Lucid Puppy 5.1.1 Release - This is the official release

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#481 Post by rjbrewer »

A simple solution to xorg problems with Intel 855gm graphics chip.

Eliminates the need for:

1. i915 modeset=1
2. 640x480 video boot param.
3. flsynclient wrapper. ... 553#447553

Inspiron 700m, Pent.M 1.6Ghz, 1Gb ram.
Msi Wind U100, N270 1.6>2.0Ghz, 1.5Gb ram.
Eeepc 8g 701, 900Mhz, 1Gb ram.
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#482 Post by ICPUG »

I tested 222 tonight after downloading yesterday.

Followed my usual frugal install procedure on the intel855 graphics box. Uses Xorg with the Intel driver, a UK keyboard and London time zone. Everything worked fine.

Tried changing to icewm and back to jwm to encourage a black screen of death as a previous poster reported. There were no black screens for me.

2 points I would note.

The tray icon showing free memory as 4 green bars rather than a number seems pointless. The number was meaningful whereas 4 green bars means less and the mouse has to be moved to get the number.

The wording on the original screen that proposes accepting the default or giving options to change resolution / locale / CCE does NOT define what the default is. A new user does not have sufficient information to know whether they are happy with the default if they do not know what keyboard / time zone etc has been given by default. It costs nothing to add some words so why not add them?
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Lucid Puppy 5.1.1 Release Candidate

#483 Post by Billtoo »

I booted the lupu 511 live dvd with pfix=ram
It booted directly to the desktop at the correct resolution and the wired network was connected.
I downloaded Firefox 4 beta 3,google earth,vlc, and the latest nvidia driver with quickpet.
I rebooted to create the save file.
I ran the setup wizards and put the devx file in /mnt/home and used configure startup wizard to have it loaded on next bootup.
I chose to resize the save file, then rebooted.
I compiled lxterminal 0.1.8,dosbox 0.74,weechat 0.3.3,xchat 2.8.8
I configured ppm to add the ubuntu repositories and added tunapie with ppm
# glxgears
46301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 9260.200 FPS
50514 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10102.800 FPS
50503 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10100.600 FPS
50516 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10103.200 FPS
50505 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10101.000 FPS

4x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
3375MB (153MB used)
Operating System
Puppy Linux 0.51
User Name
root (root)
Thu 02 Sep 2010 07:36:09 PM GMT-8
1920x1080 pixels
OpenGL Renderer
GeForce 8600 GT/PCI/SSE2
X11 Vendor
The X.Org Foundation
Vendor NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer GeForce 8600 GT/PCI/SSE2
Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 256.35
Direct Rendering Yes

Everything works well :)
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#484 Post by James C »

Upgrade from 510 to 511 of the frugal install on my main Linux box.

The only thing I've noticed is having to redo the desktop icons,which I expected.Otherwise,everything appears to be working normally. All settings,bookmarks, Pwidgets etc. were retained. Basically upgraded with no problems. :)

Also had lost the menu icon for Opera, easy fix though.
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#485 Post by playdayz »

The wording on the original screen that proposes accepting the default or giving options to change resolution / locale / CCE does NOT define what the default is. A new user does not have sufficient information to know whether they are happy with the default if they do not know what keyboard / time zone etc has been given by default. It costs nothing to add some words so why not add them?
Yes. In 5.2. Or perhaps 5.1.2. It would have to be current and the code would not be trivial and would need to be tested--we are at the end of the testing cycle for 5.1.1.
Tried changing to icewm and back to jwm to encourage a black screen of death as a previous poster reported. There were no black screens for me.
I reverted the 915resolution (which may or may not have been the cause of that report). We had had no reports of problems with it and so I should not have upgraded without testing time.
The tray icon showing free memory as 4 green bars rather than a number seems pointless. The number was meaningful whereas 4 green bars means less and the mouse has to be moved to get the number.
This was my initial reaction also. The explanation is that it is a graphic representation so language-free. But now that I think of it Arabic numerals are widespread--perhaps some one can say, Do we have users who don't know Arabic numerals? Anyway, It has come to grow on me or I have gotten used to it ;-)

Hey, Hey, Maybe 01micko can make a selector for the freememapplet_tray icons like he made for the network_tray icons. But not for 5.1.1 micko ;-)

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Karl Godt
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#486 Post by Karl Godt »

8) cool booting 511rc to 1600x1200 Desktop without flickering like some others before. Also tested the connect icon on the desktop and Internet by dialup or wireless modem ran pupdial. had to rmmod usb_storage to get the sim pin delivered to the modem like some versions before. but second attempt : connect .... !
midori is running
pupdial still missing in menu
for /usr/share/applications/menu :P

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=PupDial modem dialup
Comment=PupDial modem dialup

`Pwireless` doesn`t exists but as icon at /usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons

nasatv very beautiful at pupRadio - still no streamtuner in the path -- needed gxine as I searched the forum ( only 1 thread ! ) copied from 4.3 ( bins, sh ,lib > couldn`t read the driver...SegFault )

ayttm should be backed up with (330 KB)

Code: Select all

# scanpci

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x01 function 0x00: vendor 0x1039 device 0x0001
 Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Virtual PCI-to-PCI bridge (AGP)
 CardVendor 0x0000 card 0x0000 (Card unknown)
  STATUS    0x0000  COMMAND 0x0107
  CLASS     0x06 0x04 0x00  REVISION 0x00
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x01  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00
  MAX_LAT   0x00  MIN_GNT 0x0a  INT_PIN 0x00  INT_LINE 0x00
  Bus: primary=00, secondary=01, subordinate=01, sec-latency=64
  I/O behind bridge: 0000f000-00000fff
  Memory behind bridge: cde00000-cfe0ffff
  Prefetchable memory behind bridge: c9c00000-cdc0ffff

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x02 function 0x02: vendor 0x1039 device 0x7001
 Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] USB 1.1 Controller
 CardVendor 0x1019 card 0x0a14 (Elitegroup Computer Systems, Card unknown)
  STATUS    0x0280  COMMAND 0x0117
  CLASS     0x0c 0x03 0x10  REVISION 0x07
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x08
  BASE0     0xcfffe000 SIZE 4096  MEM
  MAX_LAT   0x50  MIN_GNT 0x00  INT_PIN 0x04  INT_LINE 0x0b

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x02 function 0x03: vendor 0x1039 device 0x7001
 Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] USB 1.1 Controller
 CardVendor 0x1019 card 0x0a14 (Elitegroup Computer Systems, Card unknown)
  STATUS    0x8280  COMMAND 0x0117
  CLASS     0x0c 0x03 0x10  REVISION 0x07
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x08
  BASE0     0xcffff000 SIZE 4096  MEM
  MAX_LAT   0x50  MIN_GNT 0x00  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x0b

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x02 function 0x05: vendor 0x1039 device 0x5513
 Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5513 [IDE]
 CardVendor 0x1039 card 0x5513 (Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS], Card unknown)
  STATUS    0x0000  COMMAND 0x0005
  CLASS     0x01 0x01 0x80  REVISION 0xd0
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x80  LATENCY 0x80  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0     0x000001f0 SIZE 8  MEM
  BASE1     0x000003f6 SIZE 1  MEM
  BASE2     0x00000170 SIZE 8  MEM
  BASE3     0x00000376 SIZE 1  MEM
  BASE4     0x0000ff00 SIZE 16  I/O
  MAX_LAT   0x00  MIN_GNT 0x00  INT_PIN 0x00  INT_LINE 0x00

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x02 function 0x07: vendor 0x1039 device 0x7012
 Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller
 CardVendor 0x1019 card 0x0a14 (Elitegroup Computer Systems, Card unknown)
  STATUS    0x0290  COMMAND 0x0105
  CLASS     0x04 0x01 0x00  REVISION 0xa0
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0     0x0000dc00 SIZE 256  I/O
  BASE1     0x0000d800 SIZE 64  I/O
  MAX_LAT   0x0b  MIN_GNT 0x34  INT_PIN 0x03  INT_LINE 0x0b

pci bus 0x0001 cardnum 0x00 function 0x00: vendor 0x10de device 0x002d
 nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro]
 CardVendor 0x0000 card 0x0000 (Card unknown)
  STATUS    0x02b0  COMMAND 0x0007
  CLASS     0x03 0x00 0x00  REVISION 0x15
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0     0xce000000 SIZE 16777216  MEM
  BASE1     0xca000000 SIZE 33554432  MEM
  BASEROM   0x00000000  addr 0x00000000
  MAX_LAT   0x01  MIN_GNT 0x05  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x05

Code: Select all

# free
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:       385052       376036         9016            0        21264
 Swap:      2273176           20      2273156
Total:      2658228       376056      2282172

Code: Select all

Mem: 376384K used, 8668K free, 0K shrd, 21264K buff, 214240K cached
CPU:   8% usr   5% sys   0% nic  86% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% sirq
Load average: 0.58 0.41 0.27 1/99 29036
24932 11870 root     S     134m  36%   0   7% midori
11741 11740 root     S <  79468  21%   0   2% X :0 -br -nolisten tcp
hardware : everything`s best ++ ; software +-
PupDial icon
(2.11 KiB) Downloaded 1786 times
(398 Bytes) Downloaded 2451 times
Last edited by Karl Godt on Tue 14 Sep 2010, 17:13, edited 1 time in total.
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511rc - box2, mod-box1

#487 Post by scsijon »

box 2, frugal install,ati radeon video card, 2cdrom's

- ok to install and through to save
>still having to change savefile directory. ?Shouldn't this be a preset to use the puppy install directory if a frugal install?

- reboot

- ok right video matrix
>drive icons are appearing as two lines overlapping with fd0, sr0, sr1 as upper row with names appearing on top of lower row icons and sda1-10 lower which has it's names below the tray.

- setup modem
> fail, no modem detected, probe doesn't work. Hardinfo says modem there as Agere LT WinModem (rev02)

- test ends here on box2 until modem works, works ok with 431.

>usual video setup problems still > :D do like the picklist for the video types though instead if having to manually type it in, much more professionable.

- everything seems ok otherwise >except for when installing a decent number of pets it locked up at 8, could have been me :? though, all was ok after reboot.

Last edited by scsijon on Sat 04 Sep 2010, 00:58, edited 1 time in total.
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#488 Post by chrismt »

Attym is not good for IRC

Think about adding the latest Xchat
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#489 Post by James C »

Been running 5.1.1(upgraded from 5.10 frugal) all night, doing my normal stuff, and everything has been working as expected.Other than the few little things I posted earlier the upgrade went really smooth. :)
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#490 Post by pemasu »

Xchat is fine. Using it with irc bookserver channel. Copy - paste and downloading works fine. IRC command @find shows findings in the left panel.
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#491 Post by DaveS »

Spup Frugal HD and USB
Root forever!
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#492 Post by Karl Godt »

/usr/sbin :
4.3.10/1 : usb_modeswitch, | pupdial 661/2 lines
5.0.1 : pusb_modeswitch_adapt,, usb_modeswitch, | pupdial 670/1 lines
218 : pusbmodeswitch, pusbmodeswitch_adapt, usb_modeswitch | pupdial 692/3 lines
219 : pusbmodeswitch, pusbmodeswitch_adapt, usb_modeswitch | pupdial 692/3 lines
220 : pusbmodeswitch_adapt,, usb_modeswitch, | pupdial 670/1 lines
222 : pusbmodeswitch, pusb_modeswitch_adapt, pusbmodeswitch_adapt,, usb_modeswitch, | pupdial 692/3 lines
5.11rc : == 222

4.3.1 pupdial never connected while modem was plugged in at bootup but I never had to rmmod usb_storage manually
5.1.1rc modem can be plugged in at boot but I have to rmmod usb_storage (that modem has got an internal micrco SD card slot (no mem`rycard inserted)).. guess I'll try to adjust BootManager a little
udev whatever autoloads usb_storage when pendrive gets inserted :) -- no complains about this
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#493 Post by ICPUG »

playdayz wrote:
The tray icon showing free memory as 4 green bars rather than a number seems pointless. The number was meaningful whereas 4 green bars means less and the mouse has to be moved to get the number.
This was my initial reaction also. The explanation is that it is a graphic representation so language-free. But now that I think of it Arabic numerals are widespread--perhaps some one can say, Do we have users who don't know Arabic numerals? Anyway, It has come to grow on me or I have gotten used to it ;-)

Hey, Hey, Maybe 01micko can make a selector for the freememapplet_tray icons like he made for the network_tray icons. But not for 5.1.1 micko ;-)
It's Friday so a light hearted comment.

My mother has a Sony TV with a remote control with 'language free' icons on it. I have trouble understanding it. My mother has no chance.

e.g. The ability to change from widescreen to 4:3 to all sorts of other options is under an icon which shows a square with 4 arrows going off N,E,S,W.

It wouldn't be so bad but the adverts can sometimes change the format and it doesn't get changed back when the programme returns. I know what to do, but my mother suffers a silly screen format.

language free is OK when we have a universally accepted icon - like the tape/video/DVD recorder controls I suppose. Not so good when we don't.

If you want to be language free - why not remove the words under the desktop icons. It will be OK when you get used to it. (I am not being serious - just making a point!).
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#494 Post by tubeguy »

ICPUG wrote:If you want to be language free - why not remove the words under the desktop icons. It will be OK when you get used to it. (I am not being serious - just making a point!).
That's what I do when I set up a new Puppy for myself!
[b]Tahr Pup 6 on desktop, Lucid 3HD on lappie[/b]
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#495 Post by Karl Godt »

good news
while connected to internet I decided to run setup > setup the x video > xorgwizard to see if the disordering of driveicons (still) happens (again) if the resolution was changed : puppy511rc escaped X + probed + changed from 1600x1200 to 1280x1024 : drive icons still in order :) : internetconnection had been cut but without test or choose or rmmod/modprobe pupdial connected ! :)
looks to be the main point to shift from 4.3.0/1 to 222/5.1.1rc
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#496 Post by Stripe »

Hi all

Everything looking good with 511 (cant break it and it works for me)

Well done and thanks everybody
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xfce4 on 511rc

#497 Post by Karl Godt »

installed 01micko`s xfce pet :
[ 5-6 MB dl : 20-30 MB of pupsave ]
is working and beautyful
pCD didn`t want to see audio CD and interrupted internet-connection
after one reboot it did see audio CD at jwm
another reboot gave internet-connection back at jwm and pCD did not interrupt internet connection :lol: :lol: :lol:
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#498 Post by JonT »

Thanks for taking notice of my tale of woe with Luci 222 with my Intel 845 graphics chip(s). It continues; once booted, 5.1.1rc runs like a charm but is a naughty puppy when I need to restart X.

Reverting 915resolution didn’t seem to make a difference. Per Jemimah’s recent post, if 915resolution is only used by Xvesa, maybe Lucid Puppy doesn’t even need it??? Nevertheless, sorry to have caused unnecessary worry.

My laptop’s problem must be some subtle issue, perhaps something like timing. I will give a little detail here in hopes it might someday be helpful, then I will be quiet on the subject. It turns out that the black screen isn’t always deadly; multiple (1 to 6) “xwin
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#499 Post by JonT »

minor detail: The tool tip in flsynclient for "Tap Time" should have the word "double" removed. It's a duplicate of the "Double Tap Time" tool tip.
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#500 Post by rjbrewer »

JonT wrote:minor detail: The tool tip in flsynclient for "Tap Time" should have the word "double" removed. It's a duplicate of the "Double Tap Time" tool tip.
With 855gm; the xorg problem.

I found that some 2.xx series do fine with xorg, and they don't even
have the
I just deleted it in Luci and the xorg is still working fine; might be worth
a try.

It does need a few reruns of xorgwizard and a reboot .
Also the elimination of /etc/modprobe.d/i915 file.

Inspiron 700m, Pent.M 1.6Ghz, 1Gb ram.
Msi Wind U100, N270 1.6>2.0Ghz, 1.5Gb ram.
Eeepc 8g 701, 900Mhz, 1Gb ram.
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