wish list for next puppy release

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy
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#221 Post by Aitch »

In an email exchange....
Aitch wrote:What do you think of my suggestion to have a link to 'your' manual within new/existing puppies?
Smokey01 wrote:I like the idea and I guess if the developers agree then it will happen
Had to post it Grant, as its too important to remain hidden, IMHO, hope that's OK with you?

Now the devs have no excuse

Puppy Users: Add your support to get the manual or at least a link included in puppy releases - it just MAY help some noobs get [more] things working, thanks

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#222 Post by technosaurus »

Any distro hoppers out there wanting to help out, so that we don't reinvent the wheel?

Austrumi is another light distro worth checking out for some goode ideas

Tiny Core isn't really a "distro" but more of a build base (with currently no distros worth mentioning based on it ), however most of their *.tcz files will work with Puppy if you rename them to *.sfs - try out some of their stuff, you may find a gem. ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dist ... x/3.x/tcz/

Slitaz uses the same backend as puppy for many of their GUIs (gtkdialog). Maybe some of the Slitaz "box apps" can find their way into Puppy. http://www.slitaz.org/en/doc/cookbook/slitaz-tools.html

Goblinx used to use gtkdialog but has become imagineos and I can't seem to find the gtkdialog scripts posts - maybe the last release iso of goblinx has them?

once a distro gets above ~200mb they seem to dump gtkdialog in favor of pygtk (its not any slower than gtkdialog - just larger), but we do have some relatively small and fast alternatives:
so if you create/find/know of any good implementations of those - please point them out in one of the development threads

jwm setups - we had this discussion in the Pupngo thread and determined that each configuration type should probably have its own dot file and an include for it, to make external configuration and backups easier to handle

as for xdm - all that is needed is a GUI script that has all those inputs
... just add the script into the .xinitrc in place of the window manager
I did this before with Xdialog and 3 lines of code - can't find it now but I think I posted it in one of the multiuser pup threads

multiuser ..."puppylinux on hd is logged in defaultly as root, when shouldn't" - I disagree - on first login you will more likely than not, need to do changing/configuring/installing of some kind - this allows you to get those necessities done and then it is up to you to stay as root or not for current and subsequent sessions... but standard puppy isn't really designed for that anyways - only grafpup and pizzasgood's pupplets AFAIK
is autologinroot the issue?

.4fs and extensions - some extensions are specific to puppy and require updates to files in /usr/share/mime, but for many things you can right click on a file and it will let you set run action to a program/script name or adapt a similar script

autostart - to make a program autostart just make a symlink to its executable in /root/Startup (or $HOME/Startup for multiuser systems) It wouldn't be too hard to throw together a gui for this, but I thought Zigbert already had it in the Puppy Control Center.
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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hardisk backup software which support GUI

#223 Post by SXiPRATEEK »

i wish for hardisk backup /restore / view software capabel of partition cloning & copy restore mbr

with GUI.

currently i am using drive snapshot(298kb) www.drivesnapshot.de/en/
it is working fine & fast
but it works only from windows.
so if a opensource alternative which suport cross platform

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wallpaper & taskbar menu & theme icons are not appealing

#224 Post by SXiPRATEEK »

the wallpaper used in 5.x & theme icons used & taskbar is not so appealing as in previous version.
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preloaded wine will increase its value & popularity

#225 Post by SXiPRATEEK »

puppy has everything but if wine is preloaded then it will me much better

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i cant find how to compile using gcc or install deb

#226 Post by SXiPRATEEK »

i cant find how to compile using gcc or install deb
what more files are needed for this
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#227 Post by Pizzasgood »

If you have a new idea shortly after making a post, and nobody has replied yet, it's generally considered bad manners to create another post (and worse to create a whole string of posts).

The more accepted thing to do is to edit the existing post, so that you just make one. There is an edit button in the upper-right of each post your make.

This applies in most forums on the internet, as well.

(Good to learn these things here where people are friendly, because many other places on the net are rather caustic....)


As for compiling, the development environment isn't included with Puppy to save space. It is available as a separate download. For Puppy 5.1, it is available here:
ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distrib ... puppy-5.1/
The file you want is the lupu_devx_510.sfs one. Instructions for using a .sfs module are all over the forum. Basically, unless you have a Full install, just drop it onto the base of the harddrive that has your save-file, use Puppy's boot-manager to enable it, and reboot.
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easier (re-)mounting of network drives

#228 Post by darkduck »

I have network drive connected by cable to my wifi router, and I connect via wifi to this drive. It was not so easy for me to make it re-connect each time Puppy starts. It would be much better if this could happen automatically or easy-configurable for newbies.

The script which I finally composed can be found here:
http://forum.puppyrus.org/index.php/top ... l#msg39919
It has some "debug" information which I put into local file, that bit is not very important.
Sorry that discussion is in Russian, but script "evolution" can be easily tracked throughout the thread. Otherwise I can give details/translation.
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Heres what aps I use

#229 Post by vectoravtech »

Heres a screenshot of allot of programs I use, Gfire pidgin addon to use xfire which is a chat client gamers use, Skype, Freerapid which is a downloader from major players like rapidshare and it just works with java without installing it, Xchat, firefox, and gimp. If you want a native option theres a chat client in most Linux repos called: centium that isn't susceptible to the recently found exploits by Lee the Yepic programmer but for chatroom filtering and booter protection Yepic would be my choice.
YEpic is allot trickier because it requires wine and a fontfix.exe as well as winetricks and ie 6 to work properly. Here's the Yepic site if you want to see if it's worth adding: http://yepic.co.uk/
and here's the steps to install it in linux which would be awsome if it was preinstalled or at least an easier method to click and turn it on without going through all the steps mentioned here: http://www.opensourcerage.com/
and here's a warning To Any Booter [Warning: Potentially offensive material inside]: http://www.yepic.co.uk/forums/index.php?topic=813.0


Sorry the picture is so big but this way you can see the entire desktop and I had trouble resizing it on tinypic so I left it as is. The gimp I used that has all these extra fill textures by default is gimp-2.4.6.pet from http://www.puppylinux.ca/tpp/bugs/gimp-2.4.6.pet if your wondering. I redid my pupsave by rebooting and pressing F2 and typing: puppy pfix=ram so I booted directly from the custom dvd I created and added the chatzilla firefox addon for irc and havnt tryed installing the gimp or install java.
If you want to see my avatar in the larger pictureheres the link: http://i53.tinypic.com/5dor5k.jpg
Last edited by vectoravtech on Tue 02 Nov 2010, 07:22, edited 2 times in total.
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Puppy Linux Wish List

#230 Post by wabbit »

I see in the release notes for Puppy 4.3
that you plan to drop Geany in favor of NicoEdit.

I'd like to strongly request that you do not make this change
1. Geany can open multiple files, and keep them in Tabs; NicoEdit not
2. Geany code-collapse feature ; NicoEdit not

I suspect there are more differences as well.
Second this request. Geany also has a lot of plugins that make it a dynamite little editor for multiple computer languages. Of course, if you exclude it from the install, surely you would make it available as a pet.

Okay, high on my wish list is for jwm config and icon switcher to handle multiple pages.

Perhaps even integrate GTK2 themes, icon switcher, jwm themes, and wallpaper into one app similar to stu90's puppy.look version that basically allows you to make four choices and set the overall appearance of puppy.

Of course, if you wanted to go true puppy.look (across-the-board ... not just jwm), the app would have to accommodate whatever window manager you were using at the time.

Hope to see some of these on the next go-round. If any are available now, and I have missed them, please point me in the right direction.

Thanks for asking.
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#231 Post by Sylvander »

Don't know if the following will be possible or not.

1. I'd like, when I 1st boot into a Puppy installation of any kind, to be able to click something that results in BOTH (a) & (b) below:
There should then be an indicator to show that this option is set, and can be unset.

(a) Changes to the session [made DURING the session] would only be saved/incorporated if done manually by clicking a SAVE icon.
I know it's pretty easy to configure this, but it should be even easier by using an icon on the desktop, or a link in the info page.
And it would be combined with (b) below.

(b) The user is then given the chance at shut-down, to CHOOSE "to save or not to save".
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#232 Post by darkcity »

On the topic of shutting down. I would like programs to ask if you want any unsaved documents to be saved.

At the moment unsaved work is lost if use requests to shutdown.

Also, what projects are working on wireless net connection? I think this is the biggest barrier for people wanting to use Puppy.
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Installation and upgrading

#233 Post by ilanrab »

The current installation process works, and provides a lot of capabilities.
These capabilities are useful, but a bit disorganized. Utilizing the existing
capabilities requires a certain level of computer understanding.
I believe that the majority of potential PuppyLinux users, out there, do not
have the necessary background/skills to install/upgrade without someone
else assisting them repeatedly.
Therefore, it is my wish to streamline the installation/upgrade process.
A new "install manager", will contain (in an organized fashion), all of the
installation/upgrade/update capabilities,. In one package, access to:
- current install package
- fdisk and cfdisk
- gParted
- Pdisk partition
- Format floppy
- Universal installer
- All grub bootloader config, and anything else.
- Remaster Puppy Live-CD
- Bootflash install Puppy to USB
- Anything else, that I missed

The above improvment will create one package that assists the user,
in installation/upgrade/updates and at the same time removes many
of the sub-menu items that currently clutter a some of the main taskbar
menu items.
Of course, the installation, updating, and upgrading tools should allow
the flexibility of performing any of these functions intuitively and not just
by brute force.

Thank you, and Merry Xmas/holidays to everyone,
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Personal storage SaveFile

#234 Post by ilanrab »

Memory device sizes have increased considerably over the past few years.
It would be useful to have an additional button, on the "Resize personal
storage file" window, that allows an increase of "custom..." type size.
Being able to increase by any amount (3/4GB, 1.2GB, etc) would be nice.

Thank you, and Merry Xmas/holidays for everyone,
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the ability to install adobe air

#235 Post by 666philb »

My wish is to be able to install adobe air on puppy. The ability to install adobe air would allow access to a whole lot of new applications similar in scope to what's available in the ppm. There are a multitude of open source applications that are released using the air platform, the main reason for this is so that their applications can run on any operating system(xp,mac,any flavour of linux), without the need for them to produce lots of different versions.

Please note that i don't want it included in puppy, just the ability to install it if i wish, the same as 'flash'

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Re: the ability to install adobe air

#236 Post by scsijon »

666philb wrote:My wish is to be able to install adobe air on puppy. The ability to install adobe air would allow access to a whole lot of new applications similar in scope to what's available in the ppm. There are a multitude of open source applications that are released using the air platform, the main reason for this is so that their applications can run on any operating system(xp,mac,any flavour of linux), without the need for them to produce lots of different versions.

Please note that i don't want it included in puppy, just the ability to install it if i wish, the same as 'flash'

I think this is what you are after.

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reply to scsijon

#237 Post by 666philb »

Thanks for replying scsijon

I've already been down that route, and unfortunately on the critical part, where it explains how to do it, the link is dead! and just gets redirected.

I've done quite deep searches of this forum, and all i can find, for getting Air on puppy is that Post by 'MU' with the critical piece missing!!!!

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#238 Post by Aitch »


try this

http://blogs.adobe.com/air/2008/12/tips ... ation.html

I got an 'unsafe site certificate' warning, but just made an exception [maybe just XP/firefox?]


see also


and arising out of this,

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 888#486888

thanks, 666philb...maybe this will help others, too :wink:

Aitch :)
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#239 Post by enhu »

that Freerapid is gonna be great.
i hope there will be such pet next version..
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#240 Post by 37fleetwood »

I had an idea, how hard would it be to make it easy for a newbie to switch out Rox as the file browser for Thunar or one of the other two paned browsers? Thunar is easily installed within Quickpet but unless you install Xfce you get Rox any time you open something that opens a file browser. I've noticed you've done this with the web browsers in 5.2. It would be really cool if there were a similar button right next to the browser button that made something like Thunar the default file browser. ever watch someone new to Linux try to figure their way around using Rox?
Here's the way it would work, start up Puppy install the web browser you want with Quickpet and while you're there if you like install a file browser, then click on the quick launch and set your web browser default and then click on the file browser quick launch and set it to your preference. This way those who want nice and small and like Rox have it just like always, and those who find it difficult to use can switch to something else as the default. You would still use Jwm and Rox as the pinboard just switch out the default browser and the links to the desktop icon and the default open options in such programs as Firefox etc. that have the option to open a folder.
just a thought
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