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#561 Post by 01micko »


SATA issue maybe? :?

I was thinking that before. Has the Medion SATA? Your main machine SATA?

I remember awhile ago in early upups or something you had issues with serial ATA drives. If that is the case then I would suspect a kernel issue.

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#562 Post by Béèm »

01micko wrote:Béèm

SATA issue maybe? :?

I was thinking that before. Has the Medion SATA? Your main machine SATA?

I remember awhile ago in early upups or something you had issues with serial ATA drives. If that is the case then I would suspect a kernel issue.

In the Medion PC the HDD's are indeed sata drives.
They worked ok up to a kernel level, don't remember by hart which one, but upup 466 was the last that worked ok.
For upup > 466 and some other puppies I had the issue that the HDD's weren't seen. I could get the PC going by specifying acpi=off, but that handicaps the functionality of the PC. The issue was never solved.

For this lucid 114, I didn't have to specify acpi=off. It booted ok.

I use mostly the laptop which has a standard IDE HDD.

But the common thing of the 2 PC's is that apparently that the xml files weren't generated correctly, I suspect.

I did another <<bold>> thing on the laptop.
I renamed the /root/.pup_event directory and restarted X.
I still have the 0GB size
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ffmpeg and ffplay

#563 Post by smil99 »

I am not able to find ffplay in lupu. Seems the ffmpeg in lupu is not configured with ffplay capability. Installing from lucid repository worsens the situation probably due to dependencies mismatch. Will be nice to have an ffmpeg with ffplay support in lupu. I believe it is possible to have programs like Openshot run in lupu if we have a working ffplay.
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#564 Post by playdayz »

still no decent games
aarf, ever played Clanbomber?
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#565 Post by playdayz »

Is it possible to upgrade regular Puppy 4.3.1 to Lucid Puppy?
theoretically possible tasmata, but I wouldn't do it--the upgrade would take much more time than a new install and there is too many things that could go wrong. a fresh install would be more reliable IMHO. Thanks.
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#566 Post by 8-bit »

See my post at the top of page 38!
I installed the correct driver for my Nvidia GeForce 6150 SE Graphics card and I now have no slowdown on Youtube full screen!
So your fits all Nvidia driver must be the problem.
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#567 Post by playdayz »

I started lupu-114 with pfix=ram to make sure I did not have a pupsave interfering with the xorg.conf file.
When I open it in /etc/X11, I see a line at the end that says
"#everything past here is auto-generated by Puppy's Xorg Wizard...


Where the H is the rest that was supposed to be auto-generated?
Does this mean I have to go back and run xorgwizard to get it right or did you miss a step.
If I indeed exit to a prompt and run xorgwizard, the rest of the xorg.conf file gets generated.
But, it is loading the "nv" driver as the one for my Nvidia GeForce 6150 SE Graphics card.
Is this right?
Also, I installed the Nvidia PET for my card and it installs a Nvidia-settings that one should be able to use.
But, when run, it fails with "nvidiaX driver not loaded".
Also, in 114, glxgears is not found.
Was this your fix for the slow full screen video on Youtube?
Dumping GX and dri?
I am trying to understand all of this.
I have as of yet to get a fully functional Nvidia driver for my PC in lupu-114.
I do have the full factory driver installed in my Puppy 431 complete with the splash screen and working nvidia-settings.
I Just went to the Nvidia home site and downloaded and ran the installer for it. I did this after making a system link for /usr/lib/ in /lib.
The depmod options in the installer bombed so I did it from the terminal before restarting X.
And guess what?!!!!
I have a very functional working Nvidia driver now specific to my video card.
And best of all, You tube videos now play full screen with no slowdown at all and no flashes in the playing of them either!
I am one happy camper.
So, what have I learned?
I have learned that the driver that was automatically used for my video card in lupu-113 and lupu-114 was not specific to my card.
It was a matter of a driver that was almost right that must have caused the problem.
Last edited by 8-bit on Today, at 12:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Oh, 8-bit wants to know the whole story. I'll try. Xorg from version 7.4 does not need the xorg.conf file, but it will use the xorg.conf if it is present. Puppy users didn't run into that because we always had an xorg.conf. In the upgrade from 006 to 007 something changed in xorg/xorgwizard and it did not create an xorg.conf. But, lo and behold, xorg still worked. Ah-ha, and it worked pretty well--as well as xorgwizard at least, in choosing the graphics configuration. Therefore, in its current configuration, Lupu xorgwizard writes the xorg.conf file you saw and then exits, to replace itself after that run with the full xorgwizard, and Lupu boots to a desktop that is usable by 2 out of 3. Some people need to change their Locale and/or timezone--they can do both of those things from the desktop now--reliably I believe. However, some people do not get the correct graphics, or need to choose the other Intel driver, or change the keyboard. This requires that they exit to a prompt and run xorgwizard--and that works reliably I believe. It is desirable that they do not have to deal with a prompt to do those things, and that is a a goal of 5.0.1 and/or 5.1--the framework is there. Naturally some people believe we should stay with the tried and tried method, and they have good ideas, but Lupu is trying to move toward fully automatic config. As with most things, if you wait until everything is perfect then you would never move, forward, backward, or sideways.

Yes, dumping glx/dri was the cure for the full screen youtube problem. We want to make a package for full video for 5.0.1.

I need more details about what you did to compile the nvidia driver. Is there any chance you could make a pet of it? Or perhaps someone could use your technique to make a pet. Fornow or 5.0.1. Thanks.
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#568 Post by playdayz »

I believe it is possible to have programs like Openshot run in lupu if we have a working ffplay.
Man, i tried for Openshot yesterday--big dependency hell. So I do not think it is just ffplay, but I will investigate including it (ffplay). have you tried to get it from (you meant you tried the puppy package manage I assume). The one at will tell you what it needs (but not what we already have of course--but you can find that with ldd and by running the program from a terminal and seeing what it reports).

#569 Post by aarf »

playdayz wrote:
still no decent games
aarf, ever played Clanbomber?
i try to steer away from things with violent connotations these days so, no i haven't. anything with rapid repeated movements is out too, RSI being cumulative in my book.
5ball, ace of penguins, jeweled, gplanarity, stuff of that nature is about my limit these days/
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#570 Post by playdayz »

When the playoffs came, Magic Johnson used to say, "It's winning time!" For us, it is Finishing time. No software has ever been released bug free and it will not be this time. Barry reminded me of that the other day. What we need to do, I believe, is to make as sure as we can, that there are no "fatal errors" that could cause data loss. I have just gone through the forums and i do not see reports of those kind of bugs. Thank goodness--and thank Barry for the basic soundness of Woof--and the many programmers who have created the programs we use. Thanks to all of the testers too.

There are some "fit and finish" issues that I would like to see fixed. The drive icons being the main one. However, it has been the case for at least two years that jwm does not reconfigure itself properly when the screen resolution is changed. Icewm, on the other hand does do that properly. I believe that may be related to the drive icons problem. I will consult with 01micko, who may have already solved that problem as he has solved so many others. BTW, I have asked Barry that 01micko receive full credit as Chief Developer of Lucid Puppy (unless he doesn't want it ;-) As such I will of course consult with him about release and all of these issues.

The browser-selector will go in 115 as well as 01micko's patched retrovol to fix to other fit and finish issues.

In the message above to 8-bit there is a discussion of the "boot to a desktop" issue. Put in the CD and start using Puppy has been a primary design goal of Puppy--mentioned by Barry at the top of the Help that every new user sees. With Lucid puppy and Fatdog we are taking a step in that direction by booting to the desktop. It is not a perfect step--but it is a big step. If one waits until all problems are completely settled and all questions completely answered then one would never do anything. IMO, this is a good step and it gives us a foundation to improve on in 5.0.1 and 5.1--to try to automate the entire process and make it more user-friendly and intuitive. As it is, most people can boot to the desktop and start using Puppy--and many others can adjust Locale and Timezone without seeing a prompt. I like prompts myself but it should be something you want to see rather than something you have to see. The others who need to change resolution, Intel driver, or keyboard can get the job done reliably with minimal trouble from the prompt. I hope we can make one change so that people do not have to type "xorgwizard" at the prompt--in case that is a challenge on their keyboard.

What we need to know now are 1) the presence of an fatal errors, and 2) the fixes for any fit and finish errors that have not been implemented yet. Thanks.
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#571 Post by nooby »

No fatal error but irritating for noobs that don't have english.

Difficlut to write anything if Lupu don't have the proper keyboard for that person.

So is it possible to let them chose it in a way that really retain it.

I had to write

setxkbmap se to get swedish keyb.

But it could be me messing things up. I am known to be a poor reader of instructions.

But people are used to that puppy keyboard works in puppyu431 so such could be important too?

not whining just saying :)
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#572 Post by playdayz »

aarf, ever played Clanbomber?

i try to steer away from things with violent connotations these days so, no i haven't. anything with rapid repeated movements is out too, RSI being cumulative in my book.
Clanbomber is that. it is a game though with bright colors and lots of noise. I hope it is not something that would have negative coronations in the U.K.
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#573 Post by playdayz »

I had to write

setxkbmap se to get swedish keyb.
Thanks Nooby. I would have thought the Swedish keyboard could have been chosen by running xorgwizard at the prompt. I will test that in 115 late tonight or tomorrow.

#574 Post by aarf »

alt+drag of a window from anywhere within that window is critical for use on my screen. too many things depend on that ability to not have it. it is a show-stopper if not there.
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#575 Post by playdayz »

aarf, alt-drag. Have you explained how to get that? Or what's missing? Sorry if you have done it and I can't remember where it is. could you remind me please or direct me? Thanks.
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#576 Post by playdayz »

Attention knowledgeable Linux users. Is it possible to exit the window manager to a prompt *and* run a command from that prompt, such as

#wmexit xorgwizard

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#577 Post by rjbrewer »

playdayz wrote:Attention knowledgeable Linux users. Is it possible to exit the window manager to a prompt *and* run a command from that prompt, such as

#wmexit xorgwizard

Don't know about Lucid, but normally:

Menu>shutdown>exit to prompt

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#578 Post by aarf »

playdayz wrote:aarf, alt-drag. Have you explained how to get that? Or what's missing? Sorry if you have done it and I can't remember where it is. could you remind me please or direct me? Thanks.
put mouse cursor over an open window, push the alt key and simultaneously hold down the left mouse, a cross appear where the cursor is then you can drag the window. needed to see boundaries of large windows in small screens.
works in every puppy and quirky but fails in lupu 113 and 114. cant remember if 112 was ok.
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#579 Post by nooby »

playdayz wrote:
I had to write

setxkbmap se to get swedish keyb.
Thanks Nooby. I would have thought the Swedish keyboard could have been chosen by running xorgwizard at the prompt. I will test that in 115 late tonight or tomorrow.
I trust that it does but I am not only the oldest noob this forum have but I am a dummie too so I often fail to do such things.

I am one of those dreaded "Out of the Box" old guys. :)
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#580 Post by playdayz »

smil99, It is no to ffplay in LP 5.0 I am sorry to say. It started the same run of dependencies that Openshot did yesterday. The story is that this is one of the times when LP is not designed to use the Ubuntu binaries but rather a pet of ffmpeg that Barry prepared--designed to save space and also to work. And it does work, reasonably well from my tests on gxine. Trying to mix the pet and Ubuntu files is problematical, and also replacing the pet files with ubuntu files is not straightforward. This is something that we have to just say no to because of the place in the process we are, we do not want to open any cans of worms. On the other hand, it is something we can start working on for 5.0.1/5.1. Thanks.
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