Problems with Wireless Card (likely DHCPD)?

Booting, installing, newbie
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Problems with Wireless Card (likely DHCPD)?

#1 Post by fwallace »

Hi, I'm hoping you can help me. I'm feeling very stupid today :<

I have a Belkin F5D6020, card worked fine in Ubuntu but of course Puppy is much more resource friendly for this aging Toshiba Satellite 1625.

The same card btw worked fine in another laptop under FreeBSD's ndisgen (like ndiswrapper). Got FreeBSD 6.0 loaded on the Toshiba but sadly, Texas Instruments Cardbus controller won't work with FreeBSD :< .

At any rate, Puppy seems just fine. Got Puppy as the only OS on the Hard Drive. Love it, very fast indeed. Faster than FreeBSD which was fast.

Tried to download the atmelwlan driver binary off the mirror location, sadly while the text files will download the .gz file binary archive will not. Went to Sourceforge and downloaded source, tried to build. While I installed the puppy files for compiling, I kept getting the Dillo Help files loading, could not get the .o files to compile.

OK, tried it the "simple way" with ndiswrapper. Everything works OK, I can see the bel6020 driver loaded with ndiswrapper -l; but iwconfig shows no wireless extensions. The dmesg command shows ndiswrapper module loaded, at this point I'm stuck. This has got to be something simple, I'm just missing it.

Last edited by fwallace on Sat 01 Apr 2006, 00:13, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by GeoffS »

Do a search on 'wifi' or 'wireless' or even 'belkin' & you will find loads of info.
The following little script seems to fix most of the problems in getting the card working. It is my adaption of various ideas provided to me by 'tempestuous'. I just combined all the 'possible' fixes into one script. The 'sleeps' seem to make it more reliable. My laptop is a Thinkpad 600e - it is sometimes a bit slow!

## HomeNet
## sometimes needed fix
cardctl eject
cardctl insert
## another sometimes needed fix
rm /etc/dhcpc/
##modprobe pcmf502rd
## another fix
sleep 1
read PID </var/run/
kill $PID
sleep 3
sleep 3
## Load the driver
modprobe pcmf502rd
iwconfig atml0 essid HomeNet key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mode Managed
dhcpcd -t 20 -h puppypc -d atml0

Good luck
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OK, little more progress

#3 Post by fwallace »

Using another machine and browser, I was able to download and install the appropriate module (pcmf502rd) and use the old sneakernet. The atml0 interface is created (by editing /etc/rc.d/rc.local) and so far so good.

However ... for some reason I can't connect. I can scan, interface atml0 is there. I have WEP enabled on the AP. I was able to simply enter the WEP key and get connected with Ubuntu on this machine and card.

I've done:

#iwconfig atml0 mode Master
#iwconfig atml0 key open XXXXXXXXXX
#iwconfig atmlo essid mynetwork
#ifconfig atml0 up
#dhcpcd atml0


1. Mode "Master" or "Managed" ?? I have only one AP, that is supposed to provide DHCP. This worked with as noted Ubuntu, so my guess is I'm doing something wrong here.

2. key open or something else? I've got just WEP, no WPA or anything like that.

3. dhcpcd -- is this the last step AFTER the wireless interface is up or should it go BEFORE bringing the interface up?

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#4 Post by GeoffS »

'Managed' is used for a normal infrastructure network which it would be with an AP - not 'Managed' normally indicates an Ad-Hoc network. Not sure about the 'open' in there, I certainly don't use it.
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OK, Got it working ONCE

#5 Post by fwallace »

I'm very close. But I need some more help.

Everything loads OK, and ONCE ONLY from the command line I was able to get the following working:

#iwconfig atml0 channel 1 essid mynetwork mode Managed key XXXXXXX
#dhcpcd -d atml0

That worked ONCE (I was able to do nslookup, browse the web, etc).

Putting it into /etc/rc.d/rc.local fails. As has every attempt to reboot and try again from the command line.

Drivers are OK, lsmod lists them and my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file has:

modprobe pcmf502rd
sleep 6


iwconfig lists the atml0 interface, I can set the network using the command line tool but something is fishy with dhcpcd. That seems to be where I'm failing. I was ONCE able to get as my IP address, but that was one time only.

So, I need some help on the dhcpd daemon. Thanks.

ETA: /var/log/messages complains user.warn kernel: interace not ready yet
local0.err dhcpcd[609] timed out wating for a valid DCHP server response
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#6 Post by GeoffS »

I note that you do not include some of the parms tempestrous suggested to me in the dhcpd command - I suspect they are there for a purpose. May not be standard linux but may be needed for puppy.
Also I found, once I tried to run a script, the more sleeps the better!! It would work most times but by including sleeps between most of the commands it now works every time!
Try both ideas and see what happens.
Good luck
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#7 Post by Rickrandom »

I got the DHCP thing working as follows: ... highlight=
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#8 Post by Rickrandom »

I got the DHCP thing working as follows: ... highlight=
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Hmmm ...

#9 Post by fwallace »

ALMOST there ... thanks guys.

I have on the /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
modprobe pcmf502rd
sleep 6

OK good.

ONLY from the command line can I consistently do:

iwconfig atml0 channel 1 essid mynet mode Managed key XXXXXXXX
cardctl eject
cardctl insert
dhcpcd -d atml0

And the above works.

I have a script that sometimes works, sometimes not, as the following:

iwconfig atml0 channel 1 essid mynet mode Managed key XXXXXXXX
sleep 6
cardctl eject
sleep 6
cardctl insert
sleep 6
dhcpcd -d atml0

And of course I check/test for /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-atml0.* in case things are not deleted (and I delete them). What bothers me is that SOMETIMES this script works. Sometimes NOT. I can't find consistency.

I can't get the script just pasted into /etc/rc.d/rc.local to work at all. Messages are "interface not read" etc. My question is there something weird in the Card Manager? I can at least get this up and running Wireless myself (I had hoped to give this to a family member who is pretty naive user) so that's out for now.

[This machine HAD Win 98 on it, became unuseablely slow so I've tried lots of different linuxes and like Puppy the best, it's a 474 AMD-K6 and works great with the Puppy. But the primary use will be Web Surfing so Wireless is a must.]

My guess is (and It's only a guess) is that the cardctl eject|insert fixes something with the Cardmgr -- has anyone found something that works with dhcpcd?
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