new2dir getting the 'program_DEV-i486' folder automatically

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new2dir getting the 'program_DEV-i486' folder automatically

#1 Post by charlie6 »

I maybe have missed something...but...
I did'nt get the _DEV directory at the end of the compiling process.

(I did well select wheter option 2 or 'exe,dev,nls,doc' to get the separated archives, but only the dev one was missing)

I finally experienced to create it manually (getting the dependency list by doing ldd ; afterwards by populating the one file at a time and verifying which was missing on a live-cd session with installed ; and doing that till no dependency was missing)

So I wonder if there is a way to get the _DEV directory automatically using new2dir?

Many thanks for any answer

Cheers, Charlie
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#2 Post by technosaurus »

here is an older version of pcompile that should do the trick - the newer versions have some parts built in to the gui

2dirs will build all directories by default
just use:

Code: Select all

2dirs make install
(7.7 KiB) Downloaded 386 times
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#3 Post by charlie6 »

Hi technosaurus,
technosaurus wrote:here is an older version of pcompile ....
Nice !
downloaded ! 'll get a try soon.
Many thanks for your prompt reply.
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#4 Post by disciple »

So I wonder if there is a way to get the _DEV directory automatically using new2dir?
It should work, but I've found occasionally new2dir misses a lot of stuff, including the dev files. I've never looked into what about a program causes this.
I did well select wheter option 2
I thought the right one was option 3, but maybe I'm misremembering :)
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#5 Post by amigo » ...

src2pkg --splitpkg=devel tarball-name
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#6 Post by technosaurus »

disciple wrote:
So I wonder if there is a way to get the _DEV directory automatically using new2dir?
It should work, but I've found occasionally new2dir misses a lot of stuff, including the dev files. I've never looked into what about a program causes this.
I did well select wheter option 2
I thought the right one was option 3, but maybe I'm misremembering :)
I am pretty sure you are right about option 3 - 2dirs doesn't even bother to ask you if you want to separate them - it just automatically builds all 4 & the included dump2pet builds your pet as is without asking any questions such as menu entry or dependencies (it is useful for rebuilding a batch of pets from their dirs)
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#7 Post by disciple »

& the included dump2pet builds your pet as is without asking any questions such as menu entry or dependencies (it is useful for rebuilding a batch of pets from their dirs)
You've lost me there. I guess you're saying it is included with the package you posted?
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#8 Post by technosaurus »

disciple wrote:
& the included dump2pet builds your pet as is without asking any questions such as menu entry or dependencies (it is useful for rebuilding a batch of pets from their dirs)
You've lost me there. I guess you're saying it is included with the package you posted?
exactly - the later versions also have 2dirs, but combine the terminal based menu entry and description dialog with the petspecs dialog into a single gtkdialog gui.
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#9 Post by charlie6 »

Hi disciple,
disciple wrote:...
I did well select wheter option 2
I thought the right one was option 3, but maybe I'm misremembering :)
I apologize about option whether 2 or 3 ... sure I was misremembering when I wrote the post - why I did: I anyway choosed the option to get all exe, dev, nls and doc folders.

I formerly got a try using src2pkg (on puppy 4.1.2 with dev_412.sfs and pkg-config-0.23 both installed) without success ... I did not longer manage to get it running as I thought I had missed something.

Many thanks again to all for your replies.

Cheers, Charlie
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#10 Post by charlie6 »

many thanks for all your replies !

I just went to recompile the same program I formely compiled with new2dir. This program requires additional wxPython libs which I had manually filled into a _DEV folder (exactly in program_DEV-i486/usr/lib/ )

Now,using pcompile, it straightfully has genetated the exe, nls, and doc folders but no dev one.

(Coolpup sent me a PM telling that there is not always a dev file generated with new2dir - thanks Coolpup !).

I also mention the configure command I used: (=the one given in

Code: Select all

./configure CFLAGS="-mtune=generic -march=prescott -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
Thanks for any further advice
Cheers, Charlie
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