Macpup Opera 2.0

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#101 Post by runtt21 »

You should include the first two e17 pups ....Macpup Foxy E17 and Macpup E17. Gives a much better idea of just how far the e17 project of ours has come.
If you have a multi core computer I would recommend O2 or Fox 3. If not any of them should be fine.

O2 is just such a bigger step for us than the others cause of the way it was built. The next ones will be smaller unless I pack in more themes and backgrounds. What I want to do is pull alot of the office stuff out of it . Get rid of mt paint and seamonkey. But have the office stuff in an .sfs if you need it and have several other .sfs with audio and video stuff ect. built custom for macpup. That way its easier to download and customize for the user. I have learned that building a big fat pup with tons of extra apps is a bad idea. Takes forever to download and your making decisions for the user. Not Good. I think the best way to do it is just build a really good core system with lots of extra goodies on the side.
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#102 Post by runtt21 »

crshbndct , What kind of computer are you using ?What are it's specs?
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#103 Post by omskates »

With icons I added from deviant and Get E Stuff; notice different Wizard Wizard icon and the animated smoke from the Home chimney (gimp camera flashes as well)

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#104 Post by runtt21 »

omskates What theme are you using?

Just a note about macpup e17, it doesn't have dbus and it's version of e17 is .032
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#105 Post by omskates »

runtt21 wrote:omskates What theme are you using?
A-SBlack-Esp1 1.0 "Theme Black and Blue , based in theme Imago with parts theme default Elive and black emerald."

I'd like to have a dark Purple theme, but can't find one. The MacPup 2.0 theme in purple rather than blue would be suhweet :D

The Wizard hat is from Deviant, "Top Hat Icon by *2Shi"
runtt21 wrote:Just a note about macpup e17, it doesn't have dbus and it's version of e17 is .032
OK fixed that :)
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#106 Post by runtt21 »

LOL :lol: But Macpup foxy e17 has dbus, Dbus 1.2.4 and e17 .050 It was the first fresh build of e17 in almost a years since Mu built the .032 .sfs . It was also the first version I built right in 5 or 6 tries.
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#107 Post by omskates »

runtt21 wrote:LOL :lol: But Macpup foxy e17 has dbus, Dbus 1.2.4 and e17 .050 It was the first fresh build of e17 in almost a years since Mu built the .032 .sfs . It was also the first version I built right in 5 or 6 tries.
Ahhh, its all good now I think LOL :D
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#108 Post by joel »

Hey all Ive made more stuff. Some of which I cannot post due to my awful internet at my university. Hope you enjoy. An animated icon and some animated wallpapers.
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#109 Post by songzi »

I have some problems with printing in O2. I tried to print to CUPS-PDF in Opera, or other applications like Abiword, but had never succeeded in creating a pdf file. I don't know where the output files are located. Probably the files have not been created at all.

I have tried to re-install CUPS-PDF, but it doesn't work. I have also tried to upgrade the CUPS to a newer version but it still doesn't work.

Anyone can give me some advice? TIA!
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#110 Post by joel »

After clicking on print, it should take you to the printing screen, after selecting CUPS-PDF it should go to a status bar while its preparing to print. Then it will bring up a dialog to pick which folder you wish to save it to. Is this all coming up or does it quit before getting to the dialog where you can choose where to save?
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#111 Post by songzi »

joel wrote:After clicking on print, it should take you to the printing screen, after selecting CUPS-PDF it should go to a status bar while its preparing to print. Then it will bring up a dialog to pick which folder you wish to save it to. Is this all coming up or does it quit before getting to the dialog where you can choose where to save?
The status bar shows up for a while and then disappears, but the dialog box asking the save path/filename does not come up.

I run O2 from a USB stick on an IBM Thinkpad X60.
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#112 Post by runtt21 »

O2 has the same cups that puppy 4.3.1 has. Nothing has been changed.Make sure cups is set up to work with your printer. Did it print the test page?
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#113 Post by joel »

yeah and if nothing else you could run Opera through the terminal and check it after you print and t closes abruptly. That might give some indication.

Oh and more. If I make anymore maybe ill move this to a new topic.
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#114 Post by songzi »

runtt21 wrote:O2 has the same cups that puppy 4.3.1 has. Nothing has been changed.Make sure cups is set up to work with your printer. Did it print the test page?
I will try to connect it to a real printer and test the CUPS again. Thanks

joel: thanks for the suggestion
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#115 Post by sneekylinux »

songzi wrote:
runtt21 wrote:O2 has the same cups that puppy 4.3.1 has. Nothing has been changed.Make sure cups is set up to work with your printer. Did it print the test page?
I will try to connect it to a real printer and test the CUPS again. Thanks

joel: thanks for the suggestion
once you connect to a real printer and go through the stuff all should be well for you mate..
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#116 Post by runtt21 »

Quick update on the project : O2 is still performing great . We have settled around 55 on the last 7 days chart at DW . That 10-12 spots higher that fox 3 did. On the last 6 months chart we have moved up from 46 to 35. :D

I intend to build the next version on 4.3.2 by Ttuuxxx . We have always used or included lots of his stuff. The next version of E 17 should be out soon as well.We will see how that goes with puppy.

Lots of exciting things happening in puppy right now with Quirky and 'Lucid Puppy'. Kind of makes us the underdog. Thats cool !!!
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#117 Post by omskates »

Still really cool to see MacPup placed at 35 on DW. Lots of noteworthy distros on your tail :wink: :D
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battery monitor

#118 Post by wolf counsel »

Congratulations :) This is the best OS to ever run on this P2-266 w/ 288 MB ram HP laptop. It has seen a lot of linux in the last 14 years, but your version of puppy is the best. About 20 discs from DW litter the ground around me, including lucid puppy and quirky. For some reason, O2 is pretty much flawless :D
Except I would like to point the battery monitor at /proc/apm for the battery info, instead of /proc/acpi :? You mentioned a problem with compiling E, and a script fix for this release on that issue, where can I get at it so I can play?
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#119 Post by runtt21 »

Thank you for your comment wolf counsel. :D

The script your looking for is /usr/sbin/batcheck
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Multiple ibars different apps

#120 Post by omskates »

Multiple ibars with different apps

Right click your ibar >>> settings >>> add >>> name your new ibar source >>> ok >>> select new source >>> set up >>> add the apps you want on this new ibar

Now add a new shelf and position it, remove default gadgets if you wish and add ibar gadget >>> apply >>> right click this ibar >>> settings >>> select your new ibar source >>> apply

You can go to shelf settings where the new ibar resides and assign it to only one specified workspace if you wish. Catagorize your workspaces and have corresponding ibars with apps reflecting that catagory e.g. office etc.

This may seem a bit much but on a netbook with a small screen it can be handy.

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