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#101 Post by jpeps »

Not that I use it much, but Seamonkey needs SSL.

edit: error "could not initialize browser's security component"
r/w restrictions, etc

Looks like it has nothing to do with ssl being enabled, either through prefs or about:config

figured it out; there was a conflict with .mozilla used by firefox. SM worked fine after removing the directory.
Last edited by jpeps on Thu 29 Apr 2010, 23:57, edited 5 times in total.
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#102 Post by jpeps »

Although samba appears in the cups dropdown menu, it requires the full samba-3.0.26 package to work.
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#103 Post by technosaurus »

@jpeps - I recompiled the 3.0.37 version of samba and included the binaries that I thought were needed for cups/samba - if samba is not working in general please let me know and I will revert to the older, twice as large version. If you could give errors that show up in the command line though it would be great!
The included default build for samba is really bad for size and speed & I would like to fix it if anyone knows the configuration of the working build, I know I can make improvements (not building as a position independent executable for starters... or is that needed for cups? using it like a library or something - that would be strange, non-unixian behavior)

@general puppy users
Notecase development has apparently formally stopped in favor of a commercial offering of Notecase2. Here is a possible replacement called CherryTree:
http://gtk-apps.org/content/show.php/Ch ... ent=113350
Has anyone tried it?

viewnior-1.0 was also released
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#104 Post by DaveS »

Nothing very special with my desktop. Just a photo taken of the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland.
The Op system is VERY special though. 4.4 Alpha 1, Vattery from Jemimah, Pretty Blinky from Ttuuxxx, Polished Blue GTK theme, Blackgrad (by me) JWM theme, DuDE from Zigbert. Even at Alpha 1, the best Puppy ever by far (IMHO). Thanks to everybody involved.

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#105 Post by Gurglin »


any chance for making Puppy compliant with PCs having trident cyberblade video cards, for using an SVideo Out without workarounds?

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#106 Post by jpeps »

technosaurus wrote:@jpeps - I recompiled the 3.0.37 version of samba and included the binaries that I thought were needed for cups/samba - if samba is not working in general please let me know and I will revert to the older, twice as large version. If you could give errors that show up in the command line though it would be great!
When installing the printer in cups, I get:

Code: Select all

Installing samba 3.0.26 first got it working. I'm connecting to a windows desktop with an HP940c deskjet attached.

edit: I seem to recall getting that message when cups needed to be turned on (again) after loading X.

EDIT: That was it.

"/initrd/pup_ro2/etc/init.d/cups start" and all is well!

OOPS...spoke too soon. Printer now installs, but doesn't print. Nothing shows up on the command line; in cups job is "pending". Again, everything works if Samba package is installed. Sorry for the confusion.....(I tried after rebooting with pfix=ram to make sure).
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#107 Post by tubeguy »

OK got this puppy loaded up and running. It's fast and stable so far! Loving it!

However the menu button doesn't work. It did at first, then I installed Firefox and Aqualung, now it's dead.

Aqualung was the pet from http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=31689, Firefox was the 3.6 pet from http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=30434.

Aqualung didn't start straight away but after grabbing the libsndfile and libsamplerate pets I was good to go.

My Gigabyte GN-WMKG wireless PCMCIA card is happily connecting with ndiswrapper and it reconnects by itself after restarting, something I've had problems with with other pups.

I did try using my Turtle Beach Audio Advantage USB sound thingy when I saw the new ALSA wizard, but it didn't work. The wizard saw the device but after rebooting there were no sound devices at all.

I like the Puppy Control Center, very nice!

it looks like a sh-tload of work went into this, it's very much appreciated.

Edit: I closed my screen and thought I had a power outage or something- I think I triggered a shutdown- any way to disable that?

Edit2: I remember I did run the tray services wizard, I guess that has something to do with the menu button not responding. I hardly ever use it anyway...
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#108 Post by jpeps »

I don't see any smbd/nmbd in current samba. (old version was in /opt/samba/sbin).
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#109 Post by DaveS »

Tubeguy, there are still a few bugs in Puppy Control Centre, and the disabling of the menu button is one, where the wrong value gets passed to the menu command. The best thing to do right now is to install DuDE from here http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=53680, which will fix it. The next 4.4 (maybe this weekend) will have DuDE.
Only bug I have found in the DuDE system is using it to change default programs such as browsers etc., which does not work just now.
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#110 Post by tubeguy »

DaveS wrote:Tubeguy, there are still a few bugs in Puppy Control Centre, and the disabling of the menu button is one, where the wrong value gets passed to the menu command. The best thing to do right now is to install DuDE from here http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=53680, which will fix it. The next 4.4 (maybe this weekend) will have DuDE.
Only bug I have found in the DuDE system is using it to change default programs such as browsers etc., which does not work just now.
Thanks dude...um, I mean Dave!
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#111 Post by technosaurus »

aqualung was originally in 4.31, however playing multiple files caused it to open several instances until the entire tray gets filled with little blue raindrops - this is probably addressed by compiling with libunique, but adding an extra library that basically only does ps |grep `basename $0` seems a bit ridiculous (personally I use aplay as my defaultaudioplayer) It sounds like the aqualung package also needs its dependencies updated.

No one has mentioned anything about the homebank package so far, but there had been several requests to have libOFX (and its dependencies) If no-one steps up to test the OFX side I will probably put a non-OFX version in the beta build and make the OFX version available as a pet.

the broken home was addressed earlier - just reinstall Zigbert's latest Dude
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#112 Post by upnorth »

Just a headsup on the file permissions. I just noticed a bunch of files and directories (not symlinks) under /root/ and /etc were 777, So I changed some of them back to 755,644, etc. But I don't know if they were that way originally (777) or if they got that way somehow.
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#113 Post by technosaurus »

upnorth wrote:Hi:
Just a headsup on the file permissions. I just noticed a bunch of files and directories (not symlinks) under /root/ and /etc were 777, So I changed some of them back to 755,644, etc. But I don't know if they were that way originally (777) or if they got that way somehow.
Thanks for finding that - I made the mistake of doing a woof build on an ntfs partition - would it be much trouble to make a tarball?
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#114 Post by technosaurus »

modified partview to work with less dependencies - replaced the "not very efficient generating gif images" with a modified version of my own ash script.

Code: Select all

#Barry Kauler 2009. A first go, not very efficient generating gif images.
#v431 clarf: bugfix, old kernel without libata drivers.

#modified version of technosaurus' genhbar - public domain
genhbar() {
#need to reset these because I should have used for instead of while loops
#get values from input
for x in $@; do
case $x in
      FILENAME=`echo $x |cut -d = -f 2`
      PERCENT=`echo $x |cut -d % -f 1`
      echo "usage "$0" XX% name=filename"

#generate one line of the image
while [ "$q" -lt $BARMAX ]; do
    q=$(($q + 1))
while [ "$q" -le $WIDTH ]; do
    q=$(($q + 1))

#write to file
echo '/* XPM */' >${FILENAME}.xpm
echo 'static char *'$FILENAME'_xpm[] = {' >>${FILENAME}.xpm
echo '"'$WIDTH $HEIGHT '2 1",' >>${FILENAME}.xpm
echo '"0 c '$BGCOLOR'",' >>${FILENAME}.xpm
echo '"1 c '$FGCOLOR'",' >>${FILENAME}.xpm

while [ "$y" -le $HEIGHT ]; do
echo '"'$BARSTRING'"' >>${FILENAME}.xpm
    y=$(($y + 1))

echo '};' >>${FILENAME}.xpm

PARTSLIST="`probepart -k 2> /dev/null | grep '^/dev/' | grep -E 'iso9660|ext2|ext3|ext4|reiserfs|msdos|vfat|ntfs|minix' | cut -f 1-3 -d '|' | tr '\n' ' '`"

#PARTINFO="<hbox><text><label>Free</label></text><pixmap><input file>/usr/share/pixmaps/partview_top.gif</input></pixmap></hbox>"

#Fast enough now that this is not needed?
#xmessage -center -bg orange -buttons "" "Please wait, processing..." &

 MNTSTATUS='(currently mounted)'
 ATAG="`echo -n "$APART" | cut -f 1 -d '|' | cut -f 3 -d '/'`"
 ASIZE=`echo -n "$APART" | cut -f 3 -d '|'`
 if [ -e /proc/ide ];then #v431 old kernel without libata drivers.
  ATIPE=`echo -n "$APART" | cut -f 2 -d '|'`
  case $ATIPE in
    [ "`dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/${ATAG} 2>&1 | grep 'non-DVD'`" != "" ] && ASIZE=700000
  case $ATAG in
    [ "`dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/${ATAG} 2>&1 | grep 'non-DVD'`" != "" ] && ASIZE=700000
 AFS="`echo -n "$APART" | cut -f 2 -d '|'`"
 AUSED=`df -k | grep "$AFPATTERN" | tr -s " " | cut -f 3 -d " "`
 if [ ! "$AUSED" ];then
  MNTSTATUS='(not mounted)'
  mkdir -p /mnt/$ATAG
  mount -t $AFS /dev/$ATAG /mnt/$ATAG > /dev/null 2>&1
  if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
   AUSED=`df -k | grep "$AFPATTERN" | tr -s " " | cut -f 3 -d " "`
   umount /dev/$ATAG
 #[ "$AFS" ] && echo "${ATAG} \"Filesystem: $AFS  Size: ${ASIZE}M  Free: ${AFREE}M ${MNTSTATUS}\" \\" >> /tmp/schoices.txt #v3.01 added precaution.
 nAUSED=`expr 100 \* $AUSED \/ $ASIZE` #normalise.
 #process size...
 if [ $AFREE -gt 1048576 ];then #1024*1024
  ONESIZE="`dc $AFREE 1048576 \/ p`"
  ONESIZE="`printf "%.1f" $ONESIZE`G"
  if [ $AFREE -gt 99 ];then
   ONESIZE="`expr $AFREE \/ 1024`M"
   ONESIZE="`dc $AFREE 1024 \/ p`"
   ONESIZE="`printf "%.1f" $AFREE`M"
 echo "$ONESIZE" > /tmp/partview_used_${ATAG}
 genhbar ${nAUSED}%  name=/tmp/partview_${ATAG}
 #add to gui...
<hbox><text><label>${ATAG} ${ONESIZE}</label></text><pixmap><input file>/tmp/partview_${ATAG}.xpm</input></pixmap></hbox>"

#kill $XPID

export MAIN_DIALOG="<window title=\"Partview\" icon-name=\"gtk-harddisk\">
gtkdialog3 --program=MAIN_DIALOG
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#115 Post by technosaurus »

tubeguy wrote: Edit: I closed my screen and thought I had a power outage or something- I think I triggered a shutdown- any way to disable that?
I am guessing you are using Xvesa, because that hasn't been a problem with Xorg

Anyhow I think that is controlled by

but I'm not sure if you can use chmod to make it unwritable by the system or not -- anyone know??
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#116 Post by tubeguy »

technosaurus wrote:
tubeguy wrote: Edit: I closed my screen and thought I had a power outage or something- I think I triggered a shutdown- any way to disable that?
I am guessing you are using Xvesa, because that hasn't been a problem with Xorg

Anyhow I think that is controlled by

but I'm not sure if you can use chmod to make it unwritable by the system or not -- anyone know??
I definitely am using xorg. Just ran

Code: Select all

chmod 000 state 
and the behavior went away. Thanks!

After playing a bit more I realize the machine was actually hibernating. When I lifted the lid it would wake up but after a few seconds the screen would dim by about 50%. Still usable but dark, and after rebooting all was well again.
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#117 Post by technosaurus »

tubeguy wrote: After playing a bit more I realize the machine was actually hibernating. When I lifted the lid it would wake up but after a few seconds the screen would dim by about 50%. Still usable but dark, and after rebooting all was well again.
That makes more sense,

You may have help solve an unrelated bug though.... It may be a good idea to add

Code: Select all

chmod 000 /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state
to the Xvesa setup script to prevent the complete fail when the lid is shut.... any suggestions out there as to where this would need to go?
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#118 Post by OverDrive »

technosaurus said:
No one has mentioned anything about the homebank package so far, but there had been several requests to have libOFX (and its dependencies) If no-one steps up to test the OFX side I will probably put a non-OFX version in the beta build and make the OFX version available as a pet.
I downloaded the homebank-4.2.1-i486.pet and tried it today. It did say it recognized the OFX/QFX file types but it listed 0 accounts and 0 transactions to import. The OFX or the QFX file I got from my bank is 31k and when opened with a text editor there are plenty of transactions listed so me thinks something is not right with the static compile. OFX/QFX support would really be cool if you could figuire it out.


BTW I meant to tell you before, There is something wrong with the B43 driver in 4.4

It doesn't work right in comparision to quirky21. I can't remember if it didn't log in at all or was real slow in the throughput. Check with Barry to see what he did to fix it.

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#119 Post by tubeguy »

technosaurus wrote:You may have help solve an unrelated bug though....
That would be a first for me...:wink:
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#120 Post by technosaurus »

I have reverted back to the non OFX version of homebank (since it was reported not to work)

I also built the latest stable webkitgtk and midori and made a test build with seamonkey removed and replaced with midori (defaultbrowser), claws-mail (defaultmail/contacts) and abiword (defaulthtmleditor) and the webkit test gtklauncher (defaulthtmlviewer)

for some reason gxine depends on libmozjs, so I had to copy over some libs from seamonkey (~900kb) - unless there is a better alternative? an mplayer frontend maybe? or more likely gstreamer+totem since gstreamer would also provide for html5 video in webkit & midori
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