lameSMBxplorer v0.2.2 beta

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#61 Post by ecomoney »

Wow, now that's working together! What a great example to set to other developers (mentioning no names) 8) :)

Patriot, you have created an attractive and easy to use GUI, while the strengths of pnethood is that the code is tested, complete and stable. Both are equality important in my experience. Patriot, perhaps, with Zigberts help, you could use some the already tested back end code from pnethood in this project to speed the development time on this one.
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Re: config file

#62 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....
ecomoney could use some the already tested back end code from pnethood ...
Some of the basic ideas were derived from pnethood (I'm always open to good ideas). I intend this to be small and reasonably fast, so, code wise, lameSMBxplorer is written using my own lame style ... ;)
shinobar wrote:... i think lameSMB.cfg in lameSMBxplorer directory is better to hold default values without change, and personal settings are placed at $HOME, for example $HOME/.config/lameSMBxplorer/lameSMB.cfg
Yes, I understand the reasoning ... let me think it over ... Thanks.
disciple wrote: - the option to save user/password doesn't actually seem to work.
- the colour of the icons in the main window doesn't update when you mount/unmount a share, only when you restart lameSMBmount.
- after closing the main window (can only be done using the window manager's close button), you can still use the buttons to connect/disconnect/explore, but if you do then the gui doesn't update (to change which button is greyed out), and when you close the window it doesn't exit cleanly.
1. To save domain/user/password, enter the details, enable Save user/password option and press the OK button. To remove from config file, disable Save user/password option and press OK button. Could you briefly let me know how to bork it? I use this option regularly and it hasn't bork on me yet.
2. Yes, I'm aware of that ... The mount dialogs were designed to allow multiple opened windows, so it needs a different update method ... I'm evaluating the final two methods for updating the icons. This will be implemented in the next release.
3. Thanks for highlighting this. Unfortunately, clicking the main window caption close button is equal to gtkdialog3 hard abort and I couldn't find a way to override it ... so, I'll add an abort handler for now ...

I've also found a couple of typo errors (my bad) ... I'll wait for another 24hours for more bug reports (if any) before releasing an update ...

In the meantime, I've been using nmbd as a background browse cache (while looking into disciple's bug report, I understood a little bit more of nmbd functions). Now, I seem to get a nice speed boost when scanning for shares with it ... I've dropped the plan of writing my own browse cache script to cut down on development time ... It may take a little while before I package this thing up ...

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#63 Post by ttuuxxx »

I added "Delete Saved Options" that removes /root/.lameSMB.cfg when clicked
also I removed the cleanup message window, because it doesn't go away unless you click cancel, and that gives the feeling like its not finished cleaning and I'm doing something wrong, So I figure its better just not to know about it and let it do its stuff in the background :)
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#64 Post by disciple »

1. To save domain/user/password, enter the details, enable Save user/password option and press the OK button. To remove from config file, disable Save user/password option and press OK button. Could you briefly let me know how to bork it? I use this option regularly and it hasn't bork on me yet.
Ah, sorry - I think it just saves the global user name and password... for some reason I was expecting it to save the user name and password for individual shares. I can't imagine there would be huge demand for that anyway :)
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released: lameSMBxplorer v0.1.7 beta

#65 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

lameSMBxplorer v0.1.7 beta is a bugfix release resolving issues reported for the previous version.

Previously, some of you may have notice that the mounted icon status does not update
until you click on the server/machine list after mounting/unmounting. The issue is resolved
now (almost). There could be times where the icons are not updated immediately, but it will
be as soon as the main window receives focus. This is just one of gtkdialog3 limitations.

Changelog for v0.1.7 beta:
- added: option to not scan on startup.
- added: mounted icon status update event.
- bugfix: global vars typo error.
- bugfix: window caption close button (abort) detection. (disciple)
- changed: lameSMB.cfg moved to $HOME directory. (shinobar)

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#66 Post by Béèm »

Just tried the 0.1.6 verson.
After scanning (userid root) my shares are seen, but I can't mount them.
My shares aren't protected by a userid/passw.

With pnethood I don't have a problem mounting a share.
Scanning (userid root) shares are found and I can mount them without giving a userd/passw
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#67 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

Interesting ... please let me know the puppy version in use, the windows/samba version for the shares and if its a NAS, manufacturer/model/fw version ...

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#68 Post by Béèm »

:oops: I know I should have mentioned it.
Dpup 484 beta4 on a Thinkkpad R40
Windows shares on XP SP2. PC Medion MD8818, 1GB ram
It's not a NAS,
Connection through a wireless router.


I have to :oops: again, but not entirely.

I tried to connect to one of the shares which was in the list found.
This list is probably known inside the XP from previous connections.
The share is an external HDD, which at the time I tried wasn't connected.
Strange isn't it?

Having realized this, I tried to connect to a share which is on the internal HDD. To this share I can connect. ouf.

So remains the issue, why lameSMBexplorer did find a share which isn't connected physically to that Windows XP PC.

P.S. Anyway a nice utility.
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#69 Post by HairyWill »

ecomoney wrote:Patriot, perhaps, with Zigberts help, you could use some the already tested back end code from pnethood in this project to speed the development time on this one.
The code in lameSMBxplorer is much easier to read than pnethood which intermingles state and action with gtkdialog gui generation. I would regard pnethood as a good example of how not to generate a gtkdialog gui. I am sure that zigbert will not take offense at this ;) ;).

Personally I think the pnethood thread's main value is in providing corner cases and real life usage scenarios.
Patriot wrote:ii) Unfortunately, gtkdialog3 does not offer this functionality.
iv) If there's a real need, yes ... I'd like to keep it simple for now until it's reasonably stable ...
v) Ok, I'll add where appropriate ...
ii) I didn't think it would

iv) makes sense to me I just wanted to keep it in the frame for when everything else works. Of particular interest to me is being able to specify ro. There is also a linux samba server at work that is quite fussy about userids and permissions so those options might be useful . I've never had a pressing need to get it to work properly so I don't actually have much experience with them.

v) appreciated, this will probably help to get better debugging feedback. When I was working on psip I also included a debug log option that tared up all the temporary files to make it easy for someone to post to me. Obviously you need to be a careful to make sure that there are no passwords included.

Another usecase.
Reconnect to this share on boot.

I know I keep giving more use cases which makes the program more complicated for newbies. I think pnethoods success was in giving the user very few options which made it simple to use. Mainly this was because I wasn't aware of many of the more complicated scenarios and I just used smbmount, cifs and smbclient as black boxes without having a proper understanding of smb and windows networking. VLC allows the user to specify their experience level and then modifies the options available to them accordingly.

testing 0.1.7
After first run I turned on do not scan on startup and got

Code: Select all

# lameSMBxplorer 
/usr/local/bin/lameSMBxplorer: line 112: [: /var/cache/samba/gencache.tdb: binary operator expected
cp: cannot create regular file `/var/cache/samba/gencache.tdb\n/var/opt/samba.old/locks/unexpected.tdb': No such file or directory
looks like a badly escaped linefeed
no servers were shown in the gui
is this option supposed to use a cached view of the servers and shares available. At the time I already had a shared mounted, at the very least I would have liked to have been shown this and been able to view/unmount.

If I have specified a username/password is it not possible for these to be used by the right-click fast access?
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#70 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....
Béèm wrote:...So remains the issue, why lameSMBexplorer did find a share
which isn't connected physically to that Windows XP PC.
That's normal ... That happens due to how shares are stored in the windows registry. It also happens if you delete a shared folder before un-sharing it first ...

BTW, I haven't had the chance to work on your previous issue yet ... please be patient while I figure out what goes on behind the scene ...
HairyWill wrote:Reconnect to this share on boot.
An add-on script to handle quickmount/automount is being worked on. I couldn't give a time frame to completion yet. All I can say is that the quickmount protoype is already done but the automount prototype is not.
HairyWill wrote:looks like a badly escaped linefeed
no servers were shown in the gui
is this option supposed to use a cached view of the servers and shares available
I'm guessing that the samba package was previously upgraded with a different compile config and a backup was made. The backup file (in /var/samba.old/locks/) would cause the linefeed. That would explain why it borks ...

Anyhow, the gencache reset section is now fixed and improved for next update.

As for the no startup scan option, I meant for it to be a manual scan method. Useful for cases where one does not want to save the passwords but to enter them before scanning certain protected shares ... lameSMBxplorer does not keep any working or cached data. All temporary files are removed upon exit. If it is a cause for confusion, then I should remove this option ...
HairyWill wrote:If I have specified a username/password is it not possible for
these to be used by the right-click fast access?
It is possible, but, I've also considered the scenario where protected shares in a workgroup (peer-to-peer) would require different credentials. It seems simpler for me to have a standard usage behaviour to mount simple shares and protected shares ...

I am anticipating that the add-on scripts (once completed) will be able to fill in the gap, so having it done this way now will reduce unnecessary coding. (The script have already grown to slightly more than double in size between 0.1.1 alpha and 0.1.7 beta. I'm trying to balance between functionality, usability, size and speed here ...)

Again, my thanks goes to everyone who have tested it and provided me with useful input ...

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#71 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

There were two issues reported previously which have been fixed and currently going through some internal test runs :

1. WinXP shares listing not found (Beem)
2. gencache reset error if copies are found (Will)

I have also requested Beem to help make a few test runs and now am awaiting the test results from Beem. The next update will be released once Beem have verified that the issue have been resolved ...

Update: Haven't heard anything from Beem after several days now, so I'm assuming it's working ok .....

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released: lameSMBxplorer v0.1.8 beta

#72 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

lameSMBxplorer v0.1.8 beta should resolve the two recently reported bugs.

Changelog for v0.1.8 beta:
- bugfix: improved live nmbd check before gencache reset. (Will)
- bugfix: WinXP shares not listed due to borked (guest) username parsing. (Beem)
- changed: option to not scan on startup removed.
- changed: exit silently if closed from window caption close button.

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#73 Post by disciple »

An add-on script to handle quickmount/automount is being worked on. I couldn't give a time frame to completion yet. All I can say is that the quickmount protoype is already done but the automount prototype is not.
I was thinking people might like some sort of generic roxapp that could be used for desktop icons like the desktop drive icons (click on a share to mount and open, unmount from the right-click menu), but more simple/manual... no automatic adding of icons or automatic searching for shares - you just copy the roxapp for each share and manually put the path, username etc either in a gui access from the right-click menu, or just in a text file.

But maybe things like desktop icons would be better accomplished as a plugin for lameSMBxplorer. Would that be easy? How will lameSMBxplorer interface with your plugins?
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#74 Post by HairyWill »

after some cursory testing 0.1.8 works well for me

I see you are echoing the smbclient and mount commands to the console, excellent, looks like just the right level of information.
if share is already mounted then double right click opens it in rox even if it is password protected, nice.

once reaching stable (I think you might be there) you might consider (I expect you already have, don't bother replying):
1) internationalisation
2) echoing the nbtscan commands to the console as well (for those with funky network setups)
3) allowing the user to increase the nbtscan time
4) You have packaged the app like a roxapp but the permissions are wrong chmod -R 770 lameSMBxplorer should do the trick. It was Dougal who originally repackaged pnethood as a roxapp. Considering that it depends on several external commands being available I never quite understood the benefit in being a roxapp. The standard location for roxapps in the puppys I have played with is /usr/local/apps/
5) I see there is a readme.txt in the application directory. But there is currently no help available in the application
Patriot wrote:Maybe I should add a button that make some coffee and sandwiches too ?
This isn't working properly for me and blocks release to a stable version, please include a tea button as well
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#75 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

Thanks for your comments ... noted and appreciated (yes, localisation already considered for inclusion once finalized) ...
disciple wrote:I was thinking people might like some sort of generic roxapp that could be used for desktop icons .....
I was thinking along the same lines before and the reason for it being packaged like a (dormant) rox app, but I haven't had the time to properly design the interfaces yet (and there's also issues with the pinboard icon placement system that needs looking into) ... It's now in the freezer until I have time to sort it out ...
.....How will lameSMBxplorer interface with your plugins?
The "plug-ins" are now complete but were re-written to run as standalone app ... The good news is that both quickmounting and automounting are working to (my) expectations ...

There's only one issue left to resolve before I release the plug-in. There is an oversight in rc.shutdown whereby init.d scripts are only invoked after the network config shuts down (affects all puppy 4 series) ... this results in a shutdown delay from anywhere between 30 secs and up-to several minutes as the unmounting is done from init.d ... (yeah, that means anything in init.d that requires network access will also bork out during shutdowns)

To resolve this issue, I have implemented an option to patch rc.shutdown from within the plug-in utility ... It is undergoing internal tests with puppy 412, 421 and 431 and I expect to be able to make a release in a couple of days ...

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#76 Post by eden6000 »

HI Patriot, there is a bug (I suppose) in latest 0.1.8 beta: if I double right click on a share it answers "unable to mount ....; please check you username/password", both parameters are regularly saved, infact if I double left-click, connect and mount, everything works.
Ah, I didn't try this in previous versions, so I don't know if it used to work...
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#77 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....


Thanks for the report ... but it's actually not a bug. Global username/password is not used for fast mount-n-explore. The reason is to have a standard mount behavior for protected shares, so protected shares needs to be mounted using the normal mount dialog first. Once mounted, fast mount-n-explore (right double-click) will work fine.

HairyWill asked me about this recently and I believe it's better to leave it this way (at least for now) for the more common situations where protected shares in a decentralized peer-to-peer that would need different credentials (as the global credential is only good for one centralized resources).

Only protected shares have this limitation. Fast mount-n-explore works fine with open shares ... In the future, I will figure out a better way to handle multiple credentials and remove this limitation ...

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released: lameSMBxplorer v0.2.0 beta

#78 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

lameSMBxplorer v0.2.0 beta introduces a new add-on utility: lameSMBqmount and the automount script, rc.smbqmsvc. While they were originally planned as a plug-in addon, it has been re-designed as a standalone utility to provide functionality in areas where lameSMBxplorer could not easily provide without gaining excess cellulite ... lameSMBqmount is meant to allow quickmounting without any scanning function. It also provides the interface for selecting a required shares for automounting on startup.

For this release, they are combined into a single package. In the future, they may be released as individual packages if there's a need ... Kindly go to the first page of this thread to give it a test run. I'd appreciate any input, bugs, feedbacks and suggestions that you may have ...

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#79 Post by eden6000 »

Hi Patriot, thanks for your answer, I understand what is the rationale there...btw I tried your latest 0.2.0, very good idea the one of quickmounting a share...actually in my network there are more than a hundred servers, but what I need is, almost always, to access only some specific shares, not all the network...but I haven't been able to automount at startup...parameters are there, I rebbooted, waited some minutes (is there a way to shorten the 120 seconds?), but there was no share mounted on /mnt/ I doing something wrong?
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#80 Post by eden6000 »

I checked my bootsysinit.log, it says:
smbqmsvc: Error mounting //ip_address/share
smbqmsvc: Error mounting //ip_address/share
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