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#1 Post by kirk »

Here's a game ISO (697MB) that has a modified xorgwizard that will set up 3D/DRI video acceleration and load all the libs. You can run it ram only boot if you want. I've tested it with some ATI cards, Radeon 7500 & 9250 (r100 & r200). I downloaded the 3-23-06 snapshot and DRI modules from the DRI website and compiled them and put them in the ISO. They're installed using MU's script. The following cards (might be) are supported:

* ATI Rage 128 cards 3D Rage Fury, 3D Rage Magnum, XPERT 2000, XPERT 128, XPERT 99, All-in-Wonder 128

* ATI r100 Radeon, Radeon VIVO, Radeon VE, Radeon 7800 or below

* ATI r200 Radeon 8500 to 9250, FireGL 8700/8800

* ATI Mach64 3D Rage Pro, 3D Rage LT Pro, 3D Rage XL, 3D Rage Mobilit, XPERT 98/LCD/XL, XPERTOPlay/Work, All-in-Wonder Pro

* ATI r300 Radeon 9500-9700

* Intel i810/i815 chips

* Intel i915 chips

* Matrox G200/G400 cards, Millenium G200 to G450, Mystique G200

* SIS cards

* 3dfx Voodoo 3/4/5 cards, Banshee, Velocity 100/200

* S3Savage, Savage3D, SavageMX/IX, Savage4, Supersavage, Prosavage/Twister/DDR

* Via unichrome

The xorgwizard will set it up. For the best speed choose 16 bit color.

The CD contains the following:


Quake 3 -- This is the icculus.org version of the GPLed ID software code compiled from svn (CVS) on 3/11/06. It includes the ID software Demo game data, and one complete mod (Reaction Quake 495MB). Just click on quake3 to run the game. It can be ran directly from the CD. Homie and Snoopy bots are included. Other "complete mods" can be added if you copy the quake3 folder to your harddrive, just place any complete mods you down load in the main quake directory. Here's a list of mods you might want to download: True combat, Urban Terror, Bid for Power, Western Quake, Afterwards. If you have problems with some of the mods delete the the folder /root/.q3a and restart the game. Lan multiplayer works fine, but with internet play finding a compatable server can be difficult.


Armagetronad -- A tron light-cycle game, supports network/internet play. The executable is found in /usr/local/armagetronad.

D2X -- A 3D space shooter. Includes shareware data. You'll want to adjust the screen size, it's under options, screen res. The executable is found in /usr/local/share/games/d2x.

Supertux -- Popular knock-off of Super Mario Bros. The executable is found in usr/local/supertux.

Tuxmath -- Math game for 6-9 year olds. I think this is posted elseware, but this one has sound. The executable is found in usr/share.

bzflag --- A FPS tank game, supports network/internet play.

ppracer --- A fork from Tux Racer.

DukeNukem --- A FPS doom era game set in a city.

Then I ran out of space.

*******Big thanks to Babbs for hosting!*******


Boot ram only to test. It uses the regular pup001 for storage.
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#2 Post by raffy »

Big bang for game lovers 8)

This is irresistible stuff, especially to the young fans of gaming :D
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#3 Post by puppian »

Wow that looks great!
I had thought of installing those dotpups but installing the drivers and configuring them seems too difficult for me :oops:
Will the iso work with my S3 pro-savage chip that come with the motherboard?
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#4 Post by kirk »

I tried to get 3D going on a computer with S3 built on the mother board about 5 months ago. No luck, I think I found some posting from the developer saying that it wasn't supported. I'll try again with these new drivers and let you know what happens.
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#5 Post by Alienx »

any screenshots ? :roll:
Sorry, broken english above :-)
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#7 Post by Lobster »

puppian wrote:Wow that looks great!
I had thought of installing those dotpups but installing the drivers and configuring them seems too difficult for me :oops:
Will the iso work with my S3 pro-savage chip that come with the motherboard?
I have a built in s3 pro-savage and it worked with that
I liked tuxmath (oh alright it is for kids)
I decided to run from ram and it is a standard 1.0.8 Puppy install with an xorg selection of 3D drivers . . .

When into a standard puppy 1.0.8 I clicked on Mut and installed the .pups straight from the CD

I played Descent II and Duke Nuke 'Em, yep Tux is bouncing about and the sound is all there. There was a tron type game and one with on line support (you have to start a server)

Descent was in a tiny window but I had this before and Mark told me a quick tip to get full screen which I can not remember

This is crying out for a menu and some further development but is so much easier than the procedure to install some of the games previously (adding libraries etc)
It also whetted my appetite for maybe a 3D disk with Povray and other progs using the 3D card - anyone gonna give that a go - I know Nathan has already packaged some of these . . . Are there other progs that use the 3D?

I am not a great game player but for those that are, there seems a nice variety. Did not try the Quake type game - the screenshots looks good.

Well done Kirk, another step forward for Puppy . . .
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#8 Post by MU »

povray does not use the 3D-cards.
It calculates 3D not in realtime.

3D-cards use "raycasting" (realtime, low quality), povray uses Raytracing (awfull slow, but higher quality).

Just some tools like modellers use 3D-cards, so that the elements you create in the 4-window-view are rendered faster.

Note that I created a "quake-launcher".
It is a "universal" to use Program-launcher, that easily can be adapted for other programs (plans for the future).
I want to combine it with an enhanced "megapup002-launcher-Panel" to make it easy to run programs and read the included documentations.

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#9 Post by kirk »

Tried it on the computer I have with a built-on mother board S3. No joy again the board reports as "VT8375 ProSavage8 KM266/KL266".


Most of those games will run with out 3D acceleration with the graphics options in the setup menus turned down. (They are more fun with 3D and full graphics). When you get a chance try the quake3 game and see it it works. It will only work if 3D is enabled. Just go to the cd and click on quake3 in the icquake3 folder, it will run right of the CD. It would be nice to know what boards are really supported.

Some menues would be nice, problably could included True Combat instead of Reaction quake, it's a couple hundred meg smaller and would leave room for lots of smaller games. I actually started this as a DVD with 1.5 GB of quake 3 mods but cut it down.
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#10 Post by tempestuous »

You may have seen this thread about forum member Roger's problems with DRI for mach64 - http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... 4&start=32
From this we learned that mach64, savage, and VIA Unichrome Xorg drivers have their DRI functions disabled by default.
But DRI-enabled drivers for these chipsets have now been updated on MU's website.

To get 3D for mach64/savage/VIA working with your game package, from http://noforum.de/dotpups/X11R6addons/ I suggest you get -

and add all xorg drivers contained in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers to your game package. These will overwrite the existing Xorg drivers in Puppy.
Your existing DRM modules and DRI files should be fine.
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#11 Post by Sage »

The new Mandriva One has Flight gear and Tuxracer.
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Looking for...

#12 Post by mvisconte »

Hey, does anyone know where I can find a distro with FlightGear and TuxRacer? (grin)
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#13 Post by MU »

hm.. no idea, I'm really sorry :oops: :cry: :roll:
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#14 Post by J_Rey »

I think Sage posted so many times because he thought it wasn't working right. I got an e-mail error when posting a minute ago, also.

EDIT: Never mind, Flash just deleted the extra posts.
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#15 Post by kirk »

Thanks Tempestuous,
I'll put that in the next one. I've got a idea for putting nvidia drivers in too. It was probably a mistake to make this one so big (697MB). I think I'll drop reaction quake for the next one and shoot for about 250MB so more people can test it out.

If anyone has sucess with the 3D please post, I've only got to test it on ATI radeon r100 & r200.
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#16 Post by J_Rey »

Well, I tried this and found that the additions to XOrgWizard need revising so they don't only look in the CD-ROM but have an option for a hard drive install. I had to change the references to /mnt/cdrom to /mnt/home/Puppy (where I extracted the directories to) and then run XOrgWizard from console. The new driver for my i810-DC100 chipset appeared to install properly.

But after I installed BZFlag and ran the bzflag script from rxvt, I got the following errors as I started:

Code: Select all

ERROR!  sizeof(I810DRIRec) does not match passed size from device driver
libGL warning: 3D driver returned no fbconfigs.
libGL error: InitDriver failed
libGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering
Then it went along almost like normal but had problems connecting to servers. The only one that got to the Loading/Entering World... step resulted in a Segmentation fault.

Also, I wouldn't have expected to have to install the games later on as well as find the directories myself instead of having icons on the desktop or entries in the menu. :?:
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Wget works and can continue broken downloads

#17 Post by Lobster »

kirk wrote: for the next one and shoot for about 250MB so more people can test it out.
Good idea
I used wget to download (Puppy2 has a front end to this) The front end can be installed in earlier Puppys and perhaps linked to larger games. So if the 3D drivers and environment is there, larger games can be installed and uninstalled.

I would not have attempted a 650MB from either Firefox or Mozilla and perhaps not even Opera (the most reliable for downloads)
Wget works and can continue broken downloads

An easy menu program to hack into a games menu is my welcome menu

250MB would be more maneagable for those with slower connections

Hope that is of some interest :)
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#18 Post by puppian »

kirk wrote:Thanks Tempestuous, I'll put that in the next one.
Nice nice nice 8)
Lobster wrote:So if the 3D drivers and environment is there, larger games can be installed and uninstalled.
Think so too.
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#19 Post by tempestuous »

I just packaged Tux Racer and PlanetPenguin Racer and sent them to MU ... for those people who just want to add these small games.
They both require libstdc++-6.0.3; use the PupGet version, and libSDL; use MU's LibSDL1.2-forDoom.pup from http://noforum.de/dotpups/
Sound effects work OK, but music is missing. On exit, I see this error message:
"FAILED to load music file music/start1-jt.it: Unrecognised music format"
I discovered that ".it" files are Impulse Tracker Music Modules. I then guessed that libmikmod might be required, but even after installing this library, still no music. Maybe someone else can solve this problem.
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#20 Post by MU »

Made Dotpups, many thanks :P

I also hear no music, though I compiled SDL from scratch some days ago, and my XMMS can play .it.

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