Lighthouse Pup 4.43 Gu2 215M

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#601 Post by Q5sys »

Newuser wrote:I can confirm that I am using the latest version of lhp the version of mariner is 5-lhp-mar-4f_412sf
Thats not the latest version of mariner.
If you are using the G series LHP, then you need to use the G series Mariner sfs and not the F series Mariner sfs
The latest is "5-Mariner-4G_443.sfs" which you can grab from HERE
The important part to pay attention to is the lettering. The G versions are newer than the F versions
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#602 Post by luther349 »

flash shows a pink screen. turns out the version lighthouse has has bugs. downloading flash 10 from petget fixes it.
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#603 Post by Newuser »

Thanks Q5sys did not notice that until I was asked what version. My bad

Update made one big error I deleted both sfs the mariner f version and the sfs of lhp.
Is there a way to get lhp to save a new sfs?
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#604 Post by tazoc »

Newuser wrote:Thanks Q5sys did not notice that until I was asked what version. My bad

Update made one big error I deleted both sfs the mariner f version and the sfs of lhp.
Is there a way to get lhp to save a new sfs?
If you have the ISO or CD-R copy it from there to the same directory where your pupsave resides, typically /mnt/home/. To open an ISO, just click on it in ROX-Filer. Or use Pmount drives or MuppyQuickmount to mount the CD.
luther349 wrote:flash shows a pink screen. turns out the version lighthouse has has bugs. downloading flash 10 from petget fixes it.
Thank you for the tip. On the pink screen, do you recall the URL and browser you were using when it showed a pink screen, so that I can test Flash next time I update it?
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#605 Post by Newuser »

Its ok I found it again was looking in the wrong folder. Thanks for the help.
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#606 Post by abushcrafter »

Sorry I took so long. Been busy with sorting out having a stable system! Here is a 7z of updates for Gu2/3: ... 31f20.html
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GU2 Feedback

#607 Post by Barburo »

Hi TazOC,
MU's pet fixed my screen resolution problems on the notebook, and tempestuous modified the ralink driver and my Buffalo wi-fi dongle now works so I get connectivity on the new notebook.
I've had a little time to try out the features of GU2.
I have two laptops (my new Acer 5810TZ and the older Sony Vaio), plus a couple of older desktops and I have put GU2 on all of them.
I mentioned before that occasionally the boot process hangs. I've had this at least once on all of the machines. It usually happens just after the mount process because I get the messages that sda1 ... etc mounted then it hangs. I also get an occasional hang before the screen displays on one of the desktops. In all cases rebooting fixes it.
When using the Buffalo dongle I find the regular connection wizard wont work (scan finds my router but I cannot get a proper IP address that matches the router). The address it comes up with is
If I use the "old" connection wizard I can get an IP address that works but I need to run it two (or even three) times before I get a proper connection through the router. Sometimes the wizard will tell me that has established a connection but if I look in Hardware Info/network it's the strange IP that I have been unable to identify on the web. Even after getting a good IP address it does not persist from session to session. I always need to reconnect each session even though the "Trying to get IP address ..." message is displayed during the last part of the boot process. Perhaps these symptoms are related - any thoughts?

C-F runs on those machines with enough graphics to support it. One strange thing is that when C-F loads it brings up QPS and sometimes the QPS preferences dialogue too. Doesn't happen if I leave the C-F .sfs file out of the boot.

Sidebar is good to look at but doesn't show my wireless links - it only shows eth0 so I use GKrellmon which does show it.

One last cosmetic comment - I much preferred the "white on blue" reversed text and bold blue boot messages you used previously to the white/green and green bold that you've used in GU2.

Others in this thread have complimented you on being able to do all this development on your own. It staggers my mind too, and I still think LHPup is the best Puppy derivative. I'm also testing out Lucid Pup 6 based on Woof and Ubuntu binaries. I find that connectivity is much less of an issue (uses the 2.6.33.x kernel) but it doesn't have the look or all of the amazing features and desktop alternatives that LHP has. I know you're working on the next iteration of LHP and I'm sure it'll be in line with your regular first class efforts. Keep up the fantastic work.
[i]Laptop[/i]: Acer Aspire 5810TZ
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#608 Post by sankarv »

First of all thanks for this wonderful derivative puplet.

I would say this one lhpup is puppy in swing.

I was very much concerned for the multiuser puppy, which is highly important in terms of scalability, where no other distro could match puppy or curse for this sake... and this one is cool enough...

the wall paper is too good as well the applications selected.

however i have few inputs though:

first being after adding users, the basic groups for mounting,audio,etc are applicable for users but restarting or shutting-down is not possible, which needs to edit the /etc/groups file to add entry for new user in power group. I think this option could be added as well while creating new user.

Next is ii have pup save and i dunno if its rox behavior its always listing the hidden files which every time needs to be toggled from the icon in rox and there's no saving for that setting done manually of not showing hidden files after every reboot.

Well i have a frugal install and think this issue is not because of that.

One more issue is the beep media layer its not at all minimizing from task-bar, only minimizing from the title bar of player works.

Overall its really great on..

sure say, this is what an OS mainly puppy fans will be fond of...
Sankar.[/i] [/color] :)
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#609 Post by tazoc »

@Barburo and abushcrafter, thanks I'll have some detailed feedback soon...

Hi sankarv,
I couldn't get a normal user to shut-down/reboot even in the power group and after much aggravation I gave up on that one. I'll try your suggestion--maybe it works now.

One of my pet-peeves is: an OS shouldn't hide files from its users by default. I want to see everything! So ROX-Filer is configured accordingly but you can change that: Right-click in ROX | Options | Display | uncheck 'Show hidden files'. That way you can still show hidden files from the toolbar until ROX is closed, then it will go back to hiding files...

Beep is quirky that way. I generally prefer Amarok (in the KDE add-on) but it's too bulky for the base ISO.
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#610 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:Beep is quirky that way. I generally prefer Amarok (in the KDE add-on) but it's too bulky for the base ISO.
Thats why I stick with good old classic XMMS. :P

TazOC, while you're busy working on the new versions... can you completely reprogram ROX from the ground up to add a few more features? you know... like a REAL back button, and cut/paste ability for files. Oh and while your at it... make all file process alerts 'quietable' not just some of them.
Can ya do that for me? K, thanks ;) tee hee
in seriousness though, look forward to whatever you have in store for us. I know ive got my wish list. lol
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Re: cannot install pet update

#611 Post by gheramagni »

tazoc wrote:
gheramagni wrote:I cannot install the pet update, If I doubvle click on it it tries to open an archive file, usually on other puppy version I am able to install pet files simply clicking on it
Yes, in ROX-Filer a single left-click should begin the install. What version of Lighthouse are you running? Does the file you downloaded display a PET icon in ROX? Right-click | MD5sumGUI and compare that with the MD5 posted with the Gu3b update. If the MD5sum doesn't match please d/l the update again.

If the MD5sum matches, then right-click on it in ROX-Filer | Set Run Action and enter

Code: Select all

/usr/local/petget/petget "$@"
and click 'Use Command'. Then a left-click should open the PET with Puppy Package Manager.
No, the Pet file downloaded has not a Pet icon in Rox, anyway I was able to install it opening a shell in Rox filer and giving the command getpet followed by the name of pet file,anyway I will set up the automatic command as you suggested.I am also able to install Pet Files directly when these files are downloaded with seamonkey and choosing "open with petget", in this manner the PPM runs ok.I am running the latest Lighthouse Pup release with full hard drive installation.

I will like to do some "improvement" to your fantastic puplets (yesterday evening I installed with the SFS installer also KDE and Mariner SFS), I am not a programmer, I am just a linux "end user" (started just 4 years ago) , I will try to add some other useful programs to realize a sort of "PRO" version of lighthouse that could run well on my old 1GHz Pentium III...
Here a quick list of sw needed:

- Go-oo instead of official openoffice, seems lighter and faster in alternative the lates Koffice suites or IBM Lotus Symphony (I have seen also a debian package of it)

-Pdf Sam Split and Merge, very useful program to manipulate pdf files, founded in Debian repository
- pdfedit, same as above, founded in Debian repository

- Midori, lightweight web browser, is the preferred browser on Slitaz and runs very well on this small linux distro
- Google Chrome - or Chromium

-LAMP as I need to run Joomla or other CMS on local drive, needed a very simple install procedure, better an "all in one" package instead of something splitted
- Bluefish, powerful html editor

- Xfe as file manager

I will let you know about these "experiments", I am trying to "move" my Windows XP laptop configuration (in terms of sw installed) on a linux desktop machine, I have already tried debian version of puppy, Dpup and Upup, but they are not satisfactory, specially in terms of speed

thanks a lot


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Re: cannot install pet update

#612 Post by gheramagni »

post duplicated, see above

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Re: GU2 Feedback, 5.0 A in development

#613 Post by tazoc »

Hi abushcrafter,
I'm looking through your updates. Were any of them affecting stability? I will use the Transmission Pet and some others. Have you tried any later versions of CUPS, I think 1.42 is the latest? I'm focusing on packages that work with Slackware-current--which is a pre-release for Slackware 13.1 incl. their latest glibc-2.11, glib2-2.22.4, OpenSSL 0.9.8, Xorg 7.5, Mesa 7.7 and KDE 4.4.2. I have a couple of test builds, one with Barry's kernel. Likely that will be LHP5.0 A build 480. 'Xorg -configure' won't run on my ATI adapter but Xorg 7.5 starts OK anyway without any configuration. I'm working on the latest OpenGL/3D support built-in and hope that we won't need proprietary drivers for running CF/Desktop Effects. The Base ISO will hopefully have basic 3D working and Mariner will include the full 38M of Mesa dri modules for best performance. I'm trying to nail down whether accomplishing that requires Slackware's updated Hal/Udev/Message bus to be in Mariner or just with KDE as before...
Barburo wrote:Hi TazOC,
MU's pet fixed my screen resolution problems on the notebook, and tempestuous modified the ralink driver and my Buffalo wi-fi dongle now works so I get connectivity on the new notebook.
I've had a little time to try out the features of GU2.
I have two laptops (my new Acer 5810TZ and the older Sony Vaio), plus a couple of older desktops and I have put GU2 on all of them.
Sweet! MU and Tempestuous have contributed a great deal to Puppy.
I mentioned before that occasionally the boot process hangs. I've had this at least once on all of the machines. It usually happens just after the mount process because I get the messages that sda1 ... etc mounted then it hangs. I also get an occasional hang before the screen displays on one of the desktops. In all cases rebooting fixes it.
Weird, I wonder if something in the start-up needs a delay or two for certain machines. Intermittent bugs are tough to solve.
When using the Buffalo dongle I find the regular connection wizard wont work (scan finds my router but I cannot get a proper IP address that matches the router). The address it comes up with is
If I use the "old" connection wizard I can get an IP address that works but I need to run it two (or even three) times before I get a proper connection through the router. Sometimes the wizard will tell me that has established a connection but if I look in Hardware Info/network it's the strange IP that I have been unable to identify on the web. Even after getting a good IP address it does not persist from session to session. I always need to reconnect each session even though the "Trying to get IP address ..." message is displayed during the last part of the boot process. Perhaps these symptoms are related - any thoughts?
Sounds like the DHCP/DNS process isn't quite right. Have you tried resetting your router? My dongle works fine on connection but with heavy traffic drops out occasionally and I have to re-connect. It's frustrating but fortunately at home I can connect wired, rock-solid and LHP does it automatically.
C-F runs on those machines with enough graphics to support it. One strange thing is that when C-F loads it brings up QPS and sometimes the QPS preferences dialogue too. Doesn't happen if I leave the C-F .sfs file out of the boot.
I'm having that problem with a newer build of qPS, even w/o C-F, so will keep working on that...
Sidebar is good to look at but doesn't show my wireless links - it only shows eth0 so I use GKrellmon which does show it.
I'm attaching a substitute Sidebar theme, for CF/Desktop Effects in '/root/.kde/share/apps/superkaramba/themes/Sidebar_Effects/'. If your Wi-Fi connection is not wlan0 there is a readme inside on how I did it--a simple search|'replace all' in Geany works.
One last cosmetic comment - I much preferred the "white on blue" reversed text and bold blue boot messages you used previously to the white/green and green bold that you've used in GU2.
I thought something different would be fun, but I agree with you. I'll switch back to the previous color scheme.
Others in this thread have complimented you on being able to do all this development on your own. It staggers my mind too, and I still think LHPup is the best Puppy derivative. I'm also testing out Lucid Pup 6 based on Woof and Ubuntu binaries. I find that connectivity is much less of an issue (uses the 2.6.33.x kernel) but it doesn't have the look or all of the amazing features and desktop alternatives that LHP has. I know you're working on the next iteration of LHP and I'm sure it'll be in line with your regular first class efforts. Keep up the fantastic work.
Thank you, I will. I received one donation so far this year and it was a generous amount. Really made my day! My work relies on the substantial efforts of many others--Linux truly is a global collaborative achievement. [--=feeling proud and grateful=--] Most of it unpaid, shared with few expectations and thankfully mostly free of the politics and ruthless corporate mechanics of for-profit operations. I only wish I had the energy and enthusiasm needed to make Lighthouse Pup earn praise throughout the Linux Community. Well, just keep working on that and take it one day at a time!
Take care,
Sidebar_Effects_Net_wlan0.theme for LHP 4.43 Gu2/3
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Re: cannot install pet update

#614 Post by Q5sys »

Abushcrafter: saw you commenting in this thread, about the new Arora version... so here you go
gheramagni wrote:- Midori, lightweight web browser, is the preferred browser on Slitaz and runs very well on this small linux distro
Midori is a good browser, I tried compiling the latest version but there are a ton of dependencies (it needs a bunch of gnome stuff), eventually I got tired of trying to wrestle with it when I hit a bug in libsoup2.4-1
After doing some testing it seems that the latest version of midori isnt going to be compatible with LHP (Rox to be specific) as there are some conflicts with libxml2. is needed by midori, but it looks for Rox on the other hand looks for but needs 2.7.3 Obviously you cant have 2 different libs using the same symlink. There is a work around for this, and there is solution for the libsoup bug, I just have no idea what they are. Check with technosaurus' thread
Have you tried Arora (another extremely lightweight browser), I got it compilied. I uploaded in the thread I linked above for abushcrafter, if you want to give it a try.
gheramagni wrote: I will like to do some "improvement" to your fantastic puplets (yesterday evening I installed with the SFS installer also KDE and Mariner SFS), I am not a programmer, I am just a linux "end user" (started just 4 years ago) , I will try to add some other useful programs to realize a sort of "PRO" version of lighthouse that could run well on my old 1GHz Pentium III...
If you're going that route, Ive been working on crafting some SFS addons for LHP which you may find useful. Some are just simple more Graphics programs, Internet apps, Games, etc. However I am working on one to try to fill in some of the missing CLI bits that Puppy does not seem to have as well as some add on utilities for system monitoring and Bash 4.1.

Or for that matter TazOC, in case you want them for your next LHP release. i'll attach a list of what I was just talking about. If you want a full list of the stuff ive added (arora, network utilities, etc) I can get you that too.
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Grub install is broken

#615 Post by Pete22 »

Hello lhp guru,

Many thanks for the new gu3 pet. It is wonderful! I downloaded gu2 and was able to update easily. I am sure some folks will like the other ways better, but many thanks for this additional option even though it probably adds to the size of the savefile.

Cheers to you!

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#616 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi tazoc,

Take a look at Startmount-0.5.3 - 01micko and tasmod's which allows selective mount of individual partitions and starting of programs. A big help for me because I always want to mount only one other partition in addition to home. It is working well on my LHP installations.

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#617 Post by 01micko »

Thanks for the recommendation Jim :)


Joe wing has updated JWM again to 490, fixes some keyboard issues. Source here

Compiles in a jiffy on lupu but fribidi must be disabled, however if you need that compiled in BarryK has a hack on his blog here

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#618 Post by tazoc »

Q5sys, Jim1911 and 01micko,
Thanks for the tips. I'm testing ROX 2.10 from git and JWM 489. I'll give JWM 490 a try as well--I didn't know about Fribidi.

Q5sys, you're right, it would be nice if ROX had back and forward buttons and the other features also. But it is quick and I love how it shows recently changed files in bold text. I find the properties dialog more helpful than on any other file manager. I tend to use the up button and Bookmarks | Recently visited menu without thinking about it.

The SFS ideas you posted sound interesting. If you need somewhere to upload you could PM Caneri as many Puppians have space on his server at, or myself if you'd like to use

Glad the Gu3 pet works for you. It was very small in size--ideal for a PET rather than rebuilding the ISO. I noticed the subject on your post "Grub install is broken", and was wondering if that was in LHP; if so what file system type was the partition chosen and was there an error code? GRUB is great when it works but can be tough to diagnose when it doesn't.
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#619 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:Q5sys, Jim1911 and 01micko,
Thanks for the tips. I'm testing ROX 2.10 from git and JWM 489. I'll give JWM 490 a try as well--I didn't know about Fribidi.

Q5sys, you're right, it would be nice if ROX had back and forward buttons and the other features also. But it is quick and I love how it shows recently changed files in bold text. I find the properties dialog more helpful than on any other file manager. I tend to use the up button and Bookmarks | Recently visited menu without thinking about it.

The SFS ideas you posted sound interesting. If you need somewhere to upload you could PM Caneri as many Puppians have space on his server at, or myself if you'd like to use
I hadnt noticed Barry's post about Rox 2.10. I compiled it from source pulled directly from the rox site. The only issue with it that I had was, that apparently the icons needed to be in a different place than they currently where in my system, because none of the icons rendered at all. Other than that, I didnt have any problems with it at all.
As for using Bash 4.1 it seems to work fine, but I have yet to do a full reboot with it in place. Thats on the adjenda this weekend.

As far as the 'recently visited menu', I had never heard of that before, so I went digging and found it. That'll solve my forward and back quirks. Cut/Paste will still annoy me, as well not being able to quiet overwriting/merging. Well... at least thats one annoyance down. :)

As for a place to host things, I dont care really where I can put any sfs files I make. If I can put it somewhere and someone else can benefit from it... great. Since I use LHP, it might make a bit more sense if the SFS files are there, as thats the OS I am testing them on and can confirm that they dont have any conflicts (or at least none that ive found yet).
Last edited by Q5sys on Mon 26 Apr 2010, 04:59, edited 1 time in total.

Lighthouse Pup 4.43 Gu2 215M

#620 Post by gcmartin »

I'm new here. Saw this project and it seems interesting.

But, I'm trying to understand Lighthouse and Mariner and now even the new GU3 Pet.

What is the installation instructions once you have LightHouse?
Can I install these 3 as a part of a LIveCD session?
How would you proceed?

Thanks in advance....
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