X not starting - Puppy 431

Booting, installing, newbie
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Karl Godt
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#21 Post by Karl Godt »

`think I`ve solved my CUPS worries .

Even if I could not find out any differences or unnormalities at /etc/cups I decided to ""bruteforce"" CUPS by moving the cups dirs and replacing them with other ones.
I decided to save /archive /bin /etc /lib /opt /root /sbin /usr /var to /mnt/sdb1/PUPPY/Opera2/OPERA2LIVECOMPLETE/ while running root=/dev/ram0 pmedia=idecd pfix=ram -- rebooting to /dev/sda2 (full install ( all are full installs ) ) -- deleting the printers at cups web interface -- closed firefox -- moved /etc/cups total to /etc/messed/cups -- deleted /etc/cups -- mounted sdb1 -- copied /mnt/sdb1/PUPPY/OPERA2/OPERA2LIVECOMPLETE/etc/cups to /etc/cups -- ran the CUPS setupwizard -- added new printer and it printed the testpage -- even at Foxy3.

I `diff`ed a lot and `ls -l` a lot and still don`t know the course ...
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#22 Post by kilgour »

Some experiments data.

1. Machine:
- main hardware: ASUS P2B-DS, 2 x PIII 1000, RAM 1 GB, Matrox G550 Dual Head
- more hardware: no sound, CDRW drive, 3Com 3c905B 100BaseTX PCI Ethernet controller
- monitor: NEC CRT FE770, best setting for me: 1024x768x24 85 Hz

2. Used Puppies:
- Puppies 4.31.1 Retro X-Server from 2.14X/R: puppies-431.1.iso burned to CD
[ Downloaded from http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... -431.1.iso ]
- Puppy 4.3.1 (fallen installations also): pup-431.iso burned to CD
- Lucid Puppy 5.0.1: lupu-501.iso burned to CD

3. Booting from CD, testing Xvesa mode:
- Puppy Retro: OK, can change 800x600 to 1024x768x24, can't change refresh (default value 60 Hz)
- Puppy 4.3.1: see Puppy Retro
- Lucid Puppy 5.0.1: OK, can change 800x600 to 1024x768x24, can change refresh to 85 Hz

4. Booting from CD, X-server mode:
- Puppy Retro: selected 1024x768x24, tweaking refresh to 85 Hz, TEST_X_NOW working fine, all OK
- Puppy 4.3.1: see Puppy Retro
- Lucid Puppy 5.0.1: selected 1024x768x24 and tweaking refresh to 85 Hz work OK

5. More Lucid Puppy 5.0.1 and "TEST_X_NOW" bug:
TEST_X_NOW working with small bug: displayed info about resolution and refresh is empty.
I tested LP on AMD Athlon / ATI Radeon card machine also - the same bug present in "TEST_X_NOW".

6. Drivers for graphic card:
- driver used in Puppy 4.3.1:
/usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/mga_drv.so (159,5 KB Fri Oct 16 02:24:34 2009)
MD5: 4065c29a7d6660c8f1e387243d84d77b
- driver used in Lubuntu 10.04 (off-topic info):
/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/mga_drv.so (159,7 KB Wed Mar 31 03:32:24 2010)
MD5: 04281209f84ef46f0724bf4f0ff59acf

Karl Godt
Like X-server Xvesa is not working in fallen installations.

My main question is what's went wrong, why Puppy destroy themself.

Thank you for yours replay.
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Karl Godt
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#23 Post by Karl Godt »

I think it`s because of the ""weavering"" of the fs.
`tune2fs` `badblocks` and other commands for `fsck`ing showed that the data that is moved around stays on the part of the disk but gets other ""registry"" entries at the superblock and other blockgroups that show of at `fsck`.
I dammaged mine by too little RAM, CPU while scrolling once and now by clicking the wrong button at ""SIGSEV .. too bad .. [F1recover][F2exit]"" at e17 (.062).
Such seems to disorder the filesystem.
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#24 Post by kilgour »

Thank you Karl Godt

I confess, that I'm tired with puppy's problems. It's very feasible, that's fs problem, however "fsck -f" show me no errors each time I do it. I never say die... :lol:
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#25 Post by kilgour »

"Monkey experiment"

I copied (ROX-filer) /etc/X11 and usr/X11R7 from fresh installation to a fallen one. Nothing repaired: "TEST_X_NOW" is not starting, Xvesa is not working.

I'll be back later..
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#26 Post by kilgour »

More hardware / distro tests.

Lucid Puppy 5.0.9 RC (lupu-509.iso burned to CD) LiveCD on:
- ASUS P2B-DS, 2 x PIII 1000, RAM 1 GB, Matrox G550 Dual Head
- Athlon2000+, VIA VT400, RAM 256 MB, ATI Radeon9000
work fine.

Like LP501 "TEST_X_NOW" working with small bug: displayed info about resolution and refresh is empty, but tweaking refresh work OK.

I will not do more distro tests as searching source of "TEST_X_NOW not starting", it seems meaningless. It's clean for me, that's is not hardware / drivers problem.

I'll be back later...
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#27 Post by kilgour »

First post: Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 15:54

Diary of misery

I done experiment and I'm very sad with its result...

Step by step:
1. Small HDD (3.2 GB) was fully tested, scaning surface and SMART self-test include.
2. Part of that disk was partitioned (new partition) to ext3.
3. On that partition I make fresh full installation of Puppy 4.3.1 (CD from pup-431.iso).
4. This fresh Puppy was object of experiment:
- nothing more was installed;
- any changes was limited to net connection, keyboard , locale and time setting;
- all user activity was limited to ROX-filer, Geany and Glipper;
- each session was 5 to 20 minutes long;
- each session ended with rebooting PC to another distro and checking (fsck) Puppy's partition.
5. There was nothing wrong to (about) 30 sessions, and ... after rebooting one more to another distro fsck show Recovering from journal.

6. I make free space for Puppy's partition on disk with well working another distro...
Read (2.) to (5.)...

7. Is it possible, that Puppy 4.3.1 self-destroy its own file system? At now I test Puppy 4.3.1 frugal installation in place of full installation. Results will be some days later.

2nd post

8. The story repeats. I installed Puppy 4.3.1 in frugal mode. After about reboots (or so alike) fsck show Recovering from journal. There is a few files only on this partition and it's no problem, but pup_save has internal fs ext2 - how to check it? I'll be back later...
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#28 Post by kilgour »

Diary of misery part 2.

9. The story repeats ones more.
Today I installed Lucid Puppy 5.1 in frugal mode, ext3 pup_save file. It's look fine, but seems to run no faster, than Lubuntu 10.04 I'm writing from.
I installed numlockx, Wine (manually corrected fallen download of gecko...cab), Firefox 3.6.6 (updated to 3.6.8 from Firefox), GtkHash, md5deep. I want to install Chromium browser, but Chromium-6 installed from repository not work at all.
http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... 1/Updates/
there are 2 files:
UpdateLupu510-001.pet, 10-Aug-2010 07:31, 108K
UpdateLupu510-002.pet, 12-Aug-2010 00:31, 133K
without any note on its. Search on forum here return 0 topics.
All operations include about 10 reboots.
After all I reboots to Lubuntu, terminal, fsck, and... Recovering from journal.

Some comment like to be needed. Sometime I use that partition for temporary storage, some operation, like backup, a made off-puppies, and checking NEVER return any errors. Only switching off Puppy generate fs error(s). Is it my personal piece of luck?

Edit: little correction

Lucid Puppy News
Please install this Instant Update for best performance. The Update includes previous updates.
Instant Update Lupu510-002 (Click to Download and Install)
ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dist ... 10-002.pet
provides libjpeg7, latest index of puppy-lucid repo, enables laptop function keys for volume, brightness, etc., sets Netsurf home page, removes buggy Icewm Xtreme-ReAnimated theme, configures Sylpheed email, fixes USB bootflash, links fsck, adds Dusk IceWM theme (Right-Click and Save As with Netsurf)...
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#29 Post by kilgour »

Diary of misery part 3.

10. The neverending story.
Single reboot to Lucid Puppy results in:
- hardware clock was set to a wrong time* **
- after reboot to another distro: terminal, fsck, and... Recovering from journal

Sorry, but it's like to I waste time experimenting with puppies.

* LP 5.1 setting:
- hardware clock: local time
- hardware time >> software time
** Sometime I do tests with another distros. No one change my hardware clock.
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#30 Post by kilgour »

Diary of misery part 4.

11. The neverending story - a new chapter.

I done a plenty of experiments with puppies in frugal install mode and some other Linux distros, installed and/or LiveCD. May be i'm on the right track to find, what destroyed my full installations. Currently I have 4.3.1 (classic) and LP 5.11, both frugal installled. All is working fine, but even single run of installed puppy and rebooting to another distro leads to fs error on puppy's installation partition. Frugal install give very low files count on puppy's partition, but recovering from journal is very frustrating, isn't it?

Important questions:
1. Is (any) puppy compatible with true multi-processor machine? (2 x PIII 1000 on ASUS P2B-DS)
2. Is it possible, that relativly fast machine can't be run under puppy on slow (UDMA2) HDD? BTW: Years ago there was very like it problem on Windows98 - system close up before HDD ends writing data.

Thanks in advance for any response
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80 lines but 40 pins IDE Cable

#31 Post by Karl Godt »

Perhaps look here for 80vs40-ide-cable

Also cleaning the deepend lense of my usb-mouse from one hair seems to make Xorg behave better :?:
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#32 Post by kilgour »

Thank you Karl Godt

It is not cable problem. The legendary BX440 chipset on ASUS P2B-DS is limited to UDMA2 by it's design. Another limiting factors: old Puppy 4.3.1 (destroyed) full installation was on 3GB Seagate (max UDMA2), and frugal installations are on Caviar 8 GB (max UDMA4), limited to UDMA2 mode by chipset. I'm writing this post from Lubuntu 10.04 full installation (4 GB ext3 partition on Caviar 8 G) running on this pc.

There is also not inode size problem. Temporary frugal installation on small ext3 partition (500 MB) with inode size 128 do not make error-free running.

Good day for all
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