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is openGL native support wrong in puppy?

Poll ended at Tue 01 Mar 2011, 06:44

i really don't care/know
Total votes: 23

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stupidity or boredom

#1 Post by WireWulf »

i find puppy linux a find distro for ppl who want things to be a bit out dated and have no compiling exp. the fact .pets are made by a few ppl and shared for everyone is a good think in my book ;however, in linux productivity i have found this linux distro need some improvement.the fact that this distro the main reason i left is no openGL support natively or even a xorg that isn't half assed
"the main thing ppl use a computer for is games and the internet most linux distros forget the gaming part"-matthew wulf
different linux distros of the mini nature have openGL like papug so don't start on the whole it makes a distro too big thing.I use alot of cli tools but in my freetime i fine the ease of compiling a openGL game like xtux on my funtoo box much easier then hunting the openGL drivers (that work) for 2nd issue with the current state of puppy is a GU only package manager that isn't updated as fast as it needs to be forcing ppl to spend time to fine the latest apps on the forums or even shearing websites that may only yeid a version not ment for english users..

however puppy linux is fine for those who have old hardware/don't want to do a full install

i do ask you to awnser my poll
are we who we think we are? or is this all a lie thought up by people whom we can not see?

#2 Post by bugman »

voted #3 as i don't play many games apart from xshisen, xfreecell, tkhearts

and i'm not 100% certain what opengl really is

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#3 Post by rokytnji »

however puppy linux is fine for those who have old hardware
While not a avid PC Gamer. I have a old Sony PS1 for that. I install Puppy on older and Newer Hardware. First Puppy Install was on a Compaq ... ws-95.html

I was impressed with getting a old Lappy actually running something other than Windows 95 then. Since then Puppy has grown and developed exponentially since then. I always try to do a full install also before trying a frugal. So I voted #3 WireWolf. Just a personal thing. Besides. I am a animal lover. Have 2 dogs and 2 cats. I love the woof woof and then watch my dog go into alert everytime I boot up. :D
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#4 Post by Aitch »

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#5 Post by dejan555 »

Just like you said, someone needs it and someone not, and there's always something else other then opengl that someone would like in puppy by default but others don't mind.

I voted "Yes" because I think puppy is fine as is and needs to remain modularity and choice at least for official releases. stuff mirrored [url=]HERE[/url] or [url=]HERE[/url]
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#6 Post by WireWulf »

to help with understanding openGL is needed for 3D gfx used in windows games like doom doom2, blood, cattle wolfenstien, and a few others.also play station,ninentdo's with 3d games use openGL
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#7 Post by WireWulf »

openGL is currently not supported above windows XP or on xbox so yeah i think it is unix totaly now :)
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#8 Post by ttuuxxx »

Opengl is usually in the main ibiblio repo under xorg full.
Should it be in everyone puppy linux by default, simple NO. Why ?? its too large in file size, Do I use it?? Never, will I ever need it? No.
Puppy is defined as a minimalist distro that gives you the most functionality for size, or tries to. When i add apps to say 2.14X, they are usually around the 100kb +/- size and no larger than 400kb. Xorg full would add an extra 10MB+ for something that I've lived for years without and could easily add with a couple of click from the repo.
So lets compare? Xorg Full or 50-100 applications. If I was going to toss an extra 10MB into puppy I would look at what I use normally, I use xfburn almost every day and that's like 300kb, I also use Gimp 5.5MB everyday. But when I look at the size of the 2, and even that I use Gimp more than xfburn, xfburn was tossed into 2.14X and well gimp wasn't. Its just too big to make everyone have it by default, Tell ya the truth I would rather toss Gnumeric/Goffice and replace it with static abiword and Gimp, about the same size in 2.14x, but no, because a very small amount of people use Gnumeric so it stays. Really its a juggling act, if you can live without it, it stays a pet/sfs and if not it gets added and something else gets dropped, but at a 10MB increase, I just can't see it being added by default, we couldn't find 10MB to remove from a default puppy, like abiword,gnumeric,gxine,ffmpeg combined is about 10MB. every thing else in puppy is too small. Or puppy would have to grow from 100mb to 110mb for something that most people never use, well gamers do, But if you've seen the poll of peoples ages on puppy, most are like 60yrs old +. Hence all the different version. Build one the way you like it and release it so other can enjoy it.
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#9 Post by ITAmember »

OpenGL is a graphics rendering API that may or may not be hardware accelerated. If you want OpenGL support in puppy you have to install the xorg dri package. That will give you software OpenGL support, if you want hardware OpenGL support you have to install your graphics card driver.
to help with understanding openGL is needed for 3D gfx used in windows games like doom doom2, blood, cattle wolfenstien, and a few others.also play station,ninentdo's with 3d games use openGL
OpenGL was not used in doom, a custom software rendering engine was used instead.
openGL is currently not supported above windows XP or on xbox so yeah i think it is unix totaly now
While it may not be supported on the Xbox, it is supported on every major computer operating system, including all versions of windows after windows 95.
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#10 Post by Aitch »

FYI Direct3D, OpenGL, & XNA graphics explained,_OpenG ... Fieldguide

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#11 Post by sunburnt »

Hi WireWulf; Suggestion...
Don`t make pets, make no-union SFS files instead.
jrb has a working linker for this and it is included in Dpup.
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#12 Post by shariebeth »

I use OpenGL and easily have updated my drivers (although I am still experimenting to find the best one) and installed the xorg dri package quite easily. (Point being, if i can do it, anybody should be able to).

I didn't vote because I didn't like the wording of the poll.

I do think there should be a puppy package for this if users want it, but I don't see why it should come prepackaged in every puppy flavor (and it seems there already is one that does). As was stated, everybody has an opinion of what is a deal breaking necessity and if every one of those options was included, it would be a big distro indeed.

I am getting used to the idea of picking a basic puppy variety and adding whatever I need as I go along and want it and not being bogged down with a lot of stuff I neither use nor understand nor want.
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#13 Post by Pizzasgood »

Speaking of Doom, I think Puppy should come with a Doom-based process manager
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