Scrolling with scrollbars is slow

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Scrolling with scrollbars is slow

#1 Post by TimeGoneBomb »

Hi guys I've got a quick question. How can I change the speed which the windows scroll up/down in applications?

I'm new to puppy and i have to say that I really like it overall. I didnt think that I could find a linux for this old laptop! The only thing that bugs me right now is the scrollspeed. All appications scroll at one line per keystroke (or mouseclick, it doesnt matter if its mouse or arrow keys). And if I hold in the down arrow key, it continues scrolling WAY after I release the key. I just want normal scrolling. More than one line at a time, and no repeat rate i.e. quit scrolling when i take my finger off.

Anyone know how to tweak the settings for scrollspeed in puppy 1.08? hopefully so,and if not...thank god for the pgdn key! :D At least i wont go completely insane.

Well don't be surprised if you hear from me again, I'm going to play around with puppy and see if I need any further help. Thanks in advance for the help guys.
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#2 Post by MU »

You might try to run the xorgwizard again, and use another color-depth for X.
Or edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

It should contain something like this:

Code: Select all

    DefaultDepth 24
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1024x768"
Replace the "24" with "16" or "8".
Then restart X.

Alternatively (better):
Install drivers with DRI-Hardware-accelleration (2D and 3D).

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Resolved (sort of)

#3 Post by TimeGoneBomb »

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction; the problem indeed stems from Xorg.

I changed from 800x600 16bpp to 640x480 256 color, and no real improvement. After a quick google search, it seems that Xorg 6.8.1 has a reported bug already about this issue, and it affects only my video adapter family (Neomagic 128XD). Xvesa doesnt work for me, but there was a SVGA X server dot pup, so I installed that.

The SVGA server works like a charm, scrolling speed is normal. The only bad side effect is a lack of Xv support, so streaming media doesn't display right. The Xorg server had Xv for hardware scaling and smoothing, but the SVGA server doesn't.

So I was thinking it might be a good idea to try an old Xfree86 4 server. That way I would probably do away with the bug and still have Xv. Has anyone made a Xfree86 dot pup? Or will i have to manually install a binary?
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#4 Post by MU »

There is just an old ISO, I think it is Puppy101, but I am not shure. ... theros.iso
You might search the forum for details about it.

Alternatively (better) try xorg 6.8.2, but I made it for Puppy 105/106, and don't know if it works with newer ones.

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