intel celeron 430

What works, and doesn't, for you. Be specific, and please include Puppy version.
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intel celeron 430

#1 Post by timremy »


i need some help. i am currently running puppy on intel celeron dual core

and some functions will not work.

i am thinking of getting an intel celeron 430. will this new cpu work

any better?

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#2 Post by eden6000 »

Hello and welcome,
if you need help with puppy this is the right forum, you can find lots of tips, hints and answers to thousands of problems.
That said, trying to help you, I ask you to be more precise, since in your post there is no real question...speaking generally I can tell you that changing a cpu will produce no difference in more or less "functions" available...admitted that a new cpu fits in the present hardware, the main thing you notice is a change in speed...this all, I repeat, speaking generally...
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#3 Post by timremy »

hello eden6000

i am using the ECS GF7050VT-M5. maybe this is the problem.

can you recommend a good motherboard.

here is my problem: i run puppy on an intel celeron m 900mhz.

everything works great. when i use intel celeron dual core 1500,

with the ECS motherboard, alot of stuff does not work.

i am not sure if this makes sense. if i get the intel celeron 430,

what motherboard should i get?

thank you

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#4 Post by eden6000 »

Let's see if I understand have 2 pcs, one with a celeron m 900Mhz, another one with the ECS mb+the celeron dual core 1500, is this right?
If it's like this, you are complaining that some hardware in that ECS mb is not recognized (this can often happen). If this all is right I have an answer and a question:
The answer: you can ask specific help in the forum, relating to the specific hardware issues you have (video, network, or something else) and try to make the ECS mb work properly;
the question: why do you want to buy a celeron 430? if the problem is the mb you can (admitted that the problems can't be solved) reuse the celeron 1500 on another mb.....don't ask me which may be compatible with puppy...there are so many different with different hw....
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intel 430

#5 Post by timremy »

hello eden6000

your right.

thank you

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#6 Post by Aitch »

Puzzled...Are there 2 identical threads?...I answered this somewhere...and then found this??

see the other one

Aitch :)
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#7 Post by eden6000 »

Hi Aitch, just read the other thread...yes, they are identical...mmmm...not the best thing to do if you're REALLY searching help, timremy....
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two threads

#8 Post by timremy »

hello eden6000 and Aitch

you sound as if i did something wrong. i think its better

to base a decision on two or more inputs. if this gets you and

aitch mad, i am sorry. when you decide something, the more

advice you have, from different angles, the better choice

you will make. i value your comments and i value aitch comments.

what's wrong with that?

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#9 Post by Aitch »

It's just considered rude, on forums, like you aren't satisfied with one set of answers & need more - maybe seen as greedy?

From a responder's position, if I know you are effectively telling me you are going to ignore my answers, as you are getting answers elsewhere, which I don't know about, then my effort feels degraded, and some may see this and not bother

This is common on forums, I find

But you have answers, so no worries, but I think you'll find you get more/better help, by focusing on one thread per topic

A different topic is OK, though, just not 2 the same, or almost the same

Not a telling off, just etiquette

Being new/'noobie' isn't easy sometimes, but we were all new noobies once, though I'd have thought with over 6 mths under your belt, you would know by now, OK?

Aitch :)
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#10 Post by 8-bit »

When you say some functions do not work, that does not tell us what functions don't work for you.
If you clarify that, you might get better help.
For example:
My PC, which has a dual-core processor was not shown as such with Puppy.
After asking a specific question about it, I found that I had to remove the "nosmp" option from the kernel line of my frugal install in menu.lst.

So if Puppy will not boot, tell how far it got as to what you see.
If you have software or hardware that does not work, specify what you tried and you will be more inclined to get help.
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#11 Post by eden6000 »

Totally quote Aitch.
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double post

#12 Post by timremy »

hello eden6000 and Aitch

sorry i messed up.

wont happen again

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#13 Post by eden6000 »

Ok, dont' mind timremy, problem solved :)
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#14 Post by Aitch »

no probs, timremy - no intention to make you feel guilty, just aware

see 8-bit's post as furthering the help available

Aitch :)
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