Audacity Lacks Input selector on Mixer Toolbar

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Audacity Lacks Input selector on Mixer Toolbar

#1 Post by differential »

Hi I have downloaded and installed the audacity 1.3.5 PET file and audacity seems to start up ok but I can't record anything and the mixer toolbar has input and output level sliders but no input selector. It is missing completely.

I am running it on a Compaq Armada M700 850MHz Pentium 3 with 256MB ram and have also installed the other files recommended elsewhere ie jack, twolame, wxgtk, libvamp, soundtouch, and libsamplerate.

Can anyone suggest where I could have gone wrong?

#2 Post by bugman »

i have a different audacity [1.3.6], but there is a 'view' menu, in that is a 'toolbars' option, one of those is 'device toolbar'

does that fix it?

additionally, you should be able to select an input device with 'edit', 'preferences' . . .
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#3 Post by differential »

Thanks for replying bugman. Your suggestion to look at toolbars helped. For some reason, audacity starts up with the Device toolbar unselected and i had missed this. Enabling it gave me the inputs and outputs I was looking for , but regardless of the choices i make here, when I select the red record button, the message "Error while opening sound device. Please check the input device settings and the project sample rate." appears. Googling this shows that it is a common problem.

I have tried altering the sample rate, but this does not help.

Thanks again
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#4 Post by edoc »

I seem to recall that when setting Audacity up for my son last year there was an extra dependency or module or something that needed to be installed to fix this.

I need to re-install and cannot find my notes so will have to search the Forum for that thread.
[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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