XFE File manager 1.9.2 puppy 4.0+ foxlibs

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#21 Post by ttuuxxx »

here's a pic of thunar in 2.14x
(40.51 KiB) Downloaded 2337 times
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#22 Post by danneauxs »


Now that looks good. Kinda looks like the save file dialogue in puppy or are those part of the programs you use like abiword etc. Thundar is definitely going in my toolbox.

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#23 Post by technosaurus »

yeah, i had to do a lot of hacks (commented out bad ifdefs) on the FOXlib code just to get it to compile statically, so not sure went wrong there - either missed one or got carried away, but apparently FOX doesn't get tested statically that much. If I were trying to intentionally eliminate the top bar I would probably have found it near impossible.
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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XFE in Lucid Puppy ?

#24 Post by RobCr »

Is XFE available for Lucid Puppy ?
I searched using the Lucid Program installer, but could not see XFE anywhere.
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#25 Post by Sylvander »


Re: XFE in Lucid Puppy ?

#26 Post by stu90 »

RobCr wrote:Is XFE available for Lucid Puppy ?
I searched using the Lucid Program installer, but could not see XFE anywhere.
I don't know if it works but XFE is available in the ubuntu repository in Puppy Package Manager - the ubuntu repositories are not enabled by default:
Go to Menu>Setup>Setup puppy>Puppy package Manager
In Puppy Package Manager go to 'Configure Package Manage' the put a tick next to -
Ubuntu - lucid -main
Ubuntu - lucid -multiverse
Ubuntu - lucid -universe
exit the package manager then open it again you should now have the ubutnu repositories to search.
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It's not like Windows Explorer

#27 Post by RobCr »

Thanks for response.
Should come in handy for other programs.
I have just heard back from the XFE author and he tells me that it does not do some of the Windows Explorer navigation that I believe is necessary (for me).
So I will give up on XFE.
Thanks for responding
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#28 Post by Sylvander »

Do tell...

What does Windows Explorer do that Xfe cannot? :?
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#29 Post by RobCr »

Sylvander wrote:Do tell...

What does Windows Explorer do that Xfe cannot? :?
This is what I like to do in Windows Explorer (or XYPlorerFree) -
Navigate the Folders in the left panel.
When I select a folder in the left panel, it's child folders show in the Right Panel
And of course, any files present are shown in the right panel
Ability to expand a Folder in the Left Panel to show that Folder's child Folders, in the left Panel.

If someone put a gun to my head, and said what is the bare minimum that I could live with, I would say -
See the files in the right panel, for any Folder selected in the left panel.
And be able to see the child folders as well. And I could live with only seeing them expanded in the left panel, OR showing in the right panel.


PS If anyone can suggest any program that does that in Lucid Puppy 5.1.1 I would appreciate it.
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#30 Post by Sylvander »

Perhaps I'm failing to fully comprehend what you are saying, but...

1. "Navigate the Folders in the left panel"
Xfe has a left panel [1] that gives a display of the hierarchical folder system.
This can be expanded and navigated to go anywhere in the folder system.

2. "When I select a folder in the left panel, it's child folders show in the Right Panel "
Xfe does this too.
(a) You can click the appropriate icon at the top of the window to display 2 panels at right [panels 2 &3]...
[Or a single panel only if you prefer; it's easy to switch back and forth from single to twin panels]
You can then click the address bar at top so as to give that panel [panel 2?] the focus, and then when you click on a folder in panel 1, the [folder & file] content of that folder is displayed in the panel [2] that has the focus.
Then you can change focus to the alternate panel [3], and in panel 1, navigate to [and click upon] yet another folder, so that displays in the alternate panel [3].

(b) Then the really neat thing is...
Having displayed the contents of your chosen folders in panels 2 & 3, you can "Move to..." or "Copy to..." from either panel 2 to 3, or panel 3 to 2.
Try it...it's really good.
I copy the contents of whole partitions in this manner...
Probably to a folder on a partition on an external USB HDD...
Probably as a means of making a backup copy of the [Windows or Puppy?] partition contents.

3. "And of course, any files present are shown in the right panel"
Xfe does this, as explained in 2a above.

4. "Ability to expand a Folder in the Left Panel to show that Folder's child Folders, in the left Panel"
Xfe does this, as explained in 2a above.
Last edited by Sylvander on Wed 08 Sep 2010, 10:48, edited 5 times in total.
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#31 Post by RobCr »

Thanks, you have re-encouraged me to give it a try.

You mentioned that it works in all versions of Puppy.
Have you used it in Lucid Puppy yet ?
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#32 Post by RobCr »

If West Lothian was a bit West'er, you could pop in to my place of birth -
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Re: XFE in Lucid Puppy ?

#33 Post by RobCr »

stu90 wrote:
RobCr wrote:Is XFE available for Lucid Puppy ?
I searched using the Lucid Program installer, but could not see XFE anywhere.
I don't know if it works but XFE is available in the ubuntu repository in Puppy Package Manager - the ubuntu repositories are not enabled by default:
Go to Menu>Setup>Setup puppy>Puppy package Manager
In Puppy Package Manager go to 'Configure Package Manage' the put a tick next to -
Ubuntu - lucid -main
Ubuntu - lucid -multiverse
Ubuntu - lucid -universe
exit the package manager then open it again you should now have the ubutnu repositories to search.
Thanks you for very detailed instructions.
The details were necessary.
I then located XFE (ver 1.32.1) in the Universe Tab.
It guided me through the Fox lib install, and I accepted the 'trim the fat' option
It is exactly what I was looking for.
How do I open my PC drives in XFE ?

Thanks for the assistance.
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#34 Post by Sylvander »

1. "Have you used it in Lucid Puppy yet?"
(a) Yes...
I have it running right now in Lupu-511, from where I'm working/typing right now.
It was originally installed a couple of Lupu versions back, and Lupu has been updated to 511 [automatically updates the pupsave file on USB-Flash or internal-HDD] with no significant problems experienced.
In some Puppies [Lupu-511 is one of them], when Xfe is started, there is a warning given->"Unable to load some icons. Please check your icons path!"...
I just ignore this by clicking the OK button, and I detect no resulting problems.
Would be nice to find a fix for this. :)

(b) I also have Xfe installed and working well in....
Boxpup-431 [My favourite & number-1 Puplet]
Teenpup mini 2010 beta
Xfe came natively included in:
Never had Xfe fail to work in any Puppy/Puplet.
I consider it a major find; wouldn't be without it.
Find it so intuitive, simple-to-use, and powerful.
e.g. It's wonderful to watch as it copies files [all on a partition?] :)

2. "How do I open my PC drives in XFE ?"
(a) First mount the partitions [do you think of them as "drives"?] you want to work-with/access/open...
I normally do this by clicking on the "drive" icon[s] on the desktop->[This might auto-open a default file manager other than Xfe->(ROX here in Lupu)].
...But you might use MuppyQuickmount or Pmount to mount the partitions.
Here are links for making Xfe the default file manager...
By installing this, Xfe will auto-run when you click each desktop icon for a partition.
Can be more trouble than it's worth; give it a try and see what you think.
I find it easier/quicker to let ROX auto-run for each partition mount, then close each, and when finished open Xfe.
I'd rather nothing auto-ran, but don't know how to prevent it.

(b) Then use Xfe to navigate to the [mounted] partitions displayed under /mnt.
e.g. /mnt/sda1 [My Win2000Pro partition]
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#35 Post by RobCr »

I agree with your comment, to keep it simple.
I have clicked each of my partitions (and CD drawer), and they opened in ROX
And I have then opened XFE, and I managed to find them under mnt, as you described.

If the world's population were wiped out, and then the miners in Chile dug their way out.
And if they had never used Linux, but managed to come across my PC that had Puppy CD in the drawer.
And when they turned it on, Lucid Puppy booted up, and it had XFE in the Menu.
I would bet both testicles (mine), that they could not have worked out how to do that, even if they tried non stop for a month

I think the problem with Linux, is it was created/developed by programmers, without having Analysts overseeing the projects.

Thanks for your help,
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#36 Post by Sylvander »

1. Try using the icons above to make twin/single right-hand panels [2 &3 ].
Then try using the left-hand panel [1] to display [the contents of] different folders in panels 2 & 3.
Then try using "Copy to..." or "Move to...".
Pick sensible folders of course. :D

2. Look down below the panels...
You should see a ghostly icon for each panel...
Black means hidden folders/files are hidden...
White means hidden folders/files are un-hidden/displayed.

3. Try...
"Edit->Preferences->Themes->KDE3", and see what you think.
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#37 Post by RobCr »

I was just attempting to try your suggestions.
I was using the default browser, and I decided to Google for 'Rabbie' to see if I could bring up this thread, in my Lucid session.
The browser has frozen, though everything else is responding.
Is there an equivalent of Windows Task Manager that I can bring up ?
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#38 Post by Sylvander »

(a) Hit "Ctrl+Alt+Backspace" [rather than "Ctrl+Alt+Del" as in Windows]...
...So as to drop to a command prompt on a black screen.

(b) Once there, type xwin and hit <Enter>.

(c) This will take you back to the [fresh/new] desktop, with nothing running [in particular, your default web-browser will not be running/frozen].

(d) Begin anew.
If your default web-browser continues to freeze, you will need to seek a fix for that.
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#39 Post by RobCr »

I guess that exits the GUI
And then xwin is the way to start the GUI from 'Dos mode' Forgive me if it is not called that.
It worked.
All I have to do, is remember all this, as the Linux community appears to be hell bent on avoiding anything similar to Windows, even if the conventions were tried, tested, true, and loved.

I liked the Windows Task Manager for a few uses.
I think I found the Lucid equivalent, which looks as friendly and appealing as a DOS window (AGH!).
I will browse to see if there is a nice GUI equivalent of Windows Task Manager.

Thanks for helping, again,
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#40 Post by Sylvander »

1. "I will browse to see if there is a nice GUI equivalent of Windows Task Manager"
TOP or HTOP may fit the bill.
This displays running "thingies" ["tasks"?], and you can "kill" or "quit" any one [or more] of these that you highlight/select.
[Looks like only HTOP does this]
(a) You can find these [TOP/HTOP] in a terminal by typing the first few characters, then hitting <TAB> once or twice.
All included/installed prog's/commands beginning with these characters will be displayed.
Then re-enter the full command name to run the program.

(b) Or you may find one or other in "Menu->System".

(c) If HTOP isn't natively included, it's pretty easy to install it.
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