Dropbox - File Storage & Sync

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Dropbox - File Storage & Sync

#1 Post by rameshiyer »

Dropbox allows you to sync your files online and across your computers automatically. They are giving 2 GB free storage space.

I need a linux pet package for install Linux pet package in my Puppy/Quirky. Linux Link is given below


If able to install in Puppy/Quirky, I hope very useful to all of us.

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#2 Post by MrToad »


Have a look at this page:


About half-way down is a post by Billwho? which contains a link for a Dropbox pet package. I installed it a few weeks ago in my standard Puppy 4.21 and so far it has worked well and without any problems.

Actually, there WAS a problem - me... :-(

This was because I decided to move my Dropbox folder out of my Puppy savefile and symlink it back in (some Puppy users regularly do this sort of thing in order to keep data separate from the pupsave file) - but I didn't quite get the linking right the first time and Dropbox assumed I wanted the contents of the Dropbox folder synced to emptiness... and so the contents were immediately deleted... Fortunately once I fixed my symlink error I was able to undelete everything via one of the options I found when I logged into the Dropbox web interface with my browser, and all was well once again.

I mention this just in case anybody seeing this post makes the same sort of mistake as I did, and wonders if they can get their data back.

Hope this helps.




#3 Post by rameshiyer »


Thank you for the your link provided to me . I will download the same and install in my PC. If it works, it is really good. Dropbox is great services. If integrate with Puppy, it is very good. I will get back to you on Monday with my feedback.



#4 Post by rameshiyer »

Dear MrToad

I have installed the Dropbox and working perfectly. Only minor problem, open folder in Menu is not working. In order to open Dropbox folder, I have to use File Manager. Only this minor problem, otherwise, everything working fine. Thank you for the help.

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#5 Post by MrToad »


You're quite right: I must confess I never tried that "Open Dropbox Folder" menu option until now as I keep an icon for my Dropbox folder just above the Dropbox tray icon and I routinely click *that* rather than open the Dropbox menu... I'm sorry that my earlier post saying "it worked well and without problems" was a bit misleading as a result.

Anyway I'm glad to hear that it installed OK and everything else is working fine. Thanks for letting me know :-)


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#6 Post by Billwho? »

Hmmm since I have have always just used a symink to /root/Dropbox on my desktop I have never tried the "Open Dropbox Folder" menu option myself. I have now tried it with the same results myself.

When I started Dropbox from the command line tonight I was greeted with the following error message

Code: Select all

# dropbox
process 25293: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: Failed to open "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id": No such file or directory
See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue.
A search of my copy of Puppy could not find dbus. I am not really a dev just someone who has mucked about with the occasional generic binary trying to get it to work for myself and if successful have posted it for others to use if they like so am only ever guessing. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way; I am guessing that dbus is a required dependency for this part only of Dropbox. When I get a chance I will test my theory in a clean install of 421 But this may be a while as unfortunately I have other jobs higher on the priority list at the moment.
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#7 Post by MrToad »


First, thanks for giving us ordinary users the Dropbox dotpet!

I just saw your latest post so I thought I'd pass on the following info in case it helps in any way.

Yesterday I ran Dropbox in a terminal in 4.21 and it told me it wanted dbus (as you too have since discovered). So I found a dbus dotpet and installed it. This time the command ran in the terminal without any messages. I right-clicked the tray-icon and left-clicked on "Open Dropbox Folder": as before, no window opened. Interestingly, there was no message in the terminal either.

However, on checking the dotpet for dependencies using the appropriate button in the Puppy Package Manager, it told me it needed glib. So I found and installed a dbus_glib dotpet. The dependency checker in the Puppy Package Manager now informed me that "It seems that all the dependencies required for this package are installed." However, rebooting and then clicking on the "Open Dropbox Folder" menu option in the tray-icon still did not open the Dropbox folder.

The dbus dotpet I used was dbus-1.0.2 (which I found in the "Official Puppy 3" section of the 4.21 Puppy Package Manager). I also used dbus_glib-0.73 (from the same place).

Like you I symlink to my Dropbox from an icon that I keep on my desktop just above the tray-icon, so this is no big deal - I never even noticed that tray-icon menu item until a few days ago - but if and when you have a moment free, perfection would be nice... ;-)


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#8 Post by Billwho? »

First, thanks for giving us ordinary users the Dropbox dotpet!
You are welcome but I am only an ordinary user myself. Still can't read bash scripts.
perfection would be nice... :wink:
Yes it would but I think we may be out of luck now. You have already done what I was planning when I got time. So things don't look good. I will still have a poke around when I get a chance but unless something jumps up an bites me on the Kneecap or one of the true Devs happens to find this thread we may be out of luck :cry:
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dropbox on puppy 4.3

#9 Post by puttingau »

I followed the advice in
but can't make it work in puppy 4.31.
Billywho?'s pet installs OK, but icon sits there inert in the tray.
I installed the icewm pet, but was not sure how to "switch window managers". I tried changing the /etc/windowmanager file to icewm, but this rendered the shutdown menu inoperable.
Exiting to the command prompt and entering "xwin icewm" got me the icewm window manager, but no dropbox icon.
resuming jwm I can't get the icon to show, but running ./dropboxd from a terminal shows tells me a dropbox instance is running.
However, there is no sight of a dropbox folder
Would love some help.

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Dropbox pet problem

#10 Post by puttingau »

When I uninstalled the pet, and used somers method (just downloaded and ran the binaries), the problem went away..
This is a eee900 running on puppy 4.31.

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#11 Post by piteapup »

igot the dropbox .pet -installed on a full hdd install of browserlinux 0909 (4.1.2)-could not get it to work at all,after a few reboots i decided to remove it-tried to boot again-now both xorg wizard+xvesa throw me back to cmd line--any ideas?

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