Lost my Screen! anyone know how to fix a library?

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Lost my Screen! anyone know how to fix a library?

#1 Post by tnhomestead »

I was loading a pet of gimp, nothing was happening, did a clean shut down, rebooted and no more desktop! The taskbar is there, as well as the menu. But nothing works other than the shutdown commands, on a full install of 4.3.1 -- Is there any way to save all my settings and files? Can I do another install without losing everything? Thanks for the help!
greg :oops:
Last edited by tnhomestead on Sun 07 Mar 2010, 23:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lost my Screen!

#2 Post by rjbrewer »

tnhomestead wrote:I was loading a pet of gimp, nothing was happening, did a clean shut down, rebooted and no more desktop! The taskbar is there, as well as the menu. But nothing works other than the shutdown commands, on a full install of 4.3.1 -- Is there any way to save all my settings and files? Can I do another install without losing everything? Thanks for the help!
greg :oops:
When you downloaded and installed the pet, did you restart jwm,
or type fix menus in console.

You can rerun the full install and choose "upgrade" without losing
anything. Just close the grub install windows when it gets to that
part.....no need to reinstall grub.

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#3 Post by tnhomestead »

Thanks for the ideas, but nothing seems to work! Reinstalled 4.3.1, still have the same problem! Its like a black cloud over the screen, if I run the connect script, the yellow information bar will appear, nothing else tho. It seems anything that has those yellow pop up bars will have them show up, but the rest seems to stay blacked out. Some of the system stuff works, ie top view running processes will show as well in the black. I dont even seem to have the blinking light on the computer that shows when the disk is used doesnt seem to show anything. I cant get to a console to try to restart jwm or run fix consoles, i can go back to the command screen and rerun xorgwizard and xwin with no help. Havent used UNIX in 15 years and new to Linux so any other ideas would be greatly welcomed!

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#4 Post by tnhomestead »

One other odddball thing, in that install my USB mouse no longer works! I had it all nice and customised for me, sigh -- I hope someone has a brilliant idea -- I have a hard enough time coming up with stupid ideas! LOL Thanks for looking, hoping someone can help!

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#5 Post by potong »

I had something similar happen in a frugal install.

I thought I had a corrupt puppypin file but it turned out to be libxml2 library was missing (well a symbolic link was pointing to a dead file, perhaps the result of a pet installation/removal).

I found this out by opening a terminal and typing rox. The resulting error message showed the way.

Incidentally the boot pfix=ram worked for me and showed that the problem lay in the pup-431.sfs file.


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#6 Post by Béèm »

Try ctrl-alt-backspace
You'll get the command prompt.
Type: xorgwizard
When done type: xwin
Cross fingers
Time savers:
Find packages in a snap and install using Puppy Package Manager (Menu).
[url=http://puppylinux.org/wikka/HomePage]Consult Wikka[/url]
Use peppyy's [url=http://wellminded.com/puppy/pupsearch.html]puppysearch[/url]

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#7 Post by tnhomestead »

Thnx potong, got me in the right direction but now I know whats wrong, not how to fix it! when I gnome apps, get this message

symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_dgettext

Anyone know how to fix this library? I cant run the system, so how can I reinstall and where do I find it!

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#8 Post by rs19078 »

I'd like to note, I had the same issue (Was installing a pet, reboot, to find a black desktop and only the ability to click help and shutdown), and popping in the disc, running the puppy install wizard to the hard drive, clicking upgrade, and ex'ing out at grub options fixed the issue. at the next boot the computer only booted to the terminal, so i ran xorgwizard...then xwin...the viola...back to normal!!!

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