Lighthouse Pup 5.00 G 185M

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#81 Post by Béèm »

Béèm wrote:
tazoc wrote:I noticed that the drive icon sizes register 0 in the latest Quirky when starting with be-latin1, so apparently that's not unique to Lighthouse.
I am sorry. I forgot to mention this. It is the same for Lucid. I raised this many times but neither Barry nor Playdayz gave a solution. But thanks to your explication and circumvention, the size is mentioned now.
I applied your 'trick' in quirky and lucid as well as in Lighthouse 500. Indeed it seemed to work and size was displayed after reboots or restarts X's
But as soon as for some reason the desktop drive icons have to be redrawn, it's back to 0GB size.
So this may be an interesting piece of information to retain.
tazoc wrote:-TazOC
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#82 Post by Jasper »

Hi Béèm ,

I have taken the liberty of using your excellent avatar as a desktop short cut "help" icon in lupu 5.0.0.

If that is unacceptable; please PM or respond and I will change it.

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#83 Post by Béèm »

Sir Jasper wrote:Hi Béèm ,

I have taken the liberty of using your excellent avatar as a desktop short cut "help" icon in lupu 5.0.0.

If that is unacceptable; please PM or respond and I will change it.

My regards
This came from a picture I found on internet, so there is no problem to use it.
Glad you like it. And indeed a good symbol for help.
But I wasn't able to find out if the barrel was empty or not. :wink:
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#84 Post by Jasper »

Hi Béèm ,

Thank you for your helpful reply. I've never before thought about who fills the brandy barrels, but I expect they'll be pretty efficient.


As you can see from the picture I like wine as well.

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5B feedback

#85 Post by Barburo »

Hi TazOC,
I rarely burn cds for new versions - I download the xdelta3, create the new iso, then check the md5sum then open the iso and copy the relevant system files to a new directory for that version, add a new entry in Grub and reboot. I usually create a new save file for each new release, but for this new 5B I tried an experiment and copied my save file from 5A to the new 5B directory then booted into 5B for the first time.

The logon process correctly identified the upgrade and also gave me a message about the out of date mariner sfs. Then after going through the update process for all of the files that needed to be changed, it correctly displayed my desktop and preserved my settings from the previous version. All I needed to do was change the Bootmanager to pick up the correct .sfs files for the new version (mariner, xfce,etc.), reboot and voila - new verson 5B ready to go. I'm impressed.

I see that you have been continually improving the logon script in intelligent ways. I have no exact timings but I think the logon and shutdown are quicker too. I like the little thermometer for core temp - although Gkrellmon also displays the same info.

One small glitch - I regularly increase my savefile size. It is now at 1536 Megs but the personal storage indicator in the system tray shows a red bar and only reports 504 megs with free space of 76 Megs. This also happened on 5A. In the Fun section sol (solitaire does not work).

Everything else working well so far - will continue to test.
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#86 Post by tazoc »

Hi Béèm,
Looks like Barry has a fix for the drive icon sizes. I wll try to incorporate it in the next release. Ecube reported that simply changing the first line of /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d to #!/bin/bash works, though I haven't tested this myself.

Hi Barburo,
Thank you for your feedback and kind words. I will fix Solitaire, looks like it needs, Pet is attached.

I'm thinking about the incorrect pupsave sizes reported by the freespace trayapp. Might be helpful to look at the properties of /initrd/pup_rw in ROX-Filer. If it is off also, then there must be file system errors in your pupsave. If it is on an NTFS/Fat partition, might need to do a chkdsk and defrag in Windows. Then boot with pfix=ram or another Puppy/Puplet so that your LHP5B pupsave is not in use. Browse to the folder containing the pupsave in ROX, hit the ` (key left of the 1 key) to open a terminal in that folder. In the terminal type

Code: Select all

e2fsck -vy spupsave.3fs
(substituting the name of your pupsave), and repeat until it scans clean. Do a properties of the pupsave to verify the correct size. If you have more than one pupsave there, LHP might have used a smaller one, though it should have prompted you at boot to choose.
Hope that helps,
Needed for Solitaire in LHP5.00B
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#87 Post by Barburo »

Thanks TazOC,
Thanks for the sol lib.
I have just successfully set up 5B on my old 1.3 Ghz celeron Desktop with an old nVidia card by choosing nv as the driver in Xorgwizard. Proble gave black screen.
(I had left off trying 5a on this machine previously due to black screen).

I will try your suggestions for pup save later on my notebook and let you know the results.
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#88 Post by tazoc »

Sounds good; I thought about it some more and updated my last post to suggest both a chkdsk and defrag in Windows. From pfix=ram, you could also back up your pupsave, create a new one of desired size at shutdown, reboot with pfix=ram, open the old and new pupsaves in ROX and copy over cp -af --remove-destination <source> <destination> the old contents into the new pupsave. If you open the old pupsave with right-click | Mount-data0 and the new one right-click | Mount-data1, the command would be

Code: Select all

cp -af --remove-destination /mnt/data0/* /mnt/data1/
I'm curious whether yours is a .3fs or .2fs. A .3fs (ext3) should be more reliable but won't work on an encrypted pupsave, which I'm under the impression must be .2fs (ext2).

The open source nv driver is very limited as nVidia won't share the needed specs with Linux developers. Slackware doesn't offer the nouveau driver either. I am working on adapting the proprietary nVidia driver to LHP 5 but not sure if I can make it work. My old nVidia GF3 died (no video after 1-2 min.) so I've ordered a newer GF 6200. If it works on my box I hope to get the 195 driver working by compiling it in LHP5.

For the benefit those with other display chips I would like to offer the Intel proprietary but as yet it doesn't support the xserver 1.77 in LHP, only up to 1.64. And maybe an ATI Catalyst in the near future.
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Stellarium and SuperTuxKart Add-ons

#89 Post by tazoc »

These add-ons won't work as designed for those of us without 3D acceleration and Stellarium recently released 10.5 but I've had these gathering dust and at least Stellarium works slowly for me, but with stunning beauty even w/o accelerated graphics, so maybe you'll like it...

Stellarium-0.10.4.sfs 42M Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. Screenshots Tip: move your mouse pointer down against the lower left-hand edges of the screen to get 2 toolbars, one on the bottom and one on the lower end of the left edge.

I don't know if this is unique to my setup, but Stellarium's icons and labels wouldn't show until I renamed the DRI module in Mariner which for my ATI RS780 is at /usr/X11R7/modules/dri/ and restarted X. This reverts the radeon driver to software rendering. Then I rename it back when I'm done with Stellarium. This workaround isn't necessary unless Mariner SFS is loaded.

Supertuxkart-0.6.1a1-sfs4.sfs 101M (3D accelerated display drivers w/Mariner SFS required) SuperTuxKart is a 3D kart racing game, with many tracks, characters and items for you to try. It even has a Lighthouse track!
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#90 Post by Béèm »

tazoc wrote:Hi Béèm,
Looks like Barry has a fix for the drive icon sizes. I wll try to incorporate it in the next release. Ecube reported that simply changing the first line of /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d to #!/bin/bash works, though I haven't tested this myself.

Yes I know. I PM'ed Barry about the problem and he found a solution.
I didn't quite understand.
Do I have to put

Code: Select all

SIZE="`LANG=$OLDLANG dc $SIZE 1024 \/ p`" #100613
SIZE="`LANG=$OLDLANG printf "%.1f" $SIZE`MB" #100613 
in the beginning of the /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d scipt just above the export LANG=C line? If so I'll try it out.

As for the so called typo, Technosaurus said it isn't one. As ash is the busybox alternative for bash and is typically much faster
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#91 Post by tazoc »

Make a backup copy of /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d just in case...

Place into Line 27 (before LANG=C)

Code: Select all

Copy and paste this replacing the entire format_size_func that begins at line 115

Code: Select all

format_size_func() {
 [ ! $SIZE ] && SIZE=0
 if [ $SIZE -gt 1048576 ];then #1024*1024
  SIZE="`LANG=$OLDLANG dc $SIZE 1048576 \/ p`" #100613
  SIZE="`LANG=$OLDLANG printf "%.1f" $SIZE`GB" #100613
  if [ $SIZE -gt 99 ];then
   SIZE="`LANG=$OLDLANG expr $SIZE \/ 1024`MB" #100613
   SIZE="`LANG=$OLDLANG dc $SIZE 1024 \/ p`" #100613
   SIZE="`LANG=$OLDLANG printf "%.1f" $SIZE`MB" #100613
 [ "$SIZE" = "0.0MB" ] && SIZE="0"
Save your changes, right-click on a drive icon | Run Desktop Icon Manager | tick Re-align existing icons | OK and restart X. This was all with nl_BE locale, and it worked for me.

If not, restore the file we edited and change !#/bin/ash to !#/bin/bash and repeat the last two steps. (re-align icons, restart X)
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Large Save file problem

#92 Post by Barburo »

My save file is ext 3 (.3fs). It is saved in an ext3 partition.
I did the scan check on it that you suggested and it changed many blocks. Reran until clear.
On exit a message about needing to recover the journal (large file).
Rebooted with pfix=fsck and when the check started on the save file I got several messages like "in use by another program?" and other errors - finally a kernel panic. Just re booted with fsck again and all went well and the system tray applet correctly shows 1.5gigs, 1.1 available.
Not sure how/why this happened but will continue with testing.
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#93 Post by ICPUG »

OK - I've finally got round to trying to get my Intel 855 integrated graphics working with a proper driver, not VESA.

I'm using Lighthouse 500a at the moment.

Following Tazoc's excellent data , which I misinterpreted, I tried using a kernel parameter of i810.modeset=1 and i810.modeset=0. Both failed with the following error messages in the xorg log:

loading driver: intel
No kernel modesetting driver detected
unloading driver: intel

(Thank you - thank you - Tazoc for allowing us to recover from the black screen without a reset and giving us access to the error log! This is a nice touch which the other Puppy developers would do well to copy)

It seems to be looking for something, cannot find it so unloads the video driver. No wonder we get a black screen!

I've done some googling today.

The intel driver now used in Puppy MUST have kernel mode setting (KMS)operational. I cannot quite determine whether KMS is on by default or not. As Tazoc says it seems as if it should be but according to:
VESA does not work with KMS and yet it works without the kernel parameter nomodeset.

It would be nice to know what the Intel driver is looking for when it says no kernel modesetting driver detected and perhaps we could supply it.

OK - the best post I have found that discusses this problem is this one:

Various workarounds are presented but the most reported successes elsewhere is to run the kernel parameter i915.modeset=1. Trust me not to try this last night but I thought I needed i810 because I had an 855 chip and the i810 driver worked before!

I have only seen 1 failure reported with this option but being a pessimist I want to assume that I am going to get a failure and I have a query for Tazoc:

When you run the Xorg wizard and select 'choose' (a driver) you are presented with a list which includes intel. presumably this is the standard intel driver. If I wanted to add the old driver can I add it to this list somehow? If so, how and where must the driver files be located to be picked up?

Why do I want to do this?

Well, even those succeeding with i915.modeset=1 have reported some problems with video playback. i810 driver has worked in the past but failed for me with Quirky. I am beginning to wonder if this is because KMS was enabled and i810 is definitely a non KMS driver.

What I want to try is to use the i810 driver but disable KMS by using the kernel parameter nomodeset.
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#94 Post by Béèm »

tazoc wrote:Béèm,
Make a backup copy of /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d just in case...

I did several locale changes from fr_BE to nl_BE and vice versa.
I see the desktop drive icon size do stick now.

Thank for your clear instructions.

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#95 Post by tazoc »

ICPUG wrote:OK - I've finally got round to trying to get my Intel 855 integrated graphics working with a proper driver, not VESA.

I'm using Lighthouse 500a at the moment.

What I want to try is to use the i810 driver but disable KMS by using the kernel parameter nomodeset.
intel (in the xf86-video-intel package) is the current driver, formerly known as i810, and the old i810 driver won't work with xorg-xserver 1.7.7 in Lighthouse 5.00. (Quirky's xserver is 1.7.1.) From /usr/doc/xf86-video-intel-2.11.0/README:
Open-source graphics driver for Intel graphics

What is xf86-video-intel
The xf86-video-intel module is an open-source 2D graphics driver for
the X Window System as implemented by It supports a variety of
Intel graphics chipsets including:

PineView-M (Atom N400 series)
PineView-D (Atom D400/D500 series)
So I think your best bet is choosing intel in xorgwizard. I'm guessing it uses the i830 kernel module, which has no kernel line options (modinfo i830 in a terminal) and neither does the i810 kernel module. That's why i810.modeset=1 ( or =0) has no effect. The message you saw does not necessarily indicate a problem for the driver. It simply means that the kernel module won't set video modes, but Xorg can still do that. My ATI RS780 (using Xorg radeon) has hardware accelerated 2D & 3D working even though the Xorg.0.log states "[KMS] drm report modesetting isn't supported." By the way, my testing indicates that the kernel options xforcevesa nomodeset don't preclude Xorg and xorgwizard from using another driver; they just keep the kernel (KMS) from setting a video mode before Xorg itself gains control.

I wish Intel had better drivers for your graphics chip. From this chart it appears that 2D Acceleration and DRI should work, (although it doesn't mention the 855 specifically) but probably not Mesa 3D.
Béèm wrote:I did several locale changes from fr_BE to nl_BE and vice versa.
I see the desktop drive icon size do stick now.

Thank for your clear instructions.
You're welcome! Glad it's working--thanks to the fix by BK.
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nVidia 195 driver PET for Lighthouse Pup 5.00

#96 Post by tazoc »

Here is the proprietary nVidia 195 driver PET package for Lighthouse Pup 5.00, tested in LHP 5.00B with a GeForce 6200 AGP card installed on an Intel P4@1.7GHz desktop. Includes nvidia-settings control center, full GLX/3D support and updated Lighthouse Video Wizard. Will not work in Quirky/Lucid or other Puppies as it was compiled with xorg-xserver 1.7.7 and mesa-7.8.1. Good idea to boot LHP with pfix=ram first to try it out with your hardware, especially if you have a full install.

You'll need at least 90M free space, and one of these Supported Chipsets to use the pet.

[Edit 21 June: Updated and once installed, the driver can be selected or changed in xorgwizard, Option 5--NVIDIA cards. Be sure to backup your pupsave before installing this pet. Can be uninstalled with Puppy Package Manager, though it may be necessary to reboot when switching from the proprietary driver back to an Xorg driver.] 30M md5.txt

Thanks to Jim1911 for testing and providing his logs with report-video to debug this driver.

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#97 Post by Jim1911 »

Hi tazoc,

Sorry, you new nvidia 195 pet doesn't work with my NVIDIA Geforce 8400 GS 512MB card which that driver does support. It appears to install properly and does install the NVIDIA x server settings tool. Upon restartX it takes you to a command line, as does xwin. Xorgconf autoconfiguration returns you to command line. Only by using nvidea to select "nv" or xorgconfig to select "nv" works. The new driver cannot be selected, editing the conf file to say "nvidia" doesn't work either.

Jim :(
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#98 Post by tazoc »

Hi Jim,
Thank you for trying it. I'm working on an update with a better uninstaller and removed the pet from the post for now. If you still have the old version installed it would be help me if you could edit the configuration from the command line to enable the nvidia driver with mp /etc/X11/xorg.conf, <Ctrl>+<S> to save <Ctrl>+<Q> to quit and type xwin <Enter>. Still at the command line, type report-video <Enter>. Then to post the logs, switch back to nv with xorgwizard and attach /tmp/root/report-video-full.gz to your post.
Thank you,
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#99 Post by Jim1911 »

tazoc wrote:Hi Jim,
Thank you for trying it. I'm working on an update with a better uninstaller and removed the pet from the post for now. If you still have the old version installed it would be help me if you could edit the configuration from the command line to enable the nvidia driver with mp /etc/X11/xorg.conf, <Ctrl>+<S> to save <Ctrl>+<Q> to quit and type xwin <Enter>. Still at the command line, type report-video <Enter>. Then to post the logs, switch back to nv with xorgwizard and attach /tmp/root/report-video-full.gz to your post.
Thank you,
My pleasure.
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#100 Post by tazoc »

Thanks, Jim, the X log indicated the nvidia kernel module was not found. That would be expected if you ran xorgwizard before report-video--I'll change it so the NVIDIA driver can be installed with xorgwizard.

(The following might help me, but don't worry if you can't do it now; I'll continue testing some changes to the PET here and post when its ready.)

Can you re-install the pet, selecting "Normal Yes change the driver in the Device Section".
When it finishes, open a terminal and paste in the following (I think all at once is OK):

Code: Select all

echo "`df -m / |tail -n1|tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f4`" MB Free
ls -Al /lib/modules/
lsmod | grep 'nvidia'
depmod -a
rmmod nouveau
rmmod ttm
rmmod drm_kms_helper
rmmod drm
rmmod i2c_algo_bit
rmmod agpgart
modprobe agpgart
modprobe i2c-core
modprobe nvidia
Please copy and paste the above results into a post.

If the ls -Al... outputs a line with size, date and ends with nvidia.ko,
and the last modprobe nvidia returns empty (it worked), then restart X, without running xorgwizard and if X still won't start, please repeat the report-video from the CL again, doing that before running xorgwizard and post the new report-video-full.gz.
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