Instant-on fast-boot Pupplet ?

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#21 Post by amigo »

It's probably some 'find' command which looks for updated kernel modules or something like that.
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#22 Post by hartiberlin »

how does one use the zdrv_cutter program ?

Can anyone please explain how to use it
with ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
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#23 Post by jemimah »

You can't use it in browserlinux unless you remaster it with a zdrive. At least that's my understanding of how the tool works - I don't think it'll split out the zdrive for you.

I think the only puplets at the moment that will work with it are 4.4 and Puppeee.
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#24 Post by hartiberlin »

jemimah wrote:You can't use it in browserlinux unless you remaster it with a zdrive. At least that's my understanding of how the tool works - I don't think it'll split out the zdrive for you.

I think the only puplets at the moment that will work with it are 4.4 and Puppeee.
Okay, and how does it work there ?
Please post exactly how to use it.

I would like to try it.
Many thanks.

P.S: Is anybody else working on a fast booting puppy and can post
his ISO ?

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.
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#25 Post by big_bass »

Hey hartiberlin

just so that you know I have taken steps at trying to improve the boot up

by recompiling the kernel with more support

and even by doing this alone it is not enough

without modifying each instance in the initrd

thanks to forum member pakt for finding a way to shave off ten seconds in the boot up WITHOUT losing support

there was a wait delay that was timing out
looking for modules that were ALREADY loaded :cry:

whereas its like looking for a needle in a haystack picking though
each line

note: also that a 5 second delay had to be added to get the USB to be detected

so around and around you go shave here add there :lol:


Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:35 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Hey guys, I've finally gotten around to taking a look at what causes the irritating "count-to-ten" delay when booting SlaxerPup. It comes right after "Waiting for modules to complete loading...".

Turns out it's because the SlaxerPup kernel has the USB modules built-in, whereas Barry has the modules loaded during booting. He has put in code to wait for the module names to appear in 'lsmod' before continuing, with a 10 sec timeout.

Since the module names never appear in 'lsmod' (they are already in the kernel), the code times-out every time.

I've commented out the lines for the delay in rc.sysinit and have attached the modified script. Just unpack the tarball and copy it over /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit

pakt has been very helpful finding these improvements

*and I know amigo has spent much time looking for a faster boot also

so go with a full install to hard drive no USB support and you can shave it down to a faster boot

have the settings already preselected by default
more or less an embedded system is what you are seeking

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#26 Post by DemostiX »

Wait for dhcp to complete?

No complaint, Jemimah, but I can't disable pwireless2 attempts to serve eth0, hardwired, before wireless on eth1 is taken care of. <smile>

And on a 1 gig memory machine, I'm puzzled at hold-ups for write-backs to the puppy save file on the USB stick during regular operation.

My point is that time-to-boot is one of those false indicators of responsiveness. False because it is prominent mostly because it is so easily measurable, and false because differences there are not large compared to slowdowns and bottlenecks once booted.

No offense intended. I'm as vulnerable to this as the next person.
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#27 Post by jemimah »

Just add eth0 to the Ignore list on the Dhcp tab and it won't try at all.

AFAIK there is no way to tell dhcpcd which interface you want to try first. I think it's probably alphabetical.

You shouldn't be using a USB stick install if you're going for speed.

The save time improves significantly if you add the browser cache to the ignore list in the snapmerge script.
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#28 Post by hartiberlin »

could you please post a link to an iso image I can try out ?

Is it now in your Slaxer Pup ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
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#29 Post by big_bass »

Hey hartiberlin

so you dont have to dig deeply for this here is the snippet

the 5 second wait is in the initrd.gz I'll post that one later


Code: Select all

#pakt: slaxerpup_412 - skip wait -  usb modules are in the slackware kernel
##note, if initrd then usb-storage will have already loaded...
#if [ "$PCIUSB" != "" ];then #this may be slow to respond.
 #echo -n " usb"  >/dev/console
 #PCIUSBNUM=`echo "$PCIUSB" | sort -u | wc -l`
 #while [ $WAITCNT -lt 10 ];do
  #[ `lsmod | grep -o -E '^uhci_hcd|^ohci_hcd|^ehci_hcd' | wc -l` -ge $PCIUSBNUM ] && break
  #WAITCNT=`expr $WAITCNT + 1`
  #sleep 1
  #echo -n " $WAITCNT" >/dev/console
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#30 Post by 2lss »

After reading this thread I decided to give xpud a try.

booting from an sd card on my eeepc 900. Time is taken from grub menu to desktop loading:
xpud -> 30 seconds
puppeee -> 35 seconds ( using xvesa waits 10 seconds to load desktop. not sure why)

Xpud sat with a blinking cursor for the first 15-18 seconds of boot, then began to load. Not sure what the deal was, maybe copying to ram??

Puppeee boots way quicker (25 sec) but hangs after x starts (fuzzy gray background on screen) for about 10 sec before lxlauncher + roxpanel load. Still, 35 seconds is pretty amazing for a full fledged operating system imo.
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#31 Post by jemimah »

There's some hints here how to speed Puppeee up even more.

LxLauncher is not particularly fast, the fastest is to use no icons with either OpenBox of Flwm, so you don't have to start a DE.

It hangs a while while starting X because I kick off a bunch of services all at the same time to try to get everything up quickly, but that might be a little counter productive.

Xpud does do some interesting things at boot, all that loading is a giant kernel and giant initrd.
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#32 Post by big_bass »

could you please post a link to an iso image I can try out ?

Is it now in your Slaxer Pup ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

Sure, my pleasure

this is my latest called slaxer cooking
a new iso with all the fixes and new support included in the live cd
so its easy to try out and use

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