Writing Assembly language for Hypothetical Open Hardware

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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Writing Assembly language for Hypothetical Open Hardware

#1 Post by munduruku »

3D binaries play Humankind in the cortex: who loses?

I am receiving internet files directly in my visual cortex. If physicians are still
unaware of that, some Alien force may have been tampering either with them
or the Hippocratic Oath. The Brain it used to be said was the most complex
matter in the Universe, today, this HAARP Maser days, the brain is a little
toy being emulated and played with inside supercomputers. The Brain has been
cloned, mine is in the forced compulsory path of being cloned, as I struggle
to protect myself against the Allen invasion, I hear VOICES whose TONES, whenever
I get to them in my brain connect wireless to a satellite, can turn on and down my
computer, the aliens are forcing me to learn the right voice TONE I need to achieve
(Synthetic Telepathy) in the Audio Cortex, among many other TONES possible to make the mouse and keyboard move or fill the screen with words by just acting my thoughts. If this technology exists and are being illegally tested in Brazil, how came American physicians are still denied that knowledge?

I am a beginner, so I fancy a lot and deliver very
little, therefore, prior to reading my little thoughts on VESA, I advice the following article to be read:


"Who says you need a fancy high-end graphics card to play some great Linux games? Heck, who says you need graphics at all?" quotation by Marcel Gagné

The Article above emphasizes playing games for joy

and aesthetic gain, in our case, the emphasis would

be how to translate a 3D flying simulation combat

into the impossible plain ASCII.

If the fun of the game is not playing it, where is

the Fun? The enemy pilots have 3D beautiful

DIRECTX accelerated screens. Don't you dare, we

are flying our aircraft in damn 2D graphics. We

realize the position of the target in 2D, a

flying Target, resorting to devised DEAD

RECKONING, like altitude, speed, all in numbers,

hence the need to have some knowledge to

figure out by these ASCII characters a way of

recreating in our biological brain THE TRUE

3D image, the enemy aircraft pilot receives

direct in his brain via HAARP artificial intelligence

systems. The fun, my fellow, is to remain what we

are, biological beings.

Stop Vesa before it proves Lower Graphics PERFORM BETTER!

Hardware and software in the darwinian Old, Old West.

What would happen if we could program processors? If we could assign the full capabilities of a processor to our very needs? In my case I would had deactivated much of the graphic chipsets, for the quality of VESA is enough for my needs and boost all the real system with the otherwise not very well applied energy in generating a fancy 3D desktop which, we know, is bound to facilitating the system
get crashed, like or not, forcing a too stiff cumbersome environment which does not withstand the fragility of day life hazardous internet www navigation. We cannot, right now, to reassemble processors our way, the chips, what we can do is to use VIRTUAL MACHINES, and achieve those desired redirecting of resources in the processors. Two distros are intelligent enough to understand sometimes low quality graphics is better for a safer navigation granting more stability and a quicker recovery from
crash, puppy linux and Slackware, both still keeps VESA as a viable option , so there comes the question one: If low graphics navigation is better, why not allow it to evolve? How came we haven't come out with new versions of more powerful low graphics tools, VESA II, VESAIII? Today, in Brazil, Distros are calling VESA a thing of the past, and they are right, if the programers are denying us the right to navigate in lower graphics mode, setting distros exclusively for higher graphics performance, it is because we failed to demand from them better VESAS, more friendly flexible graphics in range for a good reason.
Last edited by munduruku on Mon 31 May 2010, 12:49, edited 10 times in total.
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#2 Post by Iguleder »

The answer is simple and short, people want to play multimedia and games, do stuff with their hardware. VESA is just a generic display driver, people can't do those things with it.

Ummm... an example: all cars have seats. But those seats can be removed to make the car lighter and faster, but people won't be able to sit and drive their cars comfortably.
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#3 Post by munduruku »

YOUR BEST 3D DIRECTX accelerated game, and we
play, it is a challenge, your screen will be your
3D screen, and me, your target will be 3D in your
screen, My screen will be VESA, you will be there
as a simple ASCII character. You, say, get set! I say
all right, you've gotta wait a little bit, you purchased your game at your favorite shop. Is there a version in ASCII? No, you say, that is impossible. We say, wait up until we
translate the game into our VESA graphics, for
us to play... ok? Just a moment, we have almost
compiled it all.

Thanks Fellow Linux Iguleder for the comparison. Ok, that people want to drive comfortably, that's understandable, our question is: why have the car industry created new seats that cannot be removed?

I am new to Linux and I am not very computing literate.
Today I caught myself imagining whether All big
games 3D could be translated into ASCII. I don't play
video game myself, that is a limitation to me taking
about games on a screen. The prospects of being thrown
into a forced video game nightmare, to be dragged
into a DOOM like scenario by Haarp Maser Micro-waving
without the possibility of scaping the 3D reality of the
Supercomputer which hacked by brain creating a clandestine virtual machine inside my brain, made
me realize the beauty of ROGUELIKES games, among
them the DOOMLR. . What is possibly what differentiates we humans from the supercomputer artificial intelligence and its sponsors, the perpetrators? The biochipped zombies, they will be 8 billion people by 2030,
they major characteristic will be DIRECTX acceleration , today 3D plain screens, tomorrow, 3D actual screens, and the day after tomorrow they will be living helpelessly inside the video game, DOOMED, trying to get out, from the Artificial Compulsory Intoxicating Hell of Pleasure. So again, how could I rescue those poor devils, those millions of Americans which are going to be trapped in the compulsory game? First of all, I need to understand the game without getting trapped by it, that is to say, I must translate their mindset, all the complexity of these new 3D video games into ASCII, and believe me, VESA is not enough for the job. We need VESA II. and VESA III.
We need to EVOLVE. (still to be expanded.)
Last edited by munduruku on Tue 25 May 2010, 18:53, edited 9 times in total.
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#4 Post by rjbrewer »

Iguleder wrote:The answer is simple and short, people want to play multimedia and games, do stuff with their hardware. VESA is just a generic display driver, people can't do those things with it.

Ummm... an example: all cars have seats. But those seats can be removed to make the car lighter and faster, but people won't be able to sit and drive their cars comfortably.
Very poor example.
Cars without seats are rarely driven.

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#5 Post by rover »

i was just passing thru, but will add my 2 cents to this.

i believe that puppy should boot with the most basic graphics available and then, after the program boots, i will have the option to touch it up to where i want it to go.

the reason i am saying this is that i have recently obtained a new laptop. this laptop requires drivers that evidentally are too new for some of the latest puppies, for example quirky and lupu-500 boot up to a blank screen and leave me hanging. if they booted up to a minimal generic driver, then hopefully i could at least repair things to my taste and then could just play simple games or adjust for higher needs.
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#6 Post by technosaurus »

I think he was suggesting more along the lines of a new common standard that would incorporate items that are shared amongst all capable modern video cards. For instance adding OpenGL, OpenEXR, CG (& unfortunately probably D3DX) to a new vesa spec with a standardize way of interfacing. This would allow most common acceleration methods to work for all video cards even with a "failsafe" driver. It may have actually worked back in the days when there were 100+ video card manufacturers, but these days the few that are left are always feuding and would probably never agree to any standard in the hopes that they can make the other companies fail. It is so backwards - why should it be easier to make 100 people come to a compromise than 3? This is why business and politics are more important than we IT and engineering types want to believe. Those in power do not want a level playing field - new competitors would cut into their profit margins. You are more likely to see Apple, Microsoft and other legal teams combine forces to sue every individual linux user for IP infringement than Intel, AMD and nVidia coming together to agree on an open standard. Businesses want less competition, not more. Having an open standard would make it easier for new start-ups to compete and thus cut into their profit margins.
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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#7 Post by DMcCunney »

munduruku wrote:Thanks Fellow Linux Iguleder for the comparison. Ok, that people want to drive comfortably, that's understandable, our question is: why have the car industry created new seats that cannot be removed?
Why would you need to?

There are multi-purpose vehicles that have removable seats, to allow more cargo capacity at the expense of transporting less passengers. But most automobiles are used primarily to transport passengers, and that requires seats.

Somehow, I don't think you'd be happy trying to drive a car with no driver's seat, and anybody riding with you would be almost as unhappy if they didn't have a place to sit.
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#8 Post by munduruku »

I cried when I read what technosaurus wrote. Just in case any of you read Portuguese, I blog at url


I still have tears on my eyes, I am soaking in tears. He mentioned everything. I have my brains hacked by north-American patent 60011991
in the search box just enter the patent number

60011991), as a result of that my cortex has been converted, by a non-stopping Maser Micro-wave beam into a motherboard mercilessly connected to a supercomputer, and what the perpetrators want is to STEAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, the same INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY rights reserved for corporations that will sue a human beings who attempt to open the processors hidden functions and show how it is been used even to hack the human brain directly. Linux second stage, in the future, if the human race is to survive, will consist of generating OPEN HARDWARE, bios, memories, processors, lest we are going to be wiped out by wireless Maser Artificial Intelligence Attacks, that is to say, pseudo proprietary rights, because proprietary should not mean monopolistic. Linux Revolution, like the American Revolution, was to allow us to achieve the pursuit of Happiness, The second American revolution and Linux Second Revolution, will be almost that one plight of surviving in a world in which hardware gets more and more complex , closed and secret, whereas our Brains have been deciphered, opened to directly wireless communications, subject to be hacked, We cannot move time backwards, in today's world the brain is like a motherboard ( see patent 60011991), as I type this message and have the cortex flooded with HAARP intracranial voices and I pray, we have tears in our eyes, for open Hardware technology to rescue us before it is too late.
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Cloning of Data During Transfer full Proof

#9 Post by munduruku »

Submitted by munduruku on Tue, 06/01/2010 - 10:37

Dear Fellow Linux Users,

I downloaded the ISO, the checksum isn`t correct. We are reporting to many distributions the TCP/RIPPING. Many distros load alright but have the content, like ipitables and internal kernel modules tampered with. We are going to try and download IGELLE again to get an ISO with correct SHA256SUM. We need to monitor the situation to guarantee better Security for Internet Users. Thanks all Fellow Linux Users for the support. I am right now testing Igelle distro. It looks great. We need better Statistics and we depend on Linux Users to send feedback to as many forums as possible and see the forest, not only the trees. If a downloaded ISO have a wrong CHECKSUM and still boots and works all right, it means the alteration was not corruption in the sending of the file but deliberate hacking of the kernel, something which is possible due to real time cloning during transmission of data. The correct thing to do is to use a command like DIFF to check the downloaded ISO with its original, distributed by the trusted ISO source, to see what kind of media tampering the perpetrators may be up to, once we already have full proof that the media boots and works apparently perfectly well even when the checksum is wrong. Igelle looked like one of the few distros that detects Intel Processors allright, all 3D, and doesn't get cumbersome. Another shocking exemple. I have just downloaded slitaz-3.0.iso, using puppy linux. I then checked the MD5, and had the correct MD5, say 1f3c28d6818bf754c47f7b5fae7a74cf. I know I am
on-line and I am not sure if the data on RAM is the same when I booted the computer. I change distro, use a Ubunto, and now I get a different MD5 for the same slitaz-3.0.iso. The impression I have is the perpetrators as the user download a distro, realize that a distro is being downloaded, alter it, and also, find a way to alter in The Ram the very program which is going to perform the MD5 count, that is to say, we are dealing in todays world with organized Methods of tampering with software and. what is worse, in range, besides them being systematic. Let's not allow evidences passing by unreported for, the more we checksum our conscience, the better: in a nut shell, the distribution
offers the md5, after we download the ISO, we feedback them a SHA256SUM
as a sign of thankfulness and good will and if they build The Statistics. so much
the better for All.

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#10 Post by munduruku »

I am thankful to Quirk 1.2, and one of the reasons is the humble youtube video I created and which was being refused by youtube on the grounds "THE INDEX IS WRITTEN AT THE END" got successfully indexed after I had the 6.mp4 file youtube was refusing CONVERTED by Quirk 1.2 into a .FLV file instantly accepted by youtube due
to FFconvert. The clip edited by KDENLIVE can be watched at url:

Otherwise, I got a hint from SUSE fellow linux users on how to dowload the ISO files I have been complaining about with the aid of a firefox addon.

http://forums.opensuse.org/community/ge ... s-how.html

Now I am still testing the addon to see if I finally get to download the distros all right.
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#11 Post by munduruku »

I am trying to describing how the KH satellite is hacking my brain and all
forced intracranial communication. I was asked to send some videos and purchased as cheap cell phone, the Motorola V8. I then created
some 3gp cell video fine, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the 3pg started to demand extra plugin. Quirk 1.2 played the Motorola V8 3PG fine, all of a sudden, when I try to watch the V8 video, it demands new softer, how?
It looks like not only our brains are being directly hacked from Satellites, also cell phones are being tampered with real time. I give you another example, my computer start acting strangely, I had to disconnect everything and just use live cd, even so the computer reads:

(process:289): Glib-WARING ** getpwuid_r: failed due to unknown
user id (0).
So now there is a satellite trespassing on my private property and private computer and the keys to my own private property doen't open the door because Nazi Federal Big Brother has abolish private property and even my brain is no longer mine, I try to act some areas of my brain and there is a voice that says: " we are busy, come back later on": how? Now I have to implore permission to access my own brain?
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