kde-3.5.0 puppy iso downloads

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#41 Post by klhrevolutionist »

Well, I have been waiting for more support of this project.
I mean there were only the usual replies of complaints & request. But not a lot
of people showed genuine interest. So until that happens I won't worry about this.
As for the religious logo. I won't go there..

As for openoffice, I could include koffice.
And for firefox, there is konqueror. Less weight.
Just burn it as a multi-session, you can add & take what you want out.
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Support fro this project

#42 Post by SamSung »

HI klhrevolutionist

I think this is the best thing that has happened to Puppy and would like to support the project in whatever way possible. What do you need.

I like the KDE version so much it is now the default OS for both the PCs at home, now that I have overcome my limitations on getting it installed to the HDD. So I hope to be posting a lot of my findings here over the next few weeks and months, questions for sure but hopefully some answers as well.

I would certainly like you to feel encouraged from the work that you have done. It is always difficult in providing a solution for a number of people as the old saying goes "you cannot please all the people all the time".

In short hang in there, you have done sterling work.
Romans 5:4
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Last edited by SamSung on Sun 05 Mar 2006, 17:43, edited 1 time in total.
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#43 Post by SamSung »

Thanks again for the help

I did as you said and got theses errors

Code: Select all

 cd /usr/local/Dotpup-downloader-mu05 
# wget -O dotpups1.htm http://www.puppylinux.org/wikka/DotPups 
--17:11:49--  http://www.puppylinux.org/wikka/DotPups
           => `dotpups1.htm'
wget: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.7: undefined symbol: EVP_idea_cbc
# wget -O dotpups0.htm http://www.puppylinux.org/wikka/DotPupsContributions 
--17:12:14--  http://www.puppylinux.org/wikka/DotPupsContributions
           => `dotpups0.htm'
wget: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.7: undefined symbol: EVP_idea_cbc
I hope that helps. Please let me know what to do next.


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#44 Post by MU »

Hm I can see from the date of my files, that I had replaced them.
But I made strange symlinks, maybe to avoid a conflict between different programs.
But don't remember, where I got them from.
Here they are, please try this Dotpup (950 kb):
http://dotpups.de/isos/Puppy-107-KDE-3. ... 0puppy.pup

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#45 Post by SamSung »

OK tried that installed the dotpup and said yes to overwrite the existing libraries but now the dot pup downloader does not launch

Here is what I choose from the menu Setup > DotPup Package installer - The Puppy Package manager window appears I click on the run the dot pup downloader. Nothing then happens.

Over to you MU.


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How to get Konqueror to recognise HTTPS

#46 Post by SamSung »

By default Konqueror in KDE Puppy will not browse secure sites HTTPS (so you cannot log into ebay etc) for that to happen install the Blackdown Java dot pup http://dotpups.de/dotpups/Libraries/Sma ... ckdown.pup
this is about 11M.
After install it seems to work without any further configuration which the Konqueror homepage suggests http://www.konqueror.org/javahowto/.

I have tested it on two secure sites successfully.

I am also new to Puppy and Linux so if there is an easier lighter way of achieving this then please let me know. If some one else would test and this proves successful I will post something in the wiki, is that the right place.

Cheers Sam
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#47 Post by MU »

please run "dotpup" from a consolewindow, to see error-messages.
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#48 Post by SamSung »

Thanks Mark that showed that a file was missing (dotpupdownloader), one that I had downloaded before, anyhow re installed it and it works.

To be sure I reinstalled the pupXXX file on another Puppy kde PC and went thru the process of installing all the updates mentioned in this link and the dotpup downloader works fine on that install as well.

Any chance you could give you opinion on the Konqueror HTTPS post above, as you are experienced with all things puppy and linux I would appreciate it.


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#49 Post by MU »

I have no idea.
I can go to https-sites without installing Java.
Also the small-java dotpup just has a "jre"-folder, but no other libs.
So I wonder, what it might have to do with https.

I'm really confused about that :wink:

Maybe you rebooted your computer after installing Java, and so Konqueror just became aware of the new ssl-libs as it was restarted?

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#50 Post by BlackAdder »

I just stumbled across your post of March 5. Don't get discouraged by lack of feedback. Maybe quite a few people are - like me - just using it and not complaining. Looks great and is way faster than KDE from the big dog distros. Have also tried KDE via the underdog technique of Puppy2, and it is much slower. More power to your elbow.
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KDE Puppy with the latest Open Office and Firefox

#51 Post by Fox7777 »

The reason we were requesting a KDE Puppy with the latest Open Office and Firefox is because these features are demanded from people we are trying to get started on Linux. Having these features would make our job of starting people on Puppy Linux much easier. A few months ago Chubby Puppy with Open Office was very popular but it has long been discontinued. Such a KDE Puppy with the latest Open Office and Firefox would still be under 200 MB and run very fast on most older computers that people currently have. We are also reviewing Puppy 2.0, Simple Puppy, etc. and are confident that a winner in the marketplace will be created soon.
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KDE puppy on the 2.0 codebase?

#52 Post by R3MF »

great idea,

Puppy Linux is a magnificent OS but I am a KDE fan, so well done.

How does the current version of KDE Puppy compare to Standard Puppy 1.0x performance wise?

Are there any plans to make a new KDE Puppy based on the Puppy 2.0 codebase?

If there were, would you consider using part of the Koffice package? For example: Krita, KWord, KSpread and KPresenter. They all have 1.5.1. versions and can be considered essential productivity tools.

Would you also consider using some of the best of breed KDE apps? For example: Kontact, K3B, KTorrent, Digikam and Amarok 1.4. These are applications that i cannot do without as they are needed daily and have no comparable alternatives.

Would a KDE Puppy using the applications I have outlined still be worthy of the Puppy brand, or would it be so bloated and slow (by comparison) that it would just be another KDE distro of no particular note? How big would it be?

Many thanks

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#53 Post by MU »

KDE runs faster in Puppy than on other distros.
It is the fastest KDE I've seen yet.

I don't plan a full KDE-Puppy, instead I use the great feature of extensions (.sfs).
This makes updates easier and has other advantages.

You could remaster a Puppy with mounted extension to get a full Iso, but I did not try it yet.

KDE 3.5.2 with Koffice 1.5 for Puppy2:

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#54 Post by R3MF »

thanks for the link.

is megapup003 for Puppy 02? i notice the thread date is Mid April, and Puppy2 is not yet out Late May.........

does this version include the 1.5.1. release of Krita, Kword etc?

many thanks
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#55 Post by MU »

Koffice 1.5.0.
It is an addon, so you can use it with older and newer versions of Puppy2.
I use it currently with the Alpha from may, 7th.

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#56 Post by klhrevolutionist »

I was actually thinking about re-making the kde-puppy as well as making an
xfce-puppy. But I am trying to figure out this xdg menu thing first. Once that is taken care of putting the iso together is a piece of cake.

I was also thinking of waiting till puppy comes out. Of course for those not wishing to use the 2.6 kernel I can always use puppy109CE as a base.
It really depends if anybody replies to this post and has a favor of one over the other. I personally would rather use the 2.4 kernel, but I have faith in BK that he will make hardware work just as good as it is in the 2.4.
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#57 Post by R3MF »

I would love a KDE puppy with the applications mentioned aboved based on Puppy 2.0.

I am curious as too how much of puppy advantage as a lightweight distro would remain with all this KDE goodness however........?
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#58 Post by SamSung »

Hi klhrevolutionist

I would love to see an updated Puppy KDE, I use your current one on our two PC's and love it because as MU says it is fast. For me the way to go would be to get the underlying puppy working 100% ie the install to HDD. Remove anything that is duplicated ie exists in Puppy and then KDE has a similar program, remove the Puppy version and leave the KDE program, here I am only talking about the duplicates that exist in the current version such as having Kate and then Puppy versions of other simple text editors. The other thing would then be get the KDE version of the samba client working and remove Linneighbourhood.

For me I am not bothered about adding any other apps than you put in the last one ( your reasoning for keeping Abiword etc is sound and works for me) I have been able to add the KDE apps I have needed myself by trial and error but it has taught me a lot.

So to conclude, klhrevolutionist, if you are up for it then great. I would also be willing to offer whatever help I can.

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#59 Post by R3MF »

so, any news on a new version of KDE Puppy?

that would be ace with the new release of Puppy 2, KDE 3.5.3, and Koffice 1.5.1.

how about it?
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#60 Post by MU »

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