Howto use the Framebuffer with Puppy 430/431

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Howto use the Framebuffer with Puppy 430/431

#1 Post by aragon »

0. Intro
The linux-framebuffer is an abstraction-layer that could be used to enlarge the capabilities of the commandline-interface. it could be used to display graphics (some of us know the tux on bootup) or to change the resolution of the cli. normally puppy is configured to boot with a resolution of 640 x 480. By using the framebuffer, you could enlarge this to use the native resolution of your monitor.

Puppy does not enable the framebuffer by default but at least for 430/431 it is 'relatively' easy to make the needed changes.

But be aware that you'll need to edit the initrd.gz and the pup-430.sfs / pup-431.sfs.
Read carefully and as STEP 1! Use at your own risk, maybe try it with a 'clean' system first.

1. Create a working-directory (Linux-Partition)

2. unpack initrd.gz
a) copy initrd.gz to you working directory
b) open a terminal in your working-directory

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mkdir initdir
cd initdir
zcat ../initrd.gz | cpio -i -d
you should now have copied the content of the initrd.gz to initdir.

3. unpack pup-430.sfs
Note: as you probably want to make changes for the version you're running, you cannot mount the sfs by clicking, as it is allready mounted.
a) copy pup-430.sfs to /tmp
b) rename it to pup-430x.sfs
c) click on pup-430x.sfs to mount it.
d) create a subdir pup-430 in your working directory.
e) open a terminal

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copy -r /mnt/pup-430x/* /WORKINGDIR/pup-430
d) click on pup-430x.sfs to unmount it.

you're now prepared to apply the changes. i will use INITDIR and PUPDIR as names for our subdirectories. If i only use pup-430.. in the following, it allways means pup-430/pup-431...

4. copy framebuffer-devices
we need the framebuffer-devices in initrd.gz to be able to use it on bootup.
a) open a terminal

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cp /PUPDIR/dev/fb* /INITDIR/dev
EDIT 20100127: changed mv to cp as we need the devices in PUPDIR and INITDIR.

5. move modules
we need the kernel-modules in initrd.gz.
a) open a terminal

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mv /PUPDIR/lib/modules/ /INITDIR/lib/modules/
6. Update modules.dep
a) open /INITDIR/lib/modules/
b) paste the following at the end of the file

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/lib/modules/ /lib/modules/
/lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/
c) save

7. Load module fbcon in init
a) open /INITDIR/init and add the following to line 253

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modprobe fbcon
b) save the file.

Note: It does not need to be Line 253, but you should use a line at the beginning of the init as you'll have a black screen until fbcon is loaded.

8. resquash PUPDIR
a) open your working-directory in a terminal

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dir2sfs pup-430
b) you'll get a wrong named file pup-430_430.sfs. rename it to pup-430.sfs

Your new sfs is ready.

9. repack initrd.gz
a) open your working-directory in a terminal

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cd initdir
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > ../initrd.gz 
Your new initrd.gz is ready.

10. Exchange Files
a) Boot from a Live-CD with puppy pfix=ram
b) Backup the 'old' initrd.gz and pup-430/431.sfs.
c) Copy the new initrd.gz and pup-430/431.sfs to your regular boot-drive (and subfolder).

11. Edit your boot-config file
You now have to edit your boot-config file. This could be menu.lst / syslinux.cfg /isolinux.cfg
a) backup the 'old' file.
b) add

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to the line where the initrd.gz is 'called', as example

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append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash vga=0x314
in my syslinux-config. See '10.1 VGA-Options' for possible values. You could also add

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in a first run. If so you will be asked to choose a parameter from a list. You could then append that setting in a second run to your boot-config file.

If you want to remaster a cd (isolinux.cfg) it might be best, to always choose 'vga=ask'.
c) save

10.1 VGA-Options
There are 2 ways to call an vga-option, you will have to find out yourself, which one works for you. For me, values from the first list work. It might be a little trial and error.

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Colours |640x480 | 800x600 | 1024x768 | 1152x864 | 1280x1024
08 bits | 0x301  |  0x303  |   0x305  |  0x161   |   0x307
15 bits | 0x310  |  0x313  |   0x316  |  0x162   |   0x319
16 bits | 0x311  |  0x314  |   0x317  |  0x163   |   0x31A

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vga = normal 
1024x768x64k: vga=791
1024x768x32k: vga=790
1024x768x256: vga=773
800x600x64k:  vga=788
800x600x32k:  vga=787
800x600x256:  vga=771
640x480x64k:  vga=785
640x480x32k:  vga=784
640x480x256:  vga=769
If your looking for another resolution, google will be your friend.

11. Reboot

If everything went well, you could now use your cli with a better resolution.

THANKS: My thanks go to Pizzasgood. Most parts of this howto is based on his docs for pebble

Last edited by aragon on Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:11, edited 2 times in total.
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#2 Post by aragon »

Does anybody know, why devices in /dev that are in the initrd.gz (but not in the pup-file), are not show in /dev?

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#3 Post by Flash »

Aragon, could you add a bit about what framebuffer is and why it might be useful? Some people might not realize they need it. :)
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#4 Post by aragon »

will try to...

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#5 Post by amigo »

Devices in the intrd are completely separate from the main system. What happens in the initrd is not automatically apparent to the main system, though what happens there is not forgotten by the kernel.
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#6 Post by aragon »

amigo wrote:Devices in the intrd are completely separate from the main system. What happens in the initrd is not automatically apparent to the main system, though what happens there is not forgotten by the kernel.
thanks for the explanation. so we just copy over the fb-devices from PUPDIR to INITDIR.

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#7 Post by amigo »

Yeah, or use mknod to create them -you'd have to look up the specs for the framebuffer devices -you can llok in MAKEDEV or look them up in the table in the kernel sources under Documentation/devices.txt
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#8 Post by aragon »

yup, should be

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mknod /dev/fb[NO] c 29 [NO x 32]

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mknod /dev/fb0 c 29 0
mknod /dev/fb1 c 29 32
mknod /dev/fb2 c 29 64

EDIT: fixed typo missing c

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#9 Post by amigo »

Understand, it wasn't because of laziness that I didn't simply look them up and tell you -I just didn't want to take away your joy at finding them yourself... LOL
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#10 Post by aragon »

amigo wrote:Understand, it wasn't because of laziness that I didn't simply look them up and tell you -I just didn't want to take away your joy at finding them yourself... LOL
he he, yes but this time i got them allready in my snippets... :wink:
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#11 Post by foreirongold »

Thanks for the tutorial, but how would you do this on a full hard drive install (no initrd)?

The modules and dependencies seem to be there already but I can't seem to find a good spot to load fbcon; as soon as "starting..." comes up on the console an undefined resolution error appears (using vga=773 in menu.lst). I'm guessing busybox needs to load fbcon straight away, but is that a simple matter of finding another init file and sticking it in or would I need to recompile the kernel with fbcon built-in?
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#12 Post by aragon »

foreirongold wrote:The modules and dependencies seem to be there already but I can't seem to find a good spot to load fbcon; as soon as "starting..." comes up on the console an undefined resolution error appears (using vga=773 in menu.lst).
try to use a value from the first table like

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in menu.lst. i have the same problem as mentioned and for me the values from the first table work.

good luck

#13 Post by jplt »


does this method work in the new puppy's (puppy precise) ?

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#14 Post by Keef »

Bit late with a response, but just in case it is useful...
Framebuffer is enabled in Precise. In order to use it, use for example

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on the kernel line in your grub menu or equivalent.

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does not work, well it does until the kernel module kicks in then it reverts to 640x480, which must be a default.
Only found out what was going on today.
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#15 Post by Karl Godt »

which must be a default.
Yes it is compiled into the kernel:

That wasn't always there , Lupu kernel with common intel graphics i915 modeset=1 really gives a console after fbcon.ko loaded of 132x60 lines instead of the default 80x32 .
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#16 Post by Keef »

My little brain had got confused by all this kernel modesetting stuff. The only kernel compiling I have done is to enable the framebuffer console (for 301, 412 and a Wary kernel or two).
This explained it for me
I looked at /var/log/messages and noticed the video=640x480 line which gave the game away.
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#17 Post by Chili Dog »

Does this work with Slacko?
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