Lighthouse Pup 4.43 Gu2 215M

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Re: Lighthouse Pup 4.43 Gu2 215M

#621 Post by tazoc »

gcmartin wrote:I'm new here. Saw this project and it seems interesting.
Hi and welcome!
But, I'm trying to understand Lighthouse and Mariner and now even the new GU3 Pet.

What is the installation instructions once you have LightHouse?
Can I install these 3 as a part of a LIveCD session?
From Tips | Installation: The Mariner ISO is also a Live-CD but it includes SFS add-ons (separate from the main file) that need a Frugal Install. SFS (Squash File System) add-ons are compressed software files that are layered into the file system at boot up from a Frugal Install, not a full install.

The SFS add-ons are not available in LiveCD mode because saving your session to a 'pupsave' file and rebooting is required. It is possible to remaster a LiveCD with the add-ons inside the main file, however that would increase boot-up time and might be problematic (wouldn't fit in RAM) on low-spec machines. I think you'll like the frugal install method once you've tried it. It's great for backups and easier to upgrade and maintain.

The G update3 pet can be installed at anytime on a LHP 4.43 Gu2 system by clicking on it in ROX-Filer (File System Icon).
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Lighthouse Pup 4.43 Gu2 215M

#622 Post by gcmartin »

@tazoc Thanks

I think I understand what you intend here. But let me ask the following:
  • Does Mariner have everything that LH's iso has, plus more?
    Is there any reason why I could not save Mariner's file requirements back to the multi-session DVD that I boot with?
    Is there a way at boot time to, then, request which "SFS" to boot?
Where do I get the Mariner ISO? ( see the reference, but not sure where to download for "Mariner")
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Re: cannot install pet update

#623 Post by Q5sys »

Q5sys wrote:However I am working on one to try to fill in some of the missing CLI bits that Puppy does not seem to have as well as some add on utilities for system monitoring and Bash 4.1.
Q5sys wrote:As for using Bash 4.1 it seems to work fine, but I have yet to do a full reboot with it in place. Thats on the adjenda this weekend.
I've found no issues or conflicts with v4.1.
Dont know if you'd like to update LHP from v3.0 to 4.1 or not, but ive not found any conflicts.

im also loading htop .8.3.1 There arent many changes over .8.1 (what LHP has), but it has some bug fixes (11 changes in total if you care, its in the gz if you wanna check them /usr/share/doc/htop/changelog)
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#624 Post by Barburo »

Hi TazOC,
Thanks for the fix for sidebar - I got it working for my ra0 wireless connection. I didn't read your original instructions thoroughly enough - until I started clicking on the sidebar I didn't realize that there are areas that bring up child apps - I like it!
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Re: Lighthouse Pup 4.43 Gu2 215M

#625 Post by tazoc »

gcmartin wrote:@tazoc Thanks

I think I understand what you intend here. But let me ask the following:
  • Does Mariner have everything that LH's iso has, plus more?
    Is there any reason why I could not save Mariner's file requirements back to the multi-session DVD that I boot with?
    Is there a way at boot time to, then, request which "SFS" to boot?
Where do I get the Mariner ISO? ( see the reference, but not sure where to download for "Mariner")
Yes, the Mariner ISO has everything in the Base ISO plus the Mariner SFS (also available separately) and the KDE SFS. I have not tried a multi-session DVD. The last I knew that was experimental in Puppy. I would recommend saving your session and the SFS add-on files to a hard disk or flash drive because they have quicker access and transfer rates for the relatively large and numerous files in Lighthouse, especially if you will be using KDE.

Puppy and Lighthouse do not have the capability to choose SFS at bootup, but I agree that would be nice to have. The downloads page at has links to both the Base ISO and the Mariner ISO and other SFS add-ons right at the top of the page which takes you to detailed descriptions just above each download link.

If you don't need KDE I recommend burning the Base ISO and then if it works OK, download the other SFS files as needed, including the Mariner SFS. You can always add the KDE and/or Xfce SFS later if you want to.
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#626 Post by Q5sys »

Im slowly working my way through all the GNU utils in Gu2 and seeing which ones have updates. So far ive found quite a few. I'm going to be going through and testing them one at a time (all 106 of them).
I was trying to compile emacs, and was hitting a bug in 'find', after updating it went away. I was suprised to see that 'find' was 5 years out of date, lol. I figured as the newer versions of puppy were released the coreutils would have been updated... but i guess I was wrong. :P

Would you be interested in which ones update without any conflicts?

EDIT: So far to good, updated from v6.9 to v8.5 of GNU coreutils and have yet to have any issues, will continue testing.
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Bash 4.1

#627 Post by tazoc »

Hi Q5sys,
The only niggle I've found with Bash 4.1 is that in Console-LHP (Sakura) terminal, the home and end keys don't work as they did with Bash 3.0. I compiled the latest Sakura 2.3.8 but it didn't help. I tried both your Bash 4.1 and the latest from Slackware and both fail my 'Sakura test'. Any ideas?

Until we figure it out, I'm using Bash 3.0 from Quirky 021 which works fine with Sakura.
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Re: Bash 4.1

#628 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:Hi Q5sys,
The only niggle I've found with Bash 4.1 is that in Console-LHP (Sakura) terminal, the home and end keys don't work as they did with Bash 3.0. I compiled the latest Sakura 2.3.8 but it didn't help. I tried both your Bash 4.1 and the latest from Slackware and both fail my 'Sakura test'. Any ideas?

Until we figure it out, I'm using Bash 3.0 from Quirky 021 which works fine with Sakura.
I'll do some digging, but what exactly did 'Home' and 'End' do with Bash 3 and sakura? without knowing what action you are trying to replicate... i might not be able to find the reason.

Personally, I never liked sakura, not that its bad or anything, but its a bit to small scale for me. I dont mind an app created mostly by a single person, but when it doesnt have really anyway to get support from the devs or have any bug listings, etc... I tend to shy away from it.
I normally use Konsole, however LXterm, aterm, xterm, rxvt and even TermIt; all get used occasionaly, and I find they have a stronger base of users/devs.
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#629 Post by tazoc »

Hi Q5sys,
When I'm typing in Sakura and LXTerm, 'Home' used to take me to the beginning of the line and 'End' to the end of the line. With Bash 4.1 the keys generate a '~' and don't move the cursor. In rxvt the keys work as they should and I don't have KDE loaded with Konsole yet to test with. It just occurred to me that's on a LHP 5.0 development system, so maybe I've got something else going on here. I will go back into 4.43, update Bash and see what happens.
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#630 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:Hi Q5sys,
When I'm typing in Sakura and LXTerm, 'Home' used to take me to the beginning of the line and 'End' to the end of the line. With Bash 4.1 the keys generate a '~' and don't move the cursor. In rxvt the keys work as they should and I don't have KDE loaded with Konsole yet to test with. It just occurred to me that's on a LHP 5.0 development system, so maybe I've got something else going on here. I will go back into 4.43, update Bash and see what happens.
on 4.43 with Bash 4.1 it gives you the ~ instead of moving you around on the line. I got a message back from Sakura's developer... so I'll let you know if that leads me anywhere.

lastly, something I just noticed...
1) I can write to NTFS drives fine.
2) Truecrypt works fine.
3) If truecrypt partition is formated as NTFS, I cant write to it.
Any ideas?
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#631 Post by smokey01 »


I am now using lighthouse pup Gu3 as my mail OS as a full install on a 200G partition. What is a bit odd is the free indicator is only displaying 19G instead of 200G. I'm pretty sure this was not a problem with the frugal install.

Another issue is Seamonkey browser as it won't let you enter text into the "what's on your mind space" on Facebook. I managed to get it working by adding the line in about:config:

general.useragent.extra.fake user set string notFirefox/

The third oddity is the network status icon often disappears, you know the two little blinking monitors next to sound volume icon.

I am also having problems getting CUPS to work with my printer too. I have installed the HP package with all the extra drivers which work on puppy 4.3.1 & 4.3.2. I will keep on trying but lack of printing is a show stopper.

All in all it's a solid distribution that works very well.

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#632 Post by tazoc »

Q5sys wrote:1) I can write to NTFS drives fine.
2) Truecrypt works fine.
3) If truecrypt partition is formated as NTFS, I cant write to it.
Any ideas?
Mount as usual, except when TC prompts for a password, hit the 'Options' button at the lower RH corner, then at the bottom you'll see Mount Options--in there put '-t ntfs'.

Hi and thank you for the feedback. I'll see if I can include the fix you gave for SM 2 useragent.

Can you clarify exactly what key to add (.extra.fake user?) and what about this add-on instead?

Not sure about freespace in a full install. I think it only works on frugal as it measures the pupsave.

I haven't seen Blinky disappear before, which WM is that in? The tray icons in KDE4 sometimes 'hide' or switch icons, I don't know why.

I'm testing CUPS-1.3.11 for the next release; it is much improved. Although I don't have an HP printer to test with, mine is a Canon and it detects now w/o any intervention where as before it didn't.

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#633 Post by Barburo »

Hi TazOC,
This could be operator error again but I'm trying to activate the webcam on my notebook in LHPup.
I've been through the menus but I can't find any entry for a web camera.
Gtkam doesn't detect it - hardware info shows that the cam is detected (see pic).
Is it something to do with scanning? I searched this thread but only found possible link from member edoc about mplayer - nothing doing there. Any advice?
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#634 Post by tazoc »

Hi Barburo,
I tried the getting my cheap old USB Logitech web-cam to work with mplayer and v4l in Xorg 7.3 but no luck so far. I am including v4l with Xorg 7.5 and an updated mplayer in the next release and so far it detects my cam but no video, just a solid green window and some error messages. Not sure if it's my cam, the drivers or what. Didn't work in a new VLC I tried either. From what I've read the apps for web-cams in Puppy are mplayer, Xawtv, Skype and possibly VLC. If I get it working I'll let you know...
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#635 Post by edoc »

Just made a fresh burn of Gu2 and downloaded the Gu3 PET.

Any install hints before I wipe my son's laptop and make a nice clean new install of LHP?

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#636 Post by edoc »

I went ahead and did a Frugal install of Gu2, all looks good.


Seamonkey crashes on YouTube - freezing the video but looping the audio several times before recovering.

QUESTION 1: Are there any manual tweaks to Gu2 that I should do or are they all in the Gu3 PET?

QUESTION 2: Am I likely to lose any functionality if I run the Gu3 PET or is it all-good though it may not fix every problem in Gu2 that some are experiencing?

NOTE: It remains *very* confusing to be asked (without real context) if one wants to reboot to create a savefile when first booting in "puppy pfix=ram" and it is again obscure what one wants to do when asked about where to put the savefile when done installing and rebooting (inside the .sfs or to a partition).

It is just too obscure for a newbie.

Perhaps there needs to be a short menu at the very beginning asking:

Choose experience-level with Puppy Linux __

1. Newbie
2. Some Experience
3. Guru or Master

If the first is selected then present no options - just force defailts.

If the second is selected direct to a more verbose set of prompts along the way.

If the third is selected then only the most terse prompts.

[b]Thanks! David[/b]
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#637 Post by edoc »

Updated to Gu3 and the problem is no better, perhaps worse.

Our son reports frequent crashes in YouTube.

If he is viewing a streaming video and tries to do anything else it freezes and crashes. He has to stop the streaming if he wants to make any changes.

I am guessing it is a resource management problem but am not sure.

This is a fresh Frugal install and the only change to the stock THP is adding Gu3 in hopes of solving the YouTube instability.


He's asking me to roll him back to 4.31 generic ...
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#638 Post by tazoc »

Hi edoc,
You might try d/l the latest Flash plugin at, close your browser, extract and place the in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.

I agree that prompting to save to a file or partition might be confusing. I always save to a file (option 1). I'm removing the prompt to save your session prior to starting X for the next release. The reason for that was that sometimes running X interferes with the dialogs at first shutdown, and no one I know of has figured out why. But that bug seems more infrequent now so we'll see how it goes...

Hope that helps,
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#639 Post by edoc »

Thanks! I will try that on his laptop.

Oddly enough I tried LHP GU2 on my laptop, an older Panasonic Toughbook CF-29, and it worked well without crashing.

In addition to YouTube I even tried the challenging page and -- both of which have tripped-up prior Puppies.

Stock LHP GU2 booted from CD handled them OK, though a few of the cam sites I tested did not work, I had no crashing.

Perhaps it is a memory management or resource problem on his older HP laptop? It is a HP Omnibook xe4400s

# ntel Pentium 4 1.8 GHz
# Data Bus Speed 400.0 MHz
# Chipset Type ALi ALADDiN-P4
# Cache Memory
# Type L2 cache - Advanced Transfer Cache
# Cache size 256.0 KB
# 1g RAM
# Installed Size 256.0 MB / 1.0 GB (max)
# Technology DDR SDRAM - 266.0 MHz
# Memory specification compliance DDR266/PC2100
# 14.1 in TFT active matrix
# Max Resolution 1024 x 768 ( XGA )
# Widescreen Display No
# Color Support 24-bit (16.7 million colors)
# Video
# Graphics Processor / Vendor AGP 4x - ATI Mobility Radeon
# Video Memory 16.0 MB DDR SDRAM
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#640 Post by Q5sys »

talked with the sakura developer about the problem with bash... here is the convo:
Sorry for emailing you direct, but I couldnt find any bugtracker for Sakura, so this seemed like my only route.
Have you done any testing with Sakura with the lastest Bash version? I used to use Bash 3.0, however when I upgraded to Bash 4.1 Some of the keys dont seem to work as they once did (Home, end, etc)
Didnt know if this was a known issue, or if its due to something on my end.
If you've gotten it to work with 4.1 before, then I know the problem is on my system and i'll keep digging.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

It's ok! Sakura uses launchapad for bugtracking:
I tested it with 4.0, but not yet with 4.1
I just tried it now with the bash version i have installed (4.1.5). No apparent problem, it works ok. Home and End keys are working.
Did you compiled bash 4.1 yourself or are using a customized configuration?

yes I compiled bash myself. I'm only using bash 4.1.0. I'll havent figure out how to patch with 005. I'll do some studying and then try that latest patch. For me... the end and home keys just print a ~ on the screen and dont move the cursor at all.

It seem just a configuration problem. Probably you do need to add
proper keybindings in the bash configuration file to map home and end
keys to "end-of-line" and "start-of-line" actions (i don't know the
actual names, but i guess it'll be something similar)
I havent had the time since this email to go back and try to recompile bash 4.1 again as well as the newer sakura and see if there are any config settings I didnt set. Anyway wanted to pass this along to you, in case it might give you an idea of some other possible solution.
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