpup and 3-Headed Dog. 8)
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