gtkdialog splash

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gtkdialog splash

#1 Post by sc0ttman »

GtkDialog-Splash is gonna replace yaf-splash inPuppy 5

Download here: ... h&id=29620

Apparently this does not support 4.x

I would love to make this work in 4.x... Anyone know why it doesn't work in 4.x?
I'd be happy to try and make it work, with a push in the right direction..
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#2 Post by big_bass »

going just with the link you posted

make sure your path isnt different than mine

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which yaf-splash

#rename it as a safety you have a backup now if something goes wrong

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mv /usr/X11R7/bin/yaf-splash /usr/X11R7/bin/yaf-splash.orig
to get there fast to check if it was renamed correctly

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rox -s /usr/X11R7/bin/yaf-splash.orig 
#what happens is
#here you need to rename gtkdialog-splash to yaf-splash
#make it executable
#and cp it to /usr/X11R7/bin/

# if you unzipped gtkdialog-splash in root here is the command

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cp /root/gtkdialog-splash /usr/X11R7/bin/
mv /usr/X11R7/bin/gtkdialog-splash /usr/X11R7/bin/yaf-splash
chmod a+x /usr/X11R7/bin/yaf-splash

**back up plan if for some reason the"new wrapper" doesnt work
if you have problems you could rename yaf-splash.orig back to

careful in that /usr/X11R7/bin folder it controls X
any mistakes leaves you in a black screen

I tested all the code I pasted
I wrote a handy test program for x to show the display number to see if you are in X or the console it has a yaf-splash line of code .You could
click on it to see if it works
attached xtest script


just noticed something not all the optional commands have equivalences

yaf-splash accepts all of the standard toolkit options, and also accepts the following options:

Print a brief summary of the allowed options on the standard output.
-text string
The text you want to display. Multi-line text is ok. The characters that will be displayed depend on the font you use.
-timeout seconds
How long to leave the text on the screen before exiting. The default is 0, which means forever (until the window is clicked on or killed by other means).
Enable the clock display instead of a text message.
Use a twelve hour clock. This is the default.
Use a twenty-four hour clock.
Update every second (default).
Update once per minute; don't display seconds at all.
-countdown <date>
Countdown to the specified date instead of displaying a clock. The argument to -countdown should be a time_t integer (number of seconds past "Jan 1 00:00:00 GMT 1970") or, a string of the form "Mmm DD HH:MM:SS YYYY", for example, "Jan 1 00:00:00 2004". This
string is interpreted in the local time zone. The countdown option implies -clock.
Quit after the countdown has reached zero, if in countdown mode (default).
Keep on counting back up once the countdown has reached zero, if in countdown mode.
-geometry metry
Specifies the prefered size and position of the splash text.
-placement placement
Specifies the placement of the splash text using one of the following strings: top-left, top, top-right, left, center, right, bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right. Specifying this setting overrides the position information given in the -geometry option. Center is the default.
-font fontname
Specifies the X font to use.
Causes the background of the window to be transparent, if possible.

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#3 Post by 01micko »

Yes Joe.. there are things yaf-splash does that gtk-dialog can never do.

I was part of the inspiration for gtkdialog-splash but it was never intended to replace yaf-splash.

In quickpet, yaf-splash could not do Bidi fonts (rtl, ie Hebrew, Arabic, etc) so I worked around it with a gtk-dialog alternative, which mave elaborated on then Barry elaborated more.

gtkdialog-splash can't do..
  • clock
    huge fonts
I have apps and so does zigbert which use those features of yaf-splash.

I just think that gtkdialog-splash should be a cool alternative, not a replacement for yaf-splash

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#4 Post by big_bass »


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I just think that gtkdialog-splash should be a cool alternative, not a replacement for yaf-splash 

hey micko is more than cool its smart its a lot of work to write a wrapper like that a great creative job

I only was testing myself today and discovered the options that
havent been converted

looking to see if it was a true replacement or not

if you know before hand which options you can or cant use
allows you to take advantage of this gtkdialog wrapper

hey 01micko and thanks for the desktop I used it in slaxer 8)
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fake -font option support

#5 Post by shinobar »

I don't know why Barry made to use old yaf-splash for '-font' option, but i made:
# 4jan11 shinobar: interprete '-font' option as like '-fontsize', never use old yaf-splash.
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#6 Post by 01micko »

I have added functionality to the "-icon" option in gtkdialog-splash to allow any "pixmap" (png, xpm, gif, jpg) to be used. Obviously, since this is a splash program relatively small images should be used.
You just add the path to the image as an argument of the '-icon' option. (see the help).

Vovchik has a small demonstration .. ... 459#505459

This does not include shinobar's '-font' fix for yaf-splash in the above post.

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#7 Post by shinobar »

Suppose merged all the recent work of mave, Barry, 01micko and shinobar.
Works on Puppy/pupplets 4.x and 5.x.

# 4jan11 shinobar: interprete '-font' option as like '-fontsize', never use old yaf-splash.
#110318 01micko: added option for any pixmap, use with caution, recommended less than 48x48 px in size 01micko,
#however vovchik tested with larger gifs with success
#110926 gtkrc fix.
#111016 user icon

Download the attached, or from
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