Puppy Stardust 013

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Puppy Stardust 013

#1 Post by zigbert »

ImagePuppy Stardust 013

This is still Puppy 4.3.1 - thanks to Barry for this wonder-OS

Focus on desktop flow and user easiness.
- Desktop in DeepThougt taken to next stage.
- Cleanup in apps, menus and kilobytes.


Left: Default desktop with utility tray..........Right: Extended menu-system

Left: User-friendly widget system...........Right: Switch global color-theme in one click

Left: Easy access to desktop apps.........Right: Control center with complete handling of services

Powerful tools to manage trays and menus

Left: Improved integration with filebrowser..........Right: Many new apps

ivansampa has made a youtube-presentation

username: puppy
password: linux

pup_stardust-013.iso (99Mb) .... md5sum: ef972b75074ab2a34e8b38797fa91fc8

If you have Puppy installed, you MUST run this with the prefix 'puppy pfix=ram'. Else, the Stardust desktop will not install.

Here is the good old Stardust icon-theme updated for Puppy Stardust (thanks to 01micko)

Comments version 013
I will encourage all users to NOT use Puppy Stardust, but instead help tecnosaurus with Puppy 4.4

Thank you

Changelog since Stardust 012:
#No Stardust installing
#Wider variation in global themes: 2 bright, 2 darker
#modem drivers is now a part of Stardust as in Puppy 4.3.1
#Justified height of top-tray to macth exactly 24-pixel-icons.
#Included a 'Sidebar' button in wallpaper setter
#Updated retrovol to 0.4 (pizzasgood)
#Updated lameNFSxplorer to 0.0.7a (patriot)
#Updated acpid (thanks to shinobar)
#Updated gtk-theme-switch to ttuuxxx's package
#Updated icon_switcher, ptheme, stardust_installer, pburn, pmusic, pwidgets, fixmenus
#Removed icon_switcher_cli
#Removed netpbm
#Removed /usr/bin/leafpad (thanks to `f00)
#Bugfix: Ptheme gets splash-gtk-theme after 'apply'
#Bugfix: Ptheme doesn't set most gtk-themes
#Bugfix: Apply a Flat clock-skin in Ptheme. - doesn't show up.
#Bugfix: Menu entry of gpicview
#Bugfix: change theme of clockskins is no correct.
#Bugfix: Burn iso not containing *pup*.iso in filename with rox-right-click
#Bugfix: kill Pburn-splash after initial error, running with -m switch.
#Bugfix: Pmusic: Truncate text in progressbar to avoid window to autoscale (thanks to ljfr)
#Bugfix: Sync sidebar when setting wallpaper from rox-right-click


I have uploaded the Stardust files (see bottom of this post). It is NOT meant for general use, but for experiments only. The packages is
- StardustDE which holds the added/updated files to get a Stardust Desktop Environment. It is large, but most of it should replace original Puppy stuff. Note that original icon-themes are not entirely compatible with Stardust. Note! What is not included in this pack?
1. Gtk-theme-switcher2 is required by Stardust to change gtk-theme.
2. Pwidgets.
- Stardust_build_script is the script I use to build the Stardust iso. The only part that is important for Stardust Desktop Environment, is to remove some original icons, rox-files... This is not critical, but you will get some quirkies. This script is not meant for any other person than Ziggy (it is hardcoded for my system), so look at it, and see how Stardust is built..... Don't expect it to build any Stardust iso for you.


The following list shows many items that is taken out of the iso. But, it is not as critical as it seems. Most of these are tiny apps, and you have not been aware of many of them. Simply because other apps do the job.

Aqualung has left, and Pmusic is back. Pmusic has evolved in both features and speed, so It is more a matter of longterm strategy. I hope it will be possible to build more around ffmpeg in the future. We could hopefully get rid of lidsnd, libsamplerate and maybe libxine...

Gadmin-Rsync is out as well, since it crashed on first run. I don't think Pbackup fill the backup issue completely. It would be wonderful if there exists a tiny but complete backup suit.

If you see something that you would have changed, added or removed, I will be very glad if you mentioned it. Because of my limited time, it would be best if you deliver the patch.... My knowledge of network/internet tools is close to zero, so these are nearly untouched.

So what's added
- Stardust desktop environment - including pcc (Puppy control center), desktop configuration tools and Pwidgets
- Pwireless2 (replaces Pwireless)
- ATI graphic drivers
- Broadcom wifi drivers
- splix - Samsung, Xerox, Dell printer drivers
- acpid
- default-wizard
- fileedit (set to defaulttextviewer)
- floppy-formater (replaces floppy-format.sh)
- Galculator
- gpicview (replaces viewnior)
- gtkmoz (replaces PuppyBrowser)
- gtk-theme-switcher2 (replaces gtk-chtheme)
- ink
- lameNFSxplorer
- lameSMBxplorer (replaces pnethood)
- Pmusic (replaces aqualung)
- Pscreenshot
- Pupradio (replaces pstreamvid)
- printoxx
- pstartupsound
- startmount
- RetroVol (replaces absvolume and zmixer)
- seahaven
- woo-ff
- xgamma

Some scripts has been upgraded
- cpu-scaling tool
- drive_all
- fixmenus
- icon_switcher
- JwmThemeMaker
- Pburn
- Pfilesearch
- Pfind
- sfsconverter
- theme_switcher
- you2pup
- xorgwizard

And what does the Stardust-generator change
- Install desktop at first startup rather than keep it in the iso to save space
- snap desktop icons - medium grid
- simple Pmount facelift
- Xlock is fixed
- start pCD instead of defaultmediaplayer when click on audio-CD icon
- seamonkey buttons
- defaultaudioplayer is changed from aqualung to pmusic
- defaultaudiomixer is changed from zmixer to retrovol
- Net-setup goes to Pwireless2 for wireless configuration
- Optional darker background color in: rxvt, geany, abiword

And of course, something had to leave
*** Programs ***
- absvolume
- aqualung
- background_reshape
- burniso2cd
- calcoo
- cdp
- cgtkcalc
- didiwiki
- e3
- EmbeddedBookmarks
- floppy-format.sh
- gcolor2 (color chooser)
- gdmap
- gexec
- gfnrename - maybe better than PRename, but this is bash and easy updated.
- glightoff
- gtk-chtheme
- gtkdialog markup editor - devx ???
- gtklogfileviewer - Does any script use anymore ???
- gtksourceview
- gview
- icon_switcher_cli
- libmad
- libsnd (mhwaveedit (not updated) and aqualung used libsnd)
- madplay
- mtpaintsnaphot.sh
- netpbm
- Net-setup (old version)
- nicoedit
- partview - uses netpbm which is gone
- pcdripper
- Pdisk - could maybe be in use by some wizard
- picpuz
- pictureviewer
- pmirror/mirdir
- pmwget (PMirrorget)
- pnetnood
- pplog
- pstreamvid
- ptooltips - tool to show tooltips in gtkdialog - not longer in use
- PuppyBrowser
- PuppyPdf - Abiword does exactly the same
- Pwireless
- pwsget
- quisp
- rsync / gadmin-rsync - crashes on first run
- securetelnetshell
- tile
- viewnior
- waveplay - linked to aplay
- xAutoconnect - Pwireless2 should do the job
- xcalc
- xclipboard
- Xconsole
- xfontsel
- ycalc
- zfind
- zmixer

*** Trimming ***
- cdrkit - Pburn has very few dependencies
- jwmconfig2

*** Control panel has ditched some ***
- countrywizard
- XserverWizard
- wizardwizard
- And plenty of menu items

*** Graphics ***
- All wallpapers
- some Gtk-themes
- All Icon-themes
- many mini-icons

*** misc ***
- some apps NOT in control center has also lost their place in the menu
--> sfs-version-converter - warnings pointing to it is changed.
--> Pstopwatch - Ptimer should be enough.
- some documentation files
- some audio files
- the biggest modem drivers
- many fixed fonts

Puppy 4.3.1 Bugfixes
- JWM tray configuration.
- JWM keyboard shortcut configuration.
- Xlock - Lock screen.
- Kill pid of wallpaper setter when closing window.
- Shutdown / Reboot from menu after NFS error.
- Execute code from Geany with 'execute' button.
- Xf-prot virus checker (thanks to tasmod)
- Allow unique 24 pixel icons and symlinked icons in icon-themes.
- The xorgwizard screws up xorg.conf if more than one screen. (thanks to Pizzagood)
- Xgamma was missing in xorgwizard (thanks to PANZERKOPF)
- Seamonkey didn't associated not .wmv files with gxine. (thanks to sinc and Barry)
- Image-viewer won't open images with non-english chars in filename.
(11.24 KiB) Downloaded 1501 times
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#2 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....

"Streaming" it down now ..... :D

Missed many of the previous releases ... I'm gonna get intimate with this one in the weekend .....

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#3 Post by ttuuxxx »

Zigbert you released a Version 13, did you go out and buy a black cat and start working in a mirror factory, LOLOLOL hmmmm we all know thats bad luck, with 2.14X I went from 12 to 14, lol and been pretty luck since :)
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#4 Post by Artie »

I am running Stardust 12 as my main OS now from a USB stick and everything seems fine so far. I haven't noticed any show-stopper bugs. Please keep up the good work! :)

Question: What does "#No Stardust installing" in the first post mean?

Question: How do I make the fonts I write in Geany black and the background white or at least lighter than black?

Suggestion: Although the desktop themes are very pretty the menu fonts are a bit difficult to read with my old eyes. Could you include some themes with a bit higher contrast?

I'm not sure if this is the right thread and if you have implemented some of these suggestions in 013 but I'll wait downloading it until I know what "#No Stardust installing" means... :)


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#5 Post by 01micko »

Delta now..


checksum: 68c912a0772900fb653febcab0386ad6 pup_stardust-012.iso___pup_stardust-013.iso.delta

Cheers 8)
Last edited by 01micko on Sat 13 Mar 2010, 00:22, edited 1 time in total.
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#6 Post by Artie »

I just came across some chart in one of the puppy web sites cataloging which sfs files would work in which puppy version and that got me thoroughly confused. (Very easily accomplished...) I therefore thought it might be a good idea if you could simply make a little list with links to the major! program sfs and pet files and portable apps that are tested and guaranteed to work in Stardust that a lot of people might want to install, such as Skype and OpenOffice and Opera. Since there are so many versions of programs floating around it would be a great help to newbies and I'll try to help keeping it updated.

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#7 Post by nooby »

Just works on my old compaq from 2003 have not tested on the new one from 2008
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#8 Post by FlyingRedGoat »

Tested, and seems to work just fine. Keep up the good work. :)

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#9 Post by James C »

Fresh frugal install w/ new save file, replacing 012. Gets to the desktop much faster without Stardust installing.

Already installed Firefox 3.6 and flash 10.....able to watch streaming video with no problems.

Great job so far...... :)
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#10 Post by zigbert »

Patriot wrote:I'm gonna get intimate with this one in the weekend .....
Kiss it, cry over it, tear it part......
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#11 Post by zigbert »

ttuuxxx wrote:Zigbert you released a Version 13, did you go out and buy a black cat and start working in a mirror factory, LOLOLOL hmmmm we all know thats bad luck, with 2.14X I went from 12 to 14, lol and been pretty luck since :)
Just pure stupidity :oops: What is the next number to avoid ? :D
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#12 Post by zigbert »

Artie wrote:Question: What does "#No Stardust installing" in the first post mean?
Stardust up to 012 had a post installation script that installed Stardust ontop of existing jwm/rox configuration. This is now already in the iso you download. The biggest benefit is that Stardust 014 may upgrade from Stardust 013 without pfix=ram. - simply by replacing pup-431.sfs
Artie wrote:Question: How do I make the fonts I write in Geany black and the background white or at least lighter than black?
This will be dealt with in version 014 (or 015).
Artie wrote:Suggestion: Although the desktop themes are very pretty the menu fonts are a bit difficult to read with my old eyes. Could you include some themes with a bit higher contrast?
You should try Stardust 013. :D
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#13 Post by zigbert »

Artie wrote:I just came across some chart in one of the puppy web sites cataloging which sfs files would work in which puppy version and that got me thoroughly confused. (Very easily accomplished...) I therefore thought it might be a good idea if you could simply make a little list with links to the major! program sfs and pet files and portable apps that are tested and guaranteed to work in Stardust that a lot of people might want to install, such as Skype and OpenOffice and Opera. Since there are so many versions of programs floating around it would be a great help to newbies and I'll try to help keeping it updated.

Remember that this is nothing else than Puppy 4.3.1. Every app that works in 4.3.1 should work in Stardust.

I am not aiming for a new Puplet. I'm sure Puppy 4.4 and later Puppy 5 will be great distros. Stardust is the playground of some desktop ideas. But I early realized; to get testers, I had to give something back. That's way I don't throw out some alpha-code, but instead try to keep it as stable as Puppy 4.3.1.
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#14 Post by zigbert »

Great to hear positive tests....

It is time to look at the Ptray gui once more. It has been reported several times that it is a bit complex. If anyone has some thoughts about how to simplify it, it's time to shout. I want to hear your opinions.

Thank you
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bad luck

#15 Post by prehistoric »

zigbert wrote:...Just pure stupidity :oops: What is the next number to avoid ? :D
If you speak Japanese, that would be 14. Many numbers containing a 4 are bad luck, as phonetically it sounds like "death". This has caused problems with foreign-packaged goods like golf balls. (Digression on golf balls and language: How would a German pronounce the brand name "Titleist"?)

Numbering rooms in a Japanese maternity ward is a particular problem, as 43 sounds like "stillbirth" and 42 like "double death".

On the other hand, 8 is associated with good luck, at least by educated people who read Chinese. There is a story that Toyota was chosen for the company name, (when the family behind it is named Toyoda,) because the phonetic Japanese characters for this, both katakana and hiragana, are made with eight strokes.

With automobiles, and especially with luck, your mileage may vary.
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#16 Post by jpeps »

zigbert wrote:
Artie wrote:Question: What does "#No Stardust installing" in the first post mean?
Stardust up to 012 had a post installation script that installed Stardust ontop of existing jwm/rox configuration. This is now already in the iso you download. The biggest benefit is that Stardust 014 may upgrade from Stardust 013 without pfix=ram. - simply by replacing pup-431.sfs
Seemed to work for 012 to 013.

edit: except for the new pretty little global theme diamonds... :) .
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#17 Post by zigbert »

jpeps wrote:
zigbert wrote:
Artie wrote:Question: What does "#No Stardust installing" in the first post mean?
Stardust up to 012 had a post installation script that installed Stardust ontop of existing jwm/rox configuration. This is now already in the iso you download. The biggest benefit is that Stardust 014 may upgrade from Stardust 013 without pfix=ram. - simply by replacing pup-431.sfs
Seemed to work for 012 to 013.

edit: except for the new pretty little global theme diamonds... :) .
Updated apps and new artwork will work, but what not works is:
- artwork that should replace old. I guess you've not got the new blue icon-theme. Also the white clock-skin are missing?
- 013 stores the starter-scripts (/usr/share/stardust/bin/) in pup-431.sfs instead of pup_save.2fs. If apps are removed for next release, an upgrade will also remove the starter-script.

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Re: bad luck

#18 Post by zigbert »

prehistoric wrote:
zigbert wrote:...Just pure stupidity :oops: What is the next number to avoid ? :D
If you speak Japanese, that would be 14. Many numbers containing a 4 are bad luck, as phonetically it sounds like "death". This has caused problems with foreign-packaged goods like golf balls. (Digression on golf balls and language: How would a German pronounce the brand name "Titleist"?)

Numbering rooms in a Japanese maternity ward is a particular problem, as 43 sounds like "stillbirth" and 42 like "double death".

On the other hand, 8 is associated with good luck, at least by educated people who read Chinese. There is a story that Toyota was chosen for the company name, (when the family behind it is named Toyoda,) because the phonetic Japanese characters for this, both katakana and hiragana, are made with eight strokes.

With automobiles, and especially with luck, your mileage may vary.
So next release will be Stardust 088 :D
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#19 Post by nooby »

I guess you have to avoid 069 and 666 :)
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#20 Post by `f00 »

..or letters for a TLA bit of fun (likely not, but a thought anyways). Hey, good to see Patriot on the jwm forefront again (careful with that wand, fella ;) ). 13's a fine #, probably less confusing if you don't fall into the upup schema :roll: - spilling salt while walking under ladders indoors with an open umbrella is another story :)
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