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#41 Post by kirk »


You are auto logged on as root.

The goal for Fatdog was to have web applications run as a non-privileged user. Not in the traditional sense where you log in as a non-privileged user and all of your personnel files are accessible by that user as well. But we log in as root for convenience and in recognition that your personal files are just as important as system files, in fact much more important. Applications that access the internet, Firefox, Xine, Sylpheed, and Pidgin all run as user spot. Spot can only write to a few limited places.

You can run these applications as root if you want though. For Firefox you can open a terminal and type firefox or you can go to /usr/bin and drag firefox to the desktop. The other applications would be similar.

I'll edit the original post with some of this information.

Having problems with SFS file placement

#42 Post by gcmartin »

Much of the Puppy documentation guides me to add SFS by:
  1. creating a folder /mnt/home
  2. placing the SFS in that folder
  3. running the BootManager Utility who uses /mnt/home and
  4. adding that SFS to the right side
so that it will be selected at boot.

BUT, FATDOG seems to have taken a different approach from that documentation. With FATDOG I MUST place the SFSs in the system's root directory ("/"). Further, there are no instructions which indicate where the SFS files must reside on the boot media for selection at boot-time.

I'm wondering if the SFSs that I want added should be
  1. in the root directory before boot is to occur? or
  2. in /mnt/home before boot is to occur? or
  3. in both?
Anyone aware of this issue...Thanks

Update on some issues I've run into

#43 Post by gcmartin »

4 items found in LiveDVD testing.
Problem: Missing documentation or solid implementation for adding SFSs to LiveCD.
Scenario: When BootManager is told to use OpenOffice SFS file, the system explodes when rebooted from LiveCD (no boot parameters are selected)
Circumvention: Boot with boot options Puppy pfix=1 in order to get back to desktop

Problem: In LiveCD mode, when session is saved to LiveCD, subsequent reboot does NOT restore the LAN card settings. I was expecting the LAN settings to be saved in the 'session save to cd" that occurs on reboot.
Scenario: Boot system to desktop. Open Terminal and check for an assigned IP address. No address is there on the LAN's interface
Circumvention: Rerun Net-Wizard everytime you boot

Problem: I was NOT able to shutdown and save my desktop data.
Scenario: Turns out that I had sda5 and sr0 mounted. The system would NOT save to DVD, unless I “unmounted
TEXT Listing of system's state at latest boot
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Re: Update on some issues I've run into

#44 Post by Flash »

gcmartin wrote:Item
Problem: In LiveCD mode, when session is saved to LiveCD, subsequent reboot does NOT restore the LAN card settings. I was expecting the LAN settings to be saved in the 'session save to cd" that occurs on reboot.
Scenario: Boot system to desktop. Open Terminal and check for an assigned IP address. No address is there on the LAN's interface
Circumvention: Rerun Net-Wizard everytime you boot...
I assume you mean a multisession DVD (or CD).
I haven't done extensive testing yet. I did save to the DVD when I shut down. When I rebooted, everything seemed to be as I set it before I shut down. All I had to do to get online was click on the Browse icon on the desktop.
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#45 Post by Wognath »

To recap, on my Via Nano netbook, Fatdog64 loads until it reaches "loading kernel modules", then the screen goes dark. pfix=nox gives the same result. I guess I don't know enough to implement kirk's advice:
You can try booting with pfix=nox again, and then you can type xorgwizard-old. Fatdog64 doesn't have Xvesa, but you might want to try the vesa Xorg driver. You might have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Driver "vesa" #card0driver

You can do this from the terminal with mp or I think you can edit xorg.conf with the xorgwizard-old.
If there's a command prompt there, I can't see it. The /etc/X11 directory has several xorg#.conf files which I can see in the sfs (from puppy4.3.1) but can't edit.
Thanks for the ideas so far. I hope someone with this type of system will find and post a solution. I'd like to try Fatdog.
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#46 Post by Lobster »

Created a promotional video for Youtube
Using music from Creative Commons (ccmixter) and Openshot in Fatdog

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#47 Post by 01micko »

hiya kirk, 007

Been running for a few hours now.. nice!

One gripe, (probably already mentioned, but I have the wog, therefore an excuse), when updating PPM the white on yellow in rxvt is a bit crappy.

Other than that, runs like a rocket, :D


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#48 Post by kirk »


Sfs loading is like any other puppy, but I've only did basic testing with the multisession cd/dvd mode. I don't really know if multisession supports sfs files, Flash would know about that.


When you boot with puppy pfix=nox do you end up at a prompt?
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#49 Post by jamesbond »

Wognath, I'm shooting in the dark here, since I don't have any VIA graphics card.

1) Put this line into puppy's boot command line:

Code: Select all

and see whether you can get to the console screen. From there, run xorgwizard-old, which will likely fail. Then you can post the content of /var/log/Xorg.0.log here.

2) Or, you can try this this puppy's boot command line instead

Code: Select all

Then run xorgwizard-old.

3) if this still doesn't work, try booting as usual. When you get to the blank screen, wait for a while until the harddisk activities settle down, then type this

Code: Select all

modprobe viafbp
and see if you get your screen back. If you do, then continue with xorgwizard-old.

gcmartin, I also don't use DVD-save mode of Fatdog (or any other puppies, for that matter). Let me try your test cases and we'll see what can be done about it, but no promises :)

01micko, what white-on-yellow stuff is fixed with the hotfix pet on first page of this thread.

Last edited by jamesbond on Sun 11 Jul 2010, 13:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Update on some issues I've run into

#50 Post by jamesbond »

Ok I did some tests with DVD multisession.
gcmartin wrote:4 items found in LiveDVD testing.
Problem: Missing documentation or solid implementation for adding SFSs to LiveCD.
Scenario: When BootManager is told to use OpenOffice SFS file, the system explodes when rebooted from LiveCD (no boot parameters are selected)
Circumvention: Boot with boot options Puppy pfix=1 in order to get back to desktop
It doesn't explode on my system. The likely explanation why it explodes on yours is, there isn't enough memory to load the SFS (because everything running in DVD-mode must be loaded into RAM). But the SFS is not loaded, no matter how it's configured - this is a bug.

Flash, do you have any idea whether this also happens in other puppies?

Meanwhile, the workaround is as kirk has explained it - merge the main SFS with the extra SFS you want to use.
Problem: In LiveCD mode, when session is saved to LiveCD, subsequent reboot does NOT restore the LAN card settings. I was expecting the LAN settings to be saved in the 'session save to cd" that occurs on reboot.
Scenario: Boot system to desktop. Open Terminal and check for an assigned IP address. No address is there on the LAN's interface
Circumvention: Rerun Net-Wizard everytime you boot
Doesn't happen on my system. Network connection (wireless in my case) is restored properly. My guess is, this will happen if the network card is slow to initialise (this happens on my other machine with broadcom wireless).
Problem: I was NOT able to shutdown and save my desktop data.
Scenario: Turns out that I had sda5 and sr0 mounted. The system would NOT save to DVD, unless I “unmounted
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#51 Post by Barburo »

Just tried FatDog 64 for the first time. It is very fast with my notebook:
Processor : 2x Genuine Intel(R) CPU U4100 @ 1.30GHz
Resolution: 1366x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer: Mesa DRI Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset
I have experienced problems with some other puppies getting the correct screen resolution but this was automatically recognized and set-up. This Pup just screams along. Good job - will keep testing.
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VIA Nano processor

#52 Post by Wognath »

kirk and jamesbond,
My netbook gets to "loading kernel modules", then the screen goes blank. With pfix=nox, no prompt. If I blindly type in commands, such as deleting a file, or "reboot", nothing happens. So my assumption that this was just graphics was wrong. If you have any ideas, I'll try them. Otherwise, I'll just stand by until someone with this processor and more knowledge than I have weighs in. Thanks for your help.
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Fatdog64 final

#53 Post by Billtoo »

I did a frugal install on this pc today and installed the nvidia driver from your downloads page:

# glxgears
Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
15102 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3020.318 FPS
20176 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4035.168 FPS
20157 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4031.205 FPS
Vendor NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer GeForce 9300 GE/PCI/SSE2
Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 256.35
Direct Rendering Yes

Thankyou very much :)
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Re: VIA Nano processor

#54 Post by jamesbond »

Wognath wrote:kirk and jamesbond,
My netbook gets to "loading kernel modules", then the screen goes blank. With pfix=nox, no prompt. If I blindly type in commands, such as deleting a file, or "reboot", nothing happens. So my assumption that this was just graphics was wrong. If you have any ideas, I'll try them. Otherwise, I'll just stand by until someone with this processor and more knowledge than I have weighs in. Thanks for your help.
Wognath, have you tried my suggestion above? Instead of pfix=nox, try "nomodeset" for option 1, or try the "video" line for option 2 above.

Barburo, Billtoo, happy that this works for you.
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Fatdog64 final

#55 Post by Billtoo »

# glxgears
Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
49862 frames in 5.0 seconds = 9972.238 FPS
51798 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10359.481 FPS
51829 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10365.601 FPS
51798 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10359.553 FPS
Vendor NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer GeForce 8600 GT/PCI/SSE2
Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 256.35
Direct Rendering Yes
Processor 4x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
Memory 8186MB (165MB used)
Operating System Puppy Linux 0.50
User Name root (root)
Date/Time Sun 11 Jul 2010 08:19:50 PM GMT+5
Resolution 1280x1024 pixels
OpenGL Renderer GeForce 8600 GT/PCI/SSE2
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation

thanks again.
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VIA Nano processor

#56 Post by Wognath »

Yes, I tried all of your suggestions, several times each!! I hope I did it right--adding your instructions to the boot options on the grub screen. For example,
Boot Options psubdir=Fatdog nomodeset
Is that right?
I always get a blank screen and shell commands don't execute, as far as I can tell.

SFS via LiveCD

#57 Post by gcmartin »

@jamesbond Thanks for your test findings
t doesn't explode on my system. The likely explanation why it explodes on yours is, there isn't enough memory to load the SFS (because everything running in DVD-mode must be loaded into RAM). But the SFS is not loaded, no matter how it's configured - this is a bug.
I am including a Hardinfo summary report on my system. Hard to believe that I'm running out of memory. Pretty hefty environment for to run a Puppy in.
Doesn't happen on my system. Network connection (wireless in my case) is restored properly. My guess is, this will happen if the network card is slow to initialise (this happens on my other machine with broadcom wireless).
And, on my LAN card, I have 2 LAN cards in this machine. The Active LAN is on eth1. I would have thought that if I had setup my session and active on my LAN and WAN from the FATDOG64 desktop, that at shutdown it would have been saved for subsequent reboot.
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#58 Post by jamesbond »


Yes, you're right. If my suggestions doesn't work, then I have no idea on how to proceed further ...

gcmartin, yes you're right too. 4GB of RAM is enough for the thing to work. I'm just confused why it explodes in your system but it doesn't on mine (the SFS file is there, I can find it in /, but it simply doesn't get loaded).

As for the network card, you're right. It should be, and it actually works for me - I setup my wireless via network-wizard, shutdown and reboot, and next time wireless is already configured. I didn't try with my wired ethernet - very seldom using that these days, but yeah, I will test it when get the chance.
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#59 Post by Barburo »

White on yellow .pet doesn't install. I tried several times - same result.
My PPM is empty - no packages. Any suggestions that i can try?
*** edit - tried several other packages from /fatdog/pets/500/ - same problem.
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#60 Post by smokey01 »

jamesbond I deleted the arusb_lnx.ko as suggested. I then rebooted the system, plugged in the wireless dongle but the dongle was not found. I then copied the ar9170 *.fw files to /lib/firmware as suggested and rebooted, still not found.

I then tried network wizard and loaded the module ar9179usb.ko and tried network wizard again. This time the driver for wlan0 could be seen. I scanned to see if the network could be found and it was. I then connected as normal and all worked fine. I then rebooted to see if the setting were saved, they were. All good now.

I did try to download Skype but it failed as it would not allow the file to be saved to /temp. Firefox is setup to download to /root/spot/downloads.

I was able download skype by running firefox from a terminal window. I installed skype and all worked well until I tried the webcam. The webcam crashed skype and closed.

My webcam is a logitech pro 4000 which was recognised by skype. Something amiss here. Skype with video is not a biggie for me but it will be for some.

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