Audacious2.3 Pet

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Audacious2.3 Pet

#1 Post by l0wt3ch »


#2 Post by l0wt3ch »

Changed the link so it points to the new version that playdayz improved.
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#3 Post by disciple »

How did playdayz improve it?
works in jack
So does it depend on Jack, or does it simply ignore that plugin if Jack isn't installed? I think probably the latter.
It will depend on mowgli and mcs and things too probably. It would be good if you link to packages for any special dependencies when you post a package to the forum. Or are they included?

Incidentally, audacious seems to be becoming pretty bug-free now. Or at least they've been fixing all the problems I've found and reported ;)
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#4 Post by l0wt3ch »

Playdayz removed some libraries that are already in Lucid Puppy, so that the pet is smaller. Also changed the name slightly.

It is self-contained; you can set it to run with JACK or alsa or whatever.

It's a handy addition to Lucid Puppy because it allows choice of audio card for playback, which was a problem some people were having.
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#5 Post by grimoire »

Does it work in the previous version of puppy like 4.21 and 4.3? :?
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

#6 Post by disciple »

I've never actually tried running audacious on an older puppy than it was compiled on, but I imagine it will work. You'll probably just need to delete the statusicon plugin, as the gtk version is too old.
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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