Webserverpuppy LAMP and XAMPP

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#61 Post by Atle »

So i choose to edit this post as it was written while i was drunk and pretty much impatient to see results. Sorry for my rant.

A short and more sober version of my rant was that I could never get things to work and getting these things to work is not a hobby, but rather the most important issue for me in a educational project in Africa.

I am very sorry for this post and can only excuse my self by informing that Guinness Foreign Extra here i Tanzania is contains 7,5 alcohol and that sort of makes you into a terrorist when it comes to posting on forums. Anyhow, Growler did thank good not get upset with me and I shall continue to chase the "perfect live CD" for my project.
Last edited by Atle on Tue 14 Sep 2010, 08:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Lung cancer and drunkeness

#62 Post by growler »

OK I will make something up for you and post it ... not much time these days but give me a weekend.

In fact I did already make a webERP puppy server and it is up on sourceforge under webERP


look under files - its an older version though

Edit: sorry no I deleted it quite a while ago. Will have a go at a new one.
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#63 Post by Atle »

Ok... I will put all my efforts into making a live Joomla CD. I think maybe the Joomla forum will be the better place to overcome any Joomla specific error messages and so forth, but i will also make a post here, whereas i describe the errors and how(if) its being solved.

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Joomla live CD

#64 Post by growler »

I am downloading joomla now ...

Your post made me chuckle actually - I know just exactly how you feel - very frustrating. I am learning Genie and it seems particularly rough - I am leaning on a lot of C "black belts" myself and it makes me feel good to be able to help someone else!

I have webERP installed on a vanilla new 5.10 install - I hesitate to mention that it was completely painless. I did get the session support disabled initially - but that was because I was trying to use netsurf rather than a browser with cookie support I think. I downloaded seamonkey and all was well.

I have installed Joomla a few times before already so not expecting too much trouble. However it is bedtime now for me and I am away for a few days so it will be next week before I can look again.
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#65 Post by Atle »

Ok... Here its lunch time. Watch out for a warning in Joomla that appears at the top of the page when the installer is running. I did some research on Joomla forum, but never really found a solution.

I will start from a fresh install on the laptop dedicated to this project and post whatever i come across.

I also came to learn that there is a integration with Open Office and webERP. And i have asked Mo Kelly if its possible to rewrite his cart solution for Joomla/webERP to cover cash sales and not only Paypal, as speaking from an Africa point of view, we do not expect credit cards to be mainstream before maybe 5 to 10 years.

Good night to New Zealand...
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webERP cash sales

#66 Post by growler »

There is a new feature in webERP for cash sales - called counter sales that allows the sale to be entered directly and cash taken/received against the sale.
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#67 Post by growler »


I had a go at remastering a clean puppy 5.10 that just had seamonkey, the LHMP.pet, Joomla 1.5 and webERP - current SVN installed on it.

Unfortunately, 3 disks and a couple of hours later I gave up! The remaster script seems to ignore the files copied to /tmp/root/Web-Server which of course is where all this stuff is. I was thinking of taking up smoking and perhaps having a couple of brandys but remembered your post!!

Instead I just made an archive of my lupusave.2fs and uploaded it for you....

To use it I am afraid there are some instructions - you will need a fresh frugal install of puppy 5.10 - that you don't care about - install it to a directory say "webserver".
Boot into this installation with the pfix=ram at the time when it is loading up - if you have created a lupusave.2fs then you will need to delete it.

Download my archive from

http://www.weberp.org/3rdPartyStuff/pup ... er.tar.bz

and extract it to /mnt/home/whatever directory your new puppy 5.10 was in

Then reboot as normal (without pfix-ram)
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#68 Post by Atle »

Juhuuu :D

The live CD with Joomla and WebERP is now working(almost that is)...

What i did was:

1) I had a beer(Only one)

2) Booted 51.1 and installed it without a pupsave...

3) Rebooted into ram, and added your pupsavefile

4) Rebooted into the pupsave file in 5.1.1... all looked great..

5) Did a remaster, where I removed all i could from tmp/root, and replaced it with the root from the real root with joomla and webERP(it was not in tmp/root), and from there of just followed the book...

6) rebooted the new cd(173mb) in live mode and installed it...

So far... i can see that joomla has a problem. It will not upload plugins.

WebERP i can not say anything about yet. But i will do some more testing.

Its 04 in the morning now and I now just what to do, happy as I am:-) But there will be no post before maybe 12 hours...

If the installing part was easy, i would like to start off from a fresh, cause Seamonkey did not want to work very well with Joomla menu. Firefox solved that one.

There will be a more serious test tomorrow...
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#69 Post by growler »

Nice one Atle ...
Maybe the second beer might have had webERP going too...
I will remove the pupsave archive now if that's ok.
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#70 Post by Atle »

its ok by me... got the file here and the final file should be an .iso anyway... Maybe i was clicking my way trough this to fast, but i recall that there was never any option in 5.1.1, to create a iso and not just a CD. The birds are singing, my head is swinging and its time for that big smile to come to a rest... :lol:
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#71 Post by growler »

To start from scratch... I think the only thing I had to tinker with was the php.ini - if you save the copy you have under /etc/php.ini I think and use that all should be well - it was to do with errors and warnings reporting that were coming up in Joomla. Joomla install had me too - you have to rename the installation scripts directory or delete it after installing.
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#72 Post by Atle »

I made a post at joomla forum about the matter I see here as "error message" in Joomla installer.


This error is way above what i can resolve on my own...
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#73 Post by growler »

I had a look on the Joomla forum to see what issue you are having.
The message you get is entitled

Notice: .....

This is just a notice ... not an error - the fact is we don't wish to see it and php.ini has a bunch of settings in the php.ini to allow you to change how notices/warnings and errors are displayed. You can also change these settings on a per directory basis with .htaccess files in the directories you wish to modify the behaviour of. There are a lot of comments in /etc/php.ini and you should be able to turn off warnings and notices by following the examples inside the file itself.
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#74 Post by Atle »

Ok... I have many off these joomla sites running, and installed several, but on hosted servers. The issue here, is not normal. I seek to make this normal installation, without Notices... Still, after testing the joomla , it fails to install anything. But you can edit and publish articles.

This, I believe, is due to lack of ftp functionality and/or this rights issue.

I need to start all over again from scratch, to get this right.

did you set the ftp, in the installation?

I think i can point out the guilty one here... just based on my instinct...

Its that guy.... nobody i think. All evidence is pointing at him...

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#75 Post by ragou »

Hi everybody.
First I want to apologize - I am not a Linux user or developer. I like puppy linux because it's very fast and reminds me the days when our machines were too slow, with little RAM and with video cards of 1 MB.
The question is - how can I install xampp and how can I run it?
For example - I have xampp in Windows and when I press "xampp_start.exe" I have a server and that's all. It is located on my hard disk at the (for example) E:\xampp\htdocs\ and it's URL is http://localhost/. In my Windows meaning, what have I to do to start the server in puppy environment?
If there are answers ( I hope so), please give them to me in a understandable language. Something like "login as root and su and so on" means nothing to me. Just a simple explanation step by step.
I have been noticed that Linux users are speaking in a language that they only can understand. It is something I can understand, but I use Windows for almost 20 years. Russians for example call drivers "wood", CPU "stone" etc. because they want to show that they are an elite and unique community. I am not. I just want to try Linux. Don't let me be misunderstood - my machine is fast enough to run any OS. I just want to try. But when I am in Puppy, a can't do anything except clicking on icons, but if I am able to setup my own server I will be able to do something. I am C++ an VB programmer (VB 6 is my love), but I wrote my last application 3 years ago, now I want to do something with Linux. It's not for money - I am retired (58 years old).
It became too long and too many words - "Finaldia" and "Heineken" is to blame.
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Re: xampp

#76 Post by rjbrewer »

ragou wrote:Hi everybody.
First I want to apologize - I am not a Linux user or developer. I like puppy linux because it's very fast and reminds me the days when our machines were too slow, with little RAM and with video cards of 1 MB.
The question is - how can I install xampp and how can I run it?
For example - I have xampp in Windows and when I press "xampp_start.exe" I have a server and that's all. It is located on my hard disk at the (for example) E:\xampp\htdocs\ and it's URL is http://localhost/. In my Windows meaning, what have I to do to start the server in puppy environment?
If there are answers ( I hope so), please give them to me in a understandable language. Something like "login as root and su and so on" means nothing to me. Just a simple explanation step by step.
I have been noticed that Linux users are speaking in a language that they only can understand. It is something I can understand, but I use Windows for almost 20 years. Russians for example call drivers "wood", CPU "stone" etc. because they want to show that they are an elite and unique community. I am not. I just want to try Linux. Don't let me be misunderstood - my machine is fast enough to run any OS. I just want to try. But when I am in Puppy, a can't do anything except clicking on icons, but if I am able to setup my own server I will be able to do something. I am C++ an VB programmer (VB 6 is my love), but I wrote my last application 3 years ago, now I want to do something with Linux. It's not for money - I am retired (58 years old).
It became too long and too many words - "Finaldia" and "Heineken" is to blame.
Best regards
This thread is for web designers;
try this one: PupServer-435

Inspiron 700m, Pent.M 1.6Ghz, 1Gb ram.
Msi Wind U100, N270 1.6>2.0Ghz, 1.5Gb ram.
Eeepc 8g 701, 900Mhz, 1Gb ram.
Full installs
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#77 Post by Atle »


If you ftp your way into ibiblio.org, you find the official puppy versions. Me I am stuck in 5.10, as its the only puppy that has wood for my weird modems. If you chose that or the 5.1.1. Install, but do not chose tosave pupfile. Boot from stone and then rebot again, this time choosing to save a Pupsave file to stone. When booted again you can then proceed to download and install this file:

http://www.logicworks.co.nz/puppy/LHMP- ... -5.3.3.pet

It contains:
Hiawatha 7.3
MariaDB - (Formerly known as mysql) 5.1.47
PHP 5.3.3 - using the new Fast CGI manager
and PhpMyAdmin 3.3.5

If 5.10 is chosen due to it wood for modems, you must install one webbrowser from the Quickpet or so. There are also other Pup
py versions with Apache server etc, but they are in lack of these modem drivers I need. But they are built on older base system than the above mentioned, so I personally like the newer stuff.

Apart from that i would also recommend TurboPuppy, as showcase for how fast Puppy can get. Download here:
http://www.share2many.com/files/ZBXJGDY ... eme_v1.iso

That is not a webserver, but if you look around the forum, it can soon become one. Also there is other superlight Linux versions.

Have a look here for 10mb distro:

Then there is a nice 30mb distro with support for 486 here:

Still, speaking for my self, i find the 5.10 Lucid (puppy linux) to be the best choice, due to the mobile modem support(3g, CDMA what what what)

My p
ersonal aim is to create a Puppy 5.10 Live CD with a webserver running a preinstalled Joomla 1.5.20 for a project i have in Africa, but i have still not succeeded:-(

But i am very close:-)
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Fix for mysql failed login

#78 Post by growler »

I got this PM from Michael


I just installed the latest LHMP-7.3-5.1.47-5.3.3
and was unable to login...

MySQL said: Documentation
#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

After searching for an answer I found it here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/ ... sions-unix

execute /etc/init.d/rc.mysqld stop
kill any latent processes
kill `cat /usr/local/bin/mysql.pid`

create mysql-init file, add the following three lines
grant all privileges on *.* to root@localhost;
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('woofwoof') WHERE User='root';

execute the following command
mysqld_safe --init-file=/root/mysql-init &

remove the mysql-init file !!

Everything is working great now!

P.S. I don't have an account on the Puppy Linux Forum,
and thought someone else may be having the same login problem. After searching for hours I found the above website
and it had the instructions to fix the login problem. :)
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Seeking info on LHMP-7.3-5.1.47-5.3.3.pet

#79 Post by c7jaff »

Has anyone else used the pet from here http://www.logicworks.co.nz/puppy/LHMP- ... -5.3.3.pet that contains these apps?:

Hiawatha 7.3
MariaDB 5.1.47
PHP 5.3.3
PhpMyAdmin 3.3.5

I see it mentioned in the 2 pages below but I have not been able to find much info on how well it works and what type of config/troubleshooting I should be aware of. I have Puppy 5.1.1. I'm somewhat of a noobie and have successfully installed servers one at a time spread out over several months in the past but not all at once.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 5&start=45
--and here--

Is this .pet referred in any other way besides "LHMP-7.3-5.1.47-5.3.3.pet"? Is the LHMP-7.3-5.1.47-5.3.3.pet what is referred to as webERP? I haven't quite acquired a good understanding of what: webERP, Joomlah, and LAMP and XAMPP are yet.

Based on what I've found out so far, LHMP-7.3-5.1.47-5.3.3.pet looks most appealing to me. That's direction I'd like to go when installing a DB. Any answers and comments on your experiences appreciated. Thanks.
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#80 Post by growler »

I created it ... works well for me every day!

Happy to answer any queries or issues you may have with it.
It is called LHMP-7.3-5.1.47-5.3.3.pet

LHMP because:
- Linux
- Hiawatha - in most such bundles this component is Apache - hence LAMP
- Maria Mysql

7.3 because uses Hiawatha 7.3
5.1.47 because uses Maria Mysql 5.1.47
5.3.3 because uses PHP 5.3.3

It does need a machine with a little more horsepower - than some puppy environments may have though - there is a report of timeout issues on one such humble puppy machine
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