Persistent Opera Cookies -- unique to Linux?

Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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Persistent Opera Cookies -- unique to Linux?

#1 Post by DemostiX »

Despite checking "Delete new cookies when exiting Opera", I have many old cookies. Is this due to occasional improper exits and kills, and there being no facility to remove all cookies except with the individual cookie edit page? Or is this Puppy-specific?

Opera 10.10 with Puppy 4.31, booted and operating from ext 3 formatted partition on USB stick . Opera is in /mnt/home/opera, which includes /profile.

Yes, I have searched this on the web and at Opera, and find no reference to what I see here.

Suggestions of other files to monitor / delete for privacy? I see the /Opera/Profile/Icons sub directory seems to track history by recording urls for all visited web-sites.
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Location: Greece

#2 Post by Michalis »

It says: "Delete new cookies when exiting Opera" So it removes only the ones after the time you tick them or the current session. It works to me perfectly, never had any problem.
Edit: to delete the previous cookies tools->preferences->advance->cookies->manage cookies->delete each one.

For privacy you need also to delete the cache folder, tools->preferences->advance->history->disk cache->remove (and if you want "closed"). The icons folder I don't think is necessary but if you are so concerned delete it after any session.

Edit: also do: tools->preferences->advance->history->visited pages->zero and not to remember the content.

I have an opera package which is preconfigured this way in case you want Opera version 10.10 portable and customized and you can read how it works in this thread.
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