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#581 Post by playdayz »

I am one of those dreaded "Out of the Box" old guys.

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#582 Post by playdayz »

I meant to mention that the Lock program on the desktop should work.

<add> Wait. Didn't that not work in 114? Or a previous version? It works now. That was the easiest ever.
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#583 Post by playdayz »

put mouse cursor over an open window, push the alt key and simultaneously hold down the left mouse, a cross appear where the cursor is then you can drag the window. needed to see boundaries of large windows in small screens.
works in every puppy and quirky but fails in lupu 113 and 114. cant remember if 112 was OK
It was nothing I did on purpose. I guess you don't have any idea what makes it work, huh?
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#584 Post by Béèm »

playdayz wrote:
put mouse cursor over an open window, push the alt key and simultaneously hold down the left mouse, a cross appear where the cursor is then you can drag the window. needed to see boundaries of large windows in small screens.
works in every puppy and quirky but fails in lupu 113 and 114. cant remember if 112 was OK
It was nothing I did on purpose. I guess you don't have any idea what makes it work, huh?
I reported this already in the 113 bug thread in wich I said I reported it already before.
This way of doing is a standard way of handling windows. I have no idea what has gone wrong.
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#585 Post by 01micko »

Béèm (and aarf)

It's a jwm thing, I rolled back to jwm-478 (earlier in this thread) and alt-drag works.

Joe has released jwm-491, we'll see if that fixes it :wink:

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#586 Post by upnorth »

I don't know if this is it, but could be. Alt-click drag works in 491 in wary020. It might be worth a test.
Otherwise check the /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal file where there should be:

Code: Select all

<!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) -->

<!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) -->
491 1d 06h joewing / Go back to always grabbing the mouse on windows.
490 17d 00h joewing / Fix a bug with windows losing focus.
489 20d 19h joewing / Add locale support for the clock popup.
488 23d 01h joewing / Speed up the last fix
487 23d 01h joewing / Ungrab the mouse for the top window to work around a bug in flash.
Last edited by upnorth on Mon 03 May 2010, 23:36, edited 1 time in total.
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#587 Post by playdayz »

I reported this already in the 113 bug thread in wich I said I reported it already before.
This way of doing is a standard way of handling windows. I have no idea what has gone wrong.
01micko already has the answer. A bug in jwm 490. He has gotten 491 ready. Whew. He's superman. And I am so glad I didn't cause it ;-) I don't mind admitting that I am pretty fried of looking through complex code and trying to make changes without causing disaster.

I learned something though in looking it up. It was originally a KDE innovation, which I guess has become fairly standard now.
Last edited by playdayz on Mon 03 May 2010, 23:54, edited 3 times in total.
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#588 Post by playdayz »

Don't know about Lucid, but normally:

Menu>shutdown>exit to prompt
Thanks rjbrewer, I am looking for a command I could put into a shell script that would exit the window manager and run a command, xorgwizard in my case. The purpose would be to automate the process for people who have to run xorgwizard to get a correct video driver, etc.
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#589 Post by upnorth »

exec wmexit

Wouldn't something like this work?
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#590 Post by playdayz »

Thanks upnorth, but when I try that, it exits but that's all. I am usually missing something obvious.
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#591 Post by 01micko »

upnorth, nope, coz killing X kills everthing..

I stole this code from /usr/sbin/xorgwizard

Code: Select all

#do this code block if X is running...
mv -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.prev 2>/dev/null
   [ -e /usr/bin/Xvesa ] && ln -sf Xvesa /usr/bin/X
   NEXTWM="`cat /etc/windowmanager`"
   echo -n "$NEXTWM" > /etc/windowmanager #this makes change permanent.
   echo -n "$NEXTWM" > /tmp/wmexitmode.txt
   exec killall X
seems to work ok

EDIT: on looking closer at the code, xorg.conf is moved, or to be more correct the name is changed with the "mv" command. On the exit to a prompt, Puppy thinks there is no xorg.conf and xorgwizard is run automatically, what an ingenious idea, kudos Barry.

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#592 Post by playdayz »

Concerning the screen being shifted to the right, with Nvidia cards I think. I noticed that my Nvidia 5200 with a 17' monitor does that or something similar. It automatically boots to a 1280x960 resolution that is shifted to the right--I would say more than 5mm, more like 5 cm I think. Anyway, when I exit to a prompt and run xorgwizard and choose a resolution of 1024x768 then the screen is no longer shifted. Is that the same?
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#593 Post by pa_mcclamrock »

01micko wrote:I stole this code from /usr/sbin/xorgwizard

Code: Select all

seems to work ok[/quote]

Yes! That's it! And here it is in an executable file, in case no one else did that yet (I had to tar it to get it past the extension censor in this forum). Just untar, put the "excon" script in an appropriate directory, and have First Run Configuration invoke it on demand, instead of telling users to exit to prompt and type xorgwizard (which they can't very well do with non-US keyboards). 

Just in time for Lucid Puppy 115--yes? And, um, the drive icon alignment will also be up to the standard set by Puppy 4.3.1--yes?  :D
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#594 Post by 01micko »


The Filthy Icon Fix.


Now this is about the dirtiest, filthiest "fix" I have ever come up with. Actually it is not a fix but a workaround, and I haven't tested it properly yet, but here goes..

Code: Select all

if [ -L /mnt/home ]; then
echo "ICONWIPE" > /tmp/pup_event_icon_change_flag
rm -f /usr/sbin/fixicons
name that script "fixicons", make executable and place in /usr/sbin (I'll attach)

Now at the top of ~/.xinitrc we call it
# $Xorg: xinitrc.cpp,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:30 cpqbld Exp $

. /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE

if [ -x /root/.jwm/jwm_colors ];then #v3.96
. /root/.jwm/jwm_colors

[ -x /usr/sbin/fixicons ] && fixicons #icon fix for lupu

#v4.01 BK daemon to handle kernel uevents...
/sbin/clean_desk_icons #v4.02 tidy up drive icons first.
/sbin/pup_event_frontend_d & #v403
Note, it is not forked so no "&"

It will only execute when a pupsave is done and and will only execute once, then it deletes itself. An error is created when we call it again but it is suppressed, sent to /dev/null

All's it does is create a flag so that the clean_desk_icons script picks it up, which as you can see is next cab off the rank. This is exactly what checking that box in "Desktop Drive Icon Manager" does.

Not a happy work around but I can't think of anything else.

Cheers ( :roll: )

EDIT: Tested now, and on first reboot after pupsave created the icons were redrawn as expected. On subsequent boots there were just there in the correct position. I think this will be ok for now, If it's included in the next version then I will come up with something for save back to cd too, this will be fine for any type of frugal, including usb. Full? Does that have the same issue? Anyone try a full install?

EDIT2: Changed it so no error is generated at all


If any one want's to try the "Filthy Icon Fix" you must save fixicons somewhere beforehand. Boot lupu-114 "puppy pfix=ram". After you configure your stuff copy fixicons to /usr/sbin. At line 9 in ~/.xinitrc add the line [ -x /usr/sbin/fixicons ] && fixicons #icon fix for lupu. Reboot and make a pupsave, if only testing make a small one with a unique name you will remember. Choose the one you just created at boot. Report results.
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Last edited by 01micko on Tue 04 May 2010, 06:44, edited 6 times in total.
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#595 Post by 01micko »

aarf wrote:more grief for you micko :lol:
package manager is in need of a -4 fix same as quickpet needed before
:lol: Am I ever out of it? :lol:

Is it in Quirky too, or Lupu specific? If it's in Quirky you may have to take it to the BV himself, else I'll deal with it.
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#596 Post by smil99 »

Hi playdayz,
Thanks for your interest in Openshot. Actually, I am able to make previous versions of openshot ( versions 9.5.4 and 1.0.0) work in both puppy 4.3.1 as well as upup458. The following are the steps I took to make these versions work:
1. make sure ffplay can play videos
2. Installed full python-2.5.2 (about 16MB) from the forums.
3. Installed goocanvas (the module must be in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages folder with the libgoocanvas in /usr/lib)
4. Installed the following packages from openshot site:
(i) openshot-x264_0.67.1173-1_i386.deb,
(ii) openshot-frei0r_1.1.22-1_i386.deb,
(iii) openshot-ffmpeg_git-2623d8f-1_i386.deb and
(iv) openshot.deb

5. After installing above openshot packages, make sure the following modules are also in the the site-packages folder:, and mlt_wrap.o. If they are not, find them and copy them into that folder.

Open a console and type
# python
and then
# import mlt
If no errors are shown, then the mlt python bindings were installed properly.

6. Open another console and type
# melt
followed by
# 'melt -query "producers"
A list of producers will be shown and amongst these, avformat MUST be one them. This is very crucial since the non presence of avformat in the producers list will render openshot unusable.

1.Openshot is supposed to start by typing 'pyhton openshot'. However, I am not able start it this way. Instead, I start it by the following command at the console:
# /usr/share/openshot/
This will work when openshot is in the folder specified. If not, make sure you know where openshot was installed and execute the appropriate command.

2. There may be situations when open shot will not start even after doing all the above. This might necessitate the installation of the following:
(i) pycairo
(ii) xdg
(iii) libSDL

3. Also, when the neccessary plugins like the mlt plugins and freiOr plugins have not been installed in correct folders, openshot may not start. Ideally, folders of these plugins must be found in /usr/local/lib after installation. However, there are times that I have had to move them to /usr/lib before they are recognized.

The problem:
Openshot 1.1.3 which is the latest version of openshot seems to have been built dependent on newer mlt libraries (version 0.5.4). This means there must be precisely, ubuntu lucid versions of ffmpeg with ffplay capability and numerous ubuntu lucid libs such as libavformat, libavdevice, libavcodec, libavfilter, etc. The list can be long depending on what one already has installed and they will be shown during the testing of ffplay and mlt. It also expects the presence of python 2.6.

Well, I have also been able to make openshot 1.1.3 start on lupu114 but can't import any video! To the best of my knowledge, I think this is due to incompatibility of ffmpeg already in lupu and ffplay that gets installed when one tries to upgradel ffmpeg from ubuntu lucid repository. The end result is ffplay doesn't work as expected and as such avformat is not present in the producers list when I execute
# 'melt -query "producers"

It is possible to have openshot work in puppylinux and its derivatives. Needs the guys with indepth knowledge of tweaking who have also got the interest in video-editing for puppylinux. If latest ffmpeg can be compiled with ffplay enabled I am sure openshot may work. I consider myself as a user who has little knowledge in this area and I hope the explanations given above are clear enough to make someone have a go at it.

Kudos to all our developers, testers and users as well as the master-brain Barry K.

#597 Post by aarf »

01micko wrote:
aarf wrote:more grief for you micko :lol:
package manager is in need of a -4 fix same as quickpet needed before
:lol: Am I ever out of it? :lol:

Is it in Quirky too, or Lupu specific? If it's in Quirky you may have to take it to the BV himself, else I'll deal with it.
strangely quirky021 package manager could connect. so just lupu for now.
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#598 Post by pa_mcclamrock »

Speaking of non-US keyboards . . . would someone who knows more about what to do with them than I do, like to answer the questions posed in this separate thread: ?
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#599 Post by nooby »

An annoying bug more than a fatal one.

In quirky when I do SNS to get LAN then it remember the setting and it works all day. In lupu114 it lose connection again and again so one have to do connect again.

As I said. More annoying than something very bad or fatal.

And maybe it is just my ISP that behave that way. Maybe all others have modems or equipment that holds the IP regardless of if the SNS acts up.

But quirky 21 must have done something right because since the change I never lose connection which I do on puppy431std all the time too.

The problem for me is that I fail to set up nvidia on Q21 and on lupu I go stright into vesa so I don't need to deal with nvidia.
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#600 Post by Sylvander »


Problems with icons for drives/partitions:

1. Found that the icon for the optical drive kept moving over to bottom left, on top of sda1.
Allowed it to be where it wanted to be, by moving other icons [sda1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] to the right.
sr0 now occupies the location previously occupied by sda1.

2. This cause took a lot of time and effort to discover:
(a) xfe-default-file-manager-0.1 [when installed] caused icons fd0 and sr0 to disappear from the desktop.

(b) I had been making a backup of the pupsave file after each install of a new program, so when the problem appeared I restored the pupsave copy made prior to the install.
When the install of xfe-default-file-manager-0.1introduced the problem, I restored the pupsave, and that eliminated the problem.
Means I cannot afford to install this program in lupu-114. :?
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