OpenBSD 3.8Live-CD

Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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OpenBSD 3.8Live-CD

#1 Post by MU »

The screenshots show, that the applications are somewhat comparable to puppy.
But I don't know if it is as flexible.
Different to puppy, localization is integrated in the Icewm-menu.

There is another difference:
the Iso is 699 MB huge, so 11 times larger than Puppy.

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#2 Post by Takilla »

I just tried it.

Awfull! Extremelyslow, underdeveloped. Should not have been released just yet.
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#3 Post by gliezl »

thanks for the info. I'm about to download and to test it... you said its "extremely slow" ngaarh! never mind. :?
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#4 Post by MU »

I did not post this as a recommendation ;)
I just wanted to show how quickly a live-CD can get very huge, if you don't optimize it like it isdone with puppy.

A system that has several comparable programs, but is 11 times huger...
If Puppy would be 690 MB, it would have KDE, Openoffice, Gnome, Doomsday, Java ... and and and ... in it :)

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