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#161 Post by steve_s »

adXok wrote:Hm if it wasn't that lack with cyrillic support in Thunar and the awful media players I would stick with NOP. It is a great derivative because of the XFCE.

If you know some other Puppy derivative with XFCE, please let me know. And of course I would like stick to the concept: one app for a task ;)
It seems to be a keyboard/xorg layout issue; I searched around.

This thread was the most useful I found so far, in the Linux forums.

And on the XFCE forums this person is talking about setting local, so that may be something to look into as well.

Remember, we are dealing with XFCE first on your issue, then with Puppy as an underlying cause, or at least it seems that way.

Please, please: if you get the exact configuration POST BACK as there almost for sure will be someone else that is trying to get this going as well and it could be a great help to them, thus the cycle of the Puppy forum. 8)
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#162 Post by adXok »

Ok. So I started a Terminal and wrote: locale (and hit Enter). Here is what came up:

Code: Select all

I started the locale charmap command in Terminal and it returned that my current charmap is: ISO-8859-1
So now I suppose from what I read here:
that I must edit the LC_MESSAGES="xx_xx" considering that first two xx are the language code and the second xx are the country code or something?!
So in my case for bulgarian it should be: bg_BG

Only if I could be able to find where is that 'locale' file in the disrectories?!?!?
I cannot find that .cshrc file also... Hm-m...
I'll try that:

Code: Select all

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#163 Post by steve_s »

In standard Puppy (not sure about NOP), you can type in terminal "pfind" without the quotes and it will run pfind. Then just use * for any wild card on the search...

I usually cd to / then run

Code: Select all

find -name '*.cshrc' 
or whatever I'm looking for...
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#164 Post by adXok »

In search of . cscrh either with Pfind I get:

No files found!

or with Terminal find -name '*.cshrc' I get:
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#165 Post by steve_s »

adXok wrote:In search of . cscrh either with Pfind I get:

No files found!

or with Terminal find -name '*.cshrc' I get:
I'll try to check mine tonight, adXok.

Gray: do you know how to modify the locales? Know where the .cscrh file is?
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#166 Post by adXok »

With Barry's Original Puppy I seem to not have these problems with the Cyrillic letters (fonts aren't any problem at all)... strange! Or maybe not so strange. :D

I just got one issue with Cyrillic letters with Geany text editor in barry's Original Puppy:
the name of the file (in Cyrillic) doesn't show up properly on the Geany's window panel and on the Tab of the same file also.

Other than that Cyrillic is properly shown and treated when browsing, naming a file, copy/paste to locations and so on.


Seems the problem is with XFCE in NOP Pyppy and with a particular program like in Geany and maybe others. I suppose the issues could be easy fixed. At least the languages' characters must always be supported.


And onother question! I have installed Skype but I cannot make a Skype Icon on the desktop or in the top panel. How to do that?
I just want a simple Icon and to be able to change it's icon image with the Skype's one or some .png or .svg or whatever but not that gear-like icon.
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#167 Post by steve_s »

adXok wrote:With Barry's Original Puppy I seem to not have these problems with the Cyrillic letters (fonts aren't any problem at all)... strange! Or maybe not so strange. :D

I just got one issue with Cyrillic letters with Geany text editor in barry's Original Puppy:
the name of the file (in Cyrillic) doesn't show up properly on the Geany's window panel and on the Tab of the same file also.

Other than that Cyrillic is properly shown and treated when browsing, naming a file, copy/paste to locations and so on.


Seems the problem is with XFCE in NOP Pyppy and with a particular program like in Geany and maybe others. I suppose the issues could be easy fixed. At least the languages' characters must always be supported.


And onother question! I have installed Skype but I cannot make a Skype Icon on the desktop or in the top panel. How to do that?
I just want a simple Icon and to be able to change it's icon image with the Skype's one or some .png or .svg or whatever but not that gear-like icon.
Does something like this help (refer to picture attached). It sets the keyboard layout. I see that us is the only default one...don't know if you've messed with that yet. :?
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#168 Post by adXok »

О, I have already set up that.
I loaded as a second layout the Bulgarian Phonetc as I usualy do.

It is not that the problem. It has something to do with UTF-8 UTF-16 or default ISO-8859-1 coding of symbols in XFCE and as a global setting in 'locale' file... wherever that may be.

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#169 Post by steve_s »

How about this...from terminal run:

Code: Select all

Have you done that already, adXok?
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#170 Post by adXok »

How could I miss that in a first place. :shock:

OMG, I wrote in Terminal: chooselocale
Then a window opened, i choose bg for Bulgarian and ticked the: UTF-8 coding

That simple!!! But it finaly worked!

I am happy and ashamed! :oops:
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#171 Post by ragaman »

Hi, Gray. Thanks for this wonderful puplet.

I encountered a problem in printing to a shared Windows printer though. When I print a test page, it displays a "Can't load /etc/opt/samba/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it" error.

My samba.conf is located in /etc/opt/samba/ and is the default of NOP 4.3.1. I have not touched it.

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#172 Post by steve_s »

adXok wrote:How could I miss that in a first place. :shock:

OMG, I wrote in Terminal: chooselocale
Then a window opened, i choose bg for Bulgarian and ticked the: UTF-8 coding

That simple!!! But it finaly worked!

I am happy and ashamed! :oops:
Ha! You're hardly the first to miss something simple...that's why I suggested it 'cause I know when I miss something it's usually the simple answer, and I've done it many, many times...glad it is working for you now! 8)
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#173 Post by adXok »

And onother question! I have installed Skype but I cannot make a Skype Icon on the desktop or in the top panel. How to do that?
I just want a simple Icon and to be able to change it's icon image with the Skype's one or some .png or .svg or whatever but not that gear-like icon.
I cannot make a desktop icon... :oops:

P.S. Oh, i make a symlink of the skype app but cannot change the icon and most badly the settings are the default ones (it didnt start with bulgarian menus and etc.)!
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#174 Post by steve_s »

adXok wrote:
And onother question! I have installed Skype but I cannot make a Skype Icon on the desktop or in the top panel. How to do that?
I just want a simple Icon and to be able to change it's icon image with the Skype's one or some .png or .svg or whatever but not that gear-like icon.
I cannot make a desktop icon... :oops:

P.S. Oh, i make a symlink of the skype app but cannot change the icon and most badly the settings are the default ones (it didnt start with bulgarian menus and etc.)!
Try this: here
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#175 Post by adXok »

Ok, another problem I just had.

I cannot setup a PPPOE connection!!! Puppy only gives me the DHCP connection setup by default.
I tried at lest 5 or 6 suggested threads here but with no success. :(

My Internet Provider told me that my IP is dynamic (fo ra first time in my life I use that type of IP). The connection is PPPOE with login (username and pass). Under Windows XP Pro SP3 the settings passed smooth, no problems but in Puppy NOP I cannot find the right way to setup it right (and it is important as I use 99% of my Internet surfing with Puppy!!!).

So could someone help me set up the PPPOE right and from where to do that in Puppy NOP? Thanks in advance! :oops:

P.S. Please tell me if it is bad to connect via PPPOE and what (dis)advantages it offers me over DHCP as I had NO problems for at lest 5 years with DHCP.

I do not know what I did specificaly but I messed around with the pppoe-setup and after some tweaking and multiple times commanding it: pppoe-start
I t finaly ran! :lol:
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xfce panel

#176 Post by itachikun »

hi there,

i'm new to linux and get interested in NOP. i'm going to use it in my internet caffe.

i need some help :
  1. how to disable right click on panel so user can't edit panel setting (moreover can't delete the panel) ?

    is there any software or application or tool or trick that works as "Deep freeze" like in Micr*s*ft Wind**s ?

PS : Sorry, my English is bad, so i write it just to the point.
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Hey Gray

#177 Post by Max Headroom »

Hey G'day Gray Do U have any Plans 2 Do Y'r Magic w/ Quirky + Xfce + Opera Mate?

Ps Go the Crusaders!
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Please SumBody AnyBody Help Save Me Network Settings

#178 Post by Max Headroom »

:?: Please SumBody AnyBody Help Save Me Network Configuration.

Despite Answering Yes Keep the Configuration 4 Next Boot it Forgets Like an aLzheimer's Sufferer :cry: , So I have 2 Manually Re - eNter Me IP Address & Gateway Ev'ryTime :x ,

Please Wot's the File & File / Path I Need 2 Fix & How...

Also I Wunder if this Related 2 Opera Not Loading Pages Properly, Altho I've installed SeaMunky 4 Me Wife & it seems 2 be Working OK :?
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Nop 431r2 Report& Inquiry

#179 Post by Henry »

It's been ages since gray ventured onto the forum. I do wish him well and thanks. No one could fault him for lying low, if he is. He left us a real gift in Nop.

Maybe he will surprise us with a great new version, but right now things are a bit scattered. Maybe it's just as well, as Nop is a very serviceable, finished product, which I have adapted extensively for my working machine and used for years, as described at

Naturally, I test various new puppies from time to time, but am never tempted away from my custom Nop. First - it would mean a lot of work. Second - they don't have Xfce!

Honorable mention goes to Iguleder's 432, aka 4 Forward. Available with the same kernel as Nop, it can easily upgrade my ancient evolved pup-save. Adds lots of good (non essential to me working stuff) But to replace my Nop? Hardly.
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Double post removed, sorry.

#180 Post by Henry »

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