Lupu 5.1.1 and OpenOffice

Booting, installing, newbie
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Lupu 5.1.1 and OpenOffice

#1 Post by ds2dys »

I installed OpenOffice 3.3 (pet) from QuickPet link and it opened the installed folder and readme text file after installation which looked the installation completed. There was also a popup saying the installation was successful. As instructed, I created the desktop icon and clicked on it but nothing happened but the icon blinked a couple times. I tried run it from console by 'soffice' and click on the icon from the installed folder but none of them worked.

And then I downloaded .sfs file from the same link. I had to go into the subfolder named ooo-dev3 and found individual executable files and it finally opened the OpenOffice start-up window.

I can live with this but it's not comfortable to access those files each time and I don't feel this is the right way.

Oh, I'm using Grub4dos to run Puppy. Could it be the problem or something else?

Any advise will be appreciated.
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