Puppy 1.0.8

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Puppy 1.0.8

#1 Post by Lobster »

Puppy 2 will need some work

Can we bring out a community based 1.0.8?
How long would it take?

What do we need?

We have Grafpup and Pizzapups empty crust
based on 1.0.7

So one of them could be the project leader
and use their distro as the basis

We also have KDE-Puppy (not really suitable because KDE is big)
but certainly possible for Puppy 1.0.9 - maybe
and Gnome Puppy from Kenny Revolutionist (not released yet)

Also Mean Puppy could be upgraded
I feel Pizzapups version is closer to 1.0.8
and John's too
- add the ALSA sound from puppyalpha2 and . . .

Can we do this?
Is this worth doing?
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#2 Post by kethd »

Step One is to compile a list of bugs in 1.0.7, known patches, etc. It is not clear to me that amounts to enough to warrant a 1.0.8.

If not, if the point of 1.0.8 is to ADD -- well, what??

I think as a group we could maybe manifest a package of fixes, but I don't think we are ready to go beyond that. Better to leave the status quo, of individual quirky releases for major functionality, other than what Barry does -- until we have a way as a group to decide serious things. We aren't big on decision-by-committee so far...

I think it would be too confusing for outsiders if 1.0.8 was not a close lineal descendent of 1.0.7, no major changes beyond fixes and minor improvements/additions.
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#3 Post by Auda »

For me 1.0.8 should be a full bug fix, nothing new just fix the bugs. This idea that a service pack should be released a couple of days after the main .iso is absurd, fix the bugs then release the version. If a bug is found fix it and release a minor version. Pkzip was like this I think 204g was the last dos version, yep all the way to g. Why not have the same here, 1.0.7b or c or d or whatever it takes ? Better to have one .iso than an .iso and a couple of bug fixes to apply after the install. . I know thats not the microsoft way but...
True those on a slow connection will have problems but ~50 megs will come down over night when you dont need the phone.

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#4 Post by vern72023 »

I think if we look at producing a 1.08 we need to make very sure that we dont get caught in the wibni syndrome.
There is a big difference between fixing major bugs and cosmetic changes

In running 1.07 (both with the 2.4 and 2.6 kernels) I have not encountered any real major bugs - my biggest problem was with wireless connections and the fix for me was to find the right card/driver combination rather than to modify the base distro

I would be interested in seeing a manifest of what is considerd to be in need of fixing, along with some sort of rating against each -critical, minor, cosmetic for example
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#5 Post by Flash »

I vote to include ALSA
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#6 Post by Pizzasgood »

I'm against using Empty Crust. As said above, it should be more of a bugfix type deal. But, using Empy Crust would just increase the bugs. It would also be redundant, since you'd just have to put everything back in. It would be faster to trim the edges than to rebuild from the crust.

Basically, we should figure out everthing that needs to be improved from 1.0.7 and just worry about that. Leave new features for Puppy2 or custom derivatives. Kind of a wrap-up (Codename: Wrap-Pup ;) ) to the first book so we can move on to the sequel with no loose ends.

I'll also decline the offer of being leader. Aside from not having time, I don't feel confident in that capacity. There's a difference between making my own derivative and the main-line.

As for bugs that need fixing, to my knoledge the most important is the reboot bug (which GuestToo posted instructions to "fixing" crudely). Fixing some of the traditionally crude icons would also be a good idea. I've posted a better MUT icon several times, and I believe Nathan used it it Graphpup too. There is also a green dot on the bottom right corner of the consol icon. If I remember right, the multimedia one was pretty garbled too. Also, the package mangager icon wasn't so hot either.

Well, that's all I can think of off the bat. I tend to no notice many bugs, probably partly due to the superbness of Puppy.
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#7 Post by klhrevolutionist »

Well, I am having issues with the gnome thing. File names are to long and squashfs won't read them ? So maybe put it on the backburner. As for an updated kde-puppy that "works", there really is no use. Most people can't use it so...

But a suggestion to this topic or foundation! A way to upgrade the kernel to 2.6.
I don't want to be mistaken, but I think it is possible to upgrade the kernel in other distro's, so I know it would be possible for puppy?
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#8 Post by MU »

I really like the KDE-Puppy and use it.

Concerning Gnome:
as I offerd, upload a tar.gz, that we might try.
For example you could rename long files for usr_more.sfs,and then create a Dotpup, that symlinks them.

mv FileWithVeryLongName.so 123.so
-> add to squashfs
ln -s 123.so FileWithVeryLongName.so

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#9 Post by Sage »

Careful perusal of Barry's daily news reviews would have made this thread redundant. Now this:
N Americans won't get to read the good news for another five hours or more. By that time, BK will be enjoying a well-earned rest!
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Beta 1.08 Mirror

#10 Post by Ted Dog »

Md5Sum:603aad31658d072ce00df909e268f73c puppy-1.0.8beta-mozilla.iso
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that Pup so frisky . . .

#11 Post by Lobster »

Hey that was quick - that Pup so frisky . . .

I look forward to using this whilst testing Puppy2 in short bursts :) :roll:
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#12 Post by flavour »

Cool a more polished release that includes ALSA!
- time to try Ekiga...

Can we also have a beta of the usr_devx.sfs?

I see that this also includes the Universal Installer & doesn't include the PCCC remastering script...is this deliberate?

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#13 Post by MU »

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test results on 1.0.8beta

#14 Post by PeterSieg »

Hi. seems to work as good as before. Exception jwm in conjunction with qemu... Don't know what happens in the background, that the whole system needs 10-20 seconds, before responding after x is running and desktop is displayed...

usr_devx.sfs (from 1.0.7) seems to work as well as webenv-0.4.pup...

But I really strongly believe, that Puppy needs a face lift! The background used was known in the beginnings of Linux.. I know it at least from 1994!

But I will start another thread in suggestions for that :)

Have fun :)
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#15 Post by BarryK »

flavour wrote:Cool a more polished release that includes ALSA!
- time to try Ekiga...

Can we also have a beta of the usr_devx.sfs?

I see that this also includes the Universal Installer & doesn't include the PCCC remastering script...is this deliberate?

No, that's a bug in the menu, as I copied the JWM menu from puppy2.
1.0.8beta does not have the Universal Installer, as that is puppy2-specific.
The install scripts and the remaster scripts will have to be run from the commandline.

I've posted more details on this bug on the Developer News page
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#16 Post by eMeRy »

It seems 1.0.8 will be out soon.
I settled down 1.0.7: installed it on an old hd and made it handy with lot of work. I won't like to start it from beginning and even won't every second month.
In case of hd install will be there any solution to upgrade from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8?
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#17 Post by babbs »

v1.0.8beta mirror at puppyfiles.us => ftp://puppyfiles.us/pub/releases/v1.0.8/

Reversion to 2.4.29 kernel

#18 Post by Guest »

In Barry's News for 19 Feb, he reports that 1.0.8 will be reverting to the 2.4.29 kernel to fix the problems with wireless. There are reports on the internet of Slackware 10.2 and ndiswrapper working together successfully (10.2 uses the 2.4.31 kernel). Presumably the Slackware combination of kernel parameters avoids the problem that Puppy has encountered.
Pity to lose some of the goodies that 2.4.31 offers, but that's life I guess.
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#19 Post by BlackAdder »

Have just checked out wireless with Puppy2 Alpha (same code base as 1.0.8 ) using an adapter supported by the built in AT76C503 driver. Did not crash the kernel, but no joy using wireless either. Sort of gets halfway, shows a wireless device but the device cannot be configured.
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Re: Reversion to 2.4.29 kernel

#20 Post by BarryK »

Anonymous wrote:In Barry's News for 19 Feb, he reports that 1.0.8 will be reverting to the 2.4.29 kernel to fix the problems with wireless. There are reports on the internet of Slackware 10.2 and ndiswrapper working together successfully (10.2 uses the 2.4.31 kernel). Presumably the Slackware combination of kernel parameters avoids the problem that Puppy has encountered.
Pity to lose some of the goodies that 2.4.31 offers, but that's life I guess.
I read a posting somewhere, someone had trouble with ndiswrapper on Slackware 10.2, and his solution was to use the "bare.i" 2.4.31 kernel, and if I
recall rightly, he also had to do "acpi=off". he said that the "scsi kernel" that he
normally uses doesn't work.
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