Cannot Connect to Internet! 4.3.1 (Solved)

Roaring Silence
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#21 Post by Roaring Silence »

Beem, I don't think it is true that in my case the Roaring Penguin utility would have worked correctly. This is because it works with the PPPoE protocol, whereas my ISP requires the PPPoA protocol. Roaring Penguin is not designed to work with that, indeed, with PPPoA the configuration has to be done on the modem itself, using a browser - I set it up in Debian using Firefox. As I am using Linux exclusively, I had to phone my ISP and enter all the settings manually, because the ISP only produces a configuration disk for Windows users.

If I look at Roaring Penguin and click the network status button, it tells me that - pppoe status: Link is down (can't read pppoe PID file /var/run/ Yet the connection works when the NAMESERVER value is set in /etc/resolv.conf

The point is that once PPPoA is set, subsequent OSs should find an internet connection automatically, and this was done by the Linuxes I added later - OpenSuse, Arch and Slax. Only Puppy did not automatically detect the internet connection. Perhaps yeahman could confirm that his ISP also requires the PPPoA protocol.

Although the PPPoE protocol is more common, shouldn't Puppy accommodate PPPoA users as well?
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#22 Post by Béèm »

Roaring Silence wrote:Beem, I don't think it is true that in my case the Roaring Penguin utility would have worked correctly. This is because it works with the PPPoE protocol, whereas my ISP requires the PPPoA protocol. Roaring Penguin is not designed to work with that, indeed, with PPPoA the configuration has to be done on the modem itself, using a browser - I set it up in Debian using Firefox. As I am using Linux exclusively, I had to phone my ISP and enter all the settings manually, because the ISP only produces a configuration disk for Windows users.

If I look at Roaring Penguin and click the network status button, it tells me that - pppoe status: Link is down (can't read pppoe PID file /var/run/ Yet the connection works when the NAMESERVER value is set in /etc/resolv.conf

The point is that once PPPoA is set, subsequent OSs should find an internet connection automatically, and this was done by the Linuxes I added later - OpenSuse, Arch and Slax. Only Puppy did not automatically detect the internet connection. Perhaps yeahman could confirm that his ISP also requires the PPPoA protocol.

Although the PPPoE protocol is more common, shouldn't Puppy accommodate PPPoA users as well?
As you spoke yourself about a PPPoE username, I supposed you had a PPPoE connection.
You should have mentioned in your initial post PPPoA.

Several years ago I had such a modem albeit on a telephone line.
Indeed I had to enter through a browser the login info etc.
I can't quite well remember, but I think I could use PPPoE as well as PPPoA.
I used PPPoE I think.
The moddem connects as soon as powered on to the ISP
And indeed if the eth device got an IP, one could connect to the internet directly.
In Windows I used a connection program, I think needed to get the wlan IP and dns information.

I would suggest to PM Barry Kauler to point to this problem, as from time to time this problem pops up.
If you don't feel up to doing this, I can do it.

Please let me know.
Time savers:
Find packages in a snap and install using Puppy Package Manager (Menu).
Consult Wikka
Use peppyy's puppysearch
Roaring Silence
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#23 Post by Roaring Silence »

Thanks, if you would not mind mentioning this to him, that would be great. I have only been using Puppy for a couple of days. Cheers. :D
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#24 Post by Helghan »

Roaring Silence wrote:I have now solved this problem. The problem was that /etc/resolv.conf was a symbolic link, which pointed to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf which was a symbolic link which pointed to itself.

I renamed /etc/resolv.conf -
# mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.old

Using Geany, I created a new resolv.conf file with the line -

This file was saved as /etc/resolv.conf

Restarting Seamonkey, internet connection was established. Hope that helps yeahman.
I'm having the same problem the OP had, i'm a OpenSuse linux user ( new user ) , but I have vista ( sigh ) on my laptop, I'm running the puppy linux live cd at the moment, the wireless connection is successful but the net browsers won't work.

Can someone explain what I quoted,in simple steps, i'm a total noob to these things, would love to browse the net in puppy.

EDIT : I found the /etc/resolv.conf file, did you rename it .. # mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.old , ? , or /etc/resolv.conf.old , damn im confused LOL

Also for nameserver <-- is that number specific to you or do I type in the same numbers?

Would be very much appreciated if someone could clear this up, won't be installing puppy until I know I can browse the net on it... I don't understand why it says " connected successful! ", then the net browsers don't work. ugh
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#25 Post by ieee488 »


My nameserver is
I found it by running the command ipconfig on my Windows XP laptop connected to the same router as my IBM Thinkpad 600E running Puppy Linux. So that number may be different for you.

Hope that helps.
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